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Amelia Watson and Dooby appreciation thread
This thread's for our girl, an adorable, dorky, wonderful angel!
Last thread: >>87525878
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Today was a doob day! (~ ̄▽ ̄)~
Check Cytubemate project for 24/7 Ame vods: https://awat.420699.xyz/
Also Ame's Favorite Streams: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL8bh2Nv7NqBBgKC_xM3xYQsTZC1odXq6E
Play Chiku Taku: https://watsonamelia.itch.io/chikutaku
Stream Chiku Taku: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fYVweqOW31w
Ame links and info: https://rentry.org/Ameliur
Dooby links and info: https://rentry.org/Doobyliur
>Note that discussion about past-Ame is discouraged, the scope of this thread starts with Ame, moving forward from there.
>Respect for other Holos and the rules that govern their respective threads is also important, so only if and when on topic, focus on one persona and avoid blending references.
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Today was a doob day!
Have a doobday friends!
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Doob night bros
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Ame looking a little different today
When does doob debut
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So are you people kappas or railfans now?
I'm quantum. Sometimes a gator, sometimes something else. Quantum stuff
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There will be like 30 minutes worth of down time before we reset back to the apex vod but come hang out if you're bored: https://awat.420699.xyz/
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such a dear
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Good night, bros
Today was a doob day
Did anyone archive the twitter karaoke space?
Dooby extreme cute l...

Unprecedented cute
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Oh, come on. You're covering up the goods!
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I think she should play DMC 2
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5 days left
She will be a Genshin streamer
Way to show you know literally nothing about her.
So teamates are just gonna become dooby fans now? Is there at least a new fan name?
we wont know until the debut
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I officially declare our new name to be Doobmates from here on out.
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nah, FUCK dooby. Lazy whore just wanted out while keeping the paycheck
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just say you want to get sodomized by the Big Bubba cock, you fat fuck
heh. Doobs. lol.
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I think im going insane
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heading out but the minecraft collab is still going so come hang out with the gators https://awat.420699.xyz/
Another unannounced thing at night...Euros stay suffering I see.
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I haven't listened to it yet. Does she sing any regular ame songs, she can't be that blatant can she?
She mostly sang songs she hasn’t been able to sing for like 2 years like Disney music and meme songs.
Some gurame and japanese ones, but she also sang disney and weezer songs. The chat was recommeding her songs because her brain stopped working, and no one knows what songs can she sing besides the ones that everyone knows
She also sang the Moon Song and Streetlight Manifesto. So yeah, Ame songs, but ones she hasn’t been allowed to sing.
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yeah lol
Thanks for the archive.
Doobmorning, I see I have some catching up to do
doob more like boob ha ha jottem
doob mornin
Back to Apex.
Genshin streamer
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be hopeful
>for now
>one day we shall see bowson again
>for now2
>maybe in the far future if they would have me (-> the ball is on cover side)
>i just have something i feel like have have to try or to take care of
>in the future a little ways down the line (shortened from FAR to 1-2 years)
>i wouldn't be opposed
>if hololive would ever accepted me back

>Until we Meet Again o7 ~
>for now.... AHEM .....from watson to watsoff ( ⸜ ‘ω`)7

>I have hope that she'll be back
>you know we'll see you again

>Ollie thinks what Ame is doing is an indefinite hiatus, that she will come back some day and said she will show up in important moments. #Myth4Ever

>pic rel

if there is any more submission just tell me. the more the merrier. hopeful message from other holos included.
I've kept myself stored up for a month, when her avatar is revealed the gates shall open and I shall unveil myself
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doob morning.
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I believe!
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I had a dream last night where I was somehow watching Dooby. She was doing some reaction content stream on youtube and apparently it was a collab with Pippa. I forgot what they were reacting to but I feel like it was memes about a game. I suddenly recieved a discord call from someone with an unknown name and decided to answer it. Then my profile picture in discord appeared suddenly right beside Dooby's pfp in the stream and suddenly I hear my voice talking to them and reacting with them somehow but I am still watching the stream live. It was as if another me was reacting with them.
Guys... I just doobed...
Doob inside me
she didn't even debut yet and I already have to be on the lookout for middle of the night karaokes
live free or doob hard
>Dooble dooble dooble, time for a puzzle.
The Doobler
You can always trust that someone will archive it and post a link here.
true, but I like watching it live
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doobmorning my fellow roinguses
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yeah me
How does this cytube even work? When I open it just says nothing is playing
doobmorning motherfuckers
Our son is so cute
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doobmorning bros, i missed alot of the doob karaoke so I'll be checking out the archive soon.
I also found a youtube upload of it if anyone needs that instead
Did you put the password in
Somewhere in the world, someone is doobing.
I tried I love Ame is it I love Dooby?
***** ***
Lol that doesn’t work anyway can’t expect real answers here I guess
That was a hint not the answer anon
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Ok I got it
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Listening to the doob karaoke archive while at work.... I love her so much, we're gonna be ok bros.
Just finished listening to the karaoke archive. I'm feeling alive again, today will be a doob day.
ame doobyliever
>singing Just the Two of Us
>sings Just the doob of us
Kek I love this new dumb name
Some are feeling alive and some other feel lost, what gives
can you add karaoke archive links?
Some people are mad she left hololive because of the restrictions and not because she wanted to do something revolutionary.
listening to it right now as she's singing say so. biggest stupid smile on my face
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I actually felt really good the moment she started singing, the 20th is gonna be real exciting but at the same time, I feel like Dooby is gonna make me feel things.
i'm already in love with ame, i can't fall in love with dooby as well!
i will secretly always call her ame in my heart
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Just got to that part, I'm the same. A big ol' smile on my face.
I'm ready to fall in love all over again
Some are shitposters, others are flaseflaggers and some are teamates who dislike change and are afraid of the future, but most of us are happy we are going to see our oshi again soon
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>"we're gonna have a club penguin dance emote! I just haven't commissioned it yet."
Club penguin dance emote let's goooooooooo
There's two kinds of people in this world. Those that hate change, because change brings uncertainty and that can bring fear and anxiety. Then there are those that welcome change, because change brings new experiences and some find that exciting.
Read >>87562472, this anon explains 79.64% of the posting happening in here
Everyone saying that nothing has changed and "my oshi is back" from Dooby showing up either doesn't understand vtubers or they don't want to admit that things are changing. Things will be different, it's not the same. I hate everyone who is all like "if you don't only care about the person behind the avatar you are scum" when thats the mentality of fans of flesh streamers. I shouldn't expect different tho, there's a lot of lig users in here and most of their "vtubers" flesh stream. The fact of the matter is that Dooby is different from Amelia Watson.
case in point
Even if you're right, which is sometimes the case and others not so much, you haven't even given it time to see whether or not that's true.
Therefore I will assume you are posting in bad faith and remind you that you should kill yourself, post haste. I will also award you this complementary (You) for your effort.
Good day, anonymous.
>dont be new.webm
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Umm, it's ackshually 79.54% of the posts here. Just thought I'd let you know
you will see somebody else with the same voice
After lady night, it's obvious they're the same
i guess if your oshi gets replaced with another irl person or an AI you will be ok with it because it is the same character right? pathetic mentality, stop using the term ''oshi'' when you only see them as products that you easily drop or replace when something changes.
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I am completely ready for her to throw the word doob into everything. Time to rack my brain for all the doob puns I can come up with.
I love her so much bros, nothing but excited for what she does next. that karaoke lifted my spirits so much
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it's a stupid reason but I can't enjoy 100% of doob content because I can't discuss it on global. I mean there's nothing bad here but I was in that thread for 4 fucking years, I'll miss those fags
i doobgree my fellow doobhead
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Same man, I just finished the archive a few minutes ago. Her use of the train as her brand feels appropriate. I'm ready to hop on aboard and go full steam ahead!
Does anyone have all of the animated emotes? I really want that doobycheer emote its great
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i have a couple in low res
I just posted an Ame with no context but yeah, not being able to actually discuss it felt wrong
meant for this >>87563860
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Not a schizo but I'm 100% convinced that the rest of Myth are gonna join her soon and they'll form their own small company. The signs are all there.
Is this me
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uhhh are we some sort of melon chicken now?

Yeah exactly dooby will be better
she’s in full creative control and can stream without being seized by hololives endless commercializing
is there a way to cheat the X-month subscriber? otherwise what's the point of a having a 258 years subscriber badge? just for time travellers?
Thanks bros, I fucking love this one
No, a vtuber is a combination of three things, the person controlling them, the avatar, and the environment they exist in. If any of those three things change its not the same person. So far in existence we have seen the person be replaced, that's probably the worst of things, we have seen environment change, which is when some corpo hires a vtuber wholesale and brings them into their bubble, we have seen a model change when a chuuba drastically changes their design which usually leads to their fanbase decreasing. We have seen when a person and model change, that's a corpo hiring a new talent, we haven't seen a person and environment change really, and the last thing is when a person changes their model and environment, graduation. Usually when I have seen both environment and model change their content changes along with it, which is natural as a change in environment can usually lead to that. I don't, well at least didn't, usually watch chuubas outside of hololive, but what I've seen leads me to believe that it's almost some sort of law. I will watch dooby and see if she will give me the kind of content I like, if that doesn't happen that's fine, but I will absolutely always be here for Ame.
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Live a long life
Mori would be sued into oblivion
this has been one of the few times a woman wearing round glasses didn't disappoint me, what a dork
she has the most collabs with kson in all of hololive. she'll be fine
Kiara loves collabing with JP and everyone else in the company and likes being an idol. She’s not going anywhere. Mori has a record deal. And hololive isn’t Ina’s main job, she’s in it for fun. The only one I can see following her is Gura.
Mori will join them after her contract ends
Kiara's been depressed since beginning of the year. Mori also obviously wants to leave but can't because of UMG, at least not yet. And I doubt that Ina will want to stay in Hololive after the recent suspension/visa debacle.
So like.... what if I...uh...doobed inside Dooby and doobed some more....y'know? is that okay?
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Just a friendly doob hopping by to remind people not to bite bait.
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but I wanna...
Doob isn't ready to raise a lil doob. Now she needs a doobortion. Look at you've done >:(
Is there a reliable way to get notified when spaces go live?
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Remember, bait may be tasty, but it's bad for you.
What if Dooby planted the bait and then she dooaped me?
Oh, show me the streams where mori collabbed with kson, surely you can show mori collabing with her, right?
Just relying on twitter notifications, I know on mobile you have more options on notifications than browser. Maybe there's an extension or something if you don't trust twitter
Stop with the doobious puns.
Click the bell in their profile to enable all notifications
It do be like that
just twitter notification or this thread if you dont get a notification someone is bound to mention it when happens
Awful lot of not Ame/Doob talk in this thread, stop it
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Post about Ame's husband, Gonathan G
We're discussing her future potential collab partners. It's pretty obvious that she's going to collab with Sen, Keeki, Nagu, DD and Shachi soon.
Kiara compared GG and Ame last night. Said she sees her in her.
Then I will ask to borrow some of your luck cause that sounds great.
Yeah, all these puns dooby getting old.
>Said she sees her in her.
Oh Gigi is inside Ame alright
If I'm inside Gigi while she's inside Ame, does that technically make me inside Ame?
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No it makes you a whore who wants to fuck two girls through their sticky sweaty spats.
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Do you guys think she'll do a silhouette of her model for people to draw their guesses? I'm hoping for one, but if she doesn't it's not a big deal. Also I'm not sure if that's common for debuts instead of just outfits.
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Guily as charged. Spats are peak tho
Sometimes there is also a mask. Kson doesn't really act like Coco for example.
She really does though
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Listened to doob karaoke archive while at work. Got free fried meatballs stuffed with cheese for lunch.
Oh yeah, today was a doob day.
i imagine there will be at least one more tease before debut but not a whole silhouette
>fried meatballs stuffed with cheese
nice pull you fat fuckUH
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Gonathan and Jyonathan need to have sex in the next ENReco chapter.
What is the doob equivalent of AMEEEEEEEEEEEE? DOOOOOOOOOOOB?
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Hehe yeh
good point especially when said corporate Vtuber was part of this well established team with friends and dynamics that were just as much if not more popular than her solo content it's cope to claim Ame would be just as entertaining on her own especially not after first year when she prioritized other things than streaming and no way she wants to go back to 2020/21 times now if anything she quit to make it final.
That will be the lore reason for why Jyon can't participate in battle and adventure, maternity leave.
except Ame will return and doob is the interim solution that i just have to live with.
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The Will of Fire…
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Lives on…
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Schizo is having fun replying to himself ain't he
Ame soul was split in 2 fragments - GG and CC.
Coco was a bit more bigger than life at times and actually had a character of sorts, kson is little more than a model for no-makeup days.
She still acts the same way, just doesn't have the Holo girls to stand beside anymore
apparently doing it for hours last night was enough for him
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hmmm where is my delectable roingus
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fat fucks like you cant touch this
what da heck
nerf the roingus she is op
she's literally the same person just without the holo environment and different name and model
if you abandon her you were a fake fan simple as
i know fanbase mixing is a no no but i think itd be kyut to see art of a fat gator with a lil doob resting on his head.
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minecraft collab still going on on the cytube

Fresh vods on their way after a little delay
The reflexes of these fuckers are insane
wouldn't this imply she'd be the first of her gen to graduate or not!graduate?
Justice is too new to know
Someone explain the lore to a newfag
All Might not!graduated (he came back later) and told Deku that now it's his turn to do the things he used to do as a hero.
including not!graduating
It's from My hero academia. The guy in the top frame is like a super famous and respected hero and it's right after the huge battle where he saved the day again and turned around a desperate situation. But his powers are pretty much gone after that, and everyone who watched the fight knows that. He points at the camera that filmed him and says to the whole world "you're next". Like, the job of saving the day is now up to you, he's done. It's addressed both to the main character(bottom frame) who's directly inherited his powers and that's why the cool famous hero can't fight anymore, and to everyone else, because big theme of BHA is society as a whole doing small heroic deeds here and there being more important than one hero carrying everything on his shoulders.
It's a very climactic and inspirational scene. The hero you adore will one day be gone, and it's up to MC, other heroes, regular people and YOU, the reader, to carry his tourch of being a good fucking person.
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That one anon that's been animating doob trains wife drew this. Not exactly what you asked for but close.
I am so happy she is keeping up the karaoke.
Man the past few weeks felt like a whole year. Thank doob I can see light at the end of the tunnel now...
Neither Kson nor Mikeneko (the former #1 SC earners) were able to retain their Hololive fans.
So Dooby has zero chance. I bet 99% of the "fans" in this thread are just waiting for the redebut for closure and will stop watching unless she comes back as Ame.
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Where's a bubba foreskin when you need it
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Sounds like "dooby" in the background
thanks yall
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My favorite part of the doob karaoke was when doob said "Stand back! I'm beginning to doob!" And then she doobed all over chat.
>stop using the term ''oshi'' when you only see them as products that you easily drop or replace when something changes.
This anon gets it.
Role model post.
>you must keep supporting even if the content changes
Found the kson fan
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amesame hot
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counter doob
Will the aesthetic TikToks come back?
dont tell me this roingus is about to make me reinstall tiktok bruh
Tiktok will be banned in january in the US
Why are you implying that I'm not going to give it a chance, retard.
when and where the debut doo be?
Tourist here, it's really interesting to see the exact same reactions here that I saw a few months ago when CC joined Holo, only back then it was in the exact opposite direction. Guess worries about change are a universal thing.
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I remember her previous fans the beans saying over and over that she wasn't going to do voice packs or be sexualized at all. Guess change does happen.
I hope doobs plays stalker 2
that snakes head is so tiny, what the hell does he think he's doin

never stood a chance, honestly
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It doo be dooing. Just a few more doobies to go.
who the fuck is sexualizing CC? she's not wiggling her ass like kiara yet
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I'm so happy seeing her get a decent computer and comfortable life after so long.
erm... that was Gura's pc
what i fear the most is her falling back to fps and moba spamming.
I want her to use this opportunity to play impossible to get perms kind of game.
Starting from final fantasy and dq.
kek good bait
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Well, in that case have this.
old ff and dq are impossible for EN.
what unfortunately timing to go back to being a fps chuuba. doki and vspo en fills that niche nicely now.
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She hates jrpgs
I mostly agree with you, but
>We have seen when a person and model change, that's a corpo hiring a new talent
doesn't really make sense. Hiring a new talent isn't changing the person and model. It's adding to what's already there.
Instead, I think "changing the person and model, but keeping the environment" would be more like if a company had one vtuber take over another's channel, either because the original retired or was fired or something. I don't think we've ever seen something like that happen unless that's what's happening to Kizuna Ai's channel right now and whoever owns the channel is going to find someone to replace her on her own channel.
I doubt shes only going to play fps
but probably not jrpgs
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She will play what she likes, and we will like what she plays.
This guy gets it. And that's the beauty of not having a corporation's collar around your neck.
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With or without the corp this has always been the case. The only real pain will be the lack of amesame.
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That's how it is for me desu. Ame makes games i don't like fun to watch. Obviously there's games i like when she plays more than others, but I feel like when she's having the most fun makes the most fun streams for the viewer. Regardless of what game she's playing.
Kiara was depressed probably for the better part of her life with regular doomposting/meltdowns she said much worse before hololive. Mori was depressed but she's taking meds now and got much better thanks to them, Ina was low energy due to medical reasons and Gura is Gura.
i only watch ame if she rages
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>Replying to 4 hours old bait
You can do better than that anon
Hey, some of her favorite games have some of her best rages. Example: Elden Ring.

I hope dooby does schedules.
>ywn attend a raging rock concert with her
>ywn get lost in a town together
>ywn crash together in a mosh pit
she invented them

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