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You guys been enjoying the KGBF group collab series so far?
Best girl of each gen
kiara ruined it by getting her chat to read the wiki
despite the memes it is a pretty fun group yeah
>Fauna: Actually seems to enjoy the game because she's such a lot goblin, would possibly play the game alone if it were allowed.
>Kiara: Is enjoying lording over the others that don't play as much. Demands they do all the lifting and give her most of the loot. She even demands they give her materials if they want items crafted.
>GG: Just enjoys playing anything with other people. If there is an open invitation she will be there.
>Biboo: Discount Kaela. If you can grind in a game, she will be there grinding.
god i hate kiara so fucking much. i hope she graduates soon.
GG has barely been in, think CC and her have about the same time. it highlights the problem in EN though, saying you want to play in a big group then just not showing up. if you think you can't play, just say you can't from the start. JP had retention issues too but it was less
Yes unironically.
I am gonna miss the group tomorrow when they are gonna go back to 9 players.
Nigger did you watch it? She missed only one day despite having her BD this week.
The problem is that a lot of these girls aren't even busy. Gigi hand Shiori both had streams of their own instead of participating here. Just goes to show there's no real unity unless its corpo mandated like EnReco was.
cope and seethe, actual watchers know
>aren't even busy
glad to know you have insider information. would you like to share with the class? retard.
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clementine family my beloved
Yes, my green wife has been streaming for a total of 24 hours of the last 6 days and the streams we're nothing but kino.
I don't like kiara that much but she becomes tolerable when sleep deprived and tired
GG is a great addition to any collab, big or small, she makes everything go smoothly
I love Biboo, she's really (c)funny
>game is called 7 days to die
>collab dies in less than 7 days

Absolute cinema.
Wonder who they are gonna blame later on
this is what happens when ina isn’t around to silently carry the collab
You tell me how Shiori has time to play Resi 4 and not join in on the Collab you retarded shitstain? If there isn't someone going "hey you have to play for X amount of days at least" then almost none of them would have bothered to participate at all.
I've been watching every single stream, every single hour from Fauna's perspective. Nothing I wrote was wrong.
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Da fister
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I love watching retards seethe at whatever Kiara is doing. So many jealous woman moments :D
In my case I'm not even seething, just pointing out what she does. Then KFP show up seething instead.
yet you somehow miss the gifts to fauna and blame Kiara for... needing materials to craft the items people want her to make for them??? As if they all weren't sharing either
It's kind of crazy if you check out the splits, I guess saplings have their reputation for a reason:
>/wawa/: She's so happy with the girls, it's so cute/God I hope Fauna/GG rape Kiara.
>/gigi/: She's so lively with the girls, I hope we get more collabs like this soon!!
>/uuu/: FUCK that bitch Kiara and that retard Gigi, I hope all the girls besides Fauna graduate soon, and FUCK Kronii too for some schizo reason!
No one have done a death compilation yet
Woman hands typed this post
yes, i wasn't expecting to enjoy it anywhere near this much since it's not a game i'm familiar with but it's been nice to have a smaller group. i will say that the streams without either of autofister have been a little weaker but it's still been good fun every day.
typical sapling behavior, pay them no mind
Jesus what happened?
It's a boring game... they should've done something else
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Yeah it's great, one of my favorite Hololive events.
typical Saplings. Their reputation rivals the chumbuds and Ruffians
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Go back to grooming a 2view discord like all seething Eurofags do.
>Here Fauna you can have the scraps from the quests you carried me in. Now make sure you leave some crates for me specifically to open after you finish killing all the zombies, ok?
Just go look for yourself, /uuu/ is 90% hating the other girls and 10% Fauna porn.
t. clip thumbnail watcher
Yah, wood alcohol
What went wrong, other than letting Mori run a big collab event?
yes its good
>Even one of the seething posters here admits they're a sapling
What's wrong with them?
>Kiara tryharding and being her usual annoying self
>GG opening her mouth at any given time
No, I've been sitting this one out.
Seeing fags talk about how 'GG wasn't really there' really reminds me just how little some mother fuckers watch any streams here before commenting.
As for the OP, kinda shitty to not include Mori, who has made it to almost all of the days. CC has flittered in and out so far so that's a pass in my book too, as well as Ina having issues that prevented her. I have my own hangups with the way FWMC are acting right now, but understand them not wanting to accidentally get 1m during the stream and cancelling Thurs and Fri at least.
As for how the stream utself has been, I've been having a lot of fun watching. There's chill times, there's hectic (gameplay wise) tines, and a lot of cute chatting between the 5 over the past week. It's brought together a group that I didn't think I'd ever see and getting more Gigi interacting with everyone is great, because I think she earnestly is the best at facilitating on-stream chemistry. Anyone who's seething over this event in one of the following
>Someone who shitposts consistantly
>Someone who wanted their oshi to join in but she didn't
>Someone who hates EN as a whole
>Someone who hates one of the talents who did join
If you're uninterested in the event, it's fine to sit in your corner and enjoy your chuuba.
GG is really improved now, she's so feminine
>Bae can’t find the urge to do anything that isn’t JP related
>Ina gets deported
>Kronii realizes she’s not going to be able to easily hide from Fauna interactions so she suddenly gets sick
Did Raora get too ashamed to come back after she afk'd the game and added a ton of days into the server?
No, she played after that, she just took a couple days off from streaming and is coming back for the last day. OP is a faggot
we only hate kiara, stop spreading misinfo
fuck off sapshit
>has to samefag fanbase wars in his dying thread
Tonoite on Bottom Gear
I liked that Kiara actually called out Shiori for skipping raid. She was pulling this shit in ENreco.
>I liked how kiara was being a bitch like usual
>even the anons defending admit it's a five person event now from from the 13 who promise to join
same thing happened with jps 7 days to die event. there were days when only mio, fubuki and okayu were on the server for that day
I mean, what do you expect. It's EN. Half of them have to be coralled to actually do something when its not mandated.

If anyone thinks Ina would have streamed this daily, i have a bridge to sell them.
It is pretty funny that Bae is on the poster supposedly being one of the "guaranteed" to be there when she just straight up cancelled on Twitter, not even showing for a single day
I'm not sure why EN feels more entitled to quit a game if its an event with everyone. Wouldn't that be something you are less likely to quit? You've agreed to join in this case. It wasn't mandatory.
oh it's just kiaraschizo and faunaschizo and even baeschizo having a circlejerk: the thread

She making it into the game is not a good thing, she's an instant pass for any oldfag and brings nothing of value to the experience either, even without her giant baggage of lies and controversy she's an awful streamer on her own right.

And no one's seething over the collab you corporate bootlicker, we are criticizing it because we not only didn't get what they promised but also because the talent itself can't get it together for shit, other girls outright ignoring it and playing something else is just a kick to the balls, yes including FWMC for being such insufferable numberfags.
I was almost certain that I wouldn't be able to avoid mori after so many of the girls dropped out and the group size shrank significantly bit by the gods grace she didn't show up to ruin things, the last day was fucking great
Bae is one of the weirdest cancels. She's social and is part of Mori's cliche but wasn't too busy to stream Yakuza.
you did it again, kojima
>hates on Mori
>hates on other girls
>supposed oldfag
so when did you switch to NijiEN/Phase?
JP 7D2D event went the same way, with some days having just 3 girls online
>understand them not wanting to accidentally get 1m during the stream
Okay but what about FWMC cancelling every other 7DTD stream they had scheduled after the 1 million subs thing?
Wait what? A good post? In fucking /vt/?? Damn you are a rare kind of human around here anon
>collab stream
>someone ruins it
>haha you're seething
Just like people would rightfully be unhappy if a homo joins a female collab, people should be be unhappy with Kiara.
They didn't like the other people playing that day. Also, they cancel more streams than anyone else in EN. Maybe JP and ID also.
Woman hands typed this post
Bit sad
You can just say "chumbuds" to cover all those bases
Like mother like daughter
Watch streams
Mococo started to die again immediately after another JP Collab.
The game is garbage, I don't blame anyone who doesn't join or drops this trashheap after a day or 2.
Your oshi quit after a day or two?
My oshi is Miko, but I've been watching Biboo and GG when she streamed it. I watched the JP version and it sucked there too, they only had 9 members and also had retention problems despite not having any timeslot issues, granted they ran their server for a longer time. Don't get me wrong, the interactions between the holomems are great but the game itself is trash
Can you at least pretend to look at streams? I want to rip into them for cancelling a members stream because Mococo decided to accidentally blow out her voice for a JP collab on someone elses channel, but they did olay 7dtd on Saturday. Like I said, my hangup isn't with their lack of playing 7dtd.
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My oshi is ever changing, she is however is the most popular and untargetable that day
>>Kiara: Is enjoying lording over the others that don't play as much. Demands they do all the lifting and give her most of the loot. She even demands they give her materials if they want items crafted.
You're fucking retarded.
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>lot goblin
every time.
Poor Biboo is emotionally traumatized by her dad beating her mom and her mom beating her dad!
>GG has barely been in
I like Kiara again
>If anyone thinks Ina would have streamed this daily, i have a bridge to sell them.
She would have streamed most if not all of the days like she did for GTA and ENreco, but you'd have to watch her to know that
Do lot goblins partake in real estate?
>avoids argument and begins moving the goal posting

I'll humor you once though

>hates on mori
Yes, she has a very long history of fuck ups, "shenanigans", trash and all kinds of bad shit, all well documented and known to anybody who has been in the hobby since 2020 at least

>hates on other girls
I wouldn't say hate but yeah I'll shit on them of the situation calls for it, avoiding a collab just because they are masturbating to their numberfagging is awful, same thing avoiding the collab just because and playing something else without even providing an excuse.

Yeah, I know and experienced a ton of the retarded shit Mori did and have been in the hobby since FBK went viral with scatman, that makes me an oldfag by EN standards

Feel free to try to discuss anything I said but, if you actually want to engage in a conversation, you should at least try to make some valid points regarding the object of discussion, instead of being the soldier of some retarded corpo war autism of which you ain't even getting paid.
>join only for the last fight
>when it's over ask everyone to notice they showed up and praise them
Just checked their reservation. Crazy that they're showing up 3 and a half hours into the stream, basically the final moments before the raid will start. They won't even be able to get geared up. When I saw their reservation, I figured it would be something like 4 or 5 pm pst.
I just looked. So they're doing it AGAIN. I was referring to the last one.
exemplary nijiseethe
>Gamers of their gen respectively
>Fully admits having her living rent free for more than 4 years
This is not the win you think it is. Even worse if you consider it's been years since she has done anything worth the seethe.
i want to beat up saplings
No, this game is garbage and only an idiot would think it works for a big event.
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Someone drew Fauna's weird dream from yesterday's stream.
do you guys think the retention rate would be higher if mori invited ID girls?
viewer retention rate? no
the virgin gura
>forced to show up in enRECO or will violate her contract
>dragged into multiple collabs for "old times sake" with ame graduation

the CHAD bae
>skips enRECO
>enters an ame collab for 5 minutes, and then leaves due to "tech issues" not even trying to fix them
>skips 7DTD
>only hangs out with JP in GTA to make EOPs seethe
For sure. They have more commitment to some of the other EN girls than half of the EN girls do. I'm sure Reine, Ollie, Kaela, and Moona or Risu would have joined in for some of the days. Reminds me of that branch sponsorship of Among Us where each branch had a stream of it the day before the collab ended. ID and JP were fine, but the only people to show up for EN was Kiara, Mumei, Kronii, and Fauna, so Kiara asked the ID girls (who had just finished their games an hour or two earlier) if anyone would be willing to show up to help out.
The 7DTD collab has zero Japanese people. Yakuza games feature Japanese people.
The last one at least had some interaction innit and they could breath a bit. Sure, they'll never be anywhere near caught up, but it's crazy to show up what will be 10 minutes before the raid, kill a few zombie, then leave.

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