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RxRxR: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7WXVFl-N6-o
PAKU PAKU SEIBAI: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zAFA8SCKpXk
Colour MV: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u9alGJE9ZXA
EIEN MV: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xGgKKwc-jWg
Bling Bang Bang Born with Ina: https://youtu.be/B3kE_zxORik
LOS LOS LOS: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oCOGTtxq24k



>Free chat/Vspacer chat:

>Merch (Limited)
PC Case: https://hyte.com/store/hakos-baelz-y60-case-deskpad-bundle/
Official: https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/all?open=talent&q= "Talent_ハコス・ベールズ"
Geek Jack: https://shop.geekjack.net/collections/hakos-baelz
Promise swag: https://www.omocat-shop.com/collections/omocat-x-hololive-en

>Bae's Twitter

>Art Tags
Danbooru: https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts?tags=hakos_baelz
Pixiv: https://www.pixiv.net/en/tags/ハコス・ベールズ/artworks

>Getting Started
Bae Guide: https://rentry.org/s9fnh
Streams Guide: https://rentry.org/pfzyc
Twitter Spaces: https://rentry.org/hs7p4
Season Box Arts: https://files.catbox.moe/lsrvff.png
Barely avoided that Pokemon card shop flavor of the month in favor of making weird noises game, I prefer the latter personally if given the choice.
Bae is too Australia to copy any voice except Sana's.
Previous bread:
Previous stream:
Current stream:
Bae has shown little to no interest in TCGs
Reminder that the impression Bae is most confident in is her Minecraft villager impression
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Rrat Love
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please dont count the eggs before they hatch. Until it has truly died down, i stilll have fear it might happen
Thanks for za bread!
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[Spiral News]
It seems Bae has been exposed to kino
Hell yeah, guess Bae was part of that TTGL movie watchalong
I was hoping for a watch along but this is fine too
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I got distracted watching footy and almost forgot about the stream
Wow she's on time
Man I sure hope that Bae mimics someone who really likes to talk about her feet tonight
>shorter stream again
this kills the bratling
im the bratling
Wait what? There was a TTGL watchalong with Bae?
I wanted to watch ttgl with bae tho...
I watched ttgl like 7 times and even went to cinemas to re watch the movies
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I need alone time with Bae :(
I miss her too much.
Mori and some other girls watched in person at her place, she cooked for them too
I'm starting to think the orange dimension is a real place I can go to
Cute rat noises
I love this cute rat.
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It would be funny if she had to say HAWK TUAH
hawk towa spit on that thang
By the end of the stream I will be deaf
Is she TRYING to ruin my ears?
the blood in my ears is equally to my happiness
I love this stupid rat
I hope they have stock_metal_pipe.mp3
Was that water or a dyign cat???
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>tfw plommmmmmbbb
mmm mnyes louder
Asphyxiated rooster my beloved
How is she so bad at this?
How is she so good at this?
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this pressure...akai no hakotaro??
She should make dumb cute noises at all times
File deleted.
Bae is full of them
I want to hear half these noises during seggs
these are the sounds mumei does when she makes out with bae
Thank you firefox, very cool
Where does that WAOOOOWWW sound even come from
sounds like a stock scifi sfx
I love the "okay" at the end
nope their mating call is just calling their names
>mumei mumei MUMEI mumeeeeeei
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I love this silly girl
Some of these noises are extremely goofy
>some of
guys... I think bae is...
sounds like she's spitting on me
she's so retarded bros, I love her
This rat sure is cute...
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she could do a literal valentines date roleplay stream that it wouldn't make me gosling even half as hard as this one
i asked
I caled
It's the goofy shit that I appreciate the most
she is doing the worst out of anyone I watched play this, I blame her accent
How was that a 20
There should be a type of game mode where it's animal noises only
Bae is creating the ultimate 'Wake your parents up on Christmas so we can open presents' soundboard
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>finally watch BR2099
>the context of this scene is that she didnt love him and she was a fake mass produced software
i dont get how this became a synonym of "i want chuuba gf"
>Kleeonk noise.
>Bae does some kind of Croc FACHOO noise.
>Yells that it was totally the same noise.
We're moomin now
I went out of my room and I could still hear her screams through the headphones and the closed door
The seagull is dying
When the seagulls cry
Bae is not the alpha...
Does Bae not see the sound pattern? It's showing her what to follow.
When she's in the recording phase, she sounds like a DBZ fusion
I mean how is that not also what Chuubas are? At least copro ones
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man my rat is the cutest
theyre too loud LOL
what did she mean
the original "gosling" was about Drive (autistic guy with a gf).
The BR screencap looks sadder. I've seen goslings made with comedy roles so at this point its just his face
go back to your hole
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Well, actually, it's heavily implied that she actually did grow sentience and grew to love him a lot, considering she constantly egged him on to continue his investigation, and was even jealous of the prostitute that had sex with the guy, and comforted him until her machine was destroyed: ie, she was killed
the tradegy being that he lost that specific version of her forever, and she couldn't be replaced anymore
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By the end of the year, she will be farming mangoes in Tahiti
You just need to have some faith
that's one of the interpretations yes. The great thing about bladerunner is that a lot of its themes are up to interpretation.
That's why the riddley Scott re-cut of the original blade runner is garbage, since he takes away a lot of the stuff and railroads you into one line of thought
Aw shit, now I have to look up which version of the OG blade runner I watched
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everytime I hear someone say plim plom i think of this
enjoy! there's also two endings!
What a cute faqing rat
little bit more there bae
soundposter you'll have a lot of work tonight
She needs to embrace her ability to make the cutest mouth garble sounds
my rat is a chihuahua...
That one literally does just sound like her lmao
Inutaro my beloved
I love her laugh so much.
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that car needs oil
A little bit of belt squeal on startup, but she'll be roight.
god I love this dork
it kinda sounds like a turkey
That was the hardest she has laughed in a while
I'm in love
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Is that Gondawara kek
This stream is giving me a massive urge to squeeze Bae so she squeaks
She's having so much fun with this dumb game and playing with her own voice...
>Chinese style tone
Bae... n/m redeemed with 95 on the Koto
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The game gives her the highest scores for the least accurate attempts
We discovered you are part turkey bae
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pshyooomniiiii pwooosh pheeeew byooom.
Rate the stream
Quick morning zatsu and supachat reading tomorrow
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swing swing swing wosh fium


it's your end mioposter
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so um i um i think i love bae...
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You cant hit me! just look at my speed!
Probably one of her best streams in a long time desu
damn have we shrunk as a community, where is everyone
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plip plip plip
you can't dodge a NUKE
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I like it comfy, too much people brings retards too.
Ganbare soundpost anon, this stream was a treasure mine of cute noises
Sorry man I'm gaming Runescape really hard right now..
Cute rat making herself giggle.
in case you arent shitposting, the introduction of Advent+Justice means a lot of people who squatted on random threads might have found an oshi. There's also less people after a break and they recoup after a while when its "safe" to comeback
Thread police probably scared them all away
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If you have any specific soundposts requests, these are the ones I've got on the list right now
59 "bird"
76 billiards
78 pew
90 chihuaha bae
92 can kicker
94 “train”
95 “engine”
97 turkey phone
105 stab
7 days finale is on and I know for a fact we overlap a lot with deadbeats
the entire stream
i dont post here while the stream is on i only come in afterwards to say bae is cute then leave
Sadly I can't turn the entire thing into a soundpost unless it's a still image or like hyper-compressed gif
how about a supercut of her final attempt at every sound?
I like this idea, if you do it I'll make it a divegrass chant
Lmao, how come she still doesn't have 1 million subs?
short superchat zatsu reading tomorrow
abayo chocoball
sorry FWMC didn't stay for the raid bud
you got laughed off global again lil schizo?
Yeah I can do that
You'll have to give me a few days probably
Same desu
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wtf Bae is canadian?
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Just joined, qrd?
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I'm VODding this because I just got FF Tactics Advance in the mail today
hell yeah, good taste
I'm so confused, I got isekai'd, two lizard men tried to beat me up, another guy with a strange catchphrase backed me up kupo, a guy in armor proclaimed himself the judge, the lizard men got nuked by lightning, then when one tried to use medicine he got arrested by the armored guy for breaking the law because that item wasn't allowed.
So is it safe to assume Dark Souls is dead if Bae's in her "I don't want to play any games that make me feel bad" arc?
She mentioned she was going to go back to it but yeah, that was before her current arc so if it does, it'll be later on when she's feeling better I assume
can anyone give me the non-schizo reason for her feeling bad?
Just stab version
We simply don't know
The most plausible theory so far is a combination of working herself beyond the limit multiple times already because she keeps taking on more and more projects, having a week with her family again after so long only for them to go home again, and something possibly going wrong in an upcoming project be it her belated anni or whatever the counter is assuming those aren't one in the same (the last time we saw her go through such a sadgirl arc was when something went wrong with her 3d live so this is very possible to be the straw the broke the camel's back on top of her workload)
If she ever shares the reason it will be months from now once it's over, same way she always did in the past. Until then there's no point in theorizing because you'll likely be wrong anyway.
nobody knows, she might tell us when it blows over mentally a long time ago from now
she mightve just been homesick cause mama rat and chibi rat had departed and mama rat coming and going makes her really miss australia and comfort of her family, she might also feel like shit cause she's missing out on seeing baby rat grow up and she wants to be that aunt in his life
could be a million personal reasons, but she seemed to cheer up mid stream over whatever funk she was in so im in the betting camp of shes never telling us

not that im complaining but i've noticed lately she's seemed more reserved compared to prior engagements in her personal life, since that one member's stream
>she's seemed more reserved compared to prior engagements in her personal life
This isn't true though, she's never really shared she's been going through rough a patch until months if not a year later. So her even admitting she's feeling down is a first.
She's always been transparent when it's her period. This time it wasn't but everyone thought it was cause it lines up with her clock that we've come to expect.
Genmate graduation = depression. It's so easy to tell.
>please bite please im desperate for yous
I am not talking about her period though..
Whatever it was, it came around dinner time then was mulled over after hanging out with her community so it couldn't be that bad all things considered Yakuza and today she looked in very high spirits.
She didn't do the countdown for the last 2 streams
Put 1 and 2 together
Yes she did.
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Mate, look in the top right and get your eyes checked
How long did it take for us to get the Beastie story again?
It's hard to feel down after TTGL with the homies
Was it confirmed Bae was in that TTGL group? I was really looking forward to watching it with her one day...
Didn't she talk about it in the time capsule stream? So like probably a year+.
Yes, her, IRyS and Raora were there.
She confirmed it with a tweet to kyalli before going live. It was with Raora and IRyS
Chadcast truly only exists offstream these days.
This is the eternal curse of what happens in Hololive when you become genuine real friends, the idea of having to collab on stream then have restraint on just doing what you do not streaming is a burden not worth having
I'm gonna KYS myself
What do you call CHaD + Raora anyway
CCHaD obviously. But adding more members is kind of impossible because where do you draw the line? Too many people live in Japan now. Does Biboo get in through nepotism? Is it Japanese speakers only so FWMC? Then does Zeta count too with her so-so Japanese because of the whole sister branch thing?
Which is why the whole idea of CHaDcast returning was having rotating guests, which makes more sense than ever to do.
The JPs are pretty good about making their outings into stream content in some form or another. The ENs (and as noted, IDs) in Japan could do something similar, eventually, if they wanted to as a community of expats...... and IRyS gets thrown in for good measure. ExpatRyS if you will.
I want a Bae and Raora cooking collab.
I'd love a good italian cooking offcollab
Maybe they both teach each other a dish from their own repertoire
Raora isn't really cook or bake though, as she herself noted. She can make pasta obviously, boiling it is pretty simple. But that pizza making stream was the first time she ever attempted to make pizza because she doesn't spend a lot of her time in the kitchen preparing food.
I've considered Beebs the unofficial 4th member for a while now and my headcanon will never be invalidated because CHaDcast is fucking DEAD in the ground
CHaDRock is a fantastic combo for sure
She can cook other food just fine, pizza is something she never tried to make by herself before but everyone expected her to cuz she's italian.
That's like expecting americans to know how to make hamburgers. Why would you bother to learn to cook a food you can get on every corner?
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nta but i would absolutely expect an american to know how to cook a hamburger.
>Why would you bother to learn to cook a food you can get on every corner?
To make it at home to your specific liking for a cheaper price, anon...
I missed a few streams. Does bae talks about why she didn't join the 7 days to die?
No new info besides the original tweet
There's a zatsu tomorrow so if she's going to elaborate it'd be there
Nope, she mentioned she was a bit of a sad mood but hasn't gone into any detail.
Both Yakuza and the Mimicry stream did cheer her up a bit though.
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It's not the same burg isn't cooking it comes nearly fully prepped add heat
I see, hope she's doing OK. She definitely felt more down mood to me in recent streams.
Anon, you can make burgers from scratch with mince
It’s not hard to see why she’s sad. The World Tour got delayed/canceled because of Ina getting deported.
You've posted this several times and never provided any proof
The next event is in November and it's at worst a week's delay
So going pure;y by Mori's chat about CHaDcast and why it isn't happening, I'm guessing that they want to rent out some studio space and change it from purely a podcast to have more of a game show aspect to it with various guests. But to do that they need staff assigned to the project and the staff isn't getting assigned by management to make it happen.
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Heh. And people doubted me when I called that one they did in Malaysia the last episode...
Studio stuff, even an offsite rental place, would require the staff she was talking about.
Bless you for all the sounds anon
>>87542181 is my favorite just because of how much she laughed at it
She really made herself laugh a lot today, it was nice
Bae should play Advance Wars
This but Days of Ruin
Plapping the Rat prone bone while Irys chants "breed, breed, breed" from the sidelines
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Chadcast as a "podcast" is pretty much death because its been declared as a unit. Cover always wants those units to be marketed (and so do the girls) so management gets involved because they usually want the production to be better. I predict its gonna make a comeback as an hybrid of that suzy/marine radioshow.

But aside from that its not weird for three of the four most hardworking ENs to have fucked up schedules. Chocosubalunatan and other groups also ended up settling for gaming once in a while because otherwise they never collab and lets not talk about okfams or sankisei
Bae should play with my dingaling
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I'll feed 'em whenever I want.
Bae is a growing girl..
Frame up!
It's been a while since the last zatsu so I'm already excited
Nothing like a good chat
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just finished watching archive since its the middle of the night when she streams for me
big fun
good turkey
sounded like she was pretty sad still at the end tho, hope things turn up for her soon, whatever is going on
It was good and she seemed to cheer up at least a bit
Laughed a lot at least
yeah, me

Yeah her period
Mr. Chedda is coming.
4 days until the announcement?
any hints of what could it be?
Whatever she's doing for her anniversary, most likely
Probably whatever she's doing for her anniversary in November
>i got isekai'd
>i actual spoiler
played through it a bunch as a young teen. game has flaws but is great. the law system can be super grating and the way to play around it is silly, i'm playing ffta2 on the ds for the first time atm and it's better implemented. story can be surprisingly deep, and also a bit dumb
FFTA2 brings me a lot of nostalgia, great game and some great characters
Also I want to fuck a Gria
so you'd ravage her?
I've never seen anything like the law system in an RPG before.
First time I whacked an enemy with the main character, got myself a red card and an instant game over.
I expected just Final Fantasy meets Fire Emblem, but I had no clue battles had a "referee".
Bae should have played concord
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Chadcast into the Shadow Realm
i think bae should abduct biboo in her house
this but zeta
no... too much sex on screen
Rate the other HoloENJPs (and Zeta)
Less than #1.
My dinner
I didn't think last night's stream was gonna be a game about imitating noises, I thought ERB dared Bae to do a variety stream imitating other holos
You didn't see any HoloJPs do it? I recommend Fubuki
No please do, this Rrat barely eats anything and it worries me.

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