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【 ???? ???? 】
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idolEN WildFyre
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Previous Thread: >>87486784
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Sex with Koa!
Roca makes me happy.
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Sweaty sex with Poko
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I love Roca Rourin!
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Koa love!
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Trust the plan
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I want to protect this smile
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My daughter is pure stop sexualizing her please.
Is Daisy a good girl?
>didn't follow the other two
Koa is /here/
She just knows them backstage.
I'd prefer Monogatari-style toothbrushing with Wuby
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This intro is very cute
She's done her research.
Koa has been here for years
It really is, with nice music too.
No person with 2 working brain cells would follow Yena, just saying.
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Yena is already bullying the lolis so they want nothing to do with her
this is Enya
Considering the general cold reception of the EN3 by the other girls I wouldn't be surprised if something already happened behind the scenes.
She sounds mexican
ruby's mom sounds hot
Every single vtuber check this place on events like debuts.
the one that is confirmed to be lurking every single day is Ruby
Is almost as if there's things that happened behind the scenes that we don't know of keeping some girls from following all of them... :3
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>unfollows Yena
Ruby I love you I want to give you babies
Hurry hornypost about Ruby she needs material after her stream
Fucking drunk Ruby on a cheap karaoke!
Why you think that Fuyo fuck off and Endless girls where about to leave too?
Because she's a traitor
Fuyo mom remains undefeated
Playfully biting her on the neck but getting carried away and sinking your teeth deep on her shoulder!
>only follows chud approved chuubas
BASED koa.
dont forget yena is piping her discord into the management team
I like to annoy coni
My biggest clue to something being off is the most obvious one of blue leaving, a group without issues/drama doesn't just suddenly mutilates itself before debut
t. watched her casually for years
Poko said she’s met at least Yena. There’s a greater than zero chance some or all of Wildfyre was in LA during the Endless offcollab
pogo loves yena, they're best friends.
So that she can bully the lolis with full management support
you’re forgetting the Brave acquisition, that’s a very legit reason for someone to back away
I don't want my oshi to interact with Yena...
fat unity
you’re forgetting all the vague posting and shit even before Encore debuts
oh nyo
Yeah sure bruh
>bully the lolis
i wanna watch that
nta but is true poko was close to her in the off collab
Yena gave pgoo food that's cheating
The Wildfyre girls were hired like 12 months ago, right? I wouldn't be surprised if one just got tired of waiting.
its the most logical explanation
that could be Wildfyre drama or just as likely be the issues Idol was dealing with before the acquisition
>all this damage control
Must have hit the nail on the head
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>poko likes yena
>nooo this is not true
>this is a lie
ofc anon, it's not Brave fault but Yena evil woke agenda destroying idol from the inside.
Are you retarded?
Be less obvious
is it too late to invest in daisycon?
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I can't wait for fuyu to start streaming full time on the other side
Calling them "best friends" is stretching it a lot, retarded shitter.
cry about it
I want to see what she looks from behind, her small butt is probably in full view
Look at that supremely delicious tummy
check this anon's post >>87505729
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That's not the only thing that's getting stretched
Why doesn't Koa support trans rights?
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stay mad
It's a bullshit.
No is Lala
Why anyone would support mental illness?
Based Mario
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this never fails to make me laugh
they probably bonded over their shared love of discord.com
Lala my gm post...
and swedish boys ;3
i know which side i'm picking in the idol civil war
How do we save Katta bros?
Maybe we should ease up on Yena.
She only brought up the woke stuff because she was asked point blank anyway.
Shes also pretty clearly just a tomboy who got infected by lgbt propaganda because of her more masculine interests. I dont think shes actually a bad person.
She'll probably keep to herself like rin did anyway and keep twitter normies away from idol proper
redebut her on wildfyre with the blue angel's model
show me your vagina juna
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I know. I'm super excited, I hope her new model is just a reskinned fuyo, ala selen/mikeneko.
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Nikki: First timer Silent Hill 2 the Remake playthrough
>she'll probably keep it to her self
weird thing to say when she's been blabbering in pisscord for several days straight
I think Daisy should sit on my lap while naked.
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Brap woman hours.
>It can't be worse than some real corps out there
Why are spics like that?
my mahjong addiction never lets me escape...
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Yeah in her channel to people who are presumably interested in her.
Shes just cultivating her fanbase and interacting with them
She's menhera, but has a good heart.
my perfect woman
Isn't mahjong like some kind of scrabble? How the fuck is it a gacha?
She's cultivating garbage
mayuri sexxo
The gacha aspect is purely cosmetic. The characters you're "playing" as, table/tile/riichi stick skins, animated cut-ins, etc. It has no influence on the game itself.
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Thats her business, rin did the same thing and as much as we all shitted on her it really didnt affect anything
How hyped are you guys to get a muscle mommy who you can fake thirst post over to hide your pedophilia!
Mommy's giant shoulders and pro-nouns UuU
You're the only one hiding it, tranny, I'm very proud of it.
If she's cultivating a fanbase that may cause problems to other idol fanbases and girls she just shouldn't be in idol
Juna doesn't even follow her, if anything she's the one threadshitting
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Kai got Christina!!
show vagina juna
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nice I finally found a way to save my edits without eating the transparent background
Management things differently, the more diversity there is the better
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my cum will rejuvenate her
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All she has to do to drive normies away is to allude to pegging chat with her futa cock
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like oh em geeeee did joo see how like koa follows this girl on twitter but not this one oh my gaaawd I could have totallyyy sworn I saw juna like unfollow her tooooo geez louise girlfren they like totes hate each other it's times like these we could like still see like likes and stuff
The only thing I'm getting from this post is that Coni would be cute as a seal
*times like these I wish
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Sisters, SISTERS! check this out
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puniru sex
this cuck laughs at his own jokes
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>I want someone who can break my face, in the best way
I will skull fuck you, Kai
You say that until she vanishes for a few months. Only the strongest of wills get to reap the daintiest of maidens.
Is there a tsunx menhera tierlist?
Be less obvious threadshiter kun
Diversity sucks. The essence of strategy is choosing what not to do.
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Purin>the rest.
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stop projecting
God I miss Purin.
too much shitting, too little lusting over little girls
cry about it threadshitter kun
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nta but it seems I'll be feeling like home then
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Two more weeks and I'm out of here...
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Licking Fuyo's tummy until my tongue falls off!
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I can finally make it transparent!
(thank you irfanview for finally adding that option after 28 fucking years)
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>Ruby is the most viewed Idol with 149 viewers
Dying company
Okay but why does the official idol account hide tweets containing "loli"?
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Not a good idea to post while there's a trooncord raid going on.
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Lala SH2 remake
It's going to be grim when the new gens has more views than everyone else
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I look forward to stealing all your react-fandits
I'm sure it has nothing to do with the fact that we are in a blue board
You should just fuck off now, seapag. Using fuyo to threadshit just shows you're brown and malding
I've seen grimmer.
>jewcorp is heap of cold ashes with a hyena pissing on it
>"It's dying."
If only Coni would do more ASMR....
Shut up idiot, I can't wait to leave this shithole and start watching Mitty full time, you are disgusting to hang out with.
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Explain your moonrunes
you forgot to post your numbers screenshot
You will never be white, seapag. Yuko is gone, just kys
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It didn't before? Seems like something most corporate accounts would hide automatically
some lewd audio work that Koa's mama happen to make the art cover
Jesus look at the amount of mental disorder in this thread...
i really really really want to pee on daisy
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Oooooh, nice! Code? :^)
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Fools! you will die
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>>87509166 (Me)
I still think the girls should have left. This small corpo path clearly leads nowhere and their IPs are extremely valuable
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The only thing that was going to save us was this gen being good. Its really over. The threads had been getting slower and slower. And now its fast again for now so everyone can shit on wildfyre but its really over this time.
Nothing that made idol good remains. Theres no cunny, no more sex asmr under brave rule, no unity, the girls don't even care anymore.
Its really just over. The magic is gone. We cant even joke about being jewish anymore
Uuuhm .png?
get fucked
unironically when will fancord faggots move on instead of having melties about vtubers in a company they've said they've moved on from about 8 times now
Is it too late to exchange hyenas with Voltail?
I'll still watch and support Daisy since she's the one thing keeping this gen from being a complete failure and pray that the retards at Brave US realize that.
stop shitting the thread, thanks.
Good times
>pray that the retards at Brave US realize that.
Daisy daki... ToT
Yes, threadshitters turned on that one already because she told people to not be too horny in public
You will have to wait until I finish then
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Koa is very sexually attractive.
We can just pretend she's part of Wildfyre replacing the Yena posts
I wish our problems were that small
With the way V4M and Idol's new gens look its very clear brave has no idea what actually made their branches successful or not or what gave them a unique identity. They just got lucky a couple of times. I wouldnt hold my breath. Theyre just slopping things out now to try to make a buck.
>Theyre just slopping things out now to try to make a buck.
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Ok let's try again...
Roca and Koa are demons! be very warned! they feed on men! run if you value your lives and souls!
jokes on you I don't
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I'd sell my soul to marry Roca
I ask again to remove Yena and Riki from the OP
>run if you value your lives and souls!
But they both have wings anyway...
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Jokes on you, I've already offered my soul to them.
koa announcement
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The worst part is that Brave is too big to fall having multiple branches everywhere so the chances of a Kawaii situation happening is very unlikely
I wish I could play with Koa like this
cover is too big to fail, not brave, brave is small.
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Thanks for the heads up.
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Do you think the girls have started to regret not getting ownership of their shit and leaving yet?
They could still dissolve Idol in a worst case scenario.
I'll check out Cersea too.

least obvious phasepag raid
Based Koa.
So why the fuck did they bring back Rika?
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Koa is a good girl.
Cover is too big to fail and fall
Brave is too big to fall, the EN market is the least of their worries too
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If it doesn't work out she always has Meru.
if I was a vtuber I'd have so much fun following and not following and unfollowing people on twitter
why do you care even the slightest
Brave is a massive business conglomerate
>Lala got lost at the airport.
>When she was a child? No, recently
cute retard
massive fart you mean
>actual drones ITT
Wtf Lala isn't a child?
She has lived two (2) lives dummy, weren't you there by the debut?
Also it's been 50 minutes and she has been chatting, fuck the game
>Let's do a just chatting like... a podcast and we invite guests like...
>Kurt Cobain
>Loses her shit laughing at herself
I love Lala (sexually)
yeah its pretty obvious idol will get axed by the japanese big dogs sometime within the next couple years, they only have themselves to blame for doing the polar opposite of what vtuber fans want.
it always goes the same way for every dead corpo
>hire tranny loving whores who suck off sexpests on stream and think vtubing and anime culture is "problematic"
>either they yab, girlboss so hard it destroys everything around them, or become 2view shitters
>company shuts down
happened to kawaii with aletta, happened to prism, etc.
objectively phase is the only ones that understand this somehow (thanks to management not really fishman) which is why they're now no longer small corpo.
ill also say aviel understood this, but with him gone it'll go to shit. he made mistakes other departments, but he DID understand the type of content and girls people like.
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It's never been easier to choose.
>ill also say aviel understood this
same but ill go discuss her on /tsunx/ after she debuts
nta but sadly Aviel always believe in hiring "niche" girls like Rin and Juna.
yeah because he says one thing and does the opposite
Eat her
just stop posting
just stop
Kawaii died with the gen 3 walk out. Management probably loosened up after that because it was so disastrous for the company, which in turn let people that went against Kawaii culture to run rampant.
cuckoldry is a pretty niche topic

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