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Love for OKFAMS! You're welcome to discuss each individual member here.

Okayu: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvaTdHTWBGv3MKj3KVqJVCw mogu
Korone: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChAnqc_AY5_I3Px5dig3X1Q doog
Fubuki: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdn5BQ06XqgXoAxIhbqw5Rg fbk
Ayame: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7fk0CB07ly8oSl0aqKkqFg oni
Mio: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCp-5t9SrOQwXMU7iIjQfARg mion
Subaru: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvzGlP9oQwU--Y0r9id_jnA duck

https://twitter.com/nekomataokayu https://twitter.com/MO_OKAYU_GU
https://twitter.com/inugamikorone https://twitter.com/k5r6n3
https://twitter.com/nakiriayame https://twitter.com/YODAYOsub
https://twitter.com/ookamimio https://twitter.com/ookamimio_sab


>Last Thread
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I get distracted for like 10 minutes
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Finally. Sex stream.
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doog stream today
Time to see how scrub proof this game actually is
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I don’t think I can stay awake for 40 hours…
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Subaru is tired of the cat's sexy voice.
Subaru should help out Okayu and suck out all of her snot
Subaru is too violent...
Subaru playing Noita when?
This game is too tactical for Subaru's duck brain
Okayu there's no helping her...
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Korone = CUTE
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Okayu is the leader of the Shirengers. If she can't help her, no one can.
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I love Mio!
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>Welcome to the Real Game
I love it when games do this
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Mio hentai!!
Friend, no!
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Time for SubaOka to show everybody how Core Keeper is done.
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Holy shit finally !
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Me on the left
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Only took 2 1/2 years for the update they were waiting for to finally come out…
froms love
work hate
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She’s so cute bros…
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Imagine if they did this…
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Ui-mama is an honorary American
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Girly girl
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Subaru's lore should be rewritten to make her a zookeeper instead
She already is. She’s the esports manager for the Gamers
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chocomint love
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Cool dog will clear mario in one go
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Fubuki is opening Hololive Card Game boxes
Tomorrow! 常MOS!
Subau Erai!
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One of these ducks is not like the other
It's finally time for Subaru to be the sensei
Mio's ChiChi...
Suba's ChiChi...
She still sounds like a brat more than a teacher...
Gamers' chichi gone wild
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She's too comfy with her favorite game to teach...
Even when there's a collab we get no Mio stream...
it's miover
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Fubuki is bebi
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Fubuki is no longer just imouto, she's akachan
Oh, I see why they called it Mushroom Reiner...
Subaru had to kill her oshi...
Oka-oji's influence is getting too strong
Subaru just experienced what I've been dreaming for for years...
i missed it, what happened?
Can't fool me into watching Subaru!
She got ambushed by Reiner and his goons and beaten to a pulp...
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Your resistance is futile.
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Elaborate please
Also what do you think about Korone?
Subaru learns what a toilet looks like
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Okayu's grooming has caused reverse aging when she's around Fubuki
I must confess... I have a crush on the cat
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okay, but she's married to me
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I think that Korone is cute
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Miosha is the fucking strong
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There's a reason she's called BIG GOD Mio
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FLOMS should go to sleep
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She is so cool...
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Over 2 years of SubaOka teasing their fans with this game and it was worth it.
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Good night, friends!
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what is this face trying to convey
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