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Last Thread - >>87372745

Stream - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jbu5FdNzcCE
Short - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=85NNg4K44lQ

Promise 1st Anniversary merch!
Schedule - Listen for the words of future streams
Twitter - https://twitter.com/ceresfauna
Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/@CeresFauna
Member VODs - https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLeLzFij5dykcx9rP_92kQBKHyypOrew5a

>New to Fauna? Suggested and Unarchived Streams
Outer Wilds Playlist - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLeLzFij5dykeI6Et74IZ5xwwu0Myqsvyx

>Love Fauna, need more?
Media - https://rentry.org/faumedia
Merch - https://rentry.org/faumerch

>Miss Fauna?
Stream status - https://imissfauna.com/
Ara Ara button - https://faunaraara.com/

Reminder to report, hide, and ignore grasshoppers and their bait, saplings
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Good morning /uuu/
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Good morning sapling
fauna becomes a husbandbeater when england loses a game
Gigi run...
The mystery of the butt poop symbol
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Tickling Fauna until she's a cackling, sobbing mess!
I though it was a countdown to incontinence.
Scariest part of the collab so far.
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fauna should use her 1 million wish for a hebe model
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I'll pray for it with you mapling
promise should all get free loli models
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I like the idea of being afraid of Fauna
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I pray that she beats me down in cold blood leaving me an evicerated mess.
>trains day in and day out to hit things with her fists
>doesn’t raise a hand when her gambling addicted wife starts beating her
why is she like this
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if she retaliates there wont be anyone to support her
God, I wish. Just imagine how popular it would be. And she would obviously be up for it, so the only barrier would be getting the courage to ask for it.
Can't fix her gambling addicted pillowfisted wife if she kills her one punch
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la natura
I love mommy Faufau
Why is she sad
the natural state of an adult on a swing?
I think she just wants me to push her on the swing
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She would never raise her hand against another woman
Fauna talked about it and i just realised im the same. When in sleep deprived i do a LOT more impulse purchases
They are starting an hour earlier today, so FST +1. Don't forget
fauna awake
What sex thumbnail art will she used today?
My wife is an abusive alcoholic
What does beer do?
+300% damage and stamina regen
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as well as this her build means she doesn't get negative effects from beer
this is the look she gives me because it hurt a little bit when i put it in
Why did she use a WIP?
Super cute
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What a cutie
what does it mean? is it just her being silly?
That was her way of asking where she should put that mod. It's very cute.
Visually interacting with chat since she's in VC, she's done it uite a bit during these collabs
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Hi /uuu/!
She should use push to talk so she can talk to us without worrying about the others. I think Mori already does this.
Thats a terible idea just watch how cute it is >>87454807
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Hey anon
Fauna needs a sunglasses emote
It’s a trade off. Cute silence is fine, but I prefer to hear her voice when she’s being cute.
How can she slap?
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God I wish Fauna was my wife.
Whoever marries her is a lucky bastard, and whoever you are you better take care of her like your life depended on it, or else.
This is true. CC recently got one and it's immediately her most used. Might even rival the heart emote.
It's alright, I treat her very well.
And yes, (you) wrote this post.
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Fauna can also cook!
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P-put that bat down Fauna
Fauna can cook me anytime
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get ready~
Is today just fauna, kiara, and biboo?
Today is raid day so I'm hoping there's more but idk.
its fauna's world and youre just living in it
Only three with streams, but hopefully some more join for the raid at least
guys, fauna just started and i have to pee
God fucking dammit
I wouldn't want to live in any other world. If I did I would commit suicide. The day she graduates, I graduate from life.
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Kiara killed the stream...
Her talking about steak reminds me of that anon that posts his steak and mac meal and always making sure that we know he has a gun.
I told you nothing good came of kiara
OBS exploded she's restarting
I knew her cpu would explode one day. Fucking Intel.
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I am now calm.
kiara said gigi might show up for the raid
finally my wife is back
does anyone have the video link to fauna's spooky halloween BGM?
she is hungry for yap
Jesus christ it's just cursed today
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She's great isn't she :D
Fauna should drink beer with me
Been really liking her since she's been saying so many nice things about Fauna liked her before that to
she's quiet in the bigger groups so the less the better imo
I've got their curse too, stream keeps lagging since her pc restarted and i'm shadow realmed in her chat since last night
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cute snail!
fauna is so fat...
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Cute rock keeps calling her mama
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This brat..
the rock is a mama collector and fauna is more than happy to reciprocate
I'm glad she's having fun with her friends.
Cute how Rock & Bird are fighting to see who gets Fauna to sit in their bike.
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She should have her cunny pounded
Fauna really would be unstoppable if she got brawling 5
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>No kronii
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Me too Fauna
Lvl 1
kiara doesnt know how to drive...
God I love Fauna
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>>87465710 (me)
s-sugoi… we both ritualposted at the same time…
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We have Fauna @ home
you guys are late
Please don't read into that...
enter husband
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What were you guys doing together
>Not in Vc
Was that a skin walker?
nvm I just saw chat.
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max level armor
joshu has been corrupted, we're gonna have to put him down
enter gigi
Sapbros do you have the catbox of Fauna singing stay with me during breaking dimensions?
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Fauna cute
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silly zombies
She really loves this game
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I really love her
why would fauna fight bears if she doesnt eat meat?
isnt that pointless animal cruelty?
I really love you... and all you guys!
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Way of life. She's not using weapons, only bare fists.
Those are vegan bears, it’s okay.
tree rats confirmed.
Sanctioned mma fights, it's okay
She has six points to hit them with, what are you taking about?
whistle-blower fauna
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They're the reason we don't have ASMR anymore
damn noisy neighbours

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