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Well? What is it?
another money extracting mechanism
I don't know but I have the feeling they want us to pay for it.
Like a Didney Whorl yearlong pass, but for holo events.
If a Holo has ever collabed with males, I pass.
you pay for exclusive monthly jpg and voice line from your oshi (she really loves you)
Why the fuck should I know you retard
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>season pass but for vtubers
I hope this is fake bait since i cant see how this is anything else other than being a new way to get money from lonely nerds. If im right then Holo is going down a dark path.
Lmaoo well played
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Fat bastards and smelly fujos in your area? Some kind of fan app for events.
t. Pooroids
I pay to remind homobeggars they're poor.
You got that right
that would be some innovation right here, collecting asses with stats like pokemon cards
Holo (smash or) pass
go ahead, i dont watch homos, but i appreciate that people like you pay for my oshis so they stay in hololive
I expect that there are fools who resell tickets at a high price, so they will create an annual fan club and only its subscribers will be able to buy ‘local tickets’.
The only way to prevent high resale tickets is to limit the number of ‘fan club subscribers’ or to attach ‘live lottery tickets’ to music CDs.
This is a strategy that has been implemented by vtubers other boxes [nijisanji] and male idols [japanese].
I hear that dramatubers and coners criticise even the ‘simple first-come, first-served’ or ‘simple lottery order’ of the holo-live method, saying that it is difficult for fans to buy, but do they have any knowledge of ‘high resale measures’?
It seems that the cover company was hesitant to incorporate ‘fan club-only tickets’, which are even harder for fans to buy, for fear of criticism from dramatuber, but I agree with ‘holopass’ because measures against high resale should be taken.
This is hypothetical if holopass were to be an annual fan club.
Even those who do not join the annual fan club can buy broadcast tickets instead of local tickets.
Wouldn't people who want to go to local gigs join because ‘they can buy local tickets at full price without having to buy overpriced resale tickets’?

Translated with DeepL.com (free version)

this sounds like some hentai game slop you'd see on steam new releases
right on par with with everything else cover puts out when it comes to everything else besides concerts
So it's Nintendo streetpass but for hololive fans.
dating app for the fanbase. so they can fuck in the ass while cosplaying as Suisei
What would be the gender ratio of such a dating app?
Why not just use discord or something?
okay, tranny, continue to spend your money.
>didn't change the kana.
Subscription service to watch exclusive streams and events. Maybe bundles in which you can pay the equivalent of 2 or 3 memberships to watch the member only content of a whole generation?
Are we counting female (female) or female (male)?
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A pet project by the owner of this discord server
unbelievable. they made a fastpass for fucking hololive concerts

streamed right into my mouth
Who has the best ass in Hololive?
>Holo pass
Does that mean I can say it now?
Finally... Kiara's ass will be mine.
I read it as halo pass
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Not official. It's a scam.
Sounds like a grooming/phishing website in the making.
Official hoomans raping chumbuds app
this is unaffilliated grooming identity theft shit.
buy an ad.
ordering my suisei femboy ass so I can fuck them while they call me gay
I miss streetpass.
just ordered a dozen bottles from the Matsuri line
>I'm putting all my cash into this incinerator!!! poorfags BTFO

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