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/vtai/ - VTuber AI-generated Images - Hidden Within Edition

Previous Thread: >>87466128

>/vtai/ Wiki (WIP)

>/vtai/ Resources
https://rentry.org/vtai/ | FAQ: https://rentry.org/vtaiFAQ | VTuber XL Loras: https://rentry.org/vtaiSDXL | VTuber LoRAs (ARCHIVED): https://rentry.org/vtaiLoRAs | LoRA Checklist: https://rentry.org/vtailorachecklist | EF+HLL Guide: https://rentry.org/5exa3 | VTuber Model Mixes: https://rentry.org/vtairecipes | VTuber Prompt List: https://rentry.org/vtaiprompts | Embed/Thread Archive (OLD): https://rentry.org/vtaiarchive | vtaiArchive: https://rentry.org/fhydhwdm

>/vtai/ Scripts
Catbox Scripts: https://github.com/CCC-anon/CCC-Scripts/tree/main/catbox

>/hdg/ FAQ + Embeds, Hypernetworks, Models, LoRAs
https://rentry.org/hdgfaq | https://rentry.org/hdglorarepo | https://rentry.org/59xed3 | https://rentry.org/ponyxl_loras_n_stuff | Pony Artist/Character Hashes: https://lite.framacalc.org/4ttgzvd0rx-a6jf

>Cloud Hosted Installs (Now Require Payment)
Colab for Complete Retards: https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1STL60qfoY-iSlhRb9zFETRLTqhNbznRf | Colab: https://colab.research.google.com/github/TheLastBen/fast-stable-diffusion/blob/main/fast_stable_diffusion_AUTOMATIC1111.ipynb | Paperspace: https://rentry.org/865dy

>/vAI/ doko?

>GPU Performance Data

>More Resources
4chanX Catbox userscript: https://rentry.org/hdgcb
Tags: https://danbooru.donmai.us/wiki_pages/tag_groups
5ch NovelAI wiki: https://seesaawiki.jp/nai_ch/
Models: https://civitai.com/ | https://huggingface.co/
More links: https://rentry.org/sdg-link
Getting Started (Legacy): https://rentry.org/sdhypertextbook

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Request Anchor
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yep, PerpCFG did the trick, "artist name" in neg was enough
Tastefully subtle, just the way I imagined it. Thank you!
Awesome, thank you. Gonna try to set that up
Wait I didn't have PerpCFG enabled kek
I think you kept "artist name" too far back in the neg
Re-requesting Towa DP/Double Anal and Okayu sling bikini
Oh lol, ok I'll try that then. Thanks for testing it
Requesting nude Biboo buried in the sand
Requesting if possible follow up of >>87500707 with a pregnant lain confused at her swollen belly
Requesting some jaw dropping chuuba asses. Without panties please[\spoiler]
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Yeah, can't expect AI to flip the hands during mutual fingering and if I'm going to fix one hand I gotta fix the all and I wasn't going to do that.
Cute! Yeah Illust so far is really good with variety and being able to mix odd concepts and still have something decently presentable.
Oh mating press out of the box, still also need to test spooning that doesn't generate random spoons and maybe lifted missionary.

Goodnight /vtai/
>Cease this homosexual behaviour immediately, produce grandchildren NOW.
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for some reason "wet" just really doesn't want to come through when prompting for it with this particular artist mix regardless of the strength I use but eh
Ina mastubate while spreading her leg, can i request her in her every alternate outfits? If it isn't possible, her painter outfit, new year hakama and her pastry outfit will do.

That's a pretty nice style. Trying to get something similar to do that too.
Maybe try "shiny skin, oiled skin, sweatdrop" gives a similar-ish effect
thanks, little Mion!
Baelz Hakos(commonly known as Bae), the vtuber red rat girl from hololive Promise, caught in a rat trap and pissing herself because she can't escape from it
Yeah absolute goat for making those Robo Mel. SO GOOD!
I wanna request HUUUUUGE Robo Okayu or haachama
Pov doggystyle at the beach with Raora sweaty and wearing the same cheetah-print bikini as you fertilize her while grabbing her big ass cheeks please: https://files.catbox.moe/hi7nju.jpeg
dang. that is a sexy Mio
nice peko
the prisoner outfit is intensely erotic
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Agreed, honestly a good portion of her outfits are pretty sex
Yeah, no wonder the smut floodgates opened when her design was transferred to a more 'mature' frame for her mom
Gigi in black lingerie dakimakura
SEXO Peko!
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>>87549997 (me)
Oh shoot. I forgot to type a response before hitting the post button.
Anyways, here's some old Robo-Haachamas that I think I forgot to post a while back while I make new ones.
wow that so good. thank you!!!!!
BBW Lui Feeding already bigger than bbw fuwamoco
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accidental mumei hoo's(heh) hand is driving me crazy
original dalle image
nai zip
Pregnant Holonuns
Thicc chubby milf Matara in lingerie.
embarassed hikanari hina in a bodypaint version of her outfit, with prominently erect nipples and clit
catbox please?
Cute. Haven't Dall-e used in a while
merge here: https://civitai.com/models/853496/simple-illustrious-merge
thank you!
Damn nice Haachama
thanks for the sexy pekos!
no problem
Hate to be a bother but would you mind boxing this too?
not at all!
Back to the merging mines I go.
Testing a new one, with existing prompts.
Raw output, no upscaling, inpainting or adetailer.
Seems even better when it comes to understanding prompts (I think my previous merge mangled the TE a bit). Not sure about looks.
Thanks again.
CC as 2B
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i really need to do more shond stuff...

uoh, wifey ToT
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Can you do more of this? ToT wifey in dress
3DPD futa Marine
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more flat brat more flat brat
look how cute that last one turned out!
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i will do it later, i have some other ideas i want to do first
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Alright, here they are. Picrel is old Robo-Haachama, but these ones are recent. The last Robo-Okayu was a test I did for long while ago that I forgot existed. When I say "a long while ago", I meant "A-chan hasn't left yet".
what if instead of just being a flat brat she was also a fat brat
Requesting >>87535923 but with Biboo's body fully intact.
Kinda cool kinda cringe, like an almost edgier Houseki no Kuni
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WAH! Hello /vtai/, today I present to you my cute priestess wife Inner! Ina's design is certainly one of these designs which I would never grow tired of seeing, because her design is just that good. Not to mention her design is not supposed to be sexy, but manages to be incredibly sexy anyway. Also, you might see a handsome tako in some of the gens, and that would be of course no one other than me! :)

There are also NSFW gens in there and they actually mixed up thoroughly with the SFW ones because I had to gen these in a span of two days, so you have been warned. Enjoy the takotime.
>>87555134 (me)
Silly me, I remembered about this just right after I hit Submit, but this should also count as >>86894642's request fulfilled.
Here's more mummy Kobo:

I've lost interest in architecture somewhat but I'll squeeze in a fatto bratto set, maybe it'll rekindle it. Keep an eye out.
love this one
nta but nice, can you give her a really horny expression and maybe some bigger tits
Waitress Haachama serving you her pepperoni nipples on a platter

Woohoo, thank you for all the bonus Kobo
Requesting fertile animal hags (big and small) entering mating season
nice double trips
File deleted.
She was supposed to hold a La Chanchla, but the model had other ideas
3DPD warning

something like this? Tried making it more... sultry (I think)
man there sure are a lot of bakas today huh
Requesting Fauna and Mumei kissing Gura on the cheek.
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Used the wrong LoRA for Hi-Rez kek
Mumei boxing in a ring.
Wonderful thank you
Sexo ToT
What is the difference between training a LoRA on Illustrious compared to Pony?
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For some reason heart-shaped pupils rarely work for me. Do i need a lora for it?
I like this idea and will do it when I have free time.
Lookin good there
really just depends on the model, artist style and resolution. some models don't know the concept at all while some are bad at getting the small details right, and the less resolution you have the less room the AI has for those details
Setting wise I would say about the same but use a slightly lower LR or train for shorter. It learns quicker than pony
Thanks for wife's feet. Cute as hell
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Never had a problem with this:
Without it you'd have to manually inpaint unless the eyes take up a large enough portion of the image.
could I have the whole image please
Doing as much lewd stuff as possible to Bae at the beach without taking off her bikini.
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You can have the whole damn set:
This style seems perfect for Polka!
bless, thank you
Thank you for doing my request.
Mamarissa doens't seem very amused about the situation
Thank you!!
big inverted mio nipples
Requesting Ina in this style
Day 16: Baby
After some testing, it was definitely the model being the issue. Switching to Autism worked much better and less subtle.
This is interesting. I'll try it later when i get back home, thanks anon.
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Actually lemme just do a few gens real quick.

Plump brat:

F A T B R A T:

And I'll leave it at that unless you have some particular pounding you want given to a brat of particular fatness.
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You asked for it. Do you wish to meet God?

>The fading border makes it seem like she knocked you out.
Forgot to mention, yes that is surprisingly a tag that I thought does nothing actually does something - it's "darkness".
On this image you can see it too. Pretty cool. - https://files.catbox.moe/f9mhqv.jpg

>Easy coom I tend to pick up, can get some down time when I run a huge batch, then upscaling can take a while too but once I queue things up it's hands off.
There were a few oddities in the full set but I can't complain, thank you no matter what, TWLAnon. It's great.

That is one lewd "kiss" feels oddly inviting...

>Yeah Illust so far is really good with variety and being able to mix odd concepts and still have something decently presentable.
NTA. Don't forget the Illust->model of your choice meta we went through, TWLAnon. That seems to be the way. Picrel is just illustrious. I am too lazy to do the img2img right now because I feel like this output is good already.

Incredible Polka set, well done anon! I'm always happy to see people prompt more of her.

Awesome Peko! Catbox please? I haven't tried prompting prisoner outfit, is this illustrious or noobai?

>when prompting for it with this particular artist mix regardless of the strength I use but eh
That is most likely a model issue. Which one are you using? Or if using different artists makes "wet" just fine?
Illustrious seems to know it yeah, working off my own scuffed ass merge >>87550960
'prisoner outfit' gives striped jammies for most characters but 'usada_pekora_\(prisoner\)' gets her ears in the cap too
Ah I'm so sorry, I am blind. Thank you very much anon and for the merge as well. I'll definitely try it out! Have a great day.
very erotic peko
Looks great! Can you do one with a smug expression?
no problem, the general style is... okay I guess, but I like how it outputs this specific artist's style. gimme a (you) if you do try it out and find something cool
>Chainsaw Mio
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Will do! Generic style? I checked the metadata on pekos and theres definitely some artist tags there. I assume the this Matsuri is without any tags?

That wasnt my intention but illustrious seems to have a lot of chainsaw man baked in due to all chainsaws looking red.
that's the same artist style, the default look is something along the lines of picrel
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It seems Euge released a experimental Vpred version of their model. It's rough but color contrast does seem to be better but I am still early on in the testing.

You will need either Reforge or Comfy to use the model just FYI.

SEXO, can never get enough Nui
Beautiful Kobomama
Is that really one of the days? I don't know if I trust the art community with this one kek. That's cute AF though.
Damn those are some pretty good looking chainsaw
Fucking EPIC
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Img2img this into Fauna and Kiara
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Noted. Yeah I don't think I'll be prompting that default style. I am curious however how my favorite styles look on your mix. I'll get back to you on that. Most likely tomorrow. I want to Finish these Mios & Botan today. A lot of work to do!

>Damn those are some pretty good looking chainsaw
Took me like 150 rolls to get 4-5 good ones on Botan. Unfortunately its very inconsistent and even those I got need to be tuned a bit. Most of the time they look like picrel. Maybe Im prompting wrong but it was - "perspective, holding chainsaw", and some without perspective. Then I also tried "holding chainsaw with both hands" but that just made Mio show both of her hands with chainsaw blades placed randomly on the screen.
gooey mumei with goo ALL OVER her face please
matoimiia poledancing bunny suit
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Dang but yeah chainsaw has a lot of small details that does look badass though kek
Didn’t manage to catch them last night, but these are excellent! Thank you for doing the request!
Does anyone have a good upscaler that they use for illustrious based models? I've been playing with a variety of settings (including increasing denoising strength/steps) with 4x animesharp but still end up with some blurry edges.
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I''ve been using this one for illus, it seems to help but the model is just kinda wonky in this regard
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I have returned after spending way too much money in japan, and seems like not a moment too late, since the LAX and Euge dropped the v_pred model today. Still have to test base noob, but can't help myself in testing this one first.

So far, without specialized upscalers, solid color backgrounds still haven't been perfectly white or black, though flat white images with a bit of noise are possible finally (https://files.catbox.moe/uckkcj.png). In general, I also find the colors more pleasing.

Also, a nice bonus is that Illust Loras seem to work well (I almost feel they are better than on base) on Noob, at least my cecilia one does. Decided to test her on this request

The one that other anon is recommending is good, I also generally like the 1x manhwa null upscaler for illustrious. Another thing I feel helps for illustrious is to use the upscaler multiple times with a low denoise step inbetween.
SEXO! great buttd
Would you have recommended settings so I can get a general ballpark for what others are using? I'm used to using .35 for pony but feel like I have to go as far as .65 to get anything for illustrious (altho haven't tried the other anon's model quite yet, not at home atm.)
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Kinda fond of 4x_UniversalUpscalerV2-Sharp_101000_G lately. There's also a "Sharper" version I haven't tried out yet.
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Welcome back! Nice CC
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Japan nice! unless it was for work then my condolences (had to go there for work once, not fun kek).
It's a bit underbaked obviously but I can defintely see the potential for this. Glad they figured out the conversion.
Nice 2B CC

I have been using 0.35-0.37 to upscale with the ancestral CFG++ sampler at 1.5 cfg. Ignore picrel, testing new model kek
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Requesting Aloe, Rushia or Mel encased in carbonite ala Han Solo.
this is triggering my caveman brain
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https://files.catbox.moe/0ra7l9.png - this one's my favourite, was surprised by the pooling

It's already upscaled in Illustrious, I meant whether you wanted it in a Pony model with the Pony artist mix, which I did for the paizuri set. Pony seems (to me) to have better and more well-defined anatomy (or maybe because my Illustrious mix sucks):

Thanks for sharing, I should be able to figure it out!
Thanks for this, but do you mean setting the CFG Scale to 1.0 when upscaling through Hires?
Amazing goo set as usual, you'd think Nerissa would enjoy it more.
Yeah, makes sense, forget that img2img with a different checkpoint is easier to batch. I also realised belatedly that I left the Illustrious quality tags when doing the img2img trick, wonder if I should just include both Pony and XL quality tags in all my gens now to avoid excessive copy/pasting.
Nice Ina. Also kek on that "sexy pai"
Really amazing Biboo gens and love the purple colour scheme, thanks for sharing the tags and vectorscope configs.

Forgot to thank you for sharing the merge, I used it to gen the above set. I quite like it! Didn't use your recommended tags though, will try next time.
>Pony seems (to me) to have better and more well-defined anatomy
seems that way to me too, nipples are way more detailed and coloring looks less flat, thanks for the pony moona!
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Set inspired by that amesame streaming set last thread, except instead it transformed more into a test of how much I could img2img into another pose while still keeping it recognizably the same picture. and that took enough effort I got too lazy to add chat

Sometimes an artist tag can really mess with concepts too, I've had times before where I couldn't get something to work and then I tried removing an artist or two and suddenly it worked every time

nta but I'll give this a shot too. Although I suspect I will end up placebo effecting myself rather than actually noticeably preferring one or the other
I have some terrible comfy spaghetti if you like, kek
For this image: https://files.catbox.moe/im997z.png
I used multiple passes. In case you don't have comfy, here's an image of the relevant part of the workflow: https://files.catbox.moe/j9n9vy.png
After the base gen, I upscale with the manhwa null to get rid of artifacts, a second pass with a 4x upscaler and subsequent downscale to get it a bit sharper and then using the 2x nomos. Then a second sampling step at .5 denoise and ten steps. Again upscale 4x and downscale to get a sharper image, and another pass with nomos(don't ask me why i did these differently). Then another sampling at .2 denoise for 4 steps and a last 2x nomos.
Afterwards I use facedetailer and do another pass with 1x manhwa cause the facedetailer tends to add artifacts back in.

It's probably neither the most efficient or best setup, but I like the results I got with it.

It was vacation thankfully. I can imagine that working there can suck (stuck working while you want to go out, combined with a less than pleasant working culture)
Yeah, Noob and the vpred version seem to be underbaked just like illustrious. Nothing that makes it unusuable, and perfectly understandable for test versions, but hopefully only a temporary problem until they put out the finished model.

Very nice light and blur in this.
Holy this is so good. Really coherent too. Bravo
>joysticks on the back of the controller
I can't fap to this
pic with two cute girls and you're just obsessed over the "joysticks" huh sorry I got tired of inpainting
I forget how other models were with them but illustrious seems kinda bad with controllers. Not just here in particular but every time I gen an image with one it's always a total tossup if it will make any sense
they're hardcore gaming controllers with extra sticks and buttons for serious gamers
I'm just joking. But yeah it'd be a pain in the ass to inpaint regardless.
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I agree this one is magic
Wholesome and cute AF but controller apex players tch.. XD
Yeah pretty excited for the full model bake.
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Really nice gen, specially the second image.
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Very good eyes on the style
ERB stepping into a shopping mall, a fast food restaurant or any sort of indoor establishment doing casual stuff, until the smoke detector of the place she's in starts beeping because of the flame on her chest, causing the fire sprinklers to activate and soak her all over.

If you know of another chuuba with a similar theme for her design you can feel free to deliver the request with that one instead, up to you.
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Amazing stuff butt poster. Doing lord's work
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kek, very nice
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Long hair Holos wearing reverse bunny suits. Asanagi art style sounds just the perfect spice
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I think it worked im kinda shaking
kek, that's great. may I see the catbox please?
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Bright colors are a bit harder to control on the vpred model, though could be my style.

Bae is so freaked out by the magical flying hands kek
Awesome kek. RIP that dude
Whoa, yeah it looks like the AI understands what Bae looks like and keeps it pretty consistent
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I guess some stream elements are baked in however, that top right hashtag will appear often
Are these text2vid? Can you use it to make I2V more consistent?
SEXO! delicious!
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Here you go: https://litter.catbox.moe/9rxr20.webp
It was mostly luck though
thank you!
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Character consistence is definitely way better here than the other animations I remember from you, very nice
>controller apex players tch
I know I know... neither of them even play controller but it was not cooperating with mouse/keyboard and I had to use that apex stream because it's like the origin story of aqusui
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what is that device /vtai/?
t2v, I haven't experiment much with it yet, early 1st test was negative but I didn't exhaust the testbed
thank you!
Requesting Pov Cyborg Zentreya in her red bodysuit bent over a table getting fucked like picrel looking exhausted and with vaginal creampie instead please: https://files.catbox.moe/3ccmuz.png
Kek the portable choco banana dispenser
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lovely bush 5/5
Plappable MilfRys
From a few threads ago:
>Requesting Kiara in her gym outfit, receiving the most hardcore anal sex session known to mankind... with a Live Mint Reaction box on one side of the screen, fingering herself to it if possible.
So if I’m understanding correctly it’s

Base image 1.5x upscale (manhwa)
Output 1.5x upscale (4x upscaler)
Downscale to 1st output (2x atmos, is downscaling a thing in a111?)

Sample again .5 - 10 steps
Upscale with 4x /downscale with 4x
1.5 upscale with nomos

3rd sampling step .2 de noise 4 steps and finally 1.5 upscale again with nomos

A detailer and then final 1.5x with manhwa.

So as a net that’s a lot of 1.5x upsamples? I am probably misunderstanding something with the 1x manhwa unless you’re running the pass at 1x resolution (is it still called up scaling, wouldn’t processing be more accurate?)

I’ll give this a try once I do understand this all properly, thanks for the thorough explanation.

(Vpred) what’s the significance of a vpred model? I remember hearing the term a while back when we were messing around with the Hololive specific models that hl-anon was working on before pony dropped.
cute Inas!
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These are super impressive, man facebook grandma are about get hit with some new level of misinformation kek
Adorable gen! I gotta check out that stream then
NTA but vpred basically fixes a limitation of these models which is that is bad at sharp contrast. Making the model vpred gives it access to full color spectrum and accuracy from full black to pure white.
Some example with color background
Vpred Noob

Noob regular but with same everything else
Rerequesting Advent each doing their own style of exhibitionism
for Hi rez, set CFG to 1 and let PAG take over basically

I don't think smug translates all that well to 3D unfortunately

>v-pred NoobAI
Very interesting, looks like ztSNR as well, bodes well for the journey towards matching NAI

Love this!

nta, KEK

holy moly this could be huge

nta, but ztSNR is what truly fixes the colours and contrast, v-pred helps, but ztSNR is the primary reason
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Yeah you are right, sorry I was just trying to keep the technical jargon to a minimum kek, just what it would mean for the end user kinda thing.
>smug Marine
it does look she is up to something though. I like it
That's still a pretty great Marine she's smiling because you keep looking down at her cock
Kotoka Torahime fingering herself to gushing orgasm.
This is cool AF
Illustrious is really upping the gen quality.
holy fuckin SEX these are good, especially the last link. thank you!
What is vpred?
Kek, thank you
Gnarly doggo
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I have no idea what I'm doing but I feel like Hackerman. Also these preset names are cool as fuck. TRUE REVERSE CUBIC HERMITE!
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v-prediction, the tech used in SD 2.1
likely has better prompt adherance compared to standard eps-pred
eps pred does not really work with ztSNR, so the common choice is to use v-pred instead

Be warned, model mixing is a rabbit hole

also, Fake might better than True in this case since fake has 0.5 for the middle
It's chuuni as heck lmao I love it
Requesting Watame with a bit of extra squish on her tummy and thighs, getting ready for the winter. Not obese or superbeeg please.
I see, is NAI3 vpred?
Best one so far I think. Big batch of inpaints trying to get a better IRyS' left eye going.
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Good evening folks
Day 16 - Baby

Was initially gonna do some horror like a possessed baby a la Train Spotting ceiling baby or something I did a while back with Biboo playing with the demon core, but prompted Mamarissa last night so happy sleepy family it is.

So very yummy Pekos
Good luck, I'm not ready to go there just yet
I shall enjoy the tako feet
That some good clussy
Adorable space baby Jelly
Yes delicious pizza ass
Welcome back, hope you had a fun trip! Nice CC automata
>quality tags in all my gens now to avoid excessive copy/pasting.
As long as you're cool with the styles in the final result. Course in my case the output and style of Illustrious doesn't seem to effect the style when I upscale on pony, or at least I'm satisfied with the style.
Sexo Moonas, loose bra on her huge tits is a great comp
>Be warned, model mixing is a rabbit hole
Yeah I've been at this for the past 2 hours or so now. Usually I just do simple Checkpoint Merger stuff and rarely bother with SuperMerger. But it's cool that I can iterate through so many different options so quickly since it doesn't need to waste time saving every merge to a file unless I want it to.
Oh man, love the eye contact here. Every time I tried it they came out completely soulless.
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Damn that cheek flesh! nice work.
NTA but yeah, they released a paper earlier detailing that.
Romantic, Kronii's expression is especially nice there.
Wholesome af, that baby Nerissa especially cute
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I found a certain lora.
I think I badly worded some stuff, and was too comfy centric. the (number)x is always what it is upscaled by with the default node. So the 1x manhwa is just image processing, you're right. I just called it upscaling, cause in comfy there's no difference.
If the upscale does change the size of an image, I also usually don't leave it at that size, cause that would inflate gen times immensely. In fact, if I use a 4x upscaler to get sharper images, that usually means I use the upscaler, and then downscale that image to 25%, meaning I end up at the base resolution. For downscaling I just use nearest exact or lanczos, cause I already got the additional information from the upscaling step and now just want to compress it back into it's original size. So in this case it's:

Initial sampling
1x manhwa (no up or downscaling)
4x upscale (downscale back to base gen size)
2x nomos (downscale to 75%, so 150% of base gen size)
sample again
4x upscale (downscale back to the 150% size that the second sampling used)
2x nomos (dowscale to 60%, so that makes it 150%*120%=180% of base size)
sample again
2x nomos (dowscale to 50%, so size stays at 180% of base size)
1x manhwa (no resizing)

So the final size of the image will be 1.8 times the base size.
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all mothers should look like this
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more lewd botan
Flustered Henya breast expansion
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Great tiddies
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How did she make it on the cover of Hoolive instead of Mumei??
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10/10, absolutely fucking adorable.

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