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EIEN - Chibi debut edition

Website: https://eien-project.com/
Schedule: https://schedule.eien-project.com
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@EIENProject
Twitter: https://twitter.com/EIENproj

>Gen 1 Museia
Skye Shinryu: Dorky mecha fan, action games, zatsu, drawing.

>Gen 2 Haven
Zumi Dokumi: Unhinged tomboy, indie games, retro games.

Mirri Saffire: Energetic girl, horror games, drawing.

Blaise Shinryu: Ironic weeb, action games, Nier.

Amora Lumina: Silly noblewoman, speedrunning, drawing.

Nanimo Navi: Comfy girl, League, Animal Crossing, Halo.

>In Memoriam

Kilia Kurayami [Graduated 2024-09-08]

> Songs

> Lore

> Archives

> EIEN Friends


Previous thread: >>87107067
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i dont watch much eien besides the frog very rarely, but blaise is cute
I jumped the gun and didnt realize it was monday and no one else would stream
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So about that...
Stronny left a comment under nemo's post
What's your opinion on green bug women who are also aliens?
While I'm sure Navi and Zumi have legitimate grievances against the corpo, I sure as fuck hope they're not just still going out of pure spite like Riifu
Begging like this in a thread on life support. Pretty fucking pathetic.
t. navi
if they hot, they cute.
Nobody is begging kek
youre navi
How many of you are here right now? I wonder what navi thinks looking at this thread dying
Ekko i know you're in japan. I followed you...I'm always watching you from afar, hiding in bushes
(You) who?
>thread dying
Deadpoles don't post on monday
Blaise is not liked
Nobody streaming besides Blaise
EIEN hasn't had a thread in 5 days so anons are probably not looking for it.
She failed as a corpo, she will fail as an indie
Who are these girls she's playing with
navi is very cute and WILL succeed
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Kill yourself faggot
t. not navi
navi seethe
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>Top talent gone
>Streams have largely halted
>Still no merch
>Radio silence from everyone
>Anons don't care to make threads for Blaise/Mirri
The writing is on the wall, bros. The end is nigh
for the corpo? yes
for the thread? not while amora or skye is live
bird love!
Navi had an almost antagonistic relationship with this general despite only really getting posted about regularly for the last few months. Zumi had a positive relationship with this general despite having a dedicated schizo shitting the place up for nearly six months straight. Take that as you will.
>Top talent gone
>Send the only other top talent into a depression spiral
Genius management at this company
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>Send the only other top talent into a depression spiral
Don't play dumb schizo-chama
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Hey guys how ya holdin up
it could be anybody because amora is the only one who seemingly hasn't had a depressive episode or 2 while being in eien
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Just waiting for Mora and Skye and hoping Skye doesn't go down another spiral
>Top talent gone
She left because she knew she could make it as indie, and Navi and Zumi are only leaving because she left. Pray they don't crash and burn
Skye was let off too easy for phoning in the lewd animation
I wonder if she'll give skyelights another talk about something else that happened days ago
>Navi and Zumi are only leaving because she left
Let's not ignore the months of managerial mistreatment. It wasn't exactly subtle.
She stirs. Wdsmbt?
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>hoping Skye doesn't go down another spiral
Me too pal
Her tits are fat and her voice is sex thats more than enough for me. I expected saurei patreon quailty when she announced it but its still looks good from what little I've seen
>managerial mistreatmen
what mistreatment? they aren't even made to stream
>management blocks zumi la creatividad
have you seen the shit they let mirri and blaise stream? add to that kilia saying management are super chill and things simply don't add up
verification not required.
Graduate already
ekko bird and alien killing kilia navi and zumi to make those who stay stronger
For vagueposting to be vagueposting it needs to be vague.
I get it you wanna be indie and pay 5000$ for a vtuber avatar worth 750$ just do it already.
>worth 750$
supply and demand, that's why you will see a bunch of indies be self taught riggers
I do really wonder if the same staff that let Blaise do pretty much anything really shut Zumi down or she's just lazy on top of all her other irl issues. I guess since graduation is soft confirmed now we'll have to wait and see what her big project was but this point I dont expect much from her besides streaming on twitch and having no schedule to follow
I hope she at least gives you more ASMR before it ends
I think she is either lazy or her money split with EIEN is not motivating her enough to put any effort in content
People used to say that Kiki got preferential treatment. Was that just a rrat? Because if not, we could be seeing that
>money split with EIEN is not motivating her enough to put any effort in content
this sounds spot on with how some of the stream ideas she spit balled were made to be donothon goals
It's going to come out that eien management really did nothing for the girls, Riifu took advantage of this to stage a coup, and ultimately everyone is just bitter and broke at the end of it all.
I'm sure all her stream ideas being made into donothon goals was her idea and not a management mandate. Especially after the donothon when management was still canceling her podcast with Navi and fucking up her asmr projects she had planned for months.
Zumi hasn't always managed her physical and mental health problems the best but you really don't need to make her out to be some vindictive monster who hates her fans.
Kilia loved staff so much, she took a pay cut to be rid of them.
Skye live. Hopefully she talks about how she schlicked it to Amora squatting
it's because she was allowed to play LoL with her paypigs and fuck one of them (allegedly)
>letting Blaise and Mirri sexpost out of desperation is the same as allowing creatividad
I hope they're paying you to pretend to be retarded
It's storming so hopefully she doesn't get cut short
Skye won't ever be good at games
Remember summerween? so much build for so little payoff? creative doesn't necessarily mean good.
Summerween was good though
and you to damage control this hard
it was fine not sure if that justify the time and effort you can and should find a balance between productivity and creativity especially if you have issues with doing the basics (streaming, scheduling, thumbnails, etc)
i sure hope this ages well
not my fault navi posted those frames specifically
Post yab Eww was still doing covers, asmr, animations, and made that Suika game for Eien. She was a huge bitch to her fans but she wasnt lazy and was liked by everyone bts. Skye and Kilia played ball too doing a bunch of shit but people said it was just first gen privilege that they get to do whatever they want like Skyes 3D model she made for vr.
At the time I kinda agreed but now I think Haven has had enough time now to prove themselves and to me only Amora and Blaise feel like theyre really trying be creative at this point. Zumi promised a bunch on her own and ended up dropping or delivering way too late on stuff staff already said yes to (asmr, Mirri drawing, alt twitter etc.). I do think if staff killed some of her projects shes right to be pissed and tired but its been a full year and if you look at Zumi, Blaise, and Amora's channels you would have no idea that Zumi was an artist or had any intrest in doing anything creative outside of playing with obs every stream. I wanted to give her the benifit of the doubt since early on she seemed pasionate and she has irl shit to also worry about but seeing how much the other girls have done in the same time while aslo dealking with shit on their own while Zumi is mostly in limbo to even show up for a stream most of the time, I dont know it makes it hard to feel for her when some of the stuff I was looking forward to got met with a "Chaet.. I fogor" or "We gonna do something else that your gonna like I promise". I like Zumi and shes funny but I dont think graduation is gonna turn on the spark that hasnt been ther for a year or that staff is the thing thats holding her back. I think whats been happening irl broke her down or she was just bluffing the whole time
He doesn't know...
not reading all that
There's a key on your keyboard called the return key, or enter key. There may even be two of them if you got a 100% keyboard with a numpad.
It helps separate your text so it isn't a gigantic single line and isn't fucking pain to read. You should try it.
Here's more information
Have a good night!
>anon struck a nerve
it is what it is
well said I'll also add that from my personal experience people who are overly focused on ailments and disabilities don't have a very good life
Thanksmas was the last time managment actually played their role other than hoovering up the girls' measly income.

>Talent has idea
>Managment makes it happen for them
>Talent has idea
>Managment comes up with reasons it won't make them money
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Riifu was right from the very start
if you're gonna samefag at least change your typing style...
10 minute break for meds
>on top of being stressed I'm also getting dizzy
it's like watching a make a wish child play
Know what I said like 5 things
Fair. TLDR: Favoritism makes no sense since from day one the talents have only supported themselves anytime they do anything so theres nothing to gain from staff but an ok to do it. Zumi hasnt done much but her genmates have and its on her not staff that she hasnt worked around it like the other girls have.
I did at first but I just didnt really care to seprate the rest since I'm tired. I should go to bed though
I dont blame Zumi for having pussy hort, moving, dealing with family shit, her stalker problem, losing a computer, or anything else she went though for why she cant stream like normal. It just sucks she didnt live up to the hype and she probably gonna graduate without much to leave behind but her personality. I wish I could just say fuck her and be done with it but I cant hate her really, I'm just kinda bumed out since its looking more and more like she just didnt have it in her to try
He really doesn't know...
i see. well you're either a tourist or retarded if you think management doesn't play favorites
I'm management's favorite
Skye's just checking memes
She was right about Eri, but I don't trust her either
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i will never hate her she is who she is and that's OK i'll just move on
Welp, going to bed now. Have fun Skye
I'm amazed at how her CCV grows, and the amount of chatting shrinks
>nothing to gain from staff but an ok to do it
eien is the agency where you pay the corpo money so that managers block you from pursuing projects
Thinking about her...
Skye is disgusted but keeps watching james porn
Honestly my biggest problem with Skye is that she's not currently riding my dick
>there is currently a robot convention in japan...
oh no
ask blaise and amora how much eri asked for their IP. the answer may surprise you!
Where did eien go wrong?
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not listening to Riifu
I've never seen a business with a female boss and staff end well
cute chibi
To be fair, that was something else management waited till the last minute to approve, so they likely just assumed it was getting denied
So what's the point of all the lore autism? I thought there's some kind of progressive narrative between gen 1, 2 and future gen 3 (LOL!). Quite frankly I don't remember anyone's lore anymore. I think Skye is some kind of space samurai captain or something.
I miss Kilia, do we know if she reincarnated?
No, she's dead
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Remember what they took from you
Mods and shitters in discord? Yeah of course.
Talents? I dont know anon who left would be the favorite at this point?
hm... idk anon, who was given a new model recently?
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>Zumi will never sit her sweaty ass on my face
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I'ts over
The EIENd is near
You gotta wonder what Eri's plan even was at this point
I get the feeling that this will age extremely poorly after everything's said and done
Neglect is abuse
Amora my dear...
Give her extra love tonight, Kilia
Even after all this time there are STILL management cockriders.
Holy fucking shit.
obviously it's just the staff itself
The blaise hate circlejerk gets boring really fast here
its not a circlejerk she really is just a bad person
The Zumi hate circlejerk got old over 6 months ago. Blaise, like Mirri, is mostly just ignored unless she posts something retarded on Twitter or in the discord.
I haven't seen much hate in this thread
Skye short cover
what about the "can this corpo fucking die already" circlejerk?
You can see where her neck ends
Proof next thread?
Anons are just excited for another corpo to implode
do your reps, sweetheart
I accept your concession
>think management doesn't play favorites
>lets bully specifically these two talents, one who has coping fans and the other who just so happens to be butt buddies with the other one
add to this that if kilia was one of managements favorite and she loved zumi and navi wouldn't she just champion for them
and im not saying eri wasnt awfully charitable with kiki, but why hire someone you will just kick while they are down?
and deadpoles seem to forget that zumi would talk about mods on stream from whom she got an edit she showed on stream, said mod was a headmod who got ascended to staff forever ago, so she already had a friend in
but of course it's easier to blame an invisible enemy over accepting she is just lazy and ill
you think you've finished the puzzle but you haven't even opened the box
>was a headmod
extra context she said mods but there is no channel where regular mods can leisurely talk with the talents
she was never talking with regular mods, but headmods and above
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>manager needs to clear each of the games she plays for indie game night
>manager sends meme edit that adds each of the game logos as she plays them
>zumi shows chat because she likes showing us silly things
>realizes we don't vibe with that and never does it again

Yeah, what a lazy sick bitch.. I guess? I'll admit I get pretty schizo about my frogwife talking to other guys but this incident was just a mild annoyance.
>lets bully specifically these two talents
Source for these claims? Where is the proof that those two people have been bullied
I miss Kilia
Blaise won, EIEN outlived kawaii
>completely misses the point
she is friends with her manager
notice how i never insulted her? my post is about there being no boogeyman and to stop the coping, not about hating or dropping zumi
>EIEN outlived kawaii
Eien is still way younger, thats like me bragging about outliving my grandmother....
It was a bit of an overreaction, to be fair, but at that time mods were also trying too hard to be active characters in stream chat and other annoying shit
Eri is racist
She's definitely biased
Not really, it woud be like you bragging about outliving your mother while you having aids and cancer
>no proof that there was any bullying going one
Navi still has less subs than Eri
Can Navi reach 10k before her.1 year anniversary?
Eri still has less subs than Riifu (in like three to four instances by now)
Is Eri like Mirri? Jealous of subs I mean.
Coomer subs are worth less
Brain damage? Maybe.
Kilia got nearly 50k subs in her year here despite the debuff of being in EIEN and not being lewd.
>not being lewd
Now that is debatable!
Why can't the rest do the same?
How many of these girls will even do an anniversary stream? A full haven collab at this point would just be sad...
They should do it and whoever has a problem with each other just starts cat fighting. I would cum buckets.
It would be sad since we know what's coming
Only Zumi could but she doesn't stream
I guess we're getting gen 3 next November instead. Which means they're going for the long term survival strategy
eww male collabin'
Zumi should become pan piano but for bass
I guess it's cool that she's getting invited to stuff like this
Considering she apparently talks about her sexual escapades on stream these days, this hardly matters much
Kilia is friends with male collabers, I'm worried
You're not a buoy stfu
It just makes the rest of them look bad
Buoys want it to happen
I don't care about what other buoys want, they can't mold kilia to their desires. If she wants to collab with males she will and if she doesn't want to she won't. They should know kilia by now if they truly watched her
Dabomb is creaming his pants at the possibilities
A full year of Zumi Dokumi and no bass content.
Jumping off bridge pronto.
Kilia isn't stupid.
She released some snippets once as members content. I'll just blame management for this as well until proven otherwise.
Kilia on vocals, Zumi on bass. Navi is just along for the ride
Remember when she stopped wearing gloves. Kilia corruption arc is in full force.
oh that reminds me... deadpole members vault...
Look inside the dream mindscape of copepoles and you will find plenty
Deadpoles still exist?
Some of you are going to have to eat a lot of crow from your bootlicking
Guess Mora straight up died
Where is amora?
Stop defending Eri
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Kilia and Amora would never be friends outside of work
Why do you have to shoehorn kilia into every shitpost
I'd like to shoehorn Kilia with my shitpost if you catch my drift!
Why wouldn't they?
Tell me what thy lordly name is on the Night’s Plutonian shore!
No streams
Freezing my poop and fucking Kilia with it
Zumi has given up. Why haven't you?
If I can fuck a frog, I can fuck a bug
The Blaise amogus collab
My neighbor put up bats for halloween. Day ruined
Can't wait for the Christmas decorations
The vallure rabbit would have made a good third Shinryu sister.
Blaise collabing with males as we speak
She does it once a week at this point
we like male collabs
British males too, they are only an hour away from Kilia's bed at any time.
This but unironically
Buoys are still in for a rude awakening
I had it today actually, for some reason i woke up with a headache...
I for the first time in my life had a cluster headache last week and whoever decided a cluster headache should sound just like a regular headache should be executed
I don't know what that entails exactly but it sounds awful
Kidney stones are worse
I've never had kidney stones so I wouldn't know but I've been told if I start having these episodically/seasonally/chronically I qualify to register as disabled
If you were a woman you would make a good vtuber
No ryubies here
Isn't the ceo of that actually a man
Next you'll tell me there's no Mirricles
we getting navi amora nsfw right
>No ryubies here
I have tried liveposting but it feels empty without at least someone else doing it too.
Collabs can kiss my ass though.
I'm here
Here you go anons
Up to the other girls, Amora already gave her blessing and is waiting like everyone
who's who? i believe the remaining talents will stick till the death of the corpo to retain ip
Even if Amora has to draw it herself
>Up to the other girls
what do you mean other girls, didnt amora win the poll
Add it to the OP
Amora and mirri
Blaise and skye doko?

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