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Previous: >>87365355


>Original songs
WAO! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mt5SB2igQUM
Otome yo motomeyo QED: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kvmDTbmal64
Egoistic seesaw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PIK13uH30gg
Shijyo Saidai no QUESTION! https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=4MHgF1_jya4
Unbalance https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FLCs_rT8iKI
!!!DreamCooking!!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YpAa5ZytTQc
Tear Gazer! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_QIQk3StRmc
New Journey https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q30q9XR6DRA

Solos: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLCxKJRIVDrYHVk6OfBsuGwIujL63ooOQV
Collabs: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLCxKJRIVDrYFg33j7wh8HIDXD2TLQu_1C


>Earblessings, Sneezes, Treats and everything that bloated the OP

>Generals containing Koyo

>Mayo Rules
Always end with Koyo.
Always end /holox/ with Koyo.
Joshus may process all data without restriction (/mayo/ ended with Koyo)
Fresh chus and fresh mayo for all good Joshus but Joshu has to wear heavy shakles (/holox/ ended with La+ posting)
Don't break the rules! Don't delete the rules! Accept your punishment! Be good Joshus! Watch Koyo! Spread Koyoyo!
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Ah the smell of a fresh bread!
I want to see her get:

- All Al Bhed Primer's collected (I think there's 2 that are perma missable if you're not careful).
- All Celestial Weapon's collected and upgraded to the max. One of the items for a certain CW requires to be collected on the FIRST VISIT otherwise a Dark Aeon will deny you access to it (unless you cheese it which I'll explain in a second).
- ALL Aeon's collected. One Aeon in particular requires you to collect 'Destruction Sphere's' on the first visit because if you don't get them and return for them for a second visit, a Dark Aeon will deny you access to it.
- All character stats maxed to 255. I think one of them 'doesn't' need to be 255 because if you have your luck really, really high, you hit everything (high luck is required for Dark Aeon's if you don't want to cheese them).
- Every monster for the Arena (Calm Lands that I tihnk is NE) captured and ALL bosses defeated. The final thing you fight in the Arena is 'Nemesis' which is basically a Gold Omega Weapon but has 10 million HP to deplete. This can be cheesed.
- ALL Dark Aeon's defeated. They can vary between 8 hundred thousand HP to 8 MILLION HP. They are also VERY HARD to beat and 2 Dark Aeon's in particular's OD can remove Auto-Life from your party (which requires a sacrifice of an aeon to survive it).
- Defeating Penance (who's unlocked after being all Dark Aeon's). He has 12 MILLION HP but can be cheesed.
- Collecting ALL Jehtch (apologises for spelled incorrectly).
- Defeating Ultima/Omega Weapon. The former has 99,999 HP and the latter has 1 HP off 1 million.

Now as for the cheese strat I mentioned earlier, if she collects the Aeon 'Yojimbo' and has a good relationship with him, he'll do a move called 'Zanmato' that kills ANYTHING it comes into contact with. Yes, that means ANY boss she comes across (except underwater and the actual FB for obvious reasons) and even bosses that have over 1 million HP.

And yes I would like to see a lot of Blitzball as well.
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Koyoyo should have been Yandere on the voice pack.
Yeah I want to watch her play Battle Network too
test joshu
What would shopping for food be like with Koyori?
Better watch your cart this coyote be sneaking in mayo
She's yandere enough already.
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I don't use a cart when I'm shopping, I use a basket.
But yes I would keep my eyes open for any 'coyote shennanigans' that are about to happen when I shop. Although I think the mayo here is different from what she's use to so I can't see her filling my basket with an endless amount of mayo.
Can't go into the express lane because of all the mayo.
Maybe self-checkout? Not sure if those exist in Japan.
of course they do! people are becoming obsolete everywhere!
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Time for Koyotes to rise!
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recharge time keep the lab safe
well okay
I'll miss FF9, the thumbnails were really cute.
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What's inside this roll?
A polka flavoured Coyote.
How does it taste?
Why Koyote?
Funny and coffee flavoured (the kind YOU like).
Why what?
What about it?
not why koyote, wao koyote!
I think he means why its spelled 'Koyote' and not 'Coyote'.
Because Koyori
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wao! how do you know?
I didn't, I just went with coffee because Polka is sandy coloured and I couldn't think of anything sandy coloured that'd taste good so I went with that.
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Recharge time! Watch the lab!
sand colored mayo!
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koyomy my beloved
koyola should collab more
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Post hug
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im in this pic!
koyo should play signalis
koyo should play with my balls
Balls pit Joshu?
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wont stop joshu!
silent hill!
Yeah more SH2 in a couple hours.
Look again
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That's a lot of pink hags
it's hags time
delicious koyote sandwish!
koyo sounds so happy with her cute koyote friends
ogayu mention!
koyo laughing so hard
yeah we have 3 koyos on screen
all mine!
tsuchi oishii nee
Is that Shiina or however you spell her name on the right?
Just joined, is this hag prime offcollab?
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She's cute. Probably the second cutest (I'd say first cutest but I'm on mayo) next to Koyori.
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yeah! shes okayus sister!
good patoshikoyo!
>shes okayus sister!
Wait, really? I don't see the resembelence.
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recharge time keep the lab safe!
Ah, they've got the same artist. I just compared the two and I'm kinda having difficulty trying to see the resembalance ya know?
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Koyo love!
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JoshuKoyo collab when?
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Joshus are still in the collab...
Koyo should have a Christmas karaoke before Halloween
She's not part of Dokilabi to do that
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Life's challenges are like ingredients waiting to be transformed—add a little mayo, and watch how persistence and patience create something wonderfully smooth and resilient.
Something with mayo?
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hes back!
Where was he?
he went so fast and got so far...
But how far?
in the end it doesn't even matter...
Uncharted terrain Joshu?
joshu the explorer!
Is this a mouse?
its a chattinoshu!
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I want to say 'faster dammit!' but I think the Joshu is going fast enough as it is.
Just remember to take it nice and easy once you stop spinning alright?
Joshutini > Chattini and no I won't change my meds.
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Recharge time! Watch the lab!
But what kind of creature is it?
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Italians aren't animals.
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Funny looking joshu
Fennec Joshu?
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What a peculiar looking Joshu?
Looks like kirby
What's his special ability?
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post joshus card!
No such thing.
Is there a Koyori card at least?
How soon?
Too soon.
Maybe there'll be a Joshu card too?
Not soon enough
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w..wait what...?
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Joshus are not made to be sad (picrel that's Koyo and me)
where did you get this picture of me and my childhood friend koyo?
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sir thats a koyote
Even better
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AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH Why would Koyori bite me!

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