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Bunny Ghost Cake Edition

>Her YouTube channel
>Her Membership
>Her Twitter

>Twitter Spaces, Event Streams, etc.
>Unarchived Karaokes (If files expired, request in thread)

Official Mint Happi (Preorders end October 18th) - https://yeahlights.com/products/official-mint-fantome-happi-coat
Virtual Vacation - https://shop.oshispark.com/


>Our Divegrass team

Previous thread: >>87457519
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A quick bake because some idiot pushed the bread beyond bump limit without even having an intention to bake a new one
Life in the big city as we say
you did well, young baker.
same with /uuu/ and /freak/ today. also /lazu/, /corpo/, and /ciao/ two days ago. it's probably board-wide every day
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Chewsday innit?
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Faster so she's bouncing up and down
Anal sexo
Proof next thread?
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V1 Minto-chan, my beloved!
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Is Minto going to stream today?
Theory: Whoever makes these really likes Mint's butt.
Who in the world would like Mint's butt? It's so lame and I hate when people post it
Dullahan sex...
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True, I prefer Nerd's butt
Mint wants to get into the fansly game and she's doing the initial seeding here.
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oh god
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Wonder if she'll wear gloves
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this hag energy mario party is going to be either comfy fun or full of spite, I'll take either
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Hand Cam on Sunday right as a start work. Suffering.
>idolEN debut watchalong
unexpected but money is money
That one sucks too, never post it
Guess they're paying her to watch them.
Honestly don't give a shit about idol and the fact they're taking away from my weekend time with Mint makes me actively dislike their branch but hopefully she'll chat a bit after they're done.
Honestly I think they might be worse ran than NijiEn.
>Company advertised during Niji drama about how open they were about cuts
>Top streamer doesn't interact ever with other members while she's in idol
>Other popular member gets groomed by a discord that hates vtubers, graduates and shits on vtubing as a whole
>Member with arguably the most hype behind her debut ends up holding "fuck a fan " contests while sleeping with her manager
>Entire company gets sold off to the highest bidder a few months later and 90% of the talents leave
Like good luck to the girlies who joined cuz I have 0 clue what the company could even offer at this point. The fact they're debuting new people and sponsoring mint to watch the debut is surprising to say the least
Wisps, that one Wisp who proposed a very bare bones Audio Export for Divegrass is actually right. Hear me out, VTLA will merely be a soundcheck when it comes to the Audio. We may discuss this properly when we decide on new players since this may obviously heavily influence our perception.
I thought they were dead? Anyway, Poko raided her lately and she collabed with Rin, so I guess it's not that far off.
Oh cool, I was gonna watch the new Idol girls anyway because I hope the Aussie ghost pirate girl is cute
I guess the company that bought them are trying to salvage the IP since otherwise they just wasted a few hundred thousand buying them out.
I doubt they're willing to do what's actually required which is to immediately give them 3Ds and concerts to get the new gen to stay and show that they have some value for viewers.
The way I see it they're pretty much guaranteed to shut down idol due to low profits within the next 6 months so there's really no point in trying to get into them.
I like Aussie accents a lot on girls
Yeah I don't really predict that the company is going to stay around much longer. I bet that it will eventually be folded into whatever company bought it but God damn. What a shit show.
I feel bad for the viewers, I know that the thread on this board is actually fairly nice, but what do you do
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They are doing that though, was announced in the same announcement about talents leaving. I am a little bit bullish because Brave did buy them out, but I think their talent acquisition is trash right now. I only like 1 of Voltail, V4Mirai 4th gen, and Wildfyre here.
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>VTLA will merely be a soundcheck when it comes to the Audio. We may discuss this properly when we decide on new players
I agree
Is the jewcorp no longer a jewcorp? I must have missed that.
Yeah the head Jew left and sold it to Brave who also owns V4Mirai for example.
Yes, they got brought out by Brave Corporation, the same group that owns VSPO, V4Mirai, and globie.
That dragon girl they have has a nice design and voice and seems fun, but I never looked into Idol any further. I just know Rin has probably more subscribers than the rest of all the talents combined, and I wonder how that happened.
Honestly I was just seriously put off by the corpo for being Israeli owned even if that actually had nothing to do with the talents, but that's a moot point now with the owner change
gently tongue teasing mint's pink and clean butthole
I only care about idolES
Rin spammed shorts and got blessed by the algorithm while it was the hot thing but it doesn't really translate into viewers of her streams. The dragon girl is Kai and she's a good girl but that gen of girls with Endless IMO really is carried by Poko and Roca who were very consistent even when things were bad there with either withheld or delayed payments. Rin went and got legal counsel and was close to probably suing Aviel, the owner, in the background if the acquisition didn't go through. Still, it is kind of a big loss that they lost their entire first generation.
Honestly I don't like it when agencies only hire one gender since it heavily promotes gfe or bfe shit and it's very obvious that the staff push their streamers to do that shit and the only gfe I need is Minto.
Also it makes part of their fanbase absolutely fucking insufferable. Oh no streamer talked to a member of the opposite sex on twitter time to call them a whore! The fewer people like that in a fanbase the better.
Ehhhh Rin still gets decent viewership she's a high 3 view low 4view
>kind of
From the pov of an investor or buyer it's a massive loss since it not only destroyed their brand value but also took 80% of their revenue.
I politely disagree.
Oh wow, I was expecting today was going to be a day off since it's Matara's anniversary but I won't say no to more streams.

Nice schedule! I'd rather have more Astro Bot than a company debut watchalong but money is money.
Is there a reason as to why Brave doesn't just smash everything into a single corp?
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I feel like I've seen some Wisp ask Minto to watchalong Idolen debuts here in this thread. Very sussy.
Me at bottom right
>Shabel Tonya
Isn't she going to become Mint's sister after Mint's 3.0?
We're veering very off topic so this is the last I'll answer. Go ask in the general thread if you are interested further in asking.
Yeah that is like a bit under 1/100th conversion rate with her subs to viewership. Not to say it's terrible but it is what it is. I don't personally get Vtubers like her but I do get there is appeal to audiences that aren't me.
Sure but IMO they salvaged what they could of the corporation and probably got it for dirt cheap from Aviel and for what they still have with idol like the remaining talents and etc., I think them letting talents go if they wish and letting them have their model with a revenue share plan and starting from scratch with new management and direction is better with a preexisting audience which will filter itself slowly rather than letting the small corpo implode and let that viewership scramble since idol was top 5 in the EN Vtubing sphere.
No idea, for EN alone they have V4M, globie, VSPO EN and idol
Brave has always been like that and its the reason their big drama didn't affect them that hard
To be fair their huge yab was in the early days of vtubing and nobody who got into the hobby via hololive knows the fuck about game-bu
I saw ads for her on YouTube before her debut. Her indie debut (?), that is. She was already "Shabel Tonya" before she joined Idol Corp. Her design is great and she seemed nice, but I ended up never watching her.
What's unfortunate is that Brave seems to have another creative vision for Idol than Aviel. Aviel seemed like an alright guy.
Same reason Taco Bell, KFC, and Pizza Hut are all separate things even though they're owned by a single entity (Despite the short-lived Kentaco Hut locations).
Better to have 4 separate things that each focus on a different appeal and hope one of them blows up and pays for everything instead of making an unfocused mess of a megacorp that no one can agree on a direction for.
>She was already "Shabel Tonya" before she joined Idol Corp.
She was an invader who joined idol along with Lisa from Tsunderia
Artificial competition.
They're separate groups so that at a glance a new viewer who might watch a bit of Idol and think they're shit might still give V4M a go.
It's like the old urban legend that Pepsi was owned by the coca cola company. It just makes sense. Own multiple distinct agencies then you can say they're collabing for something when really they're the same group anyway.
Or you can say they're competing for something.
Plus there's less risk to your reputation because if V4M goes to shit then hey Globie is still fine it's one of the good ones.
It can also allow you to separate them for investor earnings reports.
I mean, those same fans don't even know about the holocaust
It's just like how the biggest 2d idol franchises (idolmaster and love live) are from bamco, and I think they have other 2
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I just noticed that the new thread seriously lacks Lilac.
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>The way she mispronounces everything because she was about to cry
How can anyone not fall in love with her?
Minto is obviously a Ghost type trainer. I'm fairly confident that she doesn't even know that there's a Fire/Ghost version of Typhlosion. If she did know this, do you think she would prefer it over regular childhood Typhlosion?
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Imagine crying over some anime girl

Couldn't be me, huh
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You must have not been there. 2021.
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True, only LOSER Pomudachi cry because of aniem girls
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Minor spelling mistake, you lose
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heh. you thnik so?
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Anyone who cries is a Pomudachi. Anyone who holds is a well-disciplined Pomudachi.
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Waiting room up!
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Matara's doing a "year in review" thing as part of her 1yr anniversary, includes some snippits of stuff she's done with Mint
>Another break from streaming next month
I'm happy for her and glad she's going but I want my weekend healing Minto
Speaking of Matara, I've come to really appreciate how Mint actively goes out of her way to keep from giving us things to worry about.
I'm still really worried about Bootaro though...
She's got to be ready for it to happen any time, right?
Speaking of Matara I really appreciate that Mint isn't on Twitch because all she's been doing for over 10 minutes now is saying oh my god thank you for the hype train like holy shit I get thanking gift subs and shit but please don't focus on it for that long it's shit content
Being ready doesn't make it less sad
I don't really understand what a hype train is because the only twitch streamers I've watched don't even read out subs or gifts or anything
Regardless, surely it entirely depends on the streamer how much they want to engage with it, or even if they do these things in the first place, twitch or not.
That's what basically every big vtuber does on Twitch. Since there's no concept of vod watching on Twitch, all they do is just farm money instead of producing actual content.
is the area between your ears for rent?
seethe vwhorejo faggot
Minte la Grande Popo
Fortunately it's in the US, so it'll just be a weekend trip.
Tbf she was like that before twitch.
He's calling you an idiot anon.
The area between your ears is your head where your brain would be but he's asking if it's up for rent because he thinks it's vacant.
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Weekends are for sleeping
Who tf are you replying to?
Wisp your reply reps you absolute dummy
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I was actually asking if this is by Chilla Arts, I just somehow missed the h.
The thumbnail looks very much like
>The Bathhouse / 新幹線0 / that elevator game / Part time worker but! gardening
Not trying to insult anyone, I like my fellow Wisps.
She was? I never watched her as Nina. A mix of her voice, the honey spam every few seconds, her meh hames selection and subsuquent attaching herself to the guys made it sure I would have never touched any of her content when she was Nina. All I saw from her was when she was collabing with Pomu/Mint and I think the less Mint collabs with her the better. Especially annoying is how she brings up all the garbage fleshtubers whenever she collabs with Mint.
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That one post lashing out against Dragoons confirmed to me that no posts against Mint's friends are to be taken seriously. It's nice of those people to be so obvious that even a diagnosed autistic retard like me notices what's going on.
>the less Mint collabs with her the better
I disagree but only because I'll always be grateful to her and Ruirui for helping to bring Mint back.
Weekdays are for suffering at the office then watching Minto after you get back home to relax
Weekends are for energizing yourself with a morning Minto stream then having fun for the rest of the day
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Minters streams an hour after midnight...
Which is odd because that time between midnight and 01.00 is commonly known as GHOST hour she's an hour late!
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Just move to England, bruv
>Since there's no concept of vod watching on Twitch
This is one of the most retarded points I've read today, congrats.
holy hell my only reason to ever go to the UK would be an invasion.
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German Wisp...
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A friend of Mint's does a thing and the usual suspects shit up the thread. Don't think too much about this one and let her seethe. There's Minto in an hour and a bit to look forward to.
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There are too many words in this thread. I won't read what you guys said
Elf sex.
Sex with Elf.
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Wisps are truly dead today. Minto starting
My oshi!!! Lilac!
Minto is SEETHING at people calling Lilac cuter than her
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Should have accepted those comments about her being cute. Now Lilac is my oshi
Minto again teasing more at AWA than just that Vidol thing that's been announced.
I only call Lilac cute because if I call Minto cute she starts to hate me and think I'm a creep
I don't even watch this chuuba but now I'll jerk off to her fat ghost ass
Trimming Mint's bush!
FUCK off Doki
Is Mint gonna make an appearance on Mata’s subathon?
In the collab, no idea if she suddenly joins
Probably not
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The subathon runs all week, right? So yeah, she will be on for Mario Party on Thursday
the fuck is this game
I missed the first hour, has Minto been cute? Is this game interesting?
dead thread today huh
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I usually livepost but I have a migraine + I don't understand what is going on with this game
unfortunately I can't watch today, work breaking my balls
Doki shittalking in chat
imagine the farts
Because we're all watching our Kamioshi
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I don't have to imagine
Subathon hate
this game has WAY too much busywork to justify forcing restarts constantly
I would give her the world if I could...
I'll put the D in Minto, if you know what I mean guhehe
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Minto's breasts are small and humble!
skinny legend
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>you can make your own hole in the plush if you want
jesus mint
Well guess I'm buying two then

Minto is a pervert
>no plans to make more plushes
>discord mods brag about planning to buy ten the other day

I am definitely not getting one.
at least I didn't actually really care for how it looks with the printed on clothes. I just wanted to support her and have an effigy. Knowing that her whales are there to make sure she never goes broke allows me to relax and enjoy her like a normal person.

I will wait for this to inevitably overwhelm her so she finally reaches out to someone with merch experience and they make a better looking one with more resources.
Did she mention when the store is opening?
100% those dicks are gonna bulk order the second it opens
Someone please supa mint to ask her to limit it to 2 plushes per customer
I didn't realize they were limited
that's disheartening
and my expectations for discord fucks are less than zero, but holy shit you'd think a mod would be held to a higher standard
no but it doesnt matter since they orbit her like their lives depend on it. They will know first just by their unrelenting nature.

I actually have a real life with a job and shit so I cannot make it my lifes purpose to stalk an anime girl online.

My only hope is she limits it to one a person, but again, its mostly a symbolic purchase to me. I think it would be nicer for her to see each one go to a different whisp instead of 20 of them go to jamal kun in Ohio so he has extras to glaze and jar.
She did also say "never say never" about re-runs, so if people buy up 10+ and it sells out quickly, she'll be way more likely to do a rerun.
I mean...
go ahead bro
There's a reason so many call them a clique
It's just lily's friends who were meant to roll off after the new people joined but then they only brought in 2 new people and decided to keep everyone in the mod team
I'm at work and poorer than you
Guys, if I get a Minto plush, we can share it. Just clean it up before it's the next guy's turn.
>dramafaggot is samefagging again
She's not going to say she plans another run before the first batch are even available to buy, damn.
>you'd think a mod would be held to a higher standard

I would never think that lmao.

Also this is the "unofficial discord" aka she doesnt want to run her own so her unicorns run it I guess. I'm pretty sure its this guy's own server but its the only one is its all there is.

I think even if she straight up told them to only buy one they still would openly buy the maximum and she would just do her anxious laugh at them for it. She enjoys the parasociety element where idols recognize repeat/consistent supporters so she would never turn against them.

I like being in communities for vtubers or games that I like. Both discord and this place have their quirks that I don't care for. Mods on discord are definitely a low point.
>that's it?!
pretty apt summary of this whole game desu
Yep this is a Nijisister
Fuck off back to your dead, dying branch
anon, multiple people here are having a conversation
just because you're determined to scalp 20 plushies from people doesn't mean you get to act like a faggot in /mint/
go brag to your discord about it if you're so proud
Here comes the usual guy who always gets absurdly angry whenever someone badmouths discord, almost like he's really invested in it
Nah, it's not multiple people, it's all you. Your posts all have the same distinctive typing style.
why not? its not like her fans need the incentive of limited availability. Even if some of her fans are annoying to me they are still very devoted if nothing else. Even I said I planned to buy one despite not caring for the design.

unicorn is not a unique word. its used everywhere in vtubing and these guys are the sheer definition of it. their entire social media presence is about her, they are recognizable SC names and they act like the town sheriff for her community.

take your meds schizo. more than one person dislikes you. get over it.
And the Nijisister cries out as her shitposting easily gets called out.
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I knew I shouldn't have opened /vt/ today.
The only people who do not understand what "unicorn" actually means are Nijisisters.
It's very unlikely that two people who do not know what "unicorn" actually refers to, to show up in the thread at the same time. That's one of the many reasons why it's very each to tell that it's just you samefagging.
very easy to tell*
It would be nice to get a plushie but I am more concerned about the daki because I'm a degenerate, even saving up money and working on the weekend for the money. I would be very sad if I didn't manage to get either.
Notice how the thread was nice until the pro-discord fag showed up
The thread was nice until you started whining about Discord
yes, because you shit it up whenever anyone says anything negative about it
and you care about discord so much because?
ok unicorn. keep telling yourself that only one random nijisanji boogieman hates you. post about it on the discord so everyone can defend you 'else risk being timed out/banned.

at least the daki is easier to reprint. plushies are not a cheap manu process.
You seem to be the one who cares about Discord too much, seeing as you're whining about it so much that you literally samefag reply to yourself about it.
And just like that, the Nijisister drops her mask.
Anyway, shoo shoo, go back to your dead, dying branch thread.
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All me.
I'm not even calling them unicorns, I just hate discord, and no discord mod larping in this thread will change my mind
simple as
This game is kinda boring to be honest.
yeah it's endless chores that you have to do 20 times so you can trial-and-error for lukewarm "endings"
and the few scary bits aren't even scary
Yeah, I would rate this similarly to chillaslop. I think it would be a lot better without so much filler. It feels unnecessarily long
I Agreed I'm just happy to be watching Mint tonight. I'm not looking forward to a no stream tomorrow. Plus, we got DMC on Friday, I think, so we got something to look forward to, or at least I do.
I'm really excited for the handcam stream on sunday, those are usually my favorite. I might even make some cookies too and pretend like minto made them for me
Minto said she'll be on Matara's stream after she's finished with this stream
It's not anbout the game, it's about hearing Minto talk about Mint stuff.
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She starts as soon as I work on Sunday for said merch. I would cry emoji if possible. It's VOD for me.
Oh, she is streaming. She normally doesn't stream this late.
I fell asleep before her stream started and woke up just now. What did I miss?
She's falling asleep (Mata) so I wonder if that's what she's waiting. Long day for the hag
She wants us to fuck the Minto puppet
the game is really boring tbqh
mint is cute but she's so focused that you didn't miss much
We can't have both new games and perfect streams every time. Some of them just aren't going to be good.
Someone convince Mint to play quake 3.
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I just want soma, bro
Behead that whisp now
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Minto is gone... I miss Minto.......
Don't forget - minto going to be on matara's stream
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Minto will hate Liliac one day... I am telling you guys...
Most of the time I can't tell if she's serious or not

Minto here
Minto on Matara stream now
Es ella
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Can someone livepost if she says something relevant? I don't really care enough about mata
if you don't care enough to watch mint I'm not doing you a fucking favor, no
Mint is pimping Matara out.
>Mint was an extra in a movie
Minto wants Matara to get into Kojima's circle
(Matara joined the Hollywood talent agency WME, which a bunch of celebs, including Kojima, are a part of)
>Girl with watermelon
She talked about it as Pomu, about how even as an extra she kept on fucking up and getting in the way of the cameraman
>missed today's stream
life is pain bros

>quake 3
There's no way she doesn't know, right?
Mint should do Yoga...
she knows about melody's main gig (because technically twitch is her side gig) but didnt get the hint about the yoga thing
Her dumbass probably really thought she meant actual yoga
I'm almost falling asleep and I kinda thought that too
Mint, that's your own grandma wtf
mint trying to get mata fired is a great bit
Are Mata's tits smaller?
Yeah, but it's a tight shirt
And exit Mint from Matara's stream.
Minto gone (again)
Tell mint to stop being a self isolating weirdo, I like when she collabs
I think her current level of collabs is perfectly acceptable. At most once a week (very rarely twice if there's something special to warrant it).
1 to 2 per week is a perfectly good ratio of collabs unless there's a birthday or something else going on
No I dislike when she collabs unless it's with me in bed.
Disregard this guy.
I hate collabs.
You gotta give her that Minttuah and spit on that thang
If it’s not YOUR opinion it’s crap…you’re a retard
What are you even trying to say
???? It’s not that cryptic little bro
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I am heading to bed. Goodnight Wisps and good morning to Australians.
imagine being content with letting her be happy and do what she wants to do
couldn't be /mint/
sleep tight!
Can you guys give some tips on how to cope with having a crush on this girl? I don't know what to do.
just buy the plushie and cut a hole to your preferred size
meant for >>87539887
But what do I do with this pain in my heart and tight feeling in my chest?
>>87540773 (me)
was meant for all you weirdos including
>>87541080 (not me)
You clicked the wrong thread retard, the vwhore general is the other way.
Goodnight wisp
And now you’re upset cause you lack reading comprehension, good one retard
Actual answer you don't.
There are good days and bad ones. You've just gotta deal with the fact that you'll never be with her because I will instead.
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what is going on in this thread all of a sud-
ohhhh, nevermind I figured it out
I am telling you to go back there to keep begging for collabs.
I apologize for the late response but yes. Nina was very superchat baity. She would always say stuff like
>the numbers honey!
She has literally cried on stream talking about how lonely she feels as an indie.
nice raid, sisters
>literally cried
No one is begging for collabs, stop getting pissy for stupid reasons
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There's no cope, accept you won't be with her and try to cherish her despite that.
Please share your plan, in detail, so that I can steal it and act on it first.
it's some shitter from the catalog, anon
theres no reasoning with it
>No one is begging for collabs
Nobody was saying anything about collabs, then this retard barges into the thread going "hur dur you all need to tell her to stop doing things solo, I need more collabs!" >>87539887
I am public enemy, wisp #1 and there is nothing you or anyone else can do to stop me!
Tell mint to sit on my face, I'd like that. Thanks!
That's a good answer, thanks. I just never thought I'd fall for someone so hard that's so out of reach.
Mint was literally in a collab with Mata at the time… but yeah keep pretending you know what you’re talking and not threadshitting
>Mint was literally in a collab with Mata at the time
That makes 0 difference. Nobody was saying about whether there should be more or less collabs, until >>87539887 came in to dictate what Mint should do. So if anything, the collab beggar is the one threadshitting.
I feel like this happened in that one membership stream
Having an opinion equals dictating??? Ok retard, I think we’re done here you’re just a retard who needs to be right
"Tell mint to stop being a self isolating weirdo" isn't an opinion, it's dictating what people should do.
This conversation is pointless and I regret having it with you
Can you both shut the fuck up
You're both pieces of corn on opposite tips of the same shit
As long as we can all agree that nobody should bother Mint about it. No telling her to collab more, no telling her to collab less. Let her make her own decisions based on what she herself wants to do.
Oh, nice
The old dumbass argument ended so gotta make a new one right?
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Take is easy, wisps. Oyasuminto
I miss Mint I miss Mint I really really miss Mint
If I could have just one thing today I'd choose some time with Mint
there's plenty of worse ways to make a quick buck
considering Doki said Brave was only able to afford paying her for one watchalong, and Mint's only doing one watchalong, it might be a nice stack of cash - maybe even enough to pay for her 3.0 rigging in one fell swoop
I wanna watch more Minto May Cry!
Weekend come faster!!!!
Realistically it's probably 1-2k max.
But more realistically she's not actually worth that much to them and they have a budget so if they're doing Doki too then maybe 500-1k?
That said I get Mint not turning it down since it both gives her comnections with that company and lets other companies know she's open to sponsorships of that type.
I'll get a job that pays over 150k within the next 2 years then when she retires she'll marry me for the money safety net.
The number of wisps that are both interested in watching other vtubers and have the time to watch other vtubers has got to be a minority though; it just makes no sense to pay somebody with an already established fanbase to do a shill stream of other vtubers
Do you ever feel like Mint has favorites in chat?
>so if they're doing Doki too
Doki did a watchalong for one of the V4M debuts, and V4M is also owned by Brave. Just saying that they were only able to afford Doki for one (something she mentioned herself), and since Mint's also only doing one, then it's probably not something in the hundreds of dollars, else they probably would have had her do more than one.
Anon how much do you think the company makes and how much of that do you think they had as a budget for this?
Because when in doubt you should always assume that the budget is stingy as fuck because 99% of companies function like that and it's fucking Brave Group the company that tried to save money by just replacing the VAs for a whole group of vtubers.
>>87543995 (me)
the comment was deleted and yet I was still right
jesus christ
Brave seems to be throwing a lot of money towards V4M and now idol. Hell, in some ways they've been putting more effort into their groups than NijiEN management ever did.
Reminds me of how Nijisanji would not put any effort into securing perms for Pomu's cover of Fukashigi no Karte, meanwhile V4M management organized & funded a group cover of the same song and had no issues with perms (and it's not like they sneaked around ContentID - it was properly identified as Fukashigi no Karte).
Vod watching and Mint's voice.....
Mint please take better care of it. Try to take 2 days off a week it's okay really!
She may recognize several names easier and more often but her favorites are all cute girls
It's bedtime. Any wisps got ASMR to fall asleep, too?
Here's one of my favorites, Pomu using "colonoscopy" as a trigger word 5 minutes in https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=04eewI7_Jhw
Not Mintmu, but my recent favorite:
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Dumbass briskadet
>they've been putting more effort into their groups than NijiEN management ever did
That's not a high bar
Apparently VMuse will have a stream on Friday to recap the concert and (more importantly) discuss the status on the livestream VOD.
Unless work has me by the balls, I'll listen in and note anything of importance.
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You guys ever watch hentai and JAV?
Only on 2x speed
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I don't watch hentai. I READ it.
lmao look at this nerd
/mint/ is an intellectual general.
Considering how you keep replying to shitposters, I would say it's full of retards
>so close to bump limit
>I'm still at work
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You wanna bake? Too bad because I'm already here

t. OP
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>steals your bump limit
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