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follow yoroshiku

Previous: >>87429091
non-lewd threads die quicker than lewd threads
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waaaay too big
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I'm tired of tasoless days...
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As long as it's not a recording hell with no outcome, I'm good
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It must be something for the hololive main channel
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it's yonkisei anniversary live, others also had recordings in past few days, no, I will not take meds
It's not unlikely. Not something I'm looking forward to either. It would be great if they came on their own to make a yonkisei event, but when they're pretty much forced to do it together or else completely forfeit the chance to have a dedicated live event, it's just hard to get that excited.
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Hypothetically, if yonki decided to do a once a year collab like exodia did, would that make things better?
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Dunno about better but it would certainly be fun and hype. That final mario kart stream years ago was pretty awkward but today Kanata feels very different, and she feels closer to Luna so I think it might be a cool thing.

The thing is that nobody wants to be the person to think up the collab and invite everyone else, to be the "leader". Though Towa makes big collabs all the time I feel like in this case she might not want to put herself at the front.
taso should do taso things
taso should do things, preferably while streaming
taso should do me
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We all know what taso should do.
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Taso should accept my marriage proposal
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You know she will never do the bath stream, right?
it's 50/50
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mengen at 22jst
more whoopy
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tenshi ni rabu song wo 2
Did she say anything on how fast we'll have to speedrun metaphor before the next stream?
she really liked the 1st movie
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needs to be fatter
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Malenia won't go anywhere, so don't worry.
taso should have a weekly drama watchalong
Thank goodness the guruguru stopped.
wheezetaso my beloved
Ketsudrum is a staple in music ass.
I imagine a lot of this stuff just flies over her head.
Michael Jackson stream when?
I can't believe Sunrise copied this movie to make Love Live!
kimuwaipu has been a good investment for taso
cute herataso
I didn't know they were making a third one.
oh there's a 3rd one coming out?
I want to be pampered by Kanatamama.
It's time to confront Sayuri.
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the power of an ace
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haven't seen much for fap material here lately :(

I don't watch her streams, or care much about what's she's doing (or not doing) but god damn she has such a perfect lewd body.

She's the only chuubya that can make me so hard it hurts.
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there's not a lot to begin with
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