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A for the Debater with Debonair Diction, Calliope Mori
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Remember to love your Mori
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I kinda like sports games
Fifa and NFL Blitz are good fun
Ok, the actual base running part was kinda cool. I can dig this
Danganronpa is a product of its time
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Why are there so many words?
The debate has really been the best aspect of this game lmao
always has been
I wish the writing was better, but yea
It's complete nonsense
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the game really picked up now oddly enough even though there was hack and slash segments
He's trying to use dun moch, don't listen
I hope she hits into a triple play.
The game should've just been mostly this but it'd be hard to balance and sell gacha characters without the hack and slash elements
Teenage Mori would be obsessed with this
>Mori losing her shit over Q's coat'
she really loves skulls doesn't she?
Ya think?
That sounded hot
I love it when games talk about mori
Mori as Zero is hot
She wasn't obsessed with Daganronpa though, and that's clearly better than this.
If this was an anime, 2013-14 /a/ would eat it up like they did with Valvrave
/a/ knows what Daganronpa is and has mocked it from the beginning.
Wake up deadbeats, Duck Song 5 released
Wtf did he say?
I'm really enjoying this honestly
he jizzed in his pants basically.
"you had my curiosity but now you have my errection." I see
This stupid cyber-baseball shit taking itself super seriously is exactly what they loved for being so earnestly retarded
The game got like 20x better once it chose to stop pretending to be character-action game lol
what are your thoughts on Tribe Nine?
I'm really digging the concept honestly, wasn't sure at first
Oh, /a/ ate up Valvrave? Did the "savior of anime" title catch on there? Or was it originated there, idk.
She loves to say "sillymaxx"
It made no sense
it might be one of those games that are better experienced than watched
what shooter game is Mori talking about?
Has Mowi showed interest in Metaphor: ReFantazio? Even not as a stream game
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>she loves it
she never brought it up before.
I don't think she's ever mentioned the game at all.
I've tried bringing it up but she's never talked about it.
No she didn't. If she loved it she would play it on stream.
I'm surprised Atlus didn't sponsor her to play at least the demo, considering they've kind of gone on a sponsoring streak for it
Fuck I kind of want a playthrough of it, unfortunate she immediately threw it into "on my own". She seemed to really like the characters
Yeah me too
same looked fun especially the thinly disguised debate lol
Yeah that's what I assumed Kiara's sponsorship was gonna be before we found out it was this.
Not true. Many holos don't play games they love on stream because they don't think it would be interesting, or they want to have something that's just for fun. Like fauna with the sims
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g'night /morig/, that game was stupid as hell in the best way possible lmao
The ridiculous anime cliches worked better than they should have, I dug it. Nighty noodles sleebeat
has a holo ever done a playthrough of a game they were sponsored to do?
Fauna is just like me fr fr
Mori definitely would have finished P3P if Reload didn't get leaked but outside of that I can't think of any.
G'mite sleepbeat
Kiara with Yakuza 0
I think Bae also said she has some studio stuff to do today?
Is there anyone in hololive who can out silly mori?
Pink is so silly
Biboo finished the Granblue RPG game, I think
This isn't even her at her silliest
Managed to find Gachiakuta at a bookstore read the first volume and this shit slaps. The contrasts of powers being from loving and caring for an item vs the Sphere throwing so much shit away they’ve covered the planet is fantastic
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Nini debbies
Did Kiara get sponsored for Yakuza 0? I thought it was for 7
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I miss her...
Night dudu
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nighty noodles debbies
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This Mori offers sage advice
Wasnt Mori obsessed with danganronpa
She's back in like a few days
No, she didn't even play it, just read a summary and only the first. Certainly not obsessed.
Kiara and Mori both got sponsored for Yakuza 0 like a month after debut. I remember because Kiara showed up to Mori's place at the end of her stream of it
I don't remember hearing that
Migo and maybe Kanade when she's fully unleashed
Is the reason mori doesn't play undertale that she thinks her familiarity would make it a boring stream?
She mentioned wanting to do a genocide run .
I think she read a fan translation before it got dubbed online
Genocide runs make me go :(
You're correct it was 7, I think anon is confused lol
G'nite cat beat
The something awful let's play that everyone on tumblr read?
No? Doing a genocide run is one of her stream ideas that hasn't happened yet. Also now that you remind me, she hasn't played Undertale Yellow yet either if that was indeed the game she was hinting at getting perms for before
I'm curious about her model update, will it be brought over to her umg model too?
I wonder what Mori could bring to a Genocide run. Hololive already has had several amazing runs; from Flare beating Sans in two attempts and kept restarting to kill him repeatedly turning yandere for him, to Kanata's 30+ hour war with Sans that even caught Toby Fox's attention.
considering the umg ones get modified pretty easily compared to Cover, they will probally transfer them over. I really wonder how Cover has problems doing minor fixes and changes to 3D, its much simpler than modifying a already rigged live 2D.
Good night boob beat
Nobody in EN has done it
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Why is death sensei so horny? He's an avuncular sort
red dress is her best outfit
Death-sensei has a "hands-on" approach with his teachings
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Fortunately this scandal is the reason why Mori was promoted over him!
So that's why she doesn't talk about the promotion
Mori has sex for promotion
She's just like me fr
I didn't last Mori last Space Marine stream all the way is she doing multiplayer or is she finishing the story?
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Catching up with last thread after focusing on the stream was fun. Pretty funny reactions. The melee combat part does look like it's ass to play, with enemies barely taking any damage or reacting to being struck
>cover logo
Wait, some official Enrico art came out?
>is she doing multiplayer or is she finishing the story?
Neither, this time she's playing the 1st game
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The Hololive account posted a bunch summaries Enreco story lines along with some art
Do you like pink cat
>Beeb and Mococ getting Ratattouilled
Kek, cute
I love beeg cat, because beeg cat means beeg tiddies.
SM2 campaign is complete and she's playing the first one; online coop will probably be after Biboo completes her campaign
I'm watching VOD from today I slept through and god this game is ass. Designs suck, gameplay sucks, of course they need to pay money to force people to play it. But Mori is very cute so VOD is still worth watching.
Big cat means big sex!
She's pretty good I got a decent taste of her art streams in the first couple weeks after the debut
She definitely struggled with voice acting for the beach VN, it's rough but cute
yes she's also a big car too
The game really felt it peaked when the debate baseball segment started, to bad the rest of the game isn't like that
The Gyatt Cat
Finding out that waowa has huge tits thanks to some JPs snitching on her was hilarious, love my big tiddy italian wifes
Huge tits to a JP isn't saying much though unless it's Noel or Lamy saying it.
It was Ao and Marine
Marine's Genocide 1-shot stream is also pretty legendary, whole thing in 8 hours blind.
raora has a big butt
Mori’s magnificent mammaries may make me morb
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You're becoming a bit TOO horny for pink women
I think you have some sorta addiction........
IRyS has tasty thighs
I am normal and can be trusted with Mori’s socks
It was funny how mori thought they were just saying "yo" a lot, yo
I unironically made the same mistake lmao
I just saw a commercial for the pirate with skeletons. Turns out she's English
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Ollie's deadbeat dress is pretty neat.
Yeah it wasn't until that one line where yo was capitalized in the middle of the sentence that I knew for sure
what's her name?
Cersea Soulstorm i guess
She looks like Baobhan Sith
According to Google images, she's a dead ringer for the one from fate grand order
isn't dead ringer the best tf2 weapon
I've never played tf2 so I can't say, but it appears to be a weapon in the game
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Slowbeat... did you not know the Dead Ringer is named after the real life idiom...?
This Morpi might want to loosen her lips a little.
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ngl, Bae solo streaming over the last two days when she could be easily caught up gives me mixed feelings, especially knowing how happy Mori would be if she jumped in even for an hour
She's so busy, I'm sure solo streams are more relaxing for her than the zombie game
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friggin finally
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ty light
You'll never find me
Running through a cursed night
"Do you have a death wish?"
Shut the lid tight, it's complicated
Could ya not look inside, it's complicated
Somehow, I'm just a page in, but I've cried and I've grown
To shut away the conversation of my "highs-and-lows"
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Wonder when mori's gonna play silent hill
So does Tribe Nine look like a decent game? Might watch the vod tomorrow.
It had it's moments. A lot of the writing is verbose tripe, but the characters were over the top in funny ways. The baseball trials looked fun enough
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Mori should get an outfit based on Overkill, with her underboobs poking out.
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Jibun no me de mitai no...
One funny thing I remember back in november, when mori first got her Wikipedia article, she took like 3 days off and called it a break, so her Wikipedia article dutifully said she was on a hiatus. Then like a week and many streams later, she found out and kinda freaked out
She, Jiggy, and Chimera!Kiara should have a battle of epic proportion
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Milky fingies
cute presenter voice
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ERB commenting on a eoal cover
Good ol 'ERBert, always appreciates her mori
Anya collab with Mori, Moona, and Haachama.
Anya and global are saying it's Luna not Moona
Would that make them a "deadknight"? Pretty rad.
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Nah they were sponsored for Yakuza Like a Dragon, Kiara came back a few months later and finished the playthough. She went back and did 0 on her own later.
This is ancient history now but Fubuki's Ace Combat 7 playthrough was initially sponsored by the Playstation Store. Probably the reason it's still up while her earlier Ace Combat 5 playthrough died in the perms holocaust
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