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DO THING DAYO! edition

/999/ - Henya the Genius, from Vshojo

/voms/ - VOMS Project, and former members
- Hikasa Tomoshika (TMSK): https://www.youtube.com/@tomoshikahikasa
- Haneuzu Miuneru: https://www.youtube.com/@Miuneru
- Daimonji Ryugon (DMJ): https://www.youtube.com/@ryugondaimonji
- Zengaku Sanparo: https://www.youtube.com/@Sanparo_Z
- Uemine Noruju: https://www.youtube.com/@UemineNoruju
- Michimata Batoya: https://www.youtube.com/@Batoya_

- Ebosi (Formerly Jitomi Monoe): https://www.youtube.com/@ebosi
- Amano Pikamee Archive: https://archive.ragtag.moe/channel/UCajhBT4nMrg3DLS-bLL2RCg
More Stinky Hill 2 starting soon
she's still doing the longer waiting screen
>Leaked the background for her next outfit
Cute retard.
Looked like an onsen town. So i guess the anons speculating about kimono or yukata were right.
Suprised her throat isn't more fucked besides a little cough.
I missed these 9IQ moments so much.
the PC cat
Socks is still a little shit
so which one of her mods is /here/?
>that name
Takes me back to the yellow kettle times
Didn't one expose themselves just the other day?
They've been here since Pika, friend. It's not really news
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Based tootposter
Henya funeral subathon with merch!
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picking up bones chopsticks...
I wonder how many dms of huge bones henya gets on a daily basis
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Existential Henya
henya thinking of what happens if she or her parents die...
this stream is something else
Henya reminding me I'm dying alone kek
At least 3. 2 of which are from Pika era
I seem to recall a stream where she mentioned wanting a kimono/yukata, bathing suit, and something else
anyone remember what the final outfit was?
Reverse bunny girl.
considering what she just went through I can't blame her.
I remember those two, goth lolita, witch and cyberpunk
I'm still disappointed that she ain't going to show her new outfit. Don't you think holding an old model over a whole year is a bad idea?
There has been merch for every outfit so it's probably more about spacing that.
my theory is that it was a kevin rig and it was a good opportunity to have someone else rig it.
the theory could fall apart at any moment, but she hasn't used any of his models since coming back
she talked about kevin when she was reacting to michi outfit debut so I doubt it's that.
Unlikely for Henya to give a shit about that stuff
It's just plain autism over not debuting a holiday-themed outfit too late
You're likely right, but it's a nice fantasy I'm having
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I wonder how long it takes VShojo to prepare for a merch drop? Henya originally thought that her hiatus was going to have to last longer than it did. So they might not have had anything prepared.
>Thought hiatus was last longer
That's probably the most likely answer. She thought she could stream for her birthday so that merch was prepped and done but with her hiatus work on the halloween merch was probably cancelled. So they it is just delayed for next year instead of rushing something.
imagining henya as schierke from berserk
i need this
How does stinky know Elton John
the melodic laugh she does might be the cutest thing in the whole world. it's way better than any kettle
she's a big disneyfag
Who doesn't know his songs? Any zoomer and alphie should be able to know at least Rocket Man.
She's actually trying to read everything today. Was expecting Nantoka and done.
I have very low confidence that people who think The Beatles were a 90s band have ever heard of Elton John
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I think she told a story once about how she learned about a bunch of English songs and singers in high school. Also at one point I remember the VShojo girls preparing a big playlist of songs they wanted her to listen to.
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I think she got even more retarded...
The lack of oxygen from the COVID has effected her brain.
I wish she would actually have this haircut rather than then strain of hair in the middle hiding her face
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I thought I missheard the TTS until I saw the wall of HUHs in chat.
michi in chat
Fatnya coping. Architect bro's are winning.
the reactions keep increasing
Michi and Hime's power levels are too high for Henya.
Shes the perfect Vshojo foil. Henya's innocence and Geega's prudishness are nice counters to the degens.
When Henya doesn't understand a conversation, she can tell if it's sus from people spamming the huh emote in chat.
Henya screaming midsentence
Henya is especially cute today.
What do you mean today? Always is.
You wouldn't understand.
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I peanut you
No stream tomorrow but she will appear in Ksons 3D. Also Hime raid.
Have a nice day/night Hentais.
I want Henya to attend Kson’s lesbian orgy party

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