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post wife material vtubers
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>post wife
Divorced or dead?
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That's not appropriate attire for a wedding
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but unironically
It's the perfect attire for a wedding~
Are you going to post one?
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Are you Roberu?
This woman is amazing. Top shelf wife material.
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That is normal in Japan
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Everyone in this picture, honestly. Promise is by far the most marry-able generation in Hololive.
They're all charismatic, funny and in general pretty down to earth girls.

To mention individual talents: Mint and Kaela. I feel like I could have endless nerd conversations with Mint about Kingdom Hearts and Metal Gear, anime, and then individual interests we don't share.
I think Kaela is so unbelievably cute I can't help but want her as my wife and lovingly tease her daily.

Used the wrong image, so reposting.
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pale sickly hag
needs saving correction
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She will breed a football team
Lazy at day but active at night. Asmr, massage, drink, zatsu, pillow talk, sing... she has it all. Her bridal skill is top tier
Become the only one that can deepthroating her isn't a bad deal
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Kerberos is already my wife
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>I think Kaela is so unbelievably cute I can't help but want her as my wife and lovingly tease her daily.
Imagine the sex
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fuck u
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Why aren't you using her new model anon?
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Moom Wife
Aunt Wife
I don't like her as a streamer but she would be amazing as a wife
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Fucking how?
Most people here just post women they want to fuck.
NTA but i feel the same. I think she'd be a loyal partner and seems hard working.
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>all those shitty options
>nobody posting the goat
She seems to just have the most sincere personality and down-to-earth demeanor without being bitchy like Kronii, for example. She also seems to be genuinely passionate about music, songwriting, and drawing, and girls who have neat hobbies like that are cute. Even though I dislike Calli's music, I get the impression it's personal and meaningful for her. Whereas someone like Kiara seems to just enjoy music as a way to be the center of attention or be "famous". Also, if we learned anything from Calli's diary stream, she has had a lot of interest in nerdy hobbies since she was a middle schooler. It's not like she just picked up on a few things here or there, became a vtuber, and had to pretend she knows all about video games and anime. So we could share some genuine interest there. All this, plus she has a cute voice, big boobs, and, supposedly, a fat ass.
How does that translate to anything wife related? She's one of the girls who clearly has issues with certain substances and that's a huge flaw to have.
t - person who grew up with an alcoholic parent.
Shouldn't a wife be a nice person who you share interests with and find attractive? That's the point I was making. Plus, when was the last time you watched a stream of hers? I don't watch every stream she does but from what I can tell she does not drink nearly as much on stream as she did when she first debuted, for example.

That's called a mistress anon. Wife means mother of your children and realistically speaking most of these girls are pretty irresponsible. And for all that calli does a lot of work she's also got some chronic fuckup syndrome.
Sure you can say that you can fix her and that women are made by the men around them and that if we are fantasizing having your pick of waifu we can fantasize a world where women are property again too so you actually have the ability to do that.
But you know you can still tell differences in qualities anyways and that's supposedly the premise of the OP.
Fair enough, but I'll counter that by saying a married couple doesn't have to have children. I certainly intend on having children with my future wife so I'll go along with you for the sake of argument.

Most of these girls, Calli included afaik, are in their mid twenties. Rarely are people that age nowadays capable and mature enough to raise a family at that age. I'm certainly not. But we choose people who we love and believe can rise to the occasion to be loving and responsible parents as they age. I could see Calli being more responsible than others chuubas. After all, she seems to give more of a shit about her job than anyone else in Myth. Obviously vtubing is totally different than parenting but I think the dedication she puts forward says something. She also loves taking care of her cats, which I think speaks to a potential nurturing quality she may possess.
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Erm ahckshually 'marriage' means becoming 'one flesh' so if there is 'no issue' then in fact no such thing as marriage has taken place.
Here's who I think would make a good wife out of Holo EN

>Myth: Mori
>Council: Fauna, Irys, Kronii (maybe)
>Advent: Shiori, Nerissa
>Justice: All of them

Correct me if I'm wrong anons
It's not worth having to get around her mods.
She's already been defiled by her mods. Used goods.
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I don't think I'd pick anyone in myth honestly.
Out of all the ones in promise I'd pick kronii is definitely the absolute last one. Fauna is an easy choice but the veganism makes me leery. I'd go with Irys too, though bae might be a sleeper hit depending on your background.
Nerissa is another easy choice. If we are going to be real for a moment I pretty sure the dogs are actually going to die without ever landing with a man in their life and honestly that's sad. I'd take them to ensure the idol autism bloodline continues.

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