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Happy Birthday Pamu!!

Thread for avant-garde/alternative/horror/weird indie Vtubers!

>VTuber list

>Question of the thread
What does your oshi want for their birthday?

Previous Thread:
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The most loving beating and rape possible! A beating filled with so much love it never ends, no matter how much she may want it to!
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I dunno desu
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https://www.twitch.tv/misspeggyx Peggy's continuing her Silent Hill-athon and she's showing off her new Live2D!
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Now I go sleep
Gunai frens
Chu~! <3
Chu! Goodnight!
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https://x.com/DENKOYUNYUN/status/1846174304394006989 Denko has a reference sheet now!
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to do this
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Happy Birthday Pamu! You're the best thing that's happened to our little thread! I'm extremely grateful for the time we've gotten to spend abusing you! Here's to many more years and beatings for this lovely angel~
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https://www.twitch.tv/cvnka the eldritch is live
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Para live!
happy bday pamu!, our top quality meaty angel, you are really valuable for us, keep it up!
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thank you very much for the birthday wishes!!! i wouldn't even exist if it weren't for /freak/y things and everyone's support so i'm very appreciative.... here is today's stream schedule while i bake this cake super last minute...... pamu is always last minute
the donothon goals(which i still feel kind of weird about setting them so high but please don't feel obligated at all!!!! it's only super high because that's pamu's debt currently) are on twitter and range from silly stuff like cursors to voice packs and even a full doujin
i really hope to see some familiar faces and /freak/ enjoyers while i stream for 9 hours and maybe die

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