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Mouse Is Cute Edition

Welcome to /mouse/ - Ironmouse General!

No Mouse today. She did a long TCG sim game session yesterday while doing an AMA simultaneously if you want to check out her VOD. She plans to return Thursday.

This is the thread to discuss Ironmouse and her streams. Please avoid discussions that are not relevant to Mouse or her streams.

Image Source: https://x.com/Guri_jpeg/status/1845734674934689905

Mouse: https://www.twitch.tv/ironmouse
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@IronMouseParty
VODS: https://www.youtube.com/@IRONMOUSEVODS
Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@ironmouse
Twitter: https://x.com/ironmouse
Other: https://pastebin.com/TMP89R5B

Related Threads:
VShojo+ General: /vsj+/

Previous Thread: >>87483683
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I miss them
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God this model needs a rework i wish I knew kk modelers
stream today?
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breasts too small
gah damn
my recommendation is showing faze people thst search up mouse lately it's odd
Mouse and her mods haven't made a clip featured in 10 months and it's the second thing visible after the channel trailer
>She plans to return Thursday.
>She repeatedly said she was going to stream Wednesday when ending stream
she lives in jst time so makes sense, she's live her Thursday our wensday
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NGL I just lost track of the days and thought today was Wednesday. Oops
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Silly anon teehee.
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Not you sorry
I like ironmouse
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>>87536900 (me)
i meant to say i love ironmouse
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so what happened? can't count on monke or mouse to comment
just go to her twitter and she explained it.
tldr - streams got some boom from the charity auction then as all thing does it died down and depression creeps in then took small hiatus.
Probably delusions of grandeur waiting for that debut or the money did bounce and nothing will be said.
just a wall of text and no mention on the collab. like she should've jumped on it if her views went down.
idk but connor did have contact with her based on the discord message. maybe she's waiting to upgrade b4 using the collabs
Saw this on the vsj thread don't know exactly what it is but Mouse is involved

Have you checked them out? They're 3D idols that looks straight out of those BL Manhwas
So I assume this is some virtual meet and greet? >Come join vtubers from around the world in cyberspace
not too sure but it's not an irl. i hope its not on a shitty self-made website tho lol
If she's depressed her viewers went down after people were checking out who she is she's going to be even more depressed when she collabs with these big streamers and her viewers are huge for them then drop off to normal after a week or so.
That account has five million followers and puts on live festivals with huge Kpop bands that their parent company Hybe represents. Bands like BTS.
that's good then
Mouse if your going to go to random weird events you should really have the balls to call them out if they do end up fucking over your viewers like the vmuse thing did.
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best way to be ensure being invited to nothing
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And Mouse doesn't need the drama going on right now. Even in her last stream just thinking about her dad almost caused her to break down crying so the last thing she needs is potential drama.
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Cute, they also made that huge booba Sailor Iron Mouse cosplay art.
No its really not. that is the privilege of being a big streamer, people want you there and unless they plan to fuck up they will not care about you complaining about an event that did fuck up.
Big streamer bitch about events they attended all the time.
Nice wonderland Mouse was underappreciated for art.
Mouse isn't "fuck you" big though. Did you even buy a ticket? Do a charge back. Or fuck off and stop pretending to care about other people's problem.
I wasn't talking about the top of the top, even people Mouse size can a and do.
People still work with Connor even when he dropped out of a project he had committed to.
mouse herself got fucked over with the 3d concert and still she hasn't call them out so no chance
Honestly it feels like Mouse gets screwed over a lot and doesn't say anything.
That K9 should do a charge back.
I've seen a few scan looking tweets that claim Mouse is AI and saying its time tin invest in some shares in AI because of her success.
Weird very weird
she doesn't like making a scene
Not shares, cryptocurrency
searching mouse on twitter now gives me a wall of girls reposting this and freaking out so I guess it is big. though a cursory glance seems as this is more in the kpop scene which is a bit worrying to say the least.
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Sorry about the wait, but I didn't remember the name of the video, so I had to hunt it down in my favorites. Was funny even hearing Haruka get in on it, and this was before Geega even joined.
I need backpack jokes to break out more. I want to see more backpack memes.
who are you talking to?
To be fair that was them mocking overanalysing anon not what was going to in that thread. Funny still.
The worst retard that always says "Mouse, do x thing".
Mouse, ignore every post that starts with "Mouse".
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ok buddy
Mouse do a cb stream
Mouse, you’re the best.
Mouse do a flip
Mouse open a fansly
Nah they made fun of my spreadsheet during Minecraft. This clip was them shitting on people /here/ trying to analyze friendships
We can't let a Mouse OP horni thread die without sharing sex rat with the world can wr?
Yeah I know but that’s not why it was brought up in the last thread.
never looked at that thread, is it just posting sexy art?
Pretty much.
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This would've been a better meme daki instead of the last abomination we got
it was geega mostly being an asshole
Mouse have a wonderful day
I do hope we get a real daki. Mouse said about wanting clickdraws to make one, that would be amazing.
We have a chance with the chat choice daki and if we are really lucky they will let us vote on if it gets a r18 versions too.
I will TTS for a meme lewd worm to sway chat to spite you unless you counter TTS me anons
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Demon tails are hot
I kneel
We already have a worm one as a goal
R18 Bubi daki coming right up
he said a slutty worm showing hole with a maid outfit
that was subbathon 2 goal I'm still waiting on
I still think they should make a double sided daki, one Mouse the other Bubi.
thats a twofer
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poster please mouse
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