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Gorilla attack!
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Sneaky knife. She's close to the end on this, wasn't she?
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Oh yeah. Probably not too long. Unless she gets lost again.
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No, don't attack Goriella!
Comfy times ahead.
Technically horror steam yay
I'll take what I can get since she said she would be busy this month too
More loading screen that game today
This main screen is cooler than I remember
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Long hair!
Chances of low Anya this week, extremely high!
Main girl is fatter than I remember.
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So he likes them chunky and skinny.
HUGE deadbeat
A man of culture!
Anya says geisha so nicely.
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Anya's so dorky.
Anya performs best under pressure. At least she's most entertaining
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She needs punishment.
>that should have been harder
She says that now
I wouldn't complain if she got stuck in this part for a bit.
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Oh no, bad endings.
Anya almost yubi'd all over the place
The soundtrack has been bopping the entire time.
Anya in the bath...
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This is surprisingly comfy.
She's having Anima-like bleeding effects
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Hell is cozy
>Anya's been killing all those Hinas
Sana who?
It's always funny to run into Holo music in these games
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What a twist.
Welp, god died.
Why would the god come here if it just got corrupted?
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So she's dead dead and can't go home? She should have just taken the offer
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Gotta love the random bugs.
Being hit by a car is no excuse for missing school.
Anya turned into a Sim
Anya noises are adorable
Why is she so good at that?
Man Sims was great. That was years ago now.
The red wedding...
It makes sense that it would be in hell.
>the man possesses their bride if he knows her name
Legends are weird.
Anya's Indo accent
Anything to excuse woman behavior
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He is so relatable.
Anya should wear her mask for this
The game loves to tease her lol.
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Hide and seek, it's so over
The checkpoint is really bad.
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She just misses some saves
Her heavy accent is so cute!
She finds all the bugs, at least
I didn't know they were playing too.
It just goes to show you, reading is cursed.
They should let you skip conversations at least.
Almost 4 years, that crazy.
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Don't read warns about the dangers of reading.
Anya, that was the one clue you had...
She forgot not to block the screen. Good.
Sassy Indonesian child
Game mechanics.
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Maybe she shouldn't have trusted a giant demon hand.
So it's not Hina's wedding?
It is!
Japanese legends are so specific.
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Power of friendship beats all!
That's such a a cute dress though
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Two timing SLUT.
Real or fake!
Anya now's not the time
He always gave manwhore vibes
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Nooo the fox mask broke
So it is a giant fox spirit? Kurama?
>inner world
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RIP Hina, off to heaven
The brainrot is real.
Anya's incest theories are wild.
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Trucks were the true villains all along.
Next time will be really ahort
Membership soon! Gaming again in the den
just like my anyer
Not Golf It, not Amogus, what then?
Maybe a solo game. It's been a while.
Too bad she's so busy. I really like October for streams. Fall is comfy.
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Collabs in the weekend too. Calli, Luna, Haachama on Saturday, then Zenya on Sunday.
Missing Ame... Me too, Anya.
Aquarium date sounds really fun.
Gorilla Anya!
Oh yeah, she was DK on Mario Party.
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Double Mori collab.
My poor Anya can't afford a VR headset
Raid Moona!
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Short and sweet!
It's a fun game, but there's maybe an hour left. I'm looking forward to her finishing it.
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No schedule this week, maybe there will be a den visit before the weekend but it's looking sparse.
Oh, alright...
Maybe she'll bring that up next time she talks to Kronester
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Lost of comments that they missed the gorilla stream
This brat...
To be fair she did give a bit of a warning lol. There was that one Overcooked collab that was announced 5 minutes before it started once.
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JP stream also soon
My pure Japanese dagger!
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I thought for sure she'd finish it it one stream, but 3 is fine too
Anya should become a gyaru.
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She's already half blonde.
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She turned herself into a kani? I forgot what Zeta was but she turned I saw her ribbon somewhere.
The ID crabs. Zeta was like early on I think. Not a catfish or anything
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The Anya!
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I want to see more of that blonde look in another outfit
Just one more year until her next one!
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Keep on truckin
But don't isekai any cute fat girls.
They made their choice.
I can't imagine what other themes she can do.
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Something classy, that's the kind of thing she likes
Gorilla week means no sleeping. I suppose it's safe until tomorrow
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What if she gets like a suit, for like a casino? But I'm hoping for something finally animal themed.
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She might get something from a game she likes. Steampunk and kimono already fit so many things
Anya's ears already make her look like a little monkey.
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Anya rabu
This guy literally cannot stop drawing Anya taller than every other ID girl.
I'm not a fan of all the bondage stuff either tho
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I could kiss them.
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They have the cutest dates
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So how about that Anya
She sure is sharp.
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And edgy.
She sure is SHORT.
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Yeah you eat that wiener
I bet her IQ is up in the double digits.
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And spoopy.
idk if this was posted, but NEW LEW STUFFS DROPPED, knowing the guy this might become into an animation, thoughts?
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I saw it on Global, boo for being off-model.
What's the point? It's not Anya
It's a pass from me, dawg. Looking at it just seems like a waste
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Anya should be daughter and wife.
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Oh they're sitting! That explains why Marine was so tall.
I wish she would get this hairstyle
And she even comes with bananas!
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Glasses nya
The glasses are so cute but it makes me want to bully her.
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cute feet
Anya cute!
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Anya plap
So much that she can't stream the day after.
No Anya today?
Now I'm going to starve...
I might actually die for real. Leave me for the birds
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She's tuckered out in my bed.
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That's good.
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Den visit should be tomorrow or the day after. If there's no Anya until the weekend I will literally explode.
It is too late for me I am already gone
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Cute idol knife!
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Camera man has a seizure and dies.
From Anya's pure star power.
I'd be in shock too
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That's too much iron in your diet.
sorry, was too busy jerking off to Anya's performance when the director called me to operate the camera please understand
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I'm oddly nostalgic for FNAF
She should play one of the sequels

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