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Bling-Bang-Bang-Born: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B3kE_zxORik
スイートマジック: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5EimdErvUh8
Meconopsis: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XzkNg89Cq9Y
Ocean wave PartyLive: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2v_BFL-kuWs
Drenched In Air: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9w4X67atXEo
おどれ!VRダンス!: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5KCpe82_jW4
POP/STARS: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EDUADGntHOE
summertime: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ucwpn-JQqmI
フタリボシ: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=84uvWfZqqeg
ないない: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=injd7gHrIGU
い〜やい〜やい〜や: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R5yfM_UlucY
Tabi No Tochuu: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NIv_yYKl9tQ
VIOLET: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ZdLXELdF9Q

Previous: >>87395009
Behead nihonjins
Take our Ina back to us
Battle has begun
I want my Ina and I want her NOW

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I miss her voice...
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Need emotionless sex with Ina while she draws...
A clothed version of this bouncy pouting Ina would be so cute as a loop.
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Chill Travel - Taichung Limited Pop-up Store
I need to be called tagoratchi again...
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I'm nothing without her
Ina please come back home...
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Upon review, I think I'm completely fine if it takes Ina another week to get home
I think they fucked up the tweet, that album seems to be from some completely unrelated group and it's not mentioned in the other languages.
>Check out the interactive article on weverse magazine on October 21!
I hope it's something cool instead of another interview where they ask the same 5 questions they make every interview
I'd much rather it be some magazine interview that literally anything involving the people on that list
the producer is literally called Weverse Maganize my dude, it is going to be an interview for a magazine. I am saying I hope they ask new questions and they feature Ina's art or something that isn't just plain text with the same info we already know from streams and previous interviews
it's actually insulting having Ina on this list
they got my hopes up thinking it was some kind of musical project
I don't know why you would ever want that with that fucking cast list
i wanted another Imagine cover for the hurricane but with vtubers this time
because I love hearing my Ina's singing
this shit is so cringe bro
With a name like "The 1st Global Virutal Festival", it's probably just going to be the usual "Why did you become a VTuber? What's being a VTuber like?" bullshit.
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I hope on the day of my final breath Ina appears before me to do the Ocelot pose and say "You are pretty cool"
No way in hell this is any sort of song, cover would never. Its just going to be the same interview questions as usual.
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By now one would think the interviewers would at least investigate their interviewees before asking the same shit they have already answered like 20 times.
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I hope Ina answers every question with watch streams bro
when's Nardwuar gonna get Ninner on the show?
They should ask ina about the colour, curlylese, length and density of her pubes.
Back when I was a malewhore tako, eating hairy pussy of old lady’s was my specialty so this would get me rock hard
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The video that made the general public finally realize celebrities are retarded and disconnected from reality.
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Cover has chilled out and they would have never let anyone in Hololive be part of an event with Kson even a year ago.
Kson wasn't fired, you know, I don't know why they never collabed but it's not like Cover was forbidding Vshojo collabs either.
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All celebrities should be killed violently
I wonder if Ina got deported or just needed to leave in a hurry to avoid it

She might be stuck at home for a whole year if it was an overstay
She was heading back home for a bit anyway to see family. We won't know how bad the damage is until she tells us.
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Hello takodachises what does the OP image mean
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Ina is giving birth. To me
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I am running out of sexy Inas to post.
I miss Ina...
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Ina trapped in gay baby jail.
at least she gets to hang out with Luna
I don't know how much longer I can go without a glimpse of news
What seems the likeliest is she had her trip back scheduled for before her visa expired, since that was her original plan, but while she was there she applied to extend her stay. When that didn't pan out she simply has to travel back in the specified time. The only worrisome bit is the ceasing of work activities, but it's probably just an excess of caution.
probably the most likely theory
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This girl never stops working
Nerds, translate!
wondering about her
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What happened
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if I were to tell you I would have to behead you a thousand times right here and nyow
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Aaaah I getchu, friend.
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Oooh wish I'd thought of this gag.
New York Mets, let's go baby, love da Mets
you simply do not fuck around when it comes to visa issues, it's the difference between having to go home early or being deported and banned from coming back for five years.
The purple one...
the canon ending...no...
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I've had enough... Where the fuck is Ina.
I ate her
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how was she cooked
pretty based
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Kumomane is actually not doing shit, I cannot believe that the management managed to dig a deeper hole for itself after the already gigantic fuck-up. We have to resort to forbidden knowledge to get even the slightest of updates, I deeply hope that whoever works for Hololive's management is feeling pure and unfiltered shame at the moment.
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I had an interview today and I kept stuttering like crazy
Ina please give me permission to kill myself now
They won't feel shame. Just looking at various other places nobody seems to be too upset. They got their little PR statement and just said "at least they're communicating!" they won't start bitching or pressuring them for a while. I still don't know why they acted like they'd update us with kumomane though. They didn't even retweet any promotional stuff.
There's nothing to update; the only things that can be said about the whole situation are "Ina's going to be gone for a bit for reasons that can't safely be discussed" and "Ina's back now" which is better done by Ina herself once she's in the clear.
Any kind of ETA apart from what they already gave would just be begging for someone to ambush her at the airport.
Then why saying that there will be updates? Why introducing a persona to the manager? I do not understand.
they haven't even retweeted the magazine thing
Unless you applied for some front facing sales position (in which case you should kill yourself anyway) people don't actually care about shit like that, half of interviews is just bullshit made up by HR wine aunts.
Give me back my wife!
kumomane is an anagram for nuke ammo, spread the word before i get ta
Hololive talents being locked out of their work accounts is an upper management decision and doesn't have anything to do with Kumomane. Is getting suspicious though how Cover hasn't released any information and feels like next week there is going to be more bad news.
He is gonna say something about Inas outfit next
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Let's not get into rrats, all I'm saying is that the management has been disappointing throughout this whole situation.
Ina's manager is one of the most useless fucks I've heard of
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I wonder if Ina's looking at the same moon, at the same moment. I like that, connected by light.
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Take your meds, Hurea-chan
if you even think about management, they're screwing up desu
yo Ina could you stream tomorrow? I am going to give you a thousand kisses if you do so
Isn't it just to tell viewers that if anything comes up, Kumomane will say so through Ina's twitter? It's reassuring, and lack of news just means nothing unexpected has happened.

I do wish Kumomane would tell me if Ina is blinking though.
Soon for sure

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worth it
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How cute do you guys think she's gotten over the break...
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It's accurate...
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I got the clown, unsure what it means.
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Hola, wahmigo!
I’m tired of being a mexican, how do I become Japanese in order for Ina to love me?
Reroll spawnpoint.
Become Anya
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Life sucks, this world sucks, i suck, i miss Ina
Ina news in the next 24 hours
I believe
>recent post from notIna
this >>87578416
Do the sort of news we got today count?
I wonder how bored she was
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if we don't hear news from Ina in the next 24 hours you can start playing the first warning song because I am sure as hell I'll make management regret this
It sounded like she was still able to hang out with the other girls a bit, so hopefully it ended up being more of an involuntary vacation for her.

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