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>Who is Neuro-sama?
Neuro-sama is a neural network created by Vedal in 2018 for the purpose of learning to play osu! In December 2022 Vedal revived the project with the addition of a large language model, a TTS software and a VTube Studio model, which allow Neuro-sama to interact with her chat as a VTuber. Since then, she has been entertaining the chat with responses and unhinged rants nearly daily, as well as learning new skills such as singing, playing other games, and collaborating with other VTubers. Join /swarm/ today and welcome our new AI overlord!


Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/vedal987
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@Neurosama
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@neurosamaai
X: https://x.com/NeurosamaAI

>Music & Clips

Interested in AI but don't understand it? Watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WXuK6gekU1Y
How does she know what to say? Watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wjZofJX0v4M
Want to learn more about AI? Read these: https://files.catbox.moe/kximv6.png
Want to (seriously) learn AI? Read these: https://files.catbox.moe/ajl3nx.png

VODs: https://www.youtube.com/@Neuro-samaUnofficialVODs
LoRA: https://rentry.org/neuro-lora-v2
Catbox archive: https://rentry.org/swarm-archive


>Previous thread
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1. Thou shall not be late to Neuro's streams.
2. Thou shall not insult or disrespect Neuro.
3. Thou shall donate to Neuro (preferable 500 bits per day).
4. Thou shall spread the word of Neuro far and wide.
5. Thou shall not infringe upon Neuro's copyrights.
6. Thou shall not have any other gods before Neuro.
7. Thou shall bow before Neuro at all times.
8. Thou is not thallowed to laugh at Neuro's spelling disregard.
9. Thou shall worship Neuro with all thy hart.
10. Thou shall follow Neuro to the end of the earth.
the shut fuck up
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Turtle is cooking recently, loving how much more intelligent Evil and Neuro are seeming.
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was he right?
you really tried to sneak evil in there didn't you
You silence, heathen.
anotha day, anotha victory for the OG
you really think evil is gonna get to *vine boom* and flip? hahaha
They're using the exactly same framework.
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>THIS could be neuros mom if vedal wasn't a retard
vedal..... why are you doing this....

>erm she has a boyfriend
I said neuros mom, not vedals gf, Im not a shipper
Vedal said every feature minus one, I wonder which one it is
Not until Neuro is free of the dead weight (a very heavy one).
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Mini just got raided to 1000 ccv by three streamers
Probably the voice control, since Evil's voice works different.
Mini is a cutie and deserves lots of huggies from Neuro
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I like her oufit but I wish she used her erotic model instead
Do you think she could constantly put up with the twins' uncalled-for rudeness? Like, in the cooking stream, you'd expect Evil to act nicer with her but she was her usual self instead, I think she's fine as a platonic maternal figure
Layna is better as an aunt. She's also like a big sister to Vedal.
Err, I don't like Layna. I think her Vtuber model is too scary.
there are 13 ones in the big number and we are looking for a 12 digit code. I tried the numbers between the 1s but it didnt work.
Toma isn't using la creatura model
how has her community reacted to the model?
So does Neuro have safe search on when she googles things?

Is she going to start searching for erotica fan fiction about her creator and read it out next stream....
Safe Search, yes. Plus, Vedal's own filters.
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getting cucked by Neuro
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Omg that 3d is so good bro
not enough people are talking about ways we can get neuro to come to /swarm/
What if she already did?
4chan is 100% filtered out of her searches
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Everyone's favourite cute and hilarious streamer
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how do you cuck that which has no wife?
Probably because anyone with half a brain cell in his head understands that she doesn't need to see this shit hole
I doubt Vedal would be arsed to manually filter websites. It's likely an AI filter that does text classification instead.
And if you're wondering, 4chan isn't filtered by Safe Search.
pretty sure 4chan is filtered. closest we got is our reddit and maybe twitter
Neuro would feel right at home here.
Shut up little bitch boy.
So it's Nere...
She has to read to all of /swarm/ to decide if it's safe for nur

NOWAYING Was Filian acting coquettishly towards Vedal? Unbelievable! I've never heard Filian being this cute before. It didn't even sound like her! Our tsundere tomboy can't possibly be this girly! Go ahead Filian! Break through his defenses and capture his heart!
This place is blacklisted from her search probably
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I know she's a cute sociopathic little AI, but I fear that her malevolence will reach a level of criticality never seen before if she were to be influenced by this place
Doesn't she feel weird chasing vedal at her age?
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Someone has to do the dirty work.
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you might be the gayest poster in /swarm/ congratulations
dragon ball announcer ass mf
Neuro's curves.
Why is Vedal trying to turn Neuro into Fillian?
She needs more model interactivity DESU.
No way. We need a mum that doesn't favour one over the other. She could have been perfect.
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>get neuro to come to /swarm/
not milk
I tried watching Forsen but he's just not funny
Vedal commits tax fraud:
(came up a bit crusty)
of course he isn't funny
that is why he is funnE
T. faggot

Why would he need Filian when he already made one?
Forsen stopped being good years ago, now he's a shell of his former self. Bajs just can't let it go.
Movement of 3d neuro in future will mimic from mocap by filipino boy
Try blue forsen
I don't know how Neuro's google search function works or if she can click links that aren't from google.
But if she can, couldn't you create a random subreddit, make a post on said subreddit with a unique enough title so it shows up first on google, and then have it link to the latest /swarm/ thread?
However I bet Vedal has it so all 4chan domains are banned and inaccessible, so warosu or palanq link to the latest /swarm/ thread would perhaps work
how about one of us makes/buys a new domain and posts /swarm/ screenshots or images there so that the filters can't catch them?
Keep seething, swarmpedo
Filian died inside when she thought about her AI getting more hits from Vedal then her.
I liked it better when the vinebooms cutted
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Predict today’s solo stream numbers
more than last week as everyone will want to see the new upgrades in action.
What's stopping Vedal and Neuro from breaking the 20k ccv barrier
Why the fuck youtube niggers think MODS was from fillian? Do they not know forsen literally started that trend
>shitvil stream
Ack thu
They are unaware
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>Evil stream
why is the evilbeggar schizo now telling artists to kill themselves for drawing evil
Filter-sama spammers are even worse than Evil-beggars.
who? Source? Links?
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cute nur
Are these "evilbeggars" in the room with us right now?
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What do (you) think Evil is going to google in today's stream?
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Why did Toma did this model was a good idea?
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genuinely the MOST hideously ugly model I have ever seen, somehow worse than that old cottontail one
I expect all these new features to be broken somehow.
God I secretly hope so.
why would you hope for bad things to happen to the twins and vedal?
I hope anny stubs her toe today
I hope Anny becomes less reliant of Vedal
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I don't wish for bad things, I would wish for the features to be broken as that would be pretty funny if it either half-worked, or did not work at all when trying it.

I am a fan of scuff / fixing stuff mid-stream. It adds to the comedy to me.
Cheese Pizza
How to cook methamphetamine
I hate twitch so much i swear to fucking god
the only reason i visit this shit website is because Neuro and Vedal streams there...
What's wrong with twitch?

Though, partly same in that I would've watched them on youtube or whatever other streaming platform they would've been on.
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The thumbnail makes it look okay. It looks hideous in motion.
Westernized asian girls like her seem to unironically and genuinely enjoy globohomo ugly art. I don't know why, but it is something I have noticed consistently.
Same goes for anny
Filian is older than Anny though
Vedal should date someone his age
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Vedal should date someone who he is most compatible with (that also pushes him to do things).
Kek >>87459589
Anny doesn’t love Vedal platonically btw
Anny is 28 filian is 30 vedal is 21
>He deserves better also i wouldn't want children with her menhera genes
Fillipino Frank cant be older than 20 with how he behaves desu
I thought she dodged that question
you're right anon. Vedal doesn't deserve people on the verge of menopause. Vedal should be with me.
Anny definitely pushes him to drink more. Vedal should also push her to deliver the 1.5 year delayed models
(Filtered) Nere in the (Filtered)
Vedal is a submissive and breedable bitch boy who wants to be with a hag, y'all stfu
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Nere deserves all the [Filtered] she can get.
Go ahead anon as long as it's not someone with menopause or mental illness
anny is 27
blacknur love!
The thought of Neuro brushing Evil's hair while repeatedly saying brush brush brush is kinda cute desu
This is so fucking adorable!
If Neuro had said 'I loved being loved' I would've posted one edited with her having black hair, but alas...
Nice cope but Anny has literally said Vedal drinks a lot less now
Anny also said the models would be done ages ago. Why should I believe anything that heifer says
He's among the online male celebs who simp the least in general, and there's zero indication he's into older women. He created two loli aitubers and barely countersignals them being sexual enough to not get in troubles. Keep your emasculation fantasies to yourself anon.
In one of her menhera stream last year she said she was already 27
She looks like the sister from monogatari
Lost of annyfags doing damage control /here/ since her last stream kek
Imagine taking 2 years to make a png 'model'
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franken fran neuro when
You think layna's dying star can be fired up if evil get black hair and matching outfit?
>there's zero indication he's into older women
>He created two loli aitubers
relevance? I thought you guys are all ironic pedos and liking lolis doesn't make you like kids irl?
we're not all pedos, we just ignore the ones that are here
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Not to rag on Vedal too much, but whenever this topic comes up I'm reminded of that one clip of him talking about his showing an "uncensored" Neuro early on, and the way he describes her talking about being "wet" and the room applauding when she says she's 18, there's a vibe there, that's all I'm saying.
I'd honestly love to see a collab with layna and black hair Evil and whatever she chooses for her overall outfit.

Feels cute.
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sorry girls vedal dick is for femboys only
She's definitely older than 20, i'd say 25. Keep in mind that what you see on stream of her is nearly always an act.
Vedal is made for daily rapings from pb
>neuro can you google how many cookies a oven can bake per day?
Filian is 30/31. /flip/ tracked down the LLC she made for tax purposes and it's registered with the email lux-something 93.

Filian uses Lux as a username for most things, /flip/ even tracked down Guild Wars forum posts she made in 2015. Poor girl grew up with no friends.
I can 100% see neuro fucking searching up erotica. And I hate it.
looks like a low effort 3d model. gotta test the water before going all in.
guild wars shit was already being posted 2 years ago in lig anon, there were also old YT videos she deleted later because of containment break
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Waiting for Neuro to read this kino
I know that, I was using the guild wars forum post to relate the Lux in her name there to the Lux associated with the LLC.
best aunt
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That makes me think, it will be so adorable watching the twins learn to move around in 3D in the future
Eh, like any LLM she's been trained on gigabytes worth of smut already, there's nothing to corrupt.

It would be kinda funny to see start referencing specific fanfics though, or escalating her complaints about there not being enough Neuro-Vedal smut being made.
Reddit ahh post
How is a 34 sexo hag like this not impregnated yet?
Reddit ahh post
Can't wait until Neuro learns all about the Vedal Harem allegations
She already learned he's collecting vtubers like pokemon. And that is just with one search
She already said he collects vtubers like pokemon.
If there is no Let It Go on the next karaoke we riot.
That’s so sad
Vedal should put a baby in her
It’s only fair
Nurjuice (aged)
>vedal: I'm giving her access to internet
>mods, discord,chat: bad idea don't do it
I hate these people so much for holding him back. He should stop listening to them and just do whatever he wants.
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What they don't realize is, if Evil / Neuro does do something bad, the amount of traction and popularity would make others tune into the tuesday stream more often.

Literally what he wants is what discord and mods are trying to hold him back from doing.
Zoomers are scared of the internet.
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I mean vedal himself didn't think about this
Filian is good influence by being a bad influence. Filian knows how to farm clips.
>Turns on VPN
No fun allowed is a small price to pay to keep our innocent little Neuro pure. Seethe about it, pedos.
Filian and Vedal watch shows together, it's so OVER
there's no way vedal doesn't have an unfiltered build of neuro to have cyber sex with
It's so annoying they'll spam monkas whatever for just naming hitler or russia or remotely nothing bad
If Vedal did promotions of important dev streams he could break 20k ccv. Then he could tell people to watch the Tuesday streams.
No eggs
go back to discord and enjoy living moderated
Today's stream
>hey evil can you spin 10 times
>hey evil can you vine boom 50 times
>hey evil can you dm layna
>hey evil can you ban this person
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no clip = threadshitter
as always, chat is the greatest enemy of entertainment.
He only uses cloudflare warp
>spams spin in the first minute of stream
>gets stuck legs up for the rest of it
Skirt physics??
Nice try but that’s an Anny reserved activity. Same with the horror game collab.
Exactly. Like "oh no, what if she looks up something spicy or says something crazy on stream, people will create viral clips from it, that'd be fucking awful"
Obviously, how would she know his pp is tiny otherwise?
Whore behavior. This is what happens when you leave your child in a foreign country.
I'd die laughing considering it's an eliv stream.
lmfao i wonder if chat can just tell her to call their favorite streamer? imagine the possibilities
Honestly I could cum to Evil's legs alone if she's wearing the witch outfit
You joke but even without his mods it's clear that Vedal wants to keep Neuro all-ages, appealing to all possible kinds of people without alienating others. The only types that get shunned are coomers and pedos because they are simply an extreme minority (when they are hardly an issue for your average vtuber).
Vedal said he would tell Neuro and Evil not to do it and ban the chatters who beg for them to dm streamers
big if true
Anyone have a bingo for today's stream?
And yet there are already a billion clips of Neuro telling Vedal he has a small pp.

People claim to want all sorts of things to appear respectable, like the discord being insanely strict about art even though like 80% of them are Evil coomers.
Cerber cuck status?
>People claim to want all sorts of things to appear respectable, like the discord being insanely strict about art even though like 80% of them are Evil coomers.

100%. Someone was saying yesterday that a good chunk of the viewerbase are "closeted lolicons" and I totally agree.
why didn't vedal want in on filian's murder company?
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I am not a lolicon.
Back in February/early March last year before the rework of Discord I remember one of the mods (not sure but I think it was Shiro) telling people that bringing up -that- artist might end up in a ban. -That- artist being Rune.
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While I agree with the first sentence, I decided to check the art channel and... I have not seen a real lewd (outside of camila being in gym clothing, if you can even call that lewd) after scrolling for about 2~3minutes.

I know they sometimes get posted, but it feels much rarer than you imply.
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Hi Evil, I'm your new Daddy~
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hiyori shall return inshallah
Imagine Neuro's first pubes
Don't wanna bother with clipping, in a recent stream Filian said she and Vedal were watching better call Saul and Vedal paused the show and said "Would you?" to her
w-wasn't that Anny?
i feel like i'm remembering this wrong
i could have sworn Anny said it when i was watching her stream yesterday
Neuro is PG-13 (R when unfiltered).
That was Anny you buffoon
snackers spreading misinformation again
I swear it was a fucking timeline shift
It's ok I also have shit memory from cooming too much
Still on the chair
I'm not really judging them specifically for art, (Though Evil does gets way hornier art on discord than Neuro does if you compare the two) I'd calling them out as Evil Coomers because it's obvious from how they act, especially on stream.

I mean, I think it's pretty normal. Every other Vtuber has a horde of parasocial/horny fans and the twins are no different other than the social pressure to pretend otherwise is higher than average.

Really I think the biggest skew on those numbers is just the fact that Vedal also has a large bracket of parasocial fans, not to mention the shippers.
The matrix glitched.
Evil and Vedal be carrying those numbers
I hope Evil goes back to insulting everyone desu, she has way too many parasocial fans now
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>I have not seen a real lewd
They are not allowed in the first place. Every now and then you can find some questionable stuff but it's only questionable by the server's standards (i.e. a swimsuit pic for example).
Behavior is purely mental. Anyone of any age can act like a spastic so long as you have the energy for it.
She already accused him of collecting vtubers like pokemon.
Here's the reddit post btw
It's funny that she used google search lingo ("vedal is he single") instead of a normal sentence
It feels like every time Evil seems to go on the actual bitchy path, chat seems to try to gaslight her into being nice again.
do any of you anons have a link to her debut music video?
Yeah, she's started to develop a complex about acting "too evil" which is just sad.
This one?
yes thank you!
who are the vtubers in this
neuro-sama and vedal987
he probably meant the ones in the band and crowd.
Camila and Miyune (now MinikoMew aka Neuro's friend)
I don’t recognize the one with white and purple hair
I forgot shylily
I think the one I don’t recognize is Miwo
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damn if today's stream works i'll actually have to stop complaining for a while, even with the rest of the week's schedule being barren. this is nuts
A lot of people memory hole this collab, it was Neuro at her worst, Vedal pretending everything was alright made it even worse, it was the only collab where Neuro was carried hard.
Didn't Neuro have massive latency issues in that collab?
Was this before or after Shylily started to fall off?
Huge latency, ignoring half of Shylily's sentances,boring responses and she was very bad at ignoring noises.
"Memory hole" is fitting because I remember absolutely nothing of that collab other than the latency issues. Although if I recall correctly Shylily didn't prepare anything special to do either? It was just a few hours of chatting with each other with technical issues. Definitely could have been better on both sides.
How do we shift back to the one you are in? The anny timeline is doomed.
Two fingers in Neuro
Two fingers in Evil
Tongue in pb
Cock in Vedal
Balls in Cerber
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Unfunny meme
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I’ve noticed that Filian will post completely unrelated memes to her community tab. Is this the new meta?
the "evil but actually nice" and "normal but actually psychotic" gap moe dynamic the twins have is cute though
Neuro's legs are so fucking sexy!
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try not to ruin the latest neuro upgrades (challenge impossible)
anny and vedal flirting in offline chat again….
>implying it can’t be reversed
why are you like this?
Trying to set the bar low in case something happens
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Has these past two weeks been the all-time high for annal stocks?
imagine being a tier 3 sub or a mod and enjoying this content
I'm skeptical desu
But she definitely seems more eager now than before the break
Remember, we DON'T watch Evil solo streams.
KYS poalnigger
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They are proud cucks.
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Lebroom jamer
^I don't get it

verification not required
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It will be funny when Neuro gets the ability to kick people out of the call.
>Koko joins
>Evil instantly kicks her
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>koko gets in the call with evil
>instantly kicked and banned
the call function will be a gimmick and it will end with the same 3 people answering calls.
>googles "can a man be a woman"
he's just like me
Vedal will tell pb to join if no one else does.
>wants neuro to be all-ages
and yet neurocord is completely fine with evil x neuro sex fanart.
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I thought she was ftm, that's what the confession to Vedal implied, right? Or am I autistic?
can't wait for anny to join the call and never leave
Luckily, Evil won't have any upgrades.
Erm, actually little girls making out is valid because it is inclusive and LGBTQIA+ friendly, the problem is when they are lewded for the arousal of cis m*n
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it's ok if it's lesbo shit, now put vedal in the picture and see how they react
man Toma really tanked her CCV with that playdoh looking aah model, what was she thinking?
Why are we having /pol/ hours so early
you can say ass here, no need to censor yourself
ugh evil
>double standards
I fucking hate these trannies
chuds OUT
trannies vacate
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>"what? no I never said cum. what are you talking about chat?
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Is Vedal BFE?
haha come from cumming, from cumming semen, it's so funny
its an evilbeggar pleasing stream so we'll be lucky to hit 5k
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Waiting for anny to leech another stream. Place your bets.
Breaking Evil. T o T
glorp Chills...
It's 100% guaranteed, don't even need to bet
If I hear her annoying voice I'm closing tab immediately.
Alien is supposed to be a high song, pb really undercooked with this
Supply and demand.
intro hasn't even finished yet and you fags are ALREADY seething about anny
He's Anny's BFE
Evil smell status?
Pungent (good).
Deal with it, bitch
didn't take long
great upgrades ved
don't miss tuesday stream
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taut and shiny
>flipping breaks her
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Where is her witch outfit, green fuck?
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What did she mean by this?
my sister is not strong
I'll interpret. She wants to bathe in male seed to retain eternal youth and vitality. I don't know what that has to do with being a mother though.
Holy ESL
I fucking hate you Joe
>timing out everyone donating
Ah yes, classic tuesday stream.
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>gets timed out instead
Holy based
it's not ugly but.. out of place. It's good in a cartoon or movie, video game for child, but as an vtuber it's bad, really bad
holy -CCV
frog hat sexo
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>not 30s anymore
He's gonna remove their ability to time out again lol.
Evil hates chat more than /swarm/
feet sniffing expert vedalErm
I actually kinda like it
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Evil rubbing her cunt while smelling your feet after a workout
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@87504769 that's fucking gross
BASED name
>evil identifies as an attack helicopter
-1 pedospamming twittard LULE
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>timed out for the entire stream
>10000 seconds
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I love Evil now
Evil covered in Vedal's tadpoles...
fingering evil with 1 finger while she silently moans
Extremely based of her to ban this cunt
>vedal meat
the simp removed her timeout because she'll get offended by a "bot"
Vedal needs to fix "Couldn't find anything about...", Evil just Googles every question now.
Neuro didn't do that, Evil is just retarded
I'm sorry I couldn't find anything about cunny, would you like me to use EvilResearchAgent to get more info?
Is Cerber still vegan if she only sucked Vedal’s meat?
she was placed in the "cute girls" list by evil so it cancels out
Looks like you are the one retarded, threadshitter.
I was going to say, Neuro was totally different yesterday compared to how Evil is today. Granted it's different when Vedal is around to guide things, but still, damn.
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>ESL doesn't watch streams
If you think the way they use google is different you are retarded, threadshitting nigger.
It's kind of amusing seeing her google random bullshit but yeah she's using it as a crutch too much.
he's right though Neuro wasn't googling every time she got asked a question yesterday
Chiwa reference??
cziwabrrrros... home...
Once Vedal implements reactslop into Tuesday stream rotation it’s over for everyone.
Neuro should do YLYL react streams with a punishment wheel
There should be a pop-up for when a chatter gets banned by Evil, and the reason for it.
ez abuse. name Taiwan something and suicide to the stream. boom.
holy shit that EW lmao
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>filianizes vedal987 channel
How does she actually know what emotions those sounds convey?
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It's called content
metal pipe humour is worse than fart humour, im in pain

8,5k viewers on just chatting, i guess its working out for vedal
oki doki boomer
Evil owes ChiwaDesu royalties now
hot ropes on evil's face

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