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how do we fix Kronii and Fauna relationship before they destroy Promise unity?
>Fauna still hasn't done the first step of the tutorial yet
Get better bait anon
in game friends
by marrying each other
A few autists need to send Kronii superchats asking her why she doesn’t talk to Fauna on stream anymore. She will lie about it, of course, but it will guilt her into doing something about it. Fauna will ignore any dramabait so don’t bother with her.
Lock them together in a room
Preferably with some level of alcohol in their blood so things come out easier
At any moment Kronii will have a menhera breakdown because fauna didn't reciprocate the feelings for her
Skip forward to the morning following the hottest lesbian sex of the decade
They're in good terms again
This. Oh, and please make them stream the SEX
Step one: understand that any on-stream "animosity" Holo talents show towards each other is entirely kayfabe, and just sit back and enjoy the show
Step two: make and/or jerk off to porn of the talents
like this?
I am stunned and aroused
Hot and wholesome.
But I wonder if IRyS was ever curious enough to listen to the whole thing...
You retards DO realize that's not showing their Sream friends, riiiiight?
to any minutemen or saplings in this thread PLEASE make more kronii fauna sex audios by stitching sound bites from their streams
Where does Sally's marriage fit into the timeline btw? It might explain something.
oh fuck it's been a while since I last listened to this
Oh they do
That's the point
More? Source for existing ones please
How many times are you going to make this thread?
when can I find more of this?
any and every other talent can interact with both fine so there is nothing serious. why would anyone care? they probably think it's not worth to try fix something doesn't affect other.
until kronii or fauna addresses this
Or she'll make a comment that'll stir drama for another month
Fauna gold today ennacuck, nice wasted money on bots roru
It's already broken. Promise is the most disunity gen
That's myth though
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Why did Fauna unfriend Kronii?
Prepare your ass for next level schizo:

I've got tarot deck and not a big expert on reading it, but I have chatgpt. I used only major arcans and removed all names and asked questions in neutral (non-romantic) way to chatgpt, while providing cards from deck. It seems like Kronii had feelings (strength down, LOVERS up), while for Fauna it was more complicated (hanged up, tower up). Both questions was how X felt towards Y. To question specifying whether it was romantic or not, I got Fool down, HIEROPHANT DOWN and star down. So, yeah sesbian lex is real.
Also, for current status:
Kronii's feelings: hermit down, judgement up. Fauna's: priestess up, empress down.
End of schizo report.

So, answer to your question -- somehow make them communicate openly with each other
who cares
unity? they are as united as myth, collab once or twice a year when they are forced by management
please leave back to r/hololive to bitch about pic rel
Source next thread.
How is that related to Hololive?
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...do we really need a 4th thread about this?
It is by making these threads that you will finally destroy Hololive? Whats the point?
I believe it
I think it's just anxious saplings trying to process it all.
Seems to be mad shoncucks, saplings don't leave their split

Real question op, how do we fix shondos hymen so her schizo cucks stop shitting up the log?
Do your reps before talking about hymens.
I have, that's why I talked about hers needing repairing

Don't cry lil shoncuck RUMAO
I wasn't talking about Shondo, retard.
I guess I should have been clear. I'm an anxious sapling, and I read through these threads as a way to process the situation. I don't think it helps, though. It just shows me how many posters here are assholes. I'll go back home to our split now.
Why not? Don't like your whore getting outed? Is the poor widdle cuck scared?

Squirm. Pick a better oshi next time KEKAROO
So, to sum it up. Kronii tried to make advance towards Fauna in summer 2023, Fauna was not ready whether because Kronii was not her type or because she did not want to date a colleague. Things got awkward and Fauna decided to distance herself, because being friends with somebody who has crush on you is difficult. Kronii having trust issues and large ego felt betrayed and also distanced herself from Fauna. Also, Mumei, being close friends with both, took Fauna's side. Krofaumei friendship is in a state of deep freeze
uh oh shoncuck melty
Through his schizophrenia
Note how he ran away and resumed samefagging after he got pushed on her hymen repair

Poor cucks SEETHING that we know he oshis a gaped slut
You can't. It's over.
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Krofau are so over. Now schizos are resorting to tarot cards

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