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Shiroya Reito Birthday Edition!

>Is Stars/Niji/Indie allowed?
Yes! If your male is cute, he may stay.
>Is BFE and gosling allowed?
Yes! There's no harm in loving your oshi without repercussions.
>Is female collab discussion allowed?
No females or female only related drama is allowed, you have the entire board for that.
>Is self-shilling allowed?
No. Go to >>>/vt/wvt instead.

Ignore bait, shitposting, samefags, discordfags, numberfags, tribalfags, falseflaggers and don't derail the thread with fighting. Fujoshi, yumejoshi, and hornyposting is encouraged. Genderbends of males are discouraged and considered off-topic.

Previous thread: >>87345777
thank you for the bake! let's see what cute boys we see this time!
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Thanks for the thread!
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thank you for baking!
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This is the news post for the week of 10/13 ~ 10/19
Reply to this post with any news relating to cute boys!


๑ First Stage Production ๑
•Gale Galleon has made his 3D debut: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LPvjfazmpLA
•Cassian Floros will be making his 3D debut on October 20th: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1QsGykAKGTU
•Lucien Lunaris bithday goods and voice have been announced: https://x.com/fsp_english/status/1846174255450636526
•(LEAK) Avallum might have a second original song in the works.

๑ Holostars ๑
•Memento X Holostars jewelry collection on sale now: https://mementostop.com/collections/Holostars-English-TEMPUS
•The Holostars 5th Anniversary Live: Movin' On Blue-Ray has started sales on the Bushiroad store: https://x.com/BushiM_info/status/1838760334925963331
•Yukoku Roberu Birthday Goods on sale until October 28th: https://shop.hololivepro.com/products/yukokuroberu_bd2024
•Crimzon Ruze Birthday Goods on sale until November 5th: https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/products/crimzonruze_bd2024
•Holostars JP has a collab with Family Mart: https://x.com/famima_now/status/1846038292044959868
•HOLOSTARS Winter 2024 ~Give a Gift!~ event and merch has commenced! Promotional trailer: https://x.com/holostarstv/status/1844664842730250260
Merchandise list from Animate: https://x.com/animateinfo/status/1844665288484102595
•Crimzon Ruze has begun his HoloMarches campaign. Here is an introduction video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cvkkH4VPU7g

๑ Nijisanji ๑
•Sonny Brisko will be having his 3D showcase on October 18th: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=co-zOk-Y62U
•Sonny Brisko will also be premiering a handcam video called Cooking Taichou on October 16th: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ThJmlAOYew
•Aza from VirtuaReal has had a 3D live and revealed a new outfit: https://www.youtube.com/live/UJ8Z1JdMCqE
•NIJI Puppet Customizable Series Halloween merch has been announced. Sales are higher than expected and will be restocked soon: https://x.com/NIJISANJI_World/status/1844558827842306510
•VOLTACTION has a fragrance collab: https://x.com/VOLTACTION_info/status/1846115044825719182
•Unrequited Love Voice on sale until October 22nd: https://x.com/nijisanji_app/status/1846113809779642860
•&honey X Nijisanji shampoo collab sales have begun: https://x.com/andhoney_japan/status/1844908943216345531
•VOLTACTION AngelXDevil merchandise on sale now: https://x.com/VOLTACTION_info/status/1846113788963311880
•Trout has a cover of Yummy Yummy Yummy out: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qSaaaTqOsvU
He will also be going on indefinite hiatus: https://x.com/Tr0uT_2434/status/1844683108999933966

๑ Other ๑
•JP group Atanaru has released a group cover: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OW6xkbAD_Kg
•K9_Kuro of vshojo has a new pirate outfit designed by Senzaki Makoto: https://x.com/senzakimakoto/status/1844278069823144110
•PLAVE song "What If" has an official music video from Korean drama series Dear Hyeri: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H1ihgLejC6s
•Indie vtuber Professor Bloom has released a Barbershop Quartet snippet of It Is Well With My Soul: https://x.com/ProfBloomVtuber/status/1845311696283255026
•Indie Vtuber Kyrio Cifer has made his debut and has begun regular streaming: https://www.youtube.com/@KyrioCifer


OP Source: https://x.com/asayake_072/status/1846204772648730835
News Post Source: https://x.com/ssm1to/status/1846211179087339659
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Also, I thought about linking to previous news posts in case anyone wants to catch up on anything they missed, so here's the last post >>87167779

>(LEAK) Avallum might have a second original song in the works.
What did I miss? Was it Zanny leaking? I bet it was
It was Cass lol but it's just speculation based on how they were reacting
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Whale Taylor has released a cover of Numb by Linkin Park:

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It's Hot Take Tuesday!
Post your hottest Vtuber takes!
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>•Indie vtuber Professor Bloom has released a Barbershop Quartet snippet of It Is Well With My Soul
How does he do all 4 parts like that?
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more boys should lean into kayfabe and lore more and kill the cringe part of themselves that tell them not too.
>finished recording the perfect take for reference to animate a vtuber clip
>battery dies immediately after I hit the stop recording button
Talk about perfect timing
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My Hakka birthday merch arrived! I like how useful it is but they should have made the plush cover a lot bigger to store the shopping bag. I shouldn't have to struggle so much to put it back. I don't want to rip the little Hakkito.
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I do not care for ASMR scenarios or any sort of ASMR-related content when it comes to male chuubas. No hate to anyone that is into it but I simply just… don’t get it???
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Shinomiya talk
I never understand the appeal of those massive oshi shrines the (mostly jp) female fans do for their oshis' birthday or anniversary.
I just can't comprehend owning multiple copies of identical merchs.
That being said, I do admire their dedication and understand that those stuffs aren't as expensive for them compared to a kaigai like me. And it's probably easier for them to sell or trade stuffs they no longer need.
Claude Mindhack
I feel like most if not all male vtubers do this already. Some a little less than others but every copro vtuber so far as I know has kept up with his lore and stuck to kayfabe. Most have done at least one lore-related stream too. Only one I can think of who hasn't done much with their lore besides debut and second outfits would be Shu. Which is a shame since I love his design and there's so many possibilities with the details on his outfits.
I wish more vtubers would put more emotion into their covers or at least replicate the original songs emotions
bfe is not entirely bad, in usual psychology, people just love to feel superior for not liking it
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This isn't even a hot take this is just a normal and rational fact.
Luci Crime Scene Cleaner
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It’s odd that I always daydream about cute food related scenarios with Gale like getting ice cream together or that cliche where we kiss because of spaghetti but the moment where it’s something sexual that involves with food is quite a turn off, it’s quite odd that I’m not into food play
>6 hour long birthday stream
So that's why he's starting so early
Vanta Mouthwashing
"Parasocial" has become such an annoying fucking buzzword now. I wish I could put it on a high shelf until everyone can talk about it with some nuance.
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I said HOT TAKES not level-headed normal statements that a lot of people share! Give me something SPICY! Give me something BURNING HOT! Give me something that will have pitchforks and torches at your doorstep!!!
Also I 100% agree.
kek is this a horror game or like Power wash simulator?! Also I fucking thought it would be like an actual mouthwashing stream, now that’s an interesting asmr stream idea
I've been watching this whole time and I'm not even sure. It's got chillas art/PS2 graphics and a story, but I don't think it's a simulator. Everyone who plays it says it's good though.
Indies aren't worth watching and corpos are the baseline level of quality you should accept
gomen I saw a whole thread about it and it pissed me off.

For a hot take uuhh I think a lot of posts that cape for opposite gender collabs can be a little performative and this is coming from someone who doesn't really mind them.
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I said hot take not stupid take. All corpo boys started out as indies or small creators. I don't wanna hear about "quality" when this guy is still here
My hot take is that indies aren't worth watching until they make it into a corpo, that way you know they've been at least a little bit vetted and have some idea of what they're doing. Besides the proportion of watchable corpos is very high and the proportion of watchable indies is miniscule. I'm not going to waste my time dumpster diving when I could just watch the Avallum boys, for example
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Zanny in Vanta's chat!
My hot take is that uhhhh I’m ok with girl collabs desu as long as it’s not the same girl every time, not naming any names but here’s this guy named Roberu and he collabs with this same girl way too much and it’s annoying desu but literally any other girl is fine, unless that girl mentions the same girl in which case it’s not fine because fuck god damn Roberu is his own person outside of mea, but not naming any names though
I guess you find coomer jokes to be quality content then? Don't get me wrong I like a few dik n ballz jokes but let's be real you don't actually consider that quality do you? I've heard less coomer jokes from a handful of twitch indies I've watched in a week than the ones I've seen in a single 2022 Vox stream. And we all know how that left so much of an impression on people to the point where they still think he says those jokes. Flayon too, and Axel, and hell I'll toss Gale in there as well. You can have your opinion but it's a really dumb and ignorant one if you think all guys are quality just because they're in a corpo. Obviously not saying those boys are completely bad for their sense of humor but like I said you probably don't actually think that kind of humor is quality just because they're in a corpo.
How about I just ask; what is "quality" to you?
okay thank you for listening. i go back to wayching cute bois now.
nta but theres no need to force anon to watch indies or corpos. its a hot take for a reason. Dont turn this into a discourse thread.
I'm not forcing anyone to watch indies and I couldn't care less if they do or not. The post just doesn't make sense and I want to know what the heck they mean by quality. She can explain her reasoning I'm sure. I'm also just sick of that indie schizo having a meltdown every time an indie is posted itt and bringing up retarded reasons like "indies collab with females so they shouldn't be posted" when nearly every corpo boy does too. I just hate how much her meltdowns have ruined this thread and chased people away multiple times.
Every twitch indie I've seen linked here when I've clicked in has been deeply boring, with no personality and really low production values (ugly model, no polished presentation)
I just don't like them desu I don't know what else you want from me. Corpos go through an audition process that weed out the ones without any talent or personality
What about ex corpo indies?
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NTA but even as someone who regularly uses /wvt/ or used to at least, its 99% schizos or people who are afraid of schizos now you're clearly in denial or only watch the ones that get recommended here.

The average indie has no fucking talent. A good bit of them are quiet for 90%+ of the stream, if you go indie hunting on twitch then you will get multiple hits of doomed NGMIs.
Then the average male indie that from /vt/ isn't much better and the average male indie from /asp/ is completely unusable.
Its the NGMI gene and 99% of men have it sorry.
Don't get involved with a shitstirrer too much. Will quickly derail the thread.
Depends on why they left but they usually at least have good production values and are entertaining I fucking hate the orc
He's genuinely mentally ill, there's no reason to hate him.
Vtubers are too clique when they come from certain places, especially US, Canada, and specifically California. It makes them too similar and like every other theatre kid.

Also, it's very unprofessional to vtube with the intent just to make friend and feel welcomed. It's only ok if you don't intend to be a professional content creator.
then dont respond dummy.
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That's it? Because they're boring? I feel like it's something way deeper than that because I've seen underrated indies with talent and corpo boys that make me question what the fuck the hiring managers were thinking.
In your logic, does this count for small corpos too? So everyone from NEXAS are good high quality vtubers? Is he more quality than indies because he has a corpo attached to his name?
>I've seen underrated indies with talent and corpo boys that make me question what the fuck the hiring managers were thinking
Do you have examples? The odds of a corpo boy being a dud are much lower than the odds of an indie boy being a dud. I don't know why you're getting so mad about my opinion, you asked for a hot take and you got one
I'm talking about indies as a whole, not the ones you only pay attention to on this website.

Like I said I wanted to just know the reasoning. I know she's still going to throw a tantrum whenever an indie gets posted but if I can at least see why she does then it'll make her posts more ignorable because of how stupid the reasoning is.
nta but i notice everytime someone post something negatively about indies there's always some anons come out and got defensive instead of ignoring the post.
it makes everyone looks like schizo.
I sound like a hypocrite yeah yeah
I miss Gale.
Answer my question first then I'll think about answering yours if it's a genuine question. You can post your hot takes, doesn't mean people aren't allowed to respond or question your logic about them. That's not getting mad, that's just called responding.
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>Like I said I wanted to just know the reasoning
Because about 99% of indies are shit, the amount of corpo vtubers which have no appeal at all is vastly lower.
My logic is really simple, I don't want to dumpster dive through an endless sea of boys with ugly models and no charisma who are sitting in silence playing a game. If a boy made it into a corpo it means he cares enough to apply, has enough skills to be considered, and will have good production values behind his streams and covers if he sings. Those things matter to me. In 99.9% of cases if an indie is worth watching he will have applied to and gotten into a corpo. As for Nexas their business model is terrible and exploitative and I haven't watched any of their guys because of it, though I wish them well
All right I'll stop after one more. If she doesn't answer I know she's full of shit and just has meltdowns over nothing. I'm just tired of it happening all the time. I'm not forcing anyone to like indies just because I disagree.

Answer me. Is Nyantsume from NEXAS a quality vtuber because he has a corpo name attached to him?

This is a better answer even if the reasoning is still retarded. I don't know why attaching a corpo name automatically makes someone better when there have been some bad picks in corpos. That's why I bought up Nexas. Some people don't even take being in a corpo seriously and some people even grift and leave after a short time.
I think you'd be better off in reddit, heard they have good hugboxes in there.
Hey i'm fine with people with differing opinions. Be a hater idc. Just dont derail the thread.
Same. I'm not mad at anyone just because I'm challenging their opinion. It's an anonymous free-speech board so people are allowed to disagree. Though I do think the person talking about reddit is coming off as an opportunistic shitposter.
What part of "the amount of corpo vtubers which have no appeal at all is vastly lower" do you not understand? That doesn't mean they're all great but the average corpo guy is going to be much higher quality than the average indie because (especially in reputable corpos) the guys applying are going to take it seriously and be talented. The average indie, if you've ever tried searching at random on the vtuber tag on twitch, is terrible at entertaining and has really low quality assets. Unless you think the corpo audition process is completely meaningless I don't see how it's retarded to think I'll find higher quality streams from corpo boys versus a random indie. If you think it's retarded that production values matter to me (nice model, good overlay, nice backgrounds, background music, assistance with MVs and covers, etc) then that's a difference of opinion but I don't know why it's bad to care about production value. Of course I'd rather watch something that has money and effort put into it
At first glance, I genuinely thought this was inflation art…
You've spent this entire thread going
>Thinking the guy you're arguing with is the indie schizo just because both anons don't like indies
>Thinks >>87534002 is only about /vt/ indies, clearly not fucking reading whichever you're replying to
>Any argument I don't like is not valid
>Repeats the same argument you already made 10 times
This was useless.
Nta but holy bad faith post
Sorry for even giving my hot take at this point
Alright then fuck off retard
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Okay no more hot take Tuesdays see you at 4am for Sonny
You rascal
I think it's retarded because there have been lower quality streams from corpos and I've seen higher quality streams from indies. Yes I get you're talking about averages but some of those don't add up. And I know this is surprising to you, but not every indie is even interested in applying to a corpo. There's perms autism and a ton of behind the scenes work. There's voice packs and merch and a number of other things that some people just aren't interested in doing. Some indies stay indie because they stream for fun and I think that's better than someone who may want to join a corpo just to make it their full time job and only care about money. That's why I thought the reasoning is stupid because it's lumping everyone into one category. No one says you have to wade through every indie either and no one is saying you have to like indies. You don't have to watch everyone out there.
>If you think it's retarded that production values matter to me
I didn't say this and no one else did either
>Of course I'd rather watch something that has money and effort put into it
Which was my point all along that it's dumb to think only corpos put money and effort into everything when that hasn't been the case for many

Yeah I'm not even going to respond to that one, it's pretty clear what they're trying to do.
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I just wanted to make some more discussion in here I didn't think I'd trigger anyone. I'll stick with Confession Sundays.
just have confessions every day of the week. for we all have sinned
Nah we need a week for the sins to happen so we can hear about it on Sundays!
>not every indie is even interested in applying to a corpo
That right there would filter me out negative I want to watch people who are serious about being entertainers. I'm genuinely very curious what indies you think are putting on streams with quality on par or surpassing corpos
>if they don't want to work for a company that will take nearly half their income then they're not serious about being an entertainer
And this is why the reasoning seems dumb to me. Entertaining an audience should be something that is fun for the entertainer first and foremost otherwise burnout happens. I think you're forgetting just how much of a pain dealing with a corpo can be but you're only worrying about "quality". What about guys who are in a corpo but don't even stream? Is that also considered quality to you?
Its not your fault anon. Wish ppl learn to ignore post they dont agree with but i lost hope a long time ago.
stop arguing with that anon and post your fave boys already.
>Entertaining an audience should be something that is fun for the entertainer first and foremost
I don't think that's true at all in any field of entertainment. I don't want to watch a guy who started vtubing to make friends or who is just streaming whatever game he felt like playing without considering if he could entertain his audience. I stand by what I said in that I think the guys who apply to corpos are the ones who really want to be entertainers, not just guys who are streaming for their own amusement. There's a difference that I think matters and is clear in watching them. Look at how hard the Avallum boys have been working
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Honestly I don't mind if people disagree either and hell I'll even say I'm tired of the indie schizo calling everyone an aspie whenever an indie gets posted too but it just started to get out of hand....
That hasn't happened in a while at least though I hope the offending /asp/ selfposters understand why what they did was such a breach of trust
Hetshipping is fine and i don't think it should be taboo to discuss it unless it is forced onto the relevant chuubas.
Luca Silent Hill 2
Now THIS is a hot take!
what the fuck is this image
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kek it's a lore related meme
>i don't think it should be taboo to discuss it
In general or itt?
It's a taboo in this thread for a reason.
lore related vox inflation, wonderful
You don't have to watch indies that do it for those reasons but vtubing should be fun otherwise why would you want to watch someone who's not having fun? That sounds awful. I don't think anyone indie or corpo should stop having fun with streaming. I want the boys I watch to do what they want as well otherwise it comes off as controlling and burnout will happen faster. Like I said, not everyone's going to be interested in dealing with games and song perms autism, doing voice packs, and the corpo taking a big cut of your hard earned money. Not to mention you have to keep a lot of what you do PG-13 because I sure haven't heard of a corpo allowing male vtubers to be as lewd as they want.
Luca is triggering my feral fetish....
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This model is PEAK SEX I don't give a FUCK what anyone says about it this is the sexiest vtuber model I've ever seen in my life and NOTHING can top it.
i had a dream about vox once
so like, he was a demon going around stealing energy or souls or whatever by fucking people, right
and he got to me and I was just like, "no (:" and like immediately he was lying on the bed fingering his asshole in preparation to... well I guess I was going to peg him or something, woke up after that, shame
You like rape asmrs and bullies?
Kek what the fuck this is certainly the dream of all time. I don't know why but after reading this it reminded me of that ligma meme where the guy just gets eviscerated after telling the joke
>stealing energy or souls or whatever by fucking people
I don't even watch him man. last I saw of him was a random clip of him trying a period pain simulator which might have had something to do with it actually some to think of it actually I hate bullies. total bully death
I believe you were replying to a catalogfag. Vox has never done any rape content and the bully thing is referring to drama that the catalogfag doesn't even actually care about. Anyways that period pain simulator moment was really hot. I already know what his moans sound like but hearing those moans during that stream was extra hot.
Ahh....I think I'm going menhera over Gale not streaming. I know he's taking abreak to visit family and he should take a well deserved break!! But I'm just having a weird moment where I'm missing him a little more than usual and I'm overthinking and eating to distract myself and that's not good. Ahh I'll try to watch other boys in the mean time but my head is so full of Gale right now and him being away is driving me a little crazy I hate being menhera I wish I wasn't liek thais.
>last sentence
I know SEA have bad reputations but are thais particularly menhera?
I think they meant "like this"...
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Kek I'm going so crazy that I didn't realize my typo. Thank you for the giggle though
Miyabi Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep
I've recently been thinking about eating ice cream in a cone with Gale and we rub the ice cream on each others faces playfully even though it's cold outside and I hate the cold. I can't really think of anything sexual relating to food either....
What the fuck.
I know. I just replied for the lulz.
Glad I could make you laugh.
Cooking Taichou premiered
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Lucien Do Not Take This Cat Home
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zero2 birthday stream
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My cute artist boyfriend hit 15k followers! He drew himself as a hot ojisan yesterday!
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Some announcement from zero2:
He's working on a Halloween/birthday karaoke
He'll have his 3D debut on 11/13
>not entirely bad
Yeah its fucking disaster
Jurard is good vtuber
False robemea is the best ship in vtubing
Zander TCG Card Shop sim
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Congrats on 3D!
Ikey's been playing Undertale for a while
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Ryuji VRChat
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kyriocifer live!

chatting -> zoochosis -> maybe sh2

>nine eleven? You have to call nine eleven!
I'm glad they seem pretty fond of each other.
Zanny playing tcg shop sim. Please don't get addicted to pulling like dingo and dino...
Luci's screams have been so adorable today
So what new corpo boys are on the way?
FSPEN gen 2
Possible new nijien wave before the year ends
Ike's noises T o T
Zander Fields of Mistria
It was an informative stream that teaches all the inner working, mechanics and technologies of VRChat. What did it all mean? Who knows.
I want to say new Holostars JP group in 2025 but I know I'm being delusional...
Kaz Ryuji baseball
Damn I’m wishing, I’m hoping, I’m praying. I’m coping
He's having an english stream
Oh it’s been awhile since I watched an ARP boy, he has a beautiful voice
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My cute orc boi is live!
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Fast Food Simulator Collab!

Ryoma: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hkSiizT1JIc
Vanta: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kkT-tOQROVE

God I hope Avallum plays Fast Food Simulator after they're done with 3Ds.

I know there's that new group called Vdreams but they don't look very interesting. They're mixed gens anyway. I hope we get a new wave of boys in Niji before the year ends too.

Huh, yeah there hasn't been a new gen of StarsJP in forever. I didn't think Starmin would care for more boys but if you want them I can see them having two or three more.
>I didn't think Starmin would care for more boys
At least a few anons in /stars/ care for more boys, especially after we lost Gamma.
Jesus Vanta KEK
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oh boy, cute boys!
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The pirate from Vdreams is cute but he seems to be engagement baiting hard on Twitter and it’s a little off putting
Plus it seems like they’re launching some new streaming app thing? I’m not sold to be honest
What's with some small corpos and using their own streaming apps?
Bettel FNAF
In one sense I understand it because I guess it’s like being a big fish in a small pond, vs being a small fish in the big pond of YouTube
Problem is, not many people are going to go out of their way to visit your small pond when they’ve got a big one with lots of nice facilities and stacked with fish in the first place
I think I overstretched that metaphor but yeah
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I want Shien and Izuru's shirts and Rio's hoodie
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Cute red cat boi is live, now on Twitch too!
https://www.twitch.tv/caspurrcatacini (embed)
Yeah the pirate seems pretty cool but I don't think I'll watch him because I've had enough of mixed gens. I don't know why corpos all copy each other with mixed waves instead of trying something new. His accent also sounds SEA so that filters me as well. Engagement baiting is understandable to an extent but overdoing it is turning me off too.

I wish they'd at least stream and establish themselves first then shill their app. You have to get fans of the vtubers first then they can convince their fans to try the app.
Guess I gotta watch The Classrooms stream. I should be catching up on all the VODs I missed while he's away anyway
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Izumi talk
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Hakka Inscryption

Rivals Of Aether Collab!
Ruze: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=65BdSwE87II
Goldbullet: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tnmiceheHPI
Flayon: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aB4wjv7A_0w
Bloom Doom!
Jun Dark and Darker
D'awww Luci got sick, and right after his throat was just getting better. Such a delicate vampire T o T
So I looked at a specific catalog thread and I now I’m curious. What in your definition is a guyfailure? Do they have to completely fumble at everything or fail at things that most people think a man can do? Or maybe simply just be clumsy?
Rosco's been going for a while with Bendy and the Ink Machine
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Hello, did something happen in kyrio's last stream? I could only catch the just chatting part. Why the doom tweeting?
Short stream. i hope Rosco feels better soon. Get some rest rosquito ;w;
Yeah I hope they all get some good rest because the boys seem to be a little out of it. I'll miss them but I don't mind if they occasionally take a week break to prevent burnout or sickness.
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The Backrooms Collab!

Shu: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8olBlzAU-5g
Sonny: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3orre04g8co
Ren: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wriMueU8biU
Luca: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iIpT9YX6_tM
Doppio: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sC39oPeuLzA

FSP gen 2 can't come soon enough so Avallum can take proper breaks.
Without context I'm going to guess it's just some Sayufag seething for the sake of seething. There's a lot of shit like this for Quinn too. Spiteful people who think they're fighting bullies only to end up acting like bullies themselves.
These boys are in such a singing mood tonight. I wish we could get a group karaoke with random boys, that sounds like fun.
No this person has been posting hex art from way back. That is why I even took notice of it. There are other tweets being upset saying how he broke his own rules and how prefers the same old chatters and ignore others, things like that.
A guyfailure is someone who's dumb but not just he missed a detail or two in a game kind of dumb. I mean like he fumbles games a lot in an endearing way. I want him to be himbo levels of stupid. I want him to tell stories of him avoiding danger by the skin of his teeth completely unknowing that he was in danger. As long as he fails and fumbles in a way that's cute and not actually a harm to others then yeah I'd love that. He can fail at games but I would like him to win eventually of course. He doesn't need to actually be a huge guyfailure IRL if he can stick to kayfabe well.
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Ren you need to do an emo karaoke! I missed his karaokes they're always amazing

I hope the little zombie gets a good rest. All of Avallum have been working so hard.
Ren singing Let It Go, his voice is beautiful. Hot take but I think Let It Go is one of the best Disney songs. Other than every song in Pocahontas.
Ren is breaking out the ukulele!
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i was there the whole stream and it was literally a fun and chill stream. i get he aint perfect and has a lot to work on still, but recently he has been more perceptive to make sure that he gets his point straight. compared to his wendy’s era, its a good start and shows he learned from it. they’re just being too overcritical of the dude like lay back a bit, chill out
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Yeah that person was complaining about him breaking his own rules and selectively reading his chat. Speaking of chat I hope he implements slow mode. It zooms way too fast.
Uproar Super Mario Party Jamboree
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Ike Braid

A random virtual k-group that popped up on my recommended
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Shinomiya new cover
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Too cute
Ike is......SO CUTE!!!!!!
Zander RE7
Should a thread be baked for kyrio stream?
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Shinomiya live talking about the new cover
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kyriocifer is live!!!

chatting -> mouthwashing -> silent hill2 (maybe)

[ https://www.twitch.tv/kyriocifer ]
i tried to bake… but it gets archived so fast
Yeah, let's not bake for now.
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>Doesn't include vtuber tag
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Also, he's started singing and guitaring for a bit, forgot to mention
oh someone baker another thread!
I don't mean to be rude, but why?
because why not apparently
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Also, Sunbow's 3D in less than a day. Make sure to catch it! He'll be the final Piece A Part to debut 3D, fulfilling the entire PAP 3D debut plan for this year.
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Konno Izumi
Welcome to the club. We've all gotta deal with the autistic men on this board that feel the need to make an entire thread about every passing thought, so you've gotta watch your thread every 30 minutes. Even worse if there's some type of drama
Hakka Deltarune
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Jiyou singing. He's wearing the cool costume.
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Kamitoki watching Gundam Requiem for Vengeange
I missed this last night but the last hour or so of the stream is him singing while he plays. I don't know how he does it but it's so nice
I was watching all the collabs that were going on so I missed the whole thing. I've got a ton of those twitch point things saved up, I should request a song I want him to sing
In my experience if he knows it he'll sing it, but he doesn't know many anime or JP songs
Are you assuming I'll request JP songs? That's racist against weebs you know :/
I did kind of assume that sorry going from my own experiences
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Lolol it's fine, I was kidding around. I think he has sang some JP songs when he was playing some 90s JP games not too long ago.
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I want to have a warm and hearty dinner with Gale.

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