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YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@KosekiBijou
Twitter: https://twitter.com/kosekibijou
1st orisong - Prism no Mahou: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M3pjFfKBonI

Next stream:
Previous stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1c43NCaAdXM
Debut stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rpAQib0T5v0
3D Debut stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yw0zL5YshRk

>Shorts/music/unarchived streams


>Intro/starter newpebble guide

Do not engage with diggers (trolls, doxxers, holo vs holo baiters). Hide, report and rock on.

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Schejewel TBD.
Next streams:
MON - 7 Days To Die w/ HoloEN at 8 PM EST | 5 PM PST | 9 AM JST
TUE - 7 Days To Die w/ HoloEN at 7 PM EST | 4 PM PST | 8 AM JST
WED - ???
THU - Mario Party w/ Kiara, Shiori, Gigi, Nerissa at 3 PM EST | 12 AM PST | 4 AM JST
THU - Advent Collab - Phasmophobia at 9 PM EST | 6 PM PST | 10 AM JST
FRI - Gigi's Bday Dinner Party at 9 PM EST | 6 PM PST | 10 AM JST
SAT - ???
SUN - ???
7 Days To Die schedule is not set in stone yet (maybe she won't stream all days, maybe she will).
Possible streams:
Grindstone Collab - PANICORE
Space Marine 2
Silent Hill 2
Call of Duty: Black Ops 2
Black Myth Wukong
Fallout: New Vegas (Maybe? Perms situation was solved but SESAC situation might hold it hostage for a bit more)
I love Biboo! MORE!
I love Biboo infinitely more!
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I think Biboo is pretty okay!
WED is space marine
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That's my sci-fi wife!
spreading the biboocheeks
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fucking finally
Heeyyyy! Congrats! Jeez why did it take so long?
Oobib the Evil...
That's my wife
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What a notification
These two are going to get a lot of traction
Yeah I just had this pop up as well. I was very confused for a moment
It would be so funny if Biboo replied to all 100 fanarts
What the fuck she's finding these so fast. Am I just blind?
what am I suppose to be seeing here?
The hololive symbol hidden in the image
Seriously she's doing these so fast, I feel actually blind.
i wish she released an official phone wallpaper
Jesus she's like a machine with these
I can't keep up, she's too good
This is like a peak into how she winds down at night, isn't it
better this than tiktok at least
How is it wasn't different, honestly
I had a stroke writing this entire thing apparently
she did the first 50 so quick. I wanna see her do this shit on stream
I wonder what she's doing now...
Schejewel update.
Next streams:
MON - 7 Days To Die w/ HoloEN at 8 PM EST | 5 PM PST | 9 AM JST
TUE - 7 Days To Die w/ HoloEN at 7 PM EST | 4 PM PST | 8 AM JST
WED - Space Marine 2 at 7 PM EST | 4 PM PST | 8 AM JST
THU - Mario Party w/ Kiara, Shiori, Gigi, Nerissa at 3 PM EST | 12 AM PST | 4 AM JST
THU - Advent Collab - Phasmophobia at 9 PM EST | 6 PM PST | 10 AM JST
FRI - Gigi's Bday Dinner Party at 9 PM EST | 6 PM PST | 10 AM JST
SAT - Something/Spooky game (Silent Hill 2/Dead Space) at 8 PM EST | 5 PM PST | 9 AM JST
SUN - Something/Spooky game (Silent Hill 2/Dead Space) at 8 PM EST | 5 PM PST | 9 AM JST
7 Days To Die schedule is not set in stone yet (maybe she won't stream all days, maybe she will).
Possible streams:
Silent Hill 2
Call of Duty: Black Ops 2
Black Myth Wukong
Fallout: New Vegas (Maybe? Perms situation was solved but SESAC situation might hold it hostage for a bit more)
Some ongoing things might be put on pause so she can focus on spooky games during October!
Grindstone Collab - PANICORE - on the 21st.
Biboo was very sexy today
That is a packed fucking schedule
New frame
>part 1
What did she meant by that?
I heard that "Biboo" girl is pretty cute. True or rrat?
Beeping brat...
Needs correction...
Next time on Dragon Ball Z
Pebbles, what pokemon would Biboo be? This should be very easy
sex with rocks
Good morning, I love biboo.
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My Biboo looks weird
Beeping gross. Biboo has more sexiness in one hair flap than this little strumpet has in her whole trying-too-hard body.
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My Biboo is completely normal desu
>"wow pebbles this week was kinda busy, next week I'll take it easier!"
>she didn't take it easy next week
>nor the following week
The Biboo Experience.

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