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There's finally a stream to watch today
hi, lurker here
Her album was good I got hard at multiple points throughout the tracklist
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mfw it's another ao collab
This feels like a forced Collab by management, I still don't understand Cover's fixation on this failure of a generation.
The fact that it's Ao yet again shows that it's actually not forced by management. If Marine was tasked to take care of Regloss she would be collabing with all of them, but she only collabs with one of them in this manner.
Suisei and Marine have collaborated with Ao before so I wouldn't be surprised if management "suggested" to both of them to collaborate with her.
Fuck Cover
Marine spends so much time with Ao off-stream that it can't have anything to do with management. Just today Ao talked about how they take baths together often.
aomari love
What are they gonna do on the bed?
Sankisei collab tomorrow as well

Then at home 3D with the NEW 3D model the day after, or maybe the day after that
Probably 18th since that's when the rum goes on sale.
That Marine is from the hologra universe.
Horny Money World and Die Suki are really fun, complex princess is good and cute too, i don't think we appreciate that album enough it's genuinely great.
My wife does it again.
It's the day of the album release and instead of talking about it we are getting a collab with ao lmao
for comparison miko had a very emotional stream talking about the meaning of the album and how much she appreciates her fans
we'll get it eventually. Marine often takes too long between streams to get around to talking about important events in a timely manner, this is hardly the first time.

so today it's the miko-suisei-ao-iroha-marine collab
okay tomorrow is sankisei collab
friday she has work
saturday she's a guest on suisei's radio show
saturday evening it's the zatsu with 3d at home new model reveal
sunday it's onaman farewell collab

stacked schedule!
Yep this is advice for you if you hate hearing me post about Ao
They're much better than I Wanna be Junkie for sure.

Everyone else is senpai except Marine
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Who's spreading false information?
>Marine, someone who notably avoids doing what other Holos do, does not do what other Holos do.
newfags touristchama..
>Marine, someone who notably avoids doing what other Holos do
newfags touristchama..
Can you please avoid indirectly bringing up already hidden posts? Thank you.
Please understand, munching tomboy carpet is more important.
Why are you hiding posts about Marine's best friend?
Naturally Marine wins the game about Ao
Well that was it for the management forced regloss shill stream of this year, I hope.
So what's next now?
1. Management isn't forcing it
2. There will be at least one VR chat collab with Ao.
Sankisei Collab, expect a lot of NoeMari, MariFlare and PekoMari moments
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I will find where Ao lives and manually cut off her internet. That's the only way.
Their main method of communication is LINE
Can't wait for the 59 minute sankisei collab.
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Oh shit very nice
Has Marine talked about releasing any other MVs for the new tracks?
This is sales for the 15th by the way, so not the actual release date sales. Update for the 16th will be up in like 10 hours.
I'm gonna say it, but it's very possible that she's gonna beat suisei and miko in sales
I doubt it

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