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probably the 2nd worse major holo collab yet.
Probably the best major Holo collab yet
Where was Shiori during all this? She did a few days then dipped. Did she get eliminated or something?
More Kino on the menu. Can't wait
no she's just retarded and schedules all of her streams a full month in advance during a members stream and refuses to deviate from said schedule unless something truly massive comes up.
Did not watch a single stream and feels like I did not miss anything, unlike with the GTARP.
They need to up the difficulty to normal(i have a feeling it was dumbed down) and include xp penalty on death. It was still a good collab even if a lot of members backed out or got jailed or didn't show up much.
>probably the 2nd worse major holo collab yet.
Which was the first, the Mori-led holo and homo unity tournament? Notice how Mori is always in charge of these shithshows?
probably the 2nd best major EN collab yet.
this shit was honestly kino and my oshis had fun so im happy for them
>Mori-led holo and homo unity tournament
You mean the Apex thing? Wasn't that organized by Ollie?
Why did they play so little? What was even the point?
>7 Days to Die
>they play it for 7 days
makes sense
It was really comfy desu. Was a really chill group. I felt like Kiara replaced the Ame sized hole in her heart in real time.
I could just listen to these autistic girls talk to each other for hours, the game doesn't even matter.
Honestly, this collab made me remember why Hololive is the top dog when it comes to vtubing, despite what all the catalog shitters say. After being so washed out of this hobby, with little to no energy to watch a single vtuber, I decided to check out this collab, curious about the state of an old game that I used to enjoy watching when I was younger, and not expecting much after so many years.
To my surprise, I ended up spending all 7 days watching the streams from beginning to end with full focus, even adjusting my schedule to fit them in. For a moment, it felt like I was back in 2020, back when I had just discovered this hobby and it was the only thing I watched, back to when a Japanese woman with an anime avatar making weird noises into a mic was enough to entertain me for a whole evening.
And I think there's one main reason for this: everyone in the collab, no matter how much they had streamed, brought such a fun and happy energy to the stream. That despite having my favorites from when I used to watch Hololive, I still enjoyed whoever was talking at any given time.
And that's the thing with Hololive: time and time again, they've proven themselves able to hire the most wonderful girls in vtubing. So much so that, because of this collab, I'm now interested in the new hires, even though I hadn’t cared much about their debuts.
And also, i want to have baby making sex with Fauna.
Depressing, I just hope kiara and mori stop being parasites on Fauna next time. Maybe that way it'll be enjoyable
Ina would have been an absolute kino edition.
Agreed, 100%.
the core group was very solid but would've benefited from a couple more active daily players
gg and cc are also fantastic additions to hololive
This would be kino without mori
These collabs would be better if there was some kind of prize or goal that affected the real world outside the collab, you know what I mean?
Mr. Beast tactics work
I really appreciate these genuine positive posts in this sea of cynicism and contrarianism.
that's even worse since this event was probably known to EN for longer than a month so she purposely decided to leave in the middle of it
I didn’t watch season 1
vod gang here
best pov for day 7? fauna? biboo?
Honestly either of those would be good (I watched Biboo though)
This was way better than ENreco, RP is cringe and blocks the girls from properly talking to each othèr.
She organised it. It wouldnt have happened.
7DTD roadmap has human enemies, dynamic events, and weather effects
The game will get a lot less comfy once they get added and it turns into Rust
Literally anyone else could've done it
I couldn't finish watching the finale since IRyS stream started, how was it?
Honestly, Fuwamoco were weird during this. Show up Day 2, get all the others to basically tutorial them. Leave early because they don't want their 1m to hit. Join for a few hours in the finale. Get the others to craft stuff for them. Leave before the Raid.
Yet they didn't, so your point is moot.
It was fun watching them go through hordes
selfish numberwhore cunts
First half I understand. Wanting to make the moment you hit 1m special is a-ok in my book. Playing for 2 hours on Saturday only, and then having to cancel because Moco-chan threw out her boice, it made no sense for them to come back for the finale. Not like anyone other than actual schizos wouldn't understand, but they showed up and had basically everyone say 'Hey, don't push it with your voice'.
Whatever, it's not that big a deal, just an odd choice by them if they knew they might not be able to stay for the whole final day.
Other than that, this has been a pretty good collab. We had a core 4-5 girls who were on basically every day, whether or not they were streaming isn't a problem. They had fun with each other, there were relaxed/slow moments, hectic moments, stuff that made me laugh with their banter during downtime, etc. Having someone who kind of knew what was going on and could huide those with more game-sense (Kiara and Mori) was nice because you got a bit of the learning portion, but it wasn't so dominating of the event that they were actually able to advance quickly enough.
People can argue all they want, but in my book Gigi has been the best hire in the last 2 gens. Her ability to corral people, make people feel valuable or useful (FWMC for example last night) and her ability to just play off of others by taking the lead when needed or playing support is impeccable and has shown through in both this event and ENReco. Her solo streams might not be interesting to some people, but she really does well to get everyone included and it's made what I think might have been mostly awakward big collabs great.
>time and time again, they've proven themselves able to hire the most wonderful girls in vtubing
I think that's the important mistake that most other agencies barring some like Phase make is they hire girls who tend to have the same personality or mindset so in big collabs have not as interesting chemistry. I think Holo's strategy to hire girls based on group dynamics of a gen and diversity of personalities helps greatly so they don't end up hiring the same type of girl more than once or twice.
>GG is great in collabs
>GG is mid in solo streams
So she's not the best hire then, what the fuck? Who cares if she's only good in collabs if her streams suck.
>Season 2 is 8 months from now
>They log in
>Day 2939
>Raora is online (afk)
she's the 2nd best hire
1st was CC.
but then CC is obsessed with GG
She's not even the 2nd best hire in her gen.
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Good post.
It was good. I enjoyed that it was a bit different than the other collab games they've played. The players obviously enjoyed it. Fauna is famous for going to sleep early and she played the full game all 7 days. I wish some people hadn't dropped out and that some others had participated, but that's the reality of EN now. And a different group might have had worse dynamics anyway. Mori was a little awkward trying to play organizer and leader.
You do realize that FWMC are two people and only one person fucked up their voice right? Fuwawa could speak and not just giggle and whisper at Mococo. FWMC joined another horde day also and seemed to just show up for that and then leave. In the day 7 stream, they showed up and left after almost exactly 2 hours. I don't know why they isolate themselves like that.
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>Gigi has been the best hire in the last 2 gens
Idk if the best, but that's subjective. But I do agree that GG and CC were amazing hires. GG easily buffs any collab she is in x2.
If you really want to get into it, their 'regular stream time' is total dogshit for all the stuff they want to do during the day in Japan, whether it's Cover-related or personal growth related. They've cut a large majority of their streams that used to range from 2-5 hours down to a hard two hour line and basically told their fans 'we're trying to fit in what we can, so be thankful for it'. It's whatever and is one of the reasons I slowly started watching less of them, but it's unimoortant to this thread so I'll stop bringing it up after this.
I guess I'm just happy to have someone who plays really well with others and facilitates collabs like this. Every time she's in a collab, I'm happy to see her there and she's done what I said above, trying to make every feel engaged and included without being too overbearing. Kiara does it as well, but her bluntness sometimes comes off wrong and she can close up and Mori also tries but is sometimes too 'timid' to push people out of their comfort zone to get them active.
Honest one that that drew me to Biboo was her energy for collabs and interacting with the others, then CC and GG pop up and they just add more to that fire.

All three of them have done a lot to get a lot of the other Holo girls to get out and do stuff.
They've been a bit of a disappointment after a strong start. GG is well liked within EN and it really shows. She was also willing to show up and do boring work while the other girls did more exciting things. People like that are rare and valuable in these kinds of games. Kiara was fine in this collab, and her bluntness can be funny in moderation.
You mean woms tournament? Thats actually one of the best stream
I appreciate the honest response in a sea of shitpost, but you shouldn't give catalog thread any credit that it can produce good discussion thread.
just a small mistake, doesn't really matter unless you are schizo (which you are not)
fuwamoco understood that this is a waste of time for any of their fans
I loved Fauna, GG, CC, and Biboo in this collab. I agree with the prior posters regarding GG - she really brings an infectious energy to any collabs she's in, and in this did quite a lot of menial work so other girls who were actively streaming didn't have to. It's rare and selfless and underappreciated, I think.
This is the kind of post i'm looking for when browsing /vt/. Not the 90% of shitpost and spam
I liked their short day 7 POV, they helped fortify the old house and they got to join in on the bike gang and mall raid which were great. I'm happy they left when they did to let the main cast have their focus at the end. GG continues to be an honorary ruffian.
>13 promised participants
>down to 4-5
That's honesty really really bad and there is no excuse you can have to make up for this fact. The only benefit is not a bunch of voices shouting at once. Also your GG shrilling brings nothing to your argument.
The server had lag issues when they got over 4 or 5 players, so it was good most people bailed. As far as girls who said they'd show up and then barely did, that's on the girls. The lack of participation and half-ass participation has affected my opinion of some of them.
>The collab was fun for the fans of the people who showed up regularily.
>Well maybe if more people showed up, it'd be good!
What is wrong with you? Did you get dropped on your head multiple times by your parents when you were a baby?
seafags need a narrative to pretend it was bad
based and holopilled
That was my favorite group too but kiara and mori being constantly stuck to Fauna was really unfortunate
By holo EN standards it was alright, it had way too many issues with people outright not giving a shit though and the streams weren't particularly stellar either, it was OK content but very forgettable.

Now as a whole, for vtubing standards it was awful, an absolute slogfest of a collab and a waste of time.
Name a better large group collab
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Please point me to the non holo collabs that put this “slogfest” to shame then anon
Right. I personally didn't mind Mori, as she was pretty calm/mild energy throughout what I watched - maybe due to her throat issues. I'm thankful she hosted the collab and such, even if a lot of the girls didn't or couldn't participate. Kiara.. well, yeah, I definitely sympathize with what you said. I think maybe her personality and way of communicating can rub people the wrong way quite easily. When she kept telling GG to stop with the spike defenses in the moat, across multiple days, in this passive-aggressive way, it bothered me.
GG has had some amazing solo streams though. Arguably some of the best of the Justice Girls. Just becasue CC is overall a but better solo doesn't mean GG doesn't have great streams too. One that stuck in my head was her Trombone champ stream that was fucking hilarious.
Advent and Justice revitalized EN honestly. It was in a bad spot in the years between Promise debut and now.
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Mori facts
>may seem like a nice person at first but the truth is she has all the traits of the typical bitch
>her most popular song is the debut song
>her second most popular song is the leeching song
>her third most popular song was slain by the Trinity
>constantly leeching off big names like One Piece and going nowhere
>almost 3view
>is a slave to UMG
>pity bating
>her best friend is a SEA zoomer who spouts gibberish and memes
>said SEA zoomer friend also steals your gimmicks and mocks you in the amount of hours streamed
>needs MORE money despite her doing T3 membership and often bating for superchat money
>Connor doesn't even know she exists anymore, ignored in favor of Griftmouse
>the homos you used to collab with were all terminated (LMAOOO)
>tried to be nice to Vox and it backfired
>made a mistake trying to leech off of Kson at one point
>collabed with Ina one-on-one and gave her the biggest yab of her career life
>was roped into TakaMori pre-debut
>made the latest album while feeling burned out from creating music, quality's dropped if she had any to begin with
>even hololive antis that root for her admit her music sucks
>2nd sololive never
>both normies and right wing chuds hate me
>her goal to make an original song with each of her genmates is now ruined forever
>now she's setting her sights on the chink gacha money
>currently she is on some power trip thinking she's some hot shit and the EN daisenpai

Literally every stream of hers is solid and has a clippable moment or long standing joke. Just because she doesn't copy CC's OBS gimmicks or play popular games doesn't mean she's mid. And even if you think that she's mid, what does that say for over half of the EN girls who do less?
I liked it
Honestly I wouldn't mind S2 considering this one was cursed with how many people were forced to drop out (or just didn't bother, like Bae).
It probably won't make the game good though, it's still a kusoge where you can't boil an egg without reading a magazine (???).
Also, it takes a lot of time on their schedule and a lot of girls are probably not showing up again.
But she is the EN daisenpai, shes gen 1 and one of the few that are actually active in music and streaming.
Just mad gura doesn't stream.
>Her solo streams don't allow her to shine as much as her collabs? Oy vey!
>This meshuggeneh said her solo streams are mid!
>Why even bother watching someone if their solo streams are so terrible?
>Honestly, if only Hololive hadn't passed up the other 6,000,000 options to get this totally awful white girl...

Yes, this is literally you.
Mori is just not assertive at all. Not always a bad thing, often a good thing in her line of work if she can get a good agent to handle contracts. But it doesn't lend itself to leading people.

Combine Mori's competence and Kiara's... well we can call it assertiveness I guess.
Can you not be such a retard, retard?
>6 people caused major lag issues
>Proximity chat failed
Not accounting for Ina and Bae, this is probably what caused most of it.
No thanks
Fwmc obviously did not wanted to participate. Do the meaning for forced mandate corporate collab means anything to you? Been happening for quite sometime. It just took a shit game like 7DTD to notice it.
Honestly, I just wanted someone to yell at her to pick up a fucking shovel if she had an opinion. Jesus fucking christ.
y-y-yes. they were forced. just ignore the girls who skipped the event entirely.
>doesn't copy CC's OBS gimmicks
You are dangerously close to sounding like you're insulting Ceci. We don't take kindly to that 'round here, pardner.
go die in ditch, esl retard
The atoms that make up your existence are a blight to anything with a pulse.
The HLDF running damage control despite the fucking evidence being there lmao. You're not beating the cultists allegations
Bunch of bullshit. Mori is easily the sweetest girl there and has been nothing but a good senpai to advent who also learned to be good senpais from her are now being good senpais to justice. Sorry the whores who made you believe they want you or made you think they're lesbian doesn't stream as much as you would like them to.
based but give it some time to breathe please
What evidence are you talking about? You mean Mori talking about how she personally set up this collab and having a speech at the end of the final day about how she's really glad that people showed up to play with her?
7D2D was the weakest by far of the large collabs. The gameplay loop is too restrictive and tedious. It's more enjoyable with the girls screwing around, larping and having fun in ENReco / GTARP compared to the tryhard loot, levelup, fortify your base, kill your 3890283049th zombie repeat ad nauseum, watch your oshi run around in rags, bleeding out and needing food and water and ammo all the time.
Maybe I just consider the whole zombie genre boring, lots of them didnt even stream their POV
Entire thing sucked because there was no Ina.
>Ark clone
>Season 2
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Fauna, Gigi, Biboo etc conversations were peak funny and chill. i enjoyed it.
Bring back the HoloEN minecraft server instead now that there's enough girls to populate it
Holoen dreads minecraft. Advent would still be playing minecraft if kaela had not spoil them with mats and diamond gear. They have nothing to do in that game anymore. Part of minecraft is putting up with the random bullshit and zenloss that comes with dealing with mobs. These girls can lose all their gear and all they have to do is take a detour to kaela place to get it all back. As result there's no interest in the game whatsoever unless is an event. Or fauna farming superchat with the tree that she will never finish.
Based. Have this.
If this was a mori forced corpo collab event then yes the fuckin dogs were there because they had to be there which mean they never wanted to do is the zombie shit in the first place. Are you retarded because you just proved my point.
Definitely Fauna, she was frontline and she didn't stop punching them. The drunk effect and the bloody gore adds to the kino. Biboo is fine too but she's ranged so it is not as exciting. Watch both if you can.
Even the catalog spam is boring.
On it's own it probably would've been great but this is coming on the heels of ENReco and GTA so understandably the talents and the audience are kind of burnt out on these kind of collabs.
i can't tell if it's intentional or you're really such a fucking idiot. if anything at all the girls participated because they owed mori for all the help she has given them.
Anons, Holo JP did a 7DTD collab like 2 months ago only, it had issues and its kinda rough at times too but still managed to have amazing moments even outside the raids, fuck even in HoloEN itself there's better collabs like ENreco this very same year.

Maybe I was a bit too harsh but truly, the fact that there's nothing memorable about this EN 7DTD collab speaks for itself, hell the most memorable thing is that once again they couldn't properly do it and a ton of them outright took a shit and left.

This is actually so bad fans are used to it, "oh it's EN so expect people dropping it, coming late or not being fun", "le EN curse xD".

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