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/wvt/ is a thread for viewers to find, share, and discuss English-speaking VTubers.
Include a picture and a link so we know who they are and how to watch!

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Finally a bit of peace
you don't want milk?!
Who do you want to see discussed this thread?
only if it's discussion about vtuber streams
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sweet potato saleswoman's inflicting more pain on herself with Ocarina of Time!
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EverWeather provides plenty of raging, and scream reacts this dead space stream. Also plenty of casual aloof vibes.
EverWeather uses the cutscenes to catch up with chat. A prime strategy as speaking over a cutscene can create a bit of a chaotic atmosphere that leads to mishearing, and sometimes misunderstandings. To be fair everweather has a slow enough chat that using cutscenes to catch up with chat goes smoothly.
you'll notice that with hyperactive chats most vtubers switch to YouTube where chat messages can be managed with superchats. On twitch some large streamers with hyperactive chats has a pay text to speech, but that can sometimes also be as disruptive as a cutscene.
EverWeather takes the time to fully read the lore messages in dead space which is nice for anyone who showed up for more of the psychological horror, and less of the jump scare, or body horror.
EverWeather seems to be intriguiged by the shopping mechanic in dead space. I never saw it, but I heard she likes ARK Survival Evolved. This love for inventory management might come from her time playing that game.
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Cute birb!
what even is her lore?
I wanna lewd this birb!
Put the trip back on rebel. Please.
Ruined. Ugly. Worthless.
I expect anime girls to have flawless skin
what are you, gay?
Hold on. He might have a point. Let the man finish.
Anybody got a link to a vtuber lore dump of Dune? I refuse to watch the movies, or read the books, but I recognize that dune is core ARK Survival Evolved essence.
Does anyone have a vtuber lore dump of Dune? I just need a general dive. Don't need a 8 hour deep dive. Just 30-40 minutes or so. 2 hours with some slides would be good, but I'll take what I can get.
Any dune head vtubers?
fucking kill yourself
irl women have blemishes, acne, moles. That doesn't mean that I want to see those things on their avatars. They should be taking the opportunity to make a perfect body, but sometimes they don't do that and add flaws like moles.
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boundaries are convenient excuses...at least in your case. All of this, because of stupid christmas wishes in mail to someone, you going apeshit hostile at 3am and going mute or mood swinging. I forgive you, but won't forget. The fact you went on your word of giving up VT & 4chan (latest activities in march and 2~3 months ago) while dming "vt and 4chan toxic uhh". Make up your mind already, you absolute dingus.
tl;dr schizo talk, but cmon - you can't keep getting away with your undecisiveness...impostor gura in vrchat is great example of that. Get your shit together. Pathetic.
tit moles are hot you're just a homo
Put the trip back on rebel
Hey buddy I think /lig/ is over there
Who is this about?
Tell them queen. Tell them how your scars are only for my eyes, and not for those who only have the pleasure of knowing your model. Tell them how your secrets written plain as day in your flesh were meant for only I to unravel with sweet touches, and tender kisses.
Go back to krimbocord Fallout New Vegas hater.
This reads like a girl in her early 20s about to have sex with her schizo online gang stalker millennial bf.
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>tl;dr schizo talk
prob a salty simp
This. I think you hit the nail on the head. Somebody just umpromptedly brought all this garbage up from the aether.
Not a soul gives a fuck about what they're waffling about, and they'd be better off in a /adv/ vent thread than in our thread for discussing streams.
post more eira koikatsu
What is eira supposed to be? A groundskeeper?
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I might have 2 or 3 more pics but I saved it in my general porn folder so no way I am going to dig all that shit
Have Meat peeing on her
This is it" eira said.
"This is the day I try an American corn dog" She said in awe.
"With a American corn dog in your belly...you can be anyone. You can go anywhere".
With those words thus began a new era of eiras life.
her lore is that she is a sheep that has access to internet
What's with the get up? Is she a D&D high fantasy type monster like leaflat?
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Then she meet up with Charlotte, swapped races after listening to Lil Nas and she had 50 children in Los Angeles
>Alker ends her stream just in time for Kongou's stream
>Is always in his chat whenever he streams
I think she has a thing for him
go back to lig koikatsu spammer
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Sorry bro the only appropiate time to ship those two was during the Carol arc
The real shit is Alker x Alice and Kongou x the inhuman spirit to survive in the hellscape that is the philippines
alker is a dyke anon...
That explains a lot
sex with eira
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Alker is bloody bitch bastard for abandoning our boy Mocca. Mocca was too good anyways fuck that dusty old hag
Alker banned me from her chat for shallow reasons, but I think hating on Alker is boring. Just talk about streams you enjoy. You do still enjoy streams don't you?
By the way if uwo or one of his followers are lurking I have a suggestion for one of his crafting streams.
Mixed drinks stream starring: The funky cold medina.
There's already a YouTube channel called how to drink that does all this stuff, but I doubt uwo has any of the same following so to his followers it would be magic and new.
As for the eira sex posting going on...shame. Shame on you for sex pesting a innocent lamb.
that german faggot should kill himself
snipping off eira's ahoge until she gets twitch partner status
You're just mad that Mocca would schizo out people think he is crazy only to later find out he was talking truths.
He was a huge niji shill and was wrong about everything
Eira isn't innocent. Her sin is having massive boobas that I can't help but lust after
If you want eira to get twitch partner just become twitch staff, and give her partner. It's that easy.
Here's the ways twitch partner is given as was explained to me by someone who got partner:

-Raw numbers power

-having somehing unique twitch wants to promote

If you want to know what twitch wants to promote just look at the front page. If you want raw numbers buy cheap viewers from big hat.
>burned bridges with one of the biggest EN indies ever once she went corpo
>now she's /big/ status
hindsight really is 20/20 and mocca gouged his own eyes out.
Not really. Nyanners is at the top, and only gets mentioned here by me.
Can't beat rent free, and the fact that you're nagging about this person you claim to hate means they won.
EverWeather complaining about in game money is really funny.
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Rebel get off the reply chain and put your trip back on
1- "One of the biggest" means that she isn't the only one who is big
2- What the fuck does Nyanners have to do with Mocca? He/She/xer/whatever-the-fuck-Mocca-goes-by-these-days has never talked about Nyanners much less interact with each other
i'm starting to think that a batat post at the beginning of a thread is an incredibly bad omen
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What would an ahoge even smell like?
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EverWeather complaining about being poor in game reminds me of that scene from the cartoon Road to El Dorado when miguel and tulio are stranded on a boat at sea with no hope for salvation. Good stuff.
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I just miss you guys
Put your trip on rebel.
Okay, but you do admit that nyanners is a vtuber who is a pink cat, and is also a western English speaking vtuber?
remember that he is evading spam filters when he posts this art since he is auto-saged
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>Ceci is in the dramagroomer's stream where he is talking about a lolcow who filed a complaint against his website
Any respect I have for her is now gone. Imagine pandering to that doxxnigger.
have you tried filing a complaint at her? Or are you too much of a pussy to dm her?
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>actually her
what the fuck, damn I'm glad I dropped her now
that's literally his website on stream there, the virtual asylum, it's a safe bet that she knows and I guess condones his actions since she is there in chat
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garage kit painting owl's doing a blind playthrough of Call of Duty: United Offensive!
>[No Spoilers] Don't Tell me Who Wins
>Woman hates other women and is entertained by drama
Are you really surprised?
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pink bellcat's playing the demo for KARMA: The Dark World
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caramel idol's back from visiting her family! she's streaming TF2 w/ viewers tonight
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aussie tomboy pilot's doing a short zatsudan
also there's something about PAX?
gonna assume this is a tranny based on name alone
I got a viewer playing Skyrim. No viewers playing fallout, and no viewers playing ARK.
Looks like Skyrim has the views this month.
I'm watching the VOD of my fallout new Vegas oshi, and she's very disappointed I didn't show up to watch her live. Poor oshi. I should be a better viewer oshi. At least she doesn't let those feelings fester like a certain eyeball monster who can't manage their emotions well.
Put the trip on rebel.
Nope just a hag
Don't develop chemical reactions for people you've never met, and on!y watched once. It's that simple to remain unbothered.
That time I got 0viewers in the Skyrim category.
>page 7 in 2 minutes
Wasn't she supposed to not be able to develop those types of feelings anyways?
You can't advertise that you don't catch feelings, and then get hellbent when someone treats you easy.
She told someone to tell me not to say her name in the threads.
vaugeposters get the rope
She's an eyeball monster who also likes feathers, and never lets go of anything.
I came in Nyaru's eye and now she's having trouble seeing. What do?
Time to find a new oshi anon.
I think it's just rebel schizoposting about Ceci again
Does Nyaru get fucked at cons?
at five guys
Yeah. She had #asexual #aromantic as her tags, and yet couldn't stop getting heated about her viewer oshi not chatting, and only lurking so she content restricted him, and made her channel sub only mode.
She got really reactive over someone she's never met, and only watched once. For what? Because she let herself develop a chemical reaction for someone literally a million miles away she'll never meet? Seems absolutely silly.
All women get fucked at cons. That's why they go to them in the first place.
I want to cave your skull in with a rock
You can't be immune to love, and be that down bad on a fail make you barely have the faintest understanding of.
The ol' pump and dump, huh?
I like it.
Ceci has been living under a rock for the several months, she barely uses the internet other than to stream so she probably doesnt know
They'll never learn to raise their standards if you don't. If you truly love your oshi then letting her go is the best thing you can do for her.
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alker SMW
The tragedy of blind networking. This type of stuff always ends up bad. Remember Epstein? All those celebs had a hard time keeping relaxed at that one celebrity event after Epstein got popped.
Blind networking.
Hitler on times magazine as man of the year?
Blind networking.
There's no foresight with this type of stuff. Players hope to play for the winning team until they realize that the game they signed up for is FUBAR.
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Haruween continues with more Luigi's Mansion
Your aromantic eyeball bird monster had a silly crush, and reacted badly to it.
So we can finally all agree that RES does not live rent free in the eyeball bird monsters heart, and mind, and that she won't interrupt, or be slighted by his pursuit for a new oshi right?
Purity hates Rebel
Time for my daily womb pounding session with Toma
I would prefer she doesn't think of him at all as love, and hate come from the same place.
That way we can all move on like mature adults who don't develop silly trivial feelings that might distract from the pursuit of future oshis.
She has to let him go.
You don't get to be aromantic, and chain someone to your heart. Be free. Don't let your lives actions revolve around someone who barely thinks of you at all.
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*Reads the thread*
Hmmmm yes, we should convince the US goverment to nuke Louisiana swamps so we can finally get rid of this guy
Ok Krimbo or Reda
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I am actually Kana
>Nyaru is a localizer
Death to all localizers
I thought he lived in Texas
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w-why is he making that face
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space animator elf's live with Fields of Mistria!
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history hag's showing off a new chibi model i think
Krimbo is the only one with a real chance.
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fujogoddess is playing valkyria chronicles!
Didnt she date that schizo ferret
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goofy hag dog's hanging out in VRChat with her viewers
they live together
Sort of off topic, but go off queen.
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I think you underestimate how many pies Reda has his thumb in
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this is a sorta feature-lite gremlin model
it can wiggle around a bit and it's holding a #1 hag mug
the art mama is what makes this novel, it's a webcomic artist:
the rigging papa is one of clio's GSG enjoyer frens:
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she sit
that is all
I think you underestimate how many pumpkins are available.
No one gives a single shit about that guy
Would you let Reda finger your pie?
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cat-eared weather witch is finishing up dead space!
I would let my pie gump if you smell my stench.
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funny kusogaki creature's uh, live
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Nah knowing her I am sure she isnt the type to add bullshit to translations
Yeah it will somehow be sexual so yeah death to localizers
>Lapin's stream suddenly dies
>She gets raided
She has the worst luck
i am happy when clio is here and when clio is cute
which type of accent does she have? i would like a soft spoken friend who's a girl like alker
Ask her hehe
I don't know what her accent is but I don't think you would want her as a friend. She's a little bit of a bitch
>little bit
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gondola's playing starship troopers: extermination!
Sounds like Alice Sawyer, but with a bunzel twist.
She is from Latvia (that place ruled by Dr. Doom) so it's an Eastern Euro accent
Bonnie's back with Minecraft!
I swer saying this on her stream is a very fast ban
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Just got a gift sub for this girl, she seems cute
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aussie homunculus raccon's chatting about PAX
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peruvian drow merchant hag's doing an artzudan!
she is a vile latvian witch and uses her baltic magic on any who would oppose her
I mean, can you really blame her? Some vtubers value their privacy and information
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meat re7
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cozy treetuber rigger's playing baldur's gate 3 with frens!
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corpse is live with more dragon quest 7
If you truly value the privacy of yourself, and chatters turn on emote only mode. Otherwise you're just artificially stimulating the internet hate machine when you make a reputation of banning chatters for trivial offenses.
Just spam you won't watch kind of night big guy?
You are so fucking retarded it’s crazy
You sound like my ex-oshi when I missed one stream to watch my whole other oshi.
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I tried looking through the Twitter of the vtuber that's hosting that vtubers hurricane relief thing to try and find dirt on them. I looked through two months worth of tweets before I got bored.
Man, schizoposting is hard work
I missed you Anya. You were MIA for weeks, and I was worried it would just be me, and shania from here on out.
I do this for dirty fan art, and flesh pics, but the pay off is I get to cum to vtubers who don't hate me.
>over 100 posts hidden
what set rebel off this time? is there a con going on?
He activated when someone mentioned the head groomer of the vtuber version of kiwi farms and how he got his mitts on Ceci.
There's a vtuber who wants to be my oshi, but thinks I need to work things out with a winged eyeball monster first.
anyone watching takahata? i dig the new look
This vtuber really wants to be my oshi. Need to work things out with feather eyeball fast.
>Look that vtuber up
I'm surprised by how many viewers he has
You're such a fucking tourist, holy shit.
Fuck off, I've been in vtuber threads since 2020. Sometimes I just take breaks from the board
Anon, he's been a big name chuuba since 2020. Unless your break started immediately after the first /trash/ era thread there's no way you could have never heard of him until now.
the 4star guy? isn't he supposed to be kind of an asshole
I stopped frequenting the /trash/ threads sometime around the beginning of 2022. I really don't remember him at all, but looking at the archives it does seem that he did get discussion occasionally. I might've just ignored him because >male
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shadowrun specter's streaming dead space!
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denpa net nurse is doing a witch-themed ASMR stream
Ok thats fair
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Why is Ljot so based?
This is not /asp/
Being "based" really is just easy mode for uninteresting women.
She can speak? I thought she was silent like that one black and white Jap chuuba (Ugoni? Cant remember her name)
What did she got mad at anyways
Talking about interacting with people offline
That's a child.
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gamer baeg's playing subnautica!
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Tengu with Metaphor
Bae and Lui daughter

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