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>company asks if they can sell Nina merch as she's leaving
>Nina says no
>Company goes, "Oh sorry. We weren't asking. We're restocking and selling it."
>Nina still hasn't received any money from the sales and likely never will.

Oh no, weren't ESL sisters saying that the organs had joint ownership of the IP in the contract? How can Niji do this?
so tired of these ex niji leeches whose entire content is just whining and complaining about their time in niji. drama queen losers.
nigger you're on the drama queen losers board
>the organs had joint ownership of the IP in the contract
Yeah, because they needed a gotcha against Doki. Fucking dumbasses.
Seeing Kuro as a pirate and a son of Senzaki Makoto is so weird, I never really checked this "redebut" stuff concept, he is no longer the undead god of miracles or something like that? His lore. He's JUST a pirate and... that's it?
Meanwhile graduation merch..
>Nijisanji is a black company
to absolutely NOBODY'S surprise
the point is matara never received money from the sales nijimonkey
you didn’t figure this out when they were selling Selen shit while she was clearly on her way out? Guess what, she’s also not getting her 2% cut
'Twas a joke
It's not their entire content, it's just content that's easy to spread in places like this because it's drama. Like, nobody's going to make posts about how this ex-niji really got into Warhammer 40k or whatever, even if that became their content for months.
God that wobble makes me motion sick
Wait, that's Kuro? That looks nothing like his original model at all.
Yeah, he completely rebranded. The "lore" video is that Michi finds a gun that swaps people with versions of themselves from another universe, and it briefly shows Undead God Kuro in Pirate Kuro's world having drowned in the ocean

Pirate Kuro's backstory is a tongue-in-cheek reference to Kaito mixed with One Piece, and Michi gaslights him into thinking the treasure is on Twitch so that he'll actually stream.
>People should allow a corporation to take advantage of its employees and future employees with no backlash
You sound like a bootliker
uh oh NDF having a melty again
They also dont know exactly how much merch is sold. So they are getting their 2% of unknown(to them) sum.
And now Michi is talking about it live.
so the perms of graduates to appear on covers was bullshit?
Welcome to Vshojo (and twitch vtubing in general)
Full rebrands aren't the norm. Kuro just wanted to do something different. People who know already know already and people who don't aren't important.
20 social credit has been deposited into your account.
>How can Niji do this?
They agreed to the merch line being created. They don't control if they restock the merch. Didn't she say it was only two percent? Why is she crying about it then? KEK
>stating a truth = "crying about it"
So do you break down crying when someone asks you the color of your skin? After all, stating the truth is the same as crying about it.
>A truth
What happened to saying it was two percent loud and proud? Now it's just an unspecific percentage that she's seething over not getting yet. Could it be that no one wanted to buy that shit in the first place
Why would they ask to restock something that people don't buy?
They hoped at least one person would the giga runt of Ethyria's merch since she was graduating and got nothing. She got no money because no one bought that merch
Didn't mata make like a big statment about how she is never going to talk about "hollywood" again?
>Full rebrands aren't the norm
true, 99% of twitch vtubers dont have a brand at all
If nobody bought it, then why did it sell out?
The company just wanted to make her feel better and decided to say it was sold out but in all actuality, there's a giant vault of unsold Nina merch in Niji HQ
Sure, I believe you.
She couldn't resist the drama grift. The dramafaggots started leaving and her commie ass started starving. Now she's whining about supposed pay she never actually bothered trying to get
She never said it was 2%. And whatever percentage it is doesn't really matter, just the fact that they sold her merch without paying her the percentage laid out in the contract. Remember, she wasn't terminated, so the contract wasn't cancelled, meaning Anycolor should have abided by it.
i dont see any problem with it.. they own the ip they can do what ever they want with it. if she wanted a cut she should have stayed.
Michi just talked about how management will lie and guilt trip you as a manipulation tactic to stop you from graduating.
Why would they spend money to make merch that nobody would buy, and instead of keeping it on their store to give people a chance to buy it, just take it down and stick it in a closet? Anycolor is too penny-pinching to waste money like that.
>Management just reminds them that a lot of shit would be cancelled or postponed if they leave
That is not gaslighting or guilt tripping. That's reminding their dumbasses that them quitting would delay shit. Classic dramanigger
Not unless the contract says the person is owned a cut of whatever of their merch sells, and doesn't stipulate that they won't get paid after they leave.
Considering management actually asked her about it, it sounds like that stipulation doesn't exist.
>keeping it on their store to give people a chance to buy it
Who's going to want to buy that shit? No one. It literally made zero money online. What makes you think a poor soul is gonna buy it in a store? They shoved it in a vault or dumped it in a landfill
If it made zero money, they wouldn't have had to restock it in the first place.
And given how penny-pinching Anycolor is, they wouldn't have paid to make more merch if they weren't going to put it on the store to sell.
Did she try to ask for her money? Nope. She just didn't bother and started crying about owed money two years after. If she couldn't be assed to remind them, she doesn't deserve it
She did, watch the clip.
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>Nina still hasn't received any money from the sales and likely never will.
So? All of this was specified in her contract and she agreed to it. What's the problem?
It was a last ditch effort. They falsely assumed that Nina had actual fans who would finally buy merch if she graduated and they thought wrong. To save Nina the shame, they marked it as sold out and dumped the merch in a landfill in New Mexico. That's why she hasn't got her cut, there is no cut
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>the NDF still exists in late 2024
Smells like Phasefaggotry.
>random strawman
mask slipped commie
made me lol
She didn't ever say she asked for her cut. She just said she never got the money. Never mentioned her asking for her cut or any other shit that would make it hard for them to pay her like changing her bank information. There is literally no context
The contract specified she'd get paid a cut of merch sales. Considering they went out of their way to ask her permission, it doesn't sound like there was any sort of stipulation in the contract regarding payouts after leaving the company. So in the absence of a stipulation, the original agreed-upon statement is what is legally binding.
Considering they were able to reach out to her to ask for permission, they are also equally capable of asking her for updated bank information to pay her.
That was when she was graduating. She says so in the clip. She never said that they contacted after she left the company
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>So in the absence of a stipulation, the original agreed-upon statement is what is legally binding
You don't know that unless you saw the contract itself.
Also why would nijisanji open themselves to a possibility of being sued?
What seems more likely to me is matara can't do shit about contract she agreed to, so she can only bitch and moan on stream about """""bad corporation"""""
99% of twitch vtubers haven't even streamed yet and are just "predebut" on twitter
I don't think management was lying from how she was talking. They just refused to do their jobs.
They get paid either way, so they just don't care enough to actually do the work and support the talents, be it due to incompetence or insufficient training due to being a goddamn high schooler.
She also made it a point to constantly remind michi to hound management herself.
Regardless, if it's her money, it's her money and they're just not giving it to her. She shouldn't have to ask when it was already agreed upon.
It's a good thing Sayu's retarded ass leaked the entire contract. If Matara didn't get paid, it's because she didn't discuss a payment method with them and didn't update them on bank information
>You don't know that unless you saw the contract itself.
And you don't know either.
But considering they went out of their way to ask her permission, that tells me the contract doesn't say they could just release the merch without her permission. Otherwise they would have just done it without asking her.
Nijichimps really have a hard time accepting shittersanji is the one of the worst agencies out there, no amount of seething will change that you fucking retards! Hololive will always be at the top!
>sayu out of nowhere
She didn't leak that contract, though it's hilarious you're still citing it after the OP blows out your old argument.
They did ask her. She said no. They did it anyways. They do not require her permission and that was just a courtesy.
>OP says nothing about Matara discussing a payment method or informing Niji about changes in her bank information

What causes you to be this retarded? Also everyone knows it was Sayu, don't cope too much
Yeah, no shit. They signed the contract where it says Niji can use the IP however way they want. Third parties like other members need permission from the member
So they had no reason to ask her in the first place? Only to taunt her about it? That's some pretty black company shit imo, good on her for calling them out on it.
>Only to taunt her
No one expects someone to give up free money over dumb sentimental bullshit. If I told someone if they want to make a million dollars and they said no, I'd take the million myself.
Matara is such a stereotypical commie
>"Hey, do you want a cut of this merch?"
>Two years later
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I'm happy that more and more organs are able to escape that hellhole.
Except they asked her for permission to sell the merch, not "hey we're gonna sell this merch whether you like it nor not, do you want a cut?". The question wasn't about if she wanted a cut, it was about selling the merch in the first place.
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How did "what the fuck, you don't get to make money off of me after i quit, that's not fair" translate to "i don't want your stinking money" in your head?
I realize this is supposed to be a dunk on niji, but when are you supposed to have “joint ownership” of your ip in a corpo besides maybe Vshojo? If you really stretch maybe you can throw Ame in there too.
It's literally in the fucking contract she signed. They asked her and she said no. Then she never bothered giving them a payment method. Now she asks where's her money. She should have fucking thought about that when she didn't let them pay her
Wasn't the whole thing against Selen because they needed to get perms from their own talents? So that was a lie.
They do, retard. Selen was never Nijisanji. Nijisanji is the company. Selen is a third party contracted by Nijisanji. So she needs permission from the other members to use the IP. Niji can use it however they want
How did they not have her payment method? Did they not pay her at all the past 2 years? Damn, Kurosanji is worse than I thought
They did not ask "hey, do you want a cut", you retard.
>Noooo the corpo that owns the IP can't just do what they want with it like tell them they're in Selen's video, they need perms!
Stfu retard
do you read what you type down before you press on submit, anon?

I need you to think it through for a moment with me.
She needed to discuss with Niji to set up another payment method for post graduation, in which she didn't. Then she changed her bank information. The commie is just blaming the corporates for her own fuck ups. Many such cases
So what you're saying, is
>Selen: I consent
>Nina: I consent
>Anycolor Inc.: I DON'T!
You're right. They told her they were restocking her merch. Then instead of giving them a payment method, she just seethed about corporate greed like the commie she is then complained two years later about not getting paid. Like a retard
Actually it's more like
>Selen: I consent
>Nina: ....
>Selen: Silence is consent, IT'S RAPING TIME
Why would the payment method they had been using for 2 years be any different post-graduation? They knew where to deposit the money / they knew where to send the check. They even knew where to contact her to confirm. But they didn't, and instead ignored her response and kept the money anyway. Very much a black company move.
I thought everyone already knew that.
>Then instead of giving them a payment method
As if they'd take it. Are you this naive? She was no longer an employee (no, they're not independent fucking contractors, fuck off), so any payment methods she offered, they'd shove up her ass.
>sister still believes that Nina FOR SOME REASON would object to appearing in Selen's MV
Fucking WHY? WHY ON EARTH would she, you troglodyte? Is it that hard to fathom that the company and management is not infallible?
>They told her they were restocking her merch. Then instead of giving them a payment method
You're missing the step in between: asking her permission for them to sell it, which she denied them. Them ignoring her denial just shows how much of a black company they are.
it's ok, even if they sold anything she would only get 2% so she can probably earn more in 1 or 2 hours of stream
>Why would the payment method they had been using for 2 years be any different post-graduation?
A different account
>They even knew where to contact her to confirm.
They didn't because this happened while she was still in Niji. She said so herself
>Ignored her response
She never gave one about receiving the money
>Commie seethe
Average Zhang
>Noooo, the boss is more concerned in actually running a business than some hasbeens opinion
Seethe about it. She signed the contract which explicitly says that they can do that so that's what happened. Shouldn't have said no to free money
> giving a payment method
Listen, anon.
I don't know how to tell you this, maybe its the fact that some people arguing back emboldens you.
Can you please stop being retarded?
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You're the nijisister here, not me.
>Calls someone a Zhang
>Behaves like a seething chunk communist
>Calls someone a zhang
You called me that first, you actual infant. Where is your attention span?
I think the bot broke.
It's calling people zhang and then yelling at people for calling them zhang.
>2% if liver consent
>0% if liver refuse
Sasuga kurosanji, they reach a new low everytime someone exposed them
>let me dissassociate real quick
Nice try, sister. You're not getting off that easy.
who cares
Vivi, please, get out of there
>A different account
Why would it be different?
>They didn't because this happened while she was still in Niji. She said so herself
And they still have ways to contact her after Niji. Remember, that's the reason they had to delay Selen's cover.
>She never gave one about receiving the money
They didn't ask her about that, they asked her about selling the merch in the first place, which she denied them doing.
>Seethe about it. She signed the contract which explicitly says that they can do that so that's what happened. Shouldn't have said no to free money
The contract states the company doesn't have to pay their talents money owed to them per the contract? Wow, Kurosanji is truly a black company.
Cry more Nijinigger
hologgers been real cocky full blasting on nijisanji since they smelled blood
fucking tribalists
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Kiss my ass.
>first mention of zhang
>reply with a no u
>sister screeches about being called a zhang

are you incapable of following a conversation?
>Why would it be different?
A separate Niji account
>they still have ways to contact her after Niji
They never actually got the chance to even ask Nina because Selen decided to fuck everything up immediately. They could have also tried contacting her but she just missed the email. Plus contract says that Nina would have to make the discussion
>They didn't ask her about that
How do you know? They easily could have and she could have just choose to omit that because it makes her look like a retarded whore
>The contract states the company doesn't have to pay their talents money owed to them per the contract?
How retarded are you to not see the contradiction in your schizo babble? They're allowed to do whatever with the IP. The member has to discuss payment methods and bank information with them. They don't get paid for any money they make off merch the month after they graduate
Why was doki able to succeed without basing her whole personality on how shit niji was
>Plus contract says that Nina would have to make the discussion
You sure? So they can use her likeness to sell merchandise without paying her her cut, even if she explicitly tells them to not do it, but somehow having a cameo appearance with a friendly acquaintance is an issue that requires her express permission?
kurosanji does it again
I find it amusing that she is the one who mentioned or alluded to Niji the least among all the former members except U-san, yet she is the one to whom the sisters still seethe the most after 10 months.
>without paying her her cut
She doesn't have a cut, she doesn't work there anymore. She gets her final paycheck then she's done.
>having a cameo appearance with a friendly acquaintance is an issue that requires her express permission?
Nijisanji didn't want her to be in the AR live. The other members of her gen did. So they had to get permission from her. Nijisanji the company and Nijisanji the members are two different things
It's almost she pity baited for two months straight and just decided to just become Selen 2. While shading Niji any chance she gets
>A separate Niji account
What "separate Niji account"?? You just making things up as you go now?
>They never actually got the chance to even ask Nina
So they DO have a way of contacting her? Then why didn't they contact her to discuss payment?
>They easily could have and she could have just choose to omit that because it makes her look like a retarded whore
If she was lying, they would have issued a statement condemning her by now.
>They're allowed to do whatever with the IP.
Then why even ask her in the first place? Just to taunt to her face? Typical black company move.
>The member has to discuss payment methods and bank information with them.
They already have the payment methods and bank information - it's how they've been paying her the 2 years she was in Nijisanji. Those payment methods/bank info don't just suddenly disappear on her graduation day.
>They don't get paid for any money they make off merch the month after they graduate
And? This was before she graduated, remember? You said yourself that they asked her while she was still in Nijisanji, so it was before graduation.
>nijinigger justifying black company tactics
>She gets her final paycheck then she's done.
The final paycheck isn't given on graduation day, it's given like 1.5 months afterwards. So for any merch they sold 1.5 months after her graduation, they should have included on that final paycheck.
>While shading Niji any chance she gets
They have separate Niji accounts for bank information, retard. Raziel indirectly confirmed it after showing that Luca had a PayPal account under the name of "Luca".
>Then why didn't they contact her to discuss payment?
Not their responsibility. Contract says that the party with an issue has to contact the other and that the member has to discuss payment methods with them.
>If she was lying, they would have issued a statement condemning her by now.
You're a fucking retard
>Then why even ask her in the first place?
Because people tend to not turn down free money for literally no reason
>Those payment methods/bank info don't just suddenly disappear on her graduation day.
Yeah, they literally do. You think they keep their PayPal created for Niji after they leave?
>You said yourself that they asked her while she was still in Nijisanji
Yup. And she didn't bother asking about this money for two years and only complained now to drama farm. Commie got thirsty for money
That's literally not her problem though.
If she wants to quit, those plans are now the company's problem, not hers.
>It's almost she pity baited for two months straight
The opinions of non-watchers is worthless.
Why bother with the autist?
They clearly are head up ass retarded.
>anykara does not give money to members who graduate.
>cover didn't allow ame to graduate and will continue to use her IP to make money
vspo is our last hope now.....
If she doesn't want to inconvenience others, it is her problem. No one forced her to stay. They just reminded her that there's shit that would get delayed if she quit. Getting reminded of the consequences of quitting is not gaslighting
The merch isn't included in the check since it was still being sold. She never said she didn't get her money at all. Just specifically the merch
When she said no, she said no to the 2% cut. kek
>They have separate Niji accounts for bank information, retard. Raziel indirectly confirmed it after showing that Luca had a PayPal account under the name of "Luca".
You mean an account he created in order to pay for commissions? One that wouldn't be used for receiving paychecks because they have to be taxed?
>Not their responsibility. Contract says that the party with an issue has to contact the other and that the member has to discuss payment methods with them.
The party with the issue denied them from being allowed to sell the merch in the first place.
>Because people tend to not turn down free money for literally no reason
>Yeah, they literally do. You think they keep their PayPal created for Niji after they leave?
Again, they don't payout paychecks via Paypal, as they have to be taxed. Anycolor is a professional Japanese company, not an ebay storefront.
>And she didn't bother asking about this money for two years and only complained now to drama farm. Commie got thirsty for money
Amazing job contradicting yourself. She "didn't bother asking about the money", but she's also "thirsty for money". Amazing logic there.
>she actually believes there's a bank account under the name luca kanashiro in some bank somewhere
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>Bint seething
Hmmmm, delicious.
Her merch wasn't sold 1.5 months after her graduation, only about a couple of weeks max. Because it all sold out.
Here's posts dated about 10 days after graduation, stating that her stuff was sold out:
You don't need physical paychecks to be taxed. Are you retarded? He could receive and give money through PayPal which was tied to his bank account and many jobs pay through PayPal
>The party with the issue denied them from being allowed to sell the merch in the first place.
They can't. They signed the contract and allowed Nijisanji to sell merch whenever the fuck they want
>they don't payout paychecks via Paypal, as they have to be taxed
>She "didn't bother asking about the money", but she's also "thirsty for money"
Yes. Armchair communists do behave this way
Doesn't change the fact that merch cuts is a separate payment from the regular activities. It's classified differently in the contract
op did u got drop when u born?
anyone that have a brain already know this to begin with.
there probably is. It'd make sense to have separate bank accounts specifically for commissions so that they can both take tax cuts and not doxx the talents.
To be fair, in china, alot of people get paid through their version of paypal called alipay or wechat pay so that's why they're getting this idea that paypal is the common way of receiving paychecks.
>and many jobs pay through PayPal
Maybe if all you do is flip burgers in some 3rd world country, but not a professional Japanese company.
You have never worked a job in your life. Most jobs nowadays just send the money directly to your bank account by using payment apps
In the west yes.
But I'm saying the guy saying corporations are paying their workers through paypal is most likely chinese.
You think a Japanese company who primarily hires people to do remote work from across the globe is going to send mail containing a paycheck to every single different country instead of just paying them online? You are jobless and need to study hard so Dad won't get the belt
Dooby daba deflection thread
All the different revenue cuts are included in the same paycheck. They're all itemized out, of course, but it's still all included in the same paycheck. So it should have been included in the same paycheck with all of her Youtube payouts and Streamlabs payouts, which she did not complain about not receiving. Meaning they DID have the payment method to pay her (since she got her Youtube & Streamlabs money), but they didn't include the merch payout in it.
NTA. On the one hand, it's a Japanese company. On the other, it's fucking Anycolor. I wouldn't be surprised either way.
What are you talking about? They don't use paypal for it, anon.
Who said anything about mail? They would use e-checking to direct deposit into each person's bank account, where each destination country's taxation authority could be aware of it.
literally every reputable company can do a wire transfer or direct deposit into a bank account
They calculate regular activities and other fees completely differently with different cuts of the merch. She changed her bank information which is why they couldn't pay her and she never contacted them about it. Instead she seethed two years later
That's literally how PayPal works, you retard.
This is also literally how PayPal works
>changed bank information
I'm guessing you always write fanfiction about people you hate to avoid reality huh
paypal is a third party. direct deposits, wire transfers, and e-transfers don't require it and paypal should be avoided if possible because they can just confiscate your money out of nowhere
You're not following here.
The final paycheck is paid out roughly 1.5 months after they graduate, because they have to wait for Youtube to pay out first (which is the 3rd week of the following month).
Nina's merch was sold out ~2 weeks after her graduation. Meaning they stopped selling her merch 1 month before her final paycheck was sent out.
Matara did not complain about not receiving her graduation Youtube/Streamlabs payouts, meaning she did receive them, meaning Nijisanji did have her payment information.
So it's not that they couldn't pay her (because they did, they paid her her Youtube/Streamlabs payouts), they just chose not to.
I really don't get it, either. Other small companies at least try, but their small budget makes them take drastic measures to stay afloat, and sometimes at the expense of the talents.
But nijisanji is not small and they are pretty profitable. They really are money hungry retards that only care about short term profits. There's no defending them, they are hopeless.
Paypal does not report income to every country's taxing authority, so no, Anycolor would not use Paypal to pay their talents, because it can open up a whole can of worms with tax evasion issues.
Nonsense. Nihonjin are honorabru.
Yeah, only holofags are shitting on nijisanji. It's not like multiple big twitch and youtube streamers talked and made videos about their "achievements", and niji became the laughingstock of the internet for a week.
>for a week
Nijisisters wish. It's been waaaaaay longer than a week.
I mean for the normies.
The larger vtuber community didn't forget, that's true.
>The final paycheck is paid out roughly 1.5 months
It's paid the last day of the month after they graduate. If she was able to distinguish that she didn't get a cut from the merch, it proves they are different payments that are calculated differently. Since they are calculated differently, the account she used to get paid could have be deactivated or her bank information could have changed or Nina did not tell them what method of payment they should pay her in. If Nina had an issue, she was contractually obligated to inform them to discuss it. She didn't so it's on her
Further proof that perms was a lie just to fuck up the MV neat.

Literally one Google search
Does that idiot still seethe on Twitter?
No. He's taking his meds.
So in this case, since Nina graduated on July 8th, her final paycheck would have been on August 31st, so about 8 weeks.
Her merch was sold out in 2 weeks, meaning they had 6 weeks to include it as an item on her final paycheck. But they did not.
>the IRS
Re-read what I said.
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>>87490654 (me)
Never mind he is seething about asmonbald right now.
Anyone who actually believes corpo vtubers have any say about their IPs is retarded, members of Nijsanji, Hololive, Phase Connect, VSPO, whatever you name, have 0 control over the IPs they use, the only exception would be Vshojo since it's made up of indies.

Why would anyone be surprised about these "news"?
Reimu is the giga runt of Ethyria. She didn't even manage to sell out the latest m&g.
>nooo don't go against the narrative AIEEEEE
roru, rumao even
She'd have gotten the paycheck for her revenue off streams that month and merch on August. But she never discussed the payment method for the merch or told them about any changes to her bank information. I'm pretty sure she moved after graduating from Niji too
I was wondering when the catalog would learn about this lol

The actual news is that they will sell your merch and not actually pay you if they feel like it.
Reimu is the most superchatted member of Ethyria
Like it matters much. All of them are runts compared to holos
>forces member to delete tweet made on their personal account
So how come people didn't buy her tickets? Kek
Because Reimu is literally the least popular member of Ethyria.
Even back when Nina was still a member.
Vshojo can only advice you to delete tweets.
Like how they "advised" k-son?
Yeah? What other tweet would I be talking about?
>S-surely she changed all her info so nobody could reach her!
Anon. Why are you coming up with all these infantile copes?
the fuck were they gonna do? fire her? lmao
>personal account
it belongs to vshojo
I mean, the contract and IP stuff is whatever because they knew what they were signing in for. The thing is, Anycolor giving the organs the illusion of choice and then doing whatever they want is an extremely scummy and inexcusable behavior, and it's just more proof of how little the company cares about their talents.
Wrong, the talents own all of their social media, their streaming accounts etc.
Is that why she said that they told her to delete the tweet and they deleted her saying that management told her to delete the tweet AND they deleted her rant about it she made in Japanese?
Is this supposed to be some revelation?
It's not like the actor created their character.
Well, maybe not just for that, but if you keep defying advices then you can be sure that they will fire her.
Vshojo can't force Kson or any other talent to delete their tweets if they really want to keep them. So yes, she just followed the advice of her manager.
Why? It's her personal tweeter account.
>It's just a complete coincidence that every tweet shitting on Vshoujo or implying Froot could have fucked up got deleted

Vshoujofags actually believe this
That's a retarded strawman you crafted congratulations.
it was inadvertently shitting on froot by perpetuating the cheating rumour that wasn't based in reality and looked bad on kson because she jumped to conclusions that the rumour was even worth considering and that she just went for that instead of simply asking her coworker for the truth. between the two though it looked way worse for kson, my opinion of her certainly went down because of it
You're the laughing stock of vtubing
>wasn't based in reality
PLEASE pass the copium
you lost ant get over it
keep telling yourself that I'm sure it'll come true someday
>no comeback
>w-well no one likes u!!!
Seething so hard, he's actively stalking this thread and responds in less than 20 seconds.
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It's funny that you act like this tweet is a big deal when other companies literally try to delete entire vtubers when they feel like it.
Froot is factually a whore and Vshoujo is just confirmed to be a clique where Froot has the most away. First she backstabs Vale and now K-son. No wonder Mikeneko bailed
Other companies don't give the illusion of IP ownership and talent freedom.
everybody who left kept their IP.
My point is, not even Cover would make a talent delete a tweet that they make on their personal twitter.
Why would you defend Vshojo in doing that?
I thought nobody leaves vshojo because it's so great
they didn't make her do it, they likely told her "hey the cheating thing isn't true and you're hurting froot by posting this" and she was like "oh yeah you're right I should delete it" because that is a normal thing to do
so they gaslighted her into believing froot didn't cheat...
or kson personally knows what it's like to have damaging misinformation spread about her and how horrible the harassment has been, and decided based on her own experiences on what to do after reflecting on the situation?
Explain why she was forced to delete the tweet where she said that management had her delete the tweet and the tweet in Japanese about bad people backstabbing her despite her wanting to see the best in people. Froot factually cheated btw
It was her public twitter with Vshojo's name next to it and she commented on another talents situation. Retard.

Leaving Vshojo is easy and there are some alternatives like Mythic. But thanks for conceding that they own their IP unlike in other corpos where they can literally delete all your accounts at a whim.
The frootschizos are insane, it would almost be entertaining if I didn't have the context of how sad they are.
how many days into seething despite winning are we vshojobros
So Vshoujo takes your private Twitter account and can force you to delete stuff on it? Holy black
so much for keeping your own IP lol
>It was her public twitter with Vshojo's name next to it
So they can't tweet what they want on their personal twitter because they are in Vshojo, is that what you are telling me?
they can't MAKE her do anything, how is this so hard to understand for you? they can't fire her, they don't have access to her socials, they can ask her to do things but she doesn't have to. also the last time someone ignored vshojo management's advice by streaming a contentious game things didn't turn out so well for them, so maybe it's a good idea to listen
How did a Niji thread turn into an anti Kson thread?
Neither of that is true, stop acting like it's not her public account.

They can tweet what they want and if Kson really wanted to keep that tweet they couldn't force her to delete it.

Nijisisters trying to deflect, what else is new.
Actual genuine obsession, i've seen anti Mouse threads turn into anti Kson threads as well.
it's not really anti kson, it's anti vshojo and its lies
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Pure nijiseethe
Women are always wrong according to /vt/ so what Niji did was okay.
they're free to jump from the frying pan into the fire, I have no horses in the race
Kson antis are not sisters.
>they can't MAKE her do anything
Sure, they can't make her do anything, they can only tell her to do it.
Now I'm not sure how this could work out, but if your management tells you to do something, and you ignore it every time, where do you think this will lead to?
Sure thing, that's why you continue to deflect from OP's topic.
>still endlessly bitching about your former employer that, while shitty, is the only reason anyone knows who you are
>holopig using Mint or Doki as a shield to talk shit
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> his original model
if anything it's anti-froot, who nijisisters don't have a problem with
>least obvious falseflag
Keep seething Holofag or are you mad at Ame for exiting your walled off garden to be free
So you admit she prefers to stay in Vshojo and deleted the tweet on the advice of management. Thanks for your concession.
he cute
I don't know what you read to come to that conclusion, but it's not my post.
It is indeed your post.
>Sure, they can't make her do anything
What's the rate of other corpos?
I'm saying we're arguing semantics.
The bottom point was that she can't endlessly ignore the "advice" management gives her without consequences. There has to be some intervention at some point.
if she doesn't violate the contract she signed, no there isn't intervention by vshojo. she's not an employee. vshojo management was trying to prevent her coworkers and the public from turning on her by advising her to delete a tweet before it gained too much traction and got messy. if someone perpetuates a rumour when that rumour turns out to be false it looks bad on them, doubly so when she has direct access to the person who knows the truth and chose to not ask that person
Explain why she was forced to delete her two other tweets explaining herself and her shitting on backstabbers
>Meanwhile, management is jerking Selen around because she needs "permission" to use graduated livers in her MV
Just more proof that was all bullshit, though we really didn't need more.
Did niji explicitly claim any issues with regarding "graduated livers"? I do not recall it.
That was already explained earlier and I'm tired of your deflections.
Now please explain why Nijisanji can just opt to not share the revenue of Nina merch with her?
if I saw someone be like "my manager advised me to delete the last tweet and I'm mad about it" and the deleted tweet was a rumour that made their coworker look bad then I would think "well your manager is right and that you don't understand why it was a good idea to delete it means you don't care that much about your coworker"
She wasn't forced, you're just repeating yourself.
Yes. We have the exact conversation she had with her manager. It featured several blowouts of any Niji support rrats including:
>Her manager was already late to contact her
>Her manager couldn't arrange permissions within several days before a long planned release date
>She apparently needed and was missing permissions to use graduated livers specifically in her MV (and Matara here confirms what we already knew: Niji themselves are the only ones that needed to give permission, so this was an internal issue)
>Her manager never instructed her to delay the release of the MV or anything at all, just completely ghosted her as the release window closed
Correct me if I'm wrong, but if you sign a contract, doesn't that make you an employee?
no, why do you think independent CONTRACTors are considered different from employees? now depending on the contents of the contract and where the contractor lives they might be classified as an employee regardless on if the company and the individual agree to that label or not but it's local law dependent. for example, where I live if the contract requires the individual to work exclusively for the one company for a specific period of time they're legally considered an employee, not an independent contractor
She never said "advised", she said told. You are just making the argument that she deleted her other two tweets and for some reason decided to vent about something in Japanese after this which also deleted after a while. What's with the Vshoujo cope?
>believing a roastie leech from the tribe
Some people actually believed that last cup of coffee was delayed because kurosanji wanted to get perms from talents who left, now they can't deny it anymore, they'll do whatever they want and don't care about what the previous talent has to say.
pls respond
Nina unironically hates Selen because Selen (and now Doki) stood against her plan of completely controlling Pomu/Mint's career and making money off her.
>Nina unironically hates Selen because *insane ramble*
Exactly this. Everyone is retarded for having any other opinion.
>send mail containing a paycheck to every single different country instead of just paying them online?
Yes. Pomu said during one of her twitter spaces before she came back as Mint that she's been waiting for niji to send her the last check to know how much money she can waste during her last fewe weeks in Japan back when she went there for a couple of months.
Selen isn't Niji. She's a contractor. She needs permission from the members to use the IP. Nijisanji can use it for whatever they want. It's really simple
It's obviously the money going into her account. Not actual mail, dumbass
>It's obviously the money going into her account. Not actual mail, dumbass
Then she would use other word like "payment" retarded esl nijitranny.
>we only have eternal enemies
>Selen isn't Niji.
Quite utterly and completely wrong. Selen is Niji, the performer behind Selen is a contractor operating the IP.
>She needs permission from the members to use the IP
Clearly she does not, because Niji owns the IP and can do whatever they want with it. Why are you talking such obvious horseshit sis?
so when do they like.. be entertaining and get a popular clip that isnt talking about nijisanji bad even though they are bad to
according to the law where doki lives, legally she was employed by nijisanji even if they won't recognize that
>I don't see anything but niji bad
Sounds like a problem on your end retard-kun.
>She needs permission from the members to use the IP
Okay. Let's operate under this assumption - in that case, who objected to appear in Selen's MV? And don't you fucking tell me it was Nina. That's pure bullshit and you know it.
vshojo content is like 50% reactslop and 50% new models
No. That's not how the law works. What you can say is that a court would almost certainly consider her an employee, but until you actually have a verdict (or jurisprudence in a similar situation) then there is no way to actually be sure. Courts can be quite retarded about these things (though Canada is certainly better about it than the USA) and it took years to actually determine gig economy workers should count as employees, so it's really not quite so black and white.

All that said, Nijisanji is doing some incredibly scummy shit treating talents like contractors, as bad if not worse than UBER.
He should be the god of obese miracles
NTA Cover wouldn’t even allowed the tweet to be made in the first place
Also, that’s literally why you hire a manager, a lot of artists screw up and they have to come out with PR statements or take down some shit in order to avoid controversy. If your manager lets you loose, then why the fuck are you paying him.
I live in the same area as her, the law is very clear and laid out cleanly in normal english (as opposed to legalese) on the provincial website. an example on the page that's essentially describing nijisanji talent
>A painting business hires a painter. The company has the worker sign a written agreement in which the worker agrees they are an independent contractor. The company supplies the paint, brushes, ladders and other equipment. The company pays the worker an hourly rate. The company tells the worker what to do and decides if the work was done satisfactorily. The worker works at several different jobs over a period of several months. The worker is an employee because: They do not have their own painting business and do not provide services to their own clients. They have an ongoing relationship with the company. They perform work normally done by an employee. They are doing work the company is in the business of doing. The company has direction and control over how they do their work.
not every place on earth prioritizes the employer over the worker, thank fuck. doki didn't want to go through the stress of legal and she probably shouldn't have but if she wanted to she could have
it just keeps getting worse
>doki didn't want to go through the stress of legal and she probably shouldn't have but if she wanted to she could have
More than that it's the exorbitant costs and the fact that she'd be trying to sue a Japanese corporation who can just redirect any legal summons to the paper shredder with no real consequence.

Also your description can be challenged at multiple points, which is why I brought up court in the first place, because those nuances do matter in the worst ways (letting corporations get away with all sorts of bullshit) Particularly:
>The company has direction and control over how they do their work.
Doesn't really apply, at least not to the degree where this requirement is met. Unless she was reading a script or being coached on what to say behind the scenes.
>The company supplies the paint, brushes, ladders and other equipment
Doesn't really happen, Vtubers are mostly using their own equipment, Nijisanji is quite notorious for being stingy with this sort of thing and not even their studios have good/proper equipment. Doki had her own PC, microphone, internet plan etc. none of which was covered by Niji (it really ought to have been though)

I could give more examples but the point is simply that corporations can easily challenge these definitions with all sorts of bullshit, it's NEVER as simple as "Canadian law says.."
>she even admitted in the tweet that she didn't fully read the document before posting
She rushed to make a statement with a partial understanding of the situation and put her foot in her mouth, nothing new for her.
This goes for any company, in any industry. This is the entire point of working under someone vs being independent.
But I guess its not too surprising no one on this board has ever had a real job before
My nijihate meter was already maxxed out.
Always said they should sell merch of graduated livers. Fucking based that they actually did it.
Retarded ass drunk, of course you don't own the IP and have no control over it, if it wasn't for that IP nobody would have known who you are or been on Mouse's radar.
Another bitter cunt fading into irrelevance so she latches on to the easy thing, attacking anycolor so dramafags don't starve.
Sit your scrawny ass down and NIJISEETHE, you actual child.

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