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This is the writing thread, for all things VTuber fanfiction. Our works cover a wide variety of different stories ranging from greentext shitposts, full-length adventure novels and smut that’s been tuned to capture (almost) every fantasy.

We’re currently hosting the /wg/ Fall/Halloween 2024 Contest, a sp00ky contest for a sp00ky season! The info page can be found here:


You can check out the three years' worth of stories we’ve written in the archive below:

>"Isn't this just you fuckers writing fanfiction?"

Previous thread: >>87254195 (where we got scared with Polka, talked about HoloProtagonists, and hypnotizing Promise members)

/wg/ rentry: https://rentry.org/wgrentry/
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Have a story to submit to the contest? Reply to this post. Details of the contest can be found at: rentry.org/wgoctober
Please tag your entries with "Fall2024" and the appropriate category (Short/SFW, Long/NSFW, ect).
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Story anchor.
Post 'em if you got 'em.
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Do you have a story you'd like to see written? Reply to this post with it! Try to be as clear and concise as possible; the better you describe your idea, the more likely it is to be picked up!

Consider forwarding your prompt to the prompt archive to keep your idea safe and alive forever! No information is gathered - it's all completely anonymous. Use the form below:

Curious to see the prompt archive? Check it out here if you need a little more inspiration!
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Story recap!
There was one story posted last thread.

>>87255980 I Thought I Didn't Need You
Tags: Amelia, Gura, Kiara, Ina, Mori, Jenma, Omega, Yagoo, A-chan, Gawr, SFW, Drama, Screenplay, Office, Political, Psychological, Real Life
reposting this because i didnt realize we were moving
>It's a magical liopleurodon, Anooon~
I still want Shiori to bite me
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>Get bitten by Shiori while wrangling her autistic club.
>Slowly find yourself turning into a Teen Goth
>Try to resist the changes but...
>A room in the back of the school is calling you...
>Surely taking a peek won't hurt, right?
I only jerk off to fanfics written by women (about a fourth of /wg/'s output)
Shiori is definitely a biter. Other EN biters include Gura, Gigi and Mumei.
Watch out!
Which fics do you think are written by women?
life or death
Save me Goth girl
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Goth Fauna accidentally joins a legit theistic satanist cult
Goth girl save me
So Calli is just Fauna after eating from the fruit of Knowledge and losing the blessing of Life?
God, how do you not realize how cringe you sound
Sorry should I also include 12 different references to sex every paragraph to satisfy your dopamine-addled calcified smoothbrain?
Ditching an AI with abandoned issues and forced to deal with the consequences https://youtu.be/q1RJdBvrEUA
At least try not to sound like the worst part of every fanfiction fandom. You got a fursona too?
Would Mumei have switched to the Goths after Rome grew too corrupt and weak to fight them off
I feel like Mumei would switch to whichever civilization had the most potential to be the dominant one when the one she was currently backing was too far gone.
So she'd probably stay in China for most of Rome's existence
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NTA but are you saying that China had the Moomdate of Holo
A fic in which during a powerful rainstorm, your childhood friend Fubuki goes into heat. You try repeatedly to call her a cab or something so she can go into ER but nothing's operating because of the rain.
There Fubuki admits she wants you and you finger her to calm her down before plowing the shit out of her and shooting a load of fox puppies inside her womb.
Isn't this just Petting your Fox?
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>>87496605 (draft, don't put it anywhere just yet)


Tear me to shreds (constructively) please. This is the first time I've attempted full-on smut and I'm sure it's full of issues. More specifically, I'm concerned about:
- How I refer to Fauna, I rotate between 3 terms (Fauna, the kirin, the guardian of nature) but sometimes it just comes across weird - but using the same term all the time also comes across weird.
- Male mc being too bland, he's a generic self insert type by design but maybe he's not assertive or dominant enough?
- Using the term 'her Master' too often, it is how Fauna is perceiving the situation while hypnotized and (to me) it's hot but maybe the average viewer would get sick of seeing that term 26 times in 4k words.
- My prose in general, especially the sex, I feel like I can be too sterile or matter-of-fact when describing actions and attempts to be more flavorful feel either flowery or odd.
- Run, on, sentences, full, of, commas.
- My choice of hypnosis flavor and the clarity of what's happening - I like the heavily fictionalized pendulums and eye spirals but I need to make sure I'm conveying the mechanics of the situation to an average reader.
- The entire ending/remembering section, I waffled back and forth between the current version (unwillingly forced back into trance) and a version where she practically asks to be put back under after realizing how much she craves the guiltless thoughtless pleasure she just experienced.
- Whether this is actually hot to people that can't see inside my imagination.
Its hot, dont worry.
God damn it, Inarlos!
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i think its mostly fine. my notes are
>dont specify what's his specialization
his plaque reads like an acme gag. just put therapist/whatever and make fauna/him go something like "i heard you specialize in streamers" or yadda yadda.
>length of the sex scenes.
It feels like it goes way too fast,even if they are really hot. Try to add more flair like her stopping and jerking him off a bit, swalloing spit, him enjoying,etc. Perhaps that way you can define more the protagonist from the blank slate he is also this is personal preference but not enjoying flexible kirinussy with your tongue is sacrilege
>the memories.
Feel like you went too fast over it? This is also a personal taste thing but if its the first session she shouldnt be able to get her memories instantly or it should put more of a fight to resurface. if you want to make this longer or give a twist you can have Fauna piece together or extract a recorder as she's done for the first time, tell him she has proof and then he snaps his fingers and it turns out she was getting fucked for months

Aside from that, i think its great. dont feel afraid to throw out the kitchen sink and go "the green haired girl", "the pale girl" "the woman" and other similar stuff. As long as its well spaced, the reader doesnt mind.
glad you enjoyed!
Thanks for the insight, the magazine ad was intentionally goofy as a cue that this guy isn't actually a therapist at all and was fishing for Fauna specifically, but clearly I didn't convey that properly. I'll trim it down. I will also lengthen the sex - although I don't think I have it in me to add an entirely new position/sequence to it.
As for the memory stuff I think I was rushing a bit towards the end, you're right that it would hit harder with a time delay. I'd like to set this up as 'one chapter per promise member' (mumei next) so I'm hesitant to draw the timeline out too far. I'll see what I can do, maybe a scene change to her second/third/Xth visit, then her confronting him about some oddities leading into a modified version of what I have now.
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>one chapter per promise member
Is another anon attempting the legendary series concept of 'fetish smut series with a group/gen of chuubas'?
Sorry AZKi, I don't know japanese, what are you saying????
If the plaque is intentional you can always play that thing up. Make it so Fauna thinks this guy is a sham but she's too polite to ditch, then notices he talks a bit redundant but then gets convinced into hypnosis because eh hypnosis isnt real. She's a bit of a reddit atheist so she'd take that shot
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Any advice on pacing a story? Been working on >>87261097 (mainly expanding on the pre-incest flashbacks and trying to stretch scenes out so far) but it still feels too fast
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internal monologues, describing the scene, adding some actions, adding some dialogue.
My rule of thumb is that if you feel that you need to drag it out, drag it out. Then have someone else read it. If they don't say anything about it being too long or whatever, you made the right move.
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What could Ame say while being raped that isnt "Fuck you" "Go Fuck yourself" or [insert insult involving your mother]?
I would keep in mind that people are not static. They fidget, they do other things while talking, etc. So its important to describe what they are doing. Take time to show those actions. Mori crosses her legs mid sentence? Write that.
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>I've seen your face I'll remember you
>I'm going straight to the cops after this
>You're going to fucking die I promise
Wow... Ill be using some of these, but damn its hard to take these threats seriously due to how squeaky her voice is.
that just makes it cuter/hotter
>"Better enjoy it while you still can, you bastard."
>"Ugh, is that it? I'm barely feelin anything."
>(after getting slapped for the last remark) "It's not my fault you have a tiny dick!"
>(after the deed is done) "If you're gonna kill me, word of advice: Don't fuck up."
I think an agonized REEEEEE could work too if you get stuck at any point
You can do it like what that one fanfic did where she kept making gremlin noises while being fucked six ways to Sunday
>My hips are moving on their own!
>HAAA - (Shut up by kissing with tongue)
You know normal things girls say while they get raped.
>N-No! My first was meant to be with Cuckita Netoraren, not you! Damn you, his bully who's also a pimp who's also a fat ojisan who's also a black foreigner who's also my landlord who's also my boss who's also my uncle! Damn you and your 13-inch bitch breaker of a cock!
The usual things
Ah yeah, that's the fic. She was getting gangbanged by the AV actors and they had to shut her up by stuffing her mouth full of cocks
built for hatefucking (i don't even hate her i just think it would be hot)
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i'm too in love with her for that unfortunately
Romance /Drama fic about Mori discovering that you don't feel the same hatefucking spark with her, because you're actually starting to fall in love with her.
Built for ryona.
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Aunt Fubuki, you look so tired... why are you in your underwear, though?
Uh uh uh, Aquarium!Fubuki is your older sister!
How can I make a girl writhing in pain erotic?
Cheeks flushed, panting, and make note of her panties slowly getting wetter
Does she like it?
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Didnt mean to tag the other guy.
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How is that cringe?
I'd be more like why are you STILL in yoyr underwear, here, let me help you take them off
Is it consensual?
I don't know how it could be erotic then, but >>87551726 sounds like he knows his stuff.
Die, you worthless thread!
Not yet! I still haven't released my magnum opus where Anon has sex with Fubuki!
Alt!Azki be like
Until Gura's Futanari Cumflation Adventure comes out I will never surrender!
Holy shit! Truly groundbreaking!
What's the next twist in this story? Fubuki shrinks down and fucks a bug? Fubuki gets raped by a nigger? Fubuki cucks Subaru? Fubuki cucks (You)? Fubuki fucks (You)? Fubuki shits in your mouth? Fubuki gets raped? Fubuki rapes you? Fubuki grooms you?
The Fububilities are endless!
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Butter Rissa.
I will quit /vt/ after I've made my chuuba fanfiction debut-graduation mega spectacle by telling me and my oshi-wife's love story (based on real events)
I have one fic left in me that I want and have to write, and after that I'll just hang up the (writing) gloves.
This just has me imagining the Butterbar skit from WKUK but with Nerissa at KFP
Lewd fox, no manners! Showing her underwear and slouching like that, these animals have no shame.
Made me imagine a dramatic scene where Anon hangs up his keyboard on the wall with tears in his eyes. Anon then returns to his desk. His stare alternates between the monitor and the mouse-only desk for half a minute... before he stands up to go to get his keyboard back.
Burnt out writer Anon finds motivation again thanks to his muse Azki
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Iroha's outfit is really optimized towards exposing her body despite the many pieces of clothing.
Stooooop dying!
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groping Gigi's butt
Doing it doggystyle with Gigi, but she's constantly slapping you with her tail
That's a deliciously tight and firm hebebutt. Sorry cops, but I can't go to prison yet. Not when there are mouthwatering meals like this around me.
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based ephebophile
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This sly old foxy fox is a fox with attitude
Kemonos walking free? Wearing suits and molesting our women? What has this country come to?!?
Tell me about it, it's absolutely outrageous how smooth and stylish she is in luxury menswear!
Grr, stupid sexy fox... why won't she molest ME????
Now this is the kind of progressive change I'd be willing to fight for (online)
Why is Fubuki making me try on suits?
So you buy them and she can borrow them
Because she wants to see if you look good in it.
I'm a big man and she's a small fox, they wouldn't fit her.
I have a dream, of a world where men are molested and raped by women out in public, at the same rates as men harassing women. Of true gender equality...

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