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YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@KosekiBijou
Twitter: https://twitter.com/kosekibijou
1st orisong - Prism no Mahou: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M3pjFfKBonI

Next stream:
Previous stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f_ARpXXYQq8
Debut stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rpAQib0T5v0
3D Debut stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yw0zL5YshRk

>Shorts/music/unarchived streams


>Intro/starter newpebble guide

Do not engage with diggers (trolls, doxxers, holo vs holo baiters). Hide, report and rock on.

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Schejewel TBD.
Next streams:
MON - 7 Days To Die w/ HoloEN at 8 PM EST | 5 PM PST | 9 AM JST
TUE - 7 Days To Die w/ HoloEN at 7 PM EST | 4 PM PST | 8 AM JST
WED - Space Marine 2 at 7 PM EST | 4 PM PST | 8 AM JST
THU - Mario Party w/ Kiara, Shiori & Gigi at 3 PM EST | 12 AM PST | 4 AM JST
THU - Advent Collab - Phasmophobia at 9 PM EST | 6 PM PST | 10 AM JST
FRI - Gigi's Bday Dinner Party at 9 PM EST | 6 PM PST | 10 AM JST
SAT - Something/Spooky game (Silent Hill 2/Dead Space) at 7 AM EST | 4 AM PST | 8 PM JST
SUN - Something/Spooky game (Silent Hill 2/Dead Space) at 7 AM EST | 4 AM PST | 8 PM JST
Possible streams:
Silent Hill 2
Call of Duty: Black Ops 2
Black Myth Wukong
Fallout: New Vegas (Maybe? Perms situation was solved but SESAC situation might hold it hostage for a bit more)
Some ongoing things might be put on pause so she can focus on spooky games during October!
Grindstone Collab - PANICORE - on the 21st.
This is my wife
me on the left
Me on the right
>Also apparently another future collab with fauna/kiara/biboo/gigi which would be AMAZING if it actually happens.
Wouldn't be surprised if this ends up being a thing. 7 Days to Die was easily Kiara's favorite group project in a long time and she loved the "core" group that stuck through most of it, Fauna/Gigi/Bijou all enjoy light roleplay and the latter two are good at bouncing off of basically anyone pretty well.
Plus grounded is just 7D2D with a bit less jank and more base building. Perfect for 4 homebody yappers
>MILK (you)
Jew bitch sucked my cocky :D
Grounded is a horror game btw
unless you aren't scared by spiders at all
Some of the bugs in the early game are no fucking joke man.
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oh no. I hated the ant areas in Elden Ring
Don't worry, ants are there, too!
thank you for the bread! o7
wait really? Looked like it takes 2 but with 4 children
milk the Biboo!
No I find bugs interesting and cool.
The only creatures that slightly unnerve me are fly maggots
Oh no it's a straight up sandbox heh game. You craft a bunch stuff out of huge leaves and shit to make a base, you make bug armour/weapons. It's the whole thing. I played it solo when it came out and was actually shocked there was multiplayer, it's got a really solid story to it If you like lighthearted goofy shit
Wonder how online works for it, honestly.
I hardly come here, but I had to cuz something’s been bugging me for a while: why’s Bijou the only EN that talks in third person like the JP girls, and why does she use Biboo her nickname? Even the JP girls don’t do that.
Did she already say the reason why and I didn't see it or something?
Post reverse uwaaao!! or your knees will crumble into dust, talc-onii-san.
She doesn't talk in third person
She likes the nickname, just how Bae and Haachama like theirs.
When the fuck does she speak in third person? Yes she sometimes uses her name like it's a type of animal but all talents do that.
Brother, her nickname is something Advent gave her even before her debut...
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I miss my wife
Your wife is looking kinda...
I wonder if Advent will announce casual outfits during the phasmophobia collab. I want chuuni Biboo and Lunacore Shiori.
I really hope it's that. What else could it be? It's too soon for another group song.
Marriage to me
When did I write this...?
Grind them up and inject it right into my veins
Alright everyone
Which prism would you? Which prism would you not?
Light blue
I need some Biboo time NOW
Light blue costume does look like you can’t have sex with her while it’s on…
Good morning, I love biboo.
Lovey-dovey with orange
Definitely Red. I want to be ground into dust
maybe white, angelic goddess mode kinda doesn't excite me but none honestly
I want the green one to shoot me right in the dick
It's honestly a tie between green and red, they both really do it for me.
There's a members post if you want to recommend spoopy movies.
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ffmpeg filter cropping was fun experiment, here is biboo wiggle.
The Thing and Alien are both solid choices, I tried to bump them both up.
menhera woman my beloved
I'd prefer Shnining since it's been a while and she would go AH THATS WHERE THE MEME IS FROM every 30 seconds when shit hits the fan but the Thing is good too.
That's the best loop of it I've seen so far
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I miss the Bibs
Holy fuck I summoned her. She's on raora stream
I'm here I'm awake I see some cute Biboos
I missed the last MH collab so I'm glad I finally caught this one. They already share the same violent tendencies...
when did she sleep?
I see you're new here
heh, good one
after the collab
this collab
>Biboo doesn't sleep
>I don't sleep
I like how Biboo encourages her to be aggressive and she doesn't just run over the mons immediately
Their first stream was even more like that. Biboo was explaining the game to her the entire time. It was very cute.
She's too strong... Needs more limiters.
Ah not this bitch
I love the gremlin laugh
>Do you ever forget to eat
>Never... In game I mean.
God dammit
silly gem daughter needs food correction
I must save her...
Oh yeaahhh Legiana is Nerissa, I forgot about that.
Big cat means big carts!
There's something funny or sad that Justice does more with Biboo than Advent does now.
I think it's the other way around. Biboo keeps jumping into things with Justice. She definitely adopted the new gen to herself.
Shiori is only other one adept at video games in her gen but she doesn't really care to tryhard
Next time, use mpv + webm lua script
Biboo plays the senpai role well for Justice and makes gives them the emotional support. There's nothing to be sad about Advent.
NTA but gimme a link onegai
How come when Biboo backseats Roara she gets called cute but when I use all caps to tell Biboo to heal her HP multiple times in a row, I get banned on all 5 of my YT accounts.
Seems a bit unfair to me.
You're not a cute anime girl.
Or are you? [Vsauce theme]
I love how fashion will always be the top priority in monhun. It's perfect
YT-kun auto bans spammers on some unclear criteria. I think other chatters can report chat to some extent as well. Random shadowban hate fr fr. Afaik, Biboo has never bonked any users, even on request.
That post was just mostly jokes, I don't backseat in chat kek
If I could put biboo in any clothes, I would make her wear nothing at all!!!
I’d make her wear the Prism Green outfit, without spats/panties.
Of course the evil one. It's technically also the one she came up with
It's very simple, you aren't cute
Thank you!
They're too similar THIS HAS TO STOP
These two are definitely fucking when she goes back to japan.
But they are both girls? Girls can’t love girls.
That's what makes it better.
… you lost me.
I just now noticed Biboo's little succubus outfit in the stream... This Brat ToT
Someone needs to tell Raora to just attack, those stupid dogs don't hit you if you just go straight at them
Baby steps
Stupid dog schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop
>raora still haven't bought iceborne dlc despite it costing a thousand yen a few weeks ago
silly cat
Poor bau bau...
They're in a better place now.
God they're so fucking cute together
Yeah, my bed! Mococo GETTO!
wait where the fuck is my bed
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too easy
It's too late pebbro. It's gone....
Cute humming together...
She's so supportive, I love it
She found it!
It's John Monster!
What's your favorite monster pebbles?
For me, it's Negigante!
Unbirth has a completely unrelated and cursed meaning, Raora
Biboos favorite Mon...
Punch explode dinosaur whose name escapes me right now but I have a little statue of it... Ah it was Brachydios
This big cat is really trying to steal my gemwife away
That's the only way Biboo will ever eat anything, if someone cooks for her.
Moving to japan will get our Biboo fed and healthy.
I want to see her reaction when the guy says nigger and when the nude woman shows up. Fuwamoco's reaction was funny.
She did seem to eat a LOT more while in Japan, going on all those dates with Shiori
It's Diablo!
Namielle. I have so much fun with that fight, and it's just a gorgeous and awesome pseudo-aquatic monster.
ah, the classic stun > charge > cart pipeline
Takes me back to my own MonHun beginnings.
Everytime I am always reminded why I hate Diablos
Raging Brachydios
Dangit >:D
If you haven't farmed his raw weapons in FU you don't know what hate is.

Excellent taste, didn't mention Lunagaron because he is so new and I actually haven't played rise that much but very cool creature.
Wish Biboo would revisit it and play till sunbreak
Biboo HUNGRY for that tail
I listed my favorites from each game I played, I am a 4u bab
Poor roara, she's getting the full experience
This is going to go amazingly well.
Yup that went as well as I expected!
Saw into the future on that one
>Biboo will sleep now
>I will sleep now
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Biboo is equal parts cute and equal parts sexy.
>Lunacore shiori
wait, that's illegal
That pebble has Bwehd btw.
>Afaik, Biboo has never bonked any users
didn't she accidentally bonk a pebble once? forgot what stream it was but I distinctly remember it
Aren't servoskulls still alive?
How do we get Biboo to bug Gemmchan more to crack the whip on getting Prism no Mahou Eng subs fixed?
and yet it still serves the emperor
an inspiration for us all
no they just use the remains of grey matter as motherboard.
Every single one of these little critters has earned to become one after death for truly >>87562291 is right
I'm sure Gemmchan is doing her best!
I vaguely remember it someone complaining either on chat or SC about what sounded like a YT shadowban. Pretty sure she said she didn’t bonk anyone. Then chat started to ask to be bonked. Like “me first, me first”. Suddenly everyone wanted to be her first bonked. And afaik, no one has taken her first bonk yet.
Gemmchan is cute so I forgive her
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One pebble got bonked by accident. His name was Makoto.
Someone has taken her bonk virginity? Not sure if real but a Link would be appreciated. Probably missed that stream.

>by accident
If it did happen, I’d believe it. She mentioned not wanting to be strict with rules and pebbles should themselves. Also to just report spammers and ignore / move on. Kinda like… here actually?
*should manage/behave themselves
I'm surprised I still remember this shit myself.
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>tfw you will never be the first bonked
I don't like spees muhrines
Me neither but I like biboo. I can leverage that.
Me neither but I probably wont get a Necron perspecitve game till my retirement.
Good morning, I love biboo.
Good evening, I appreciate Biboo.
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kimi wa warui ko na no
Biboo ffmpreging me...
sex with oobib
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What the beep...
I wou like to know more about this godsekicreature she spoke of.
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Isn't it the white prism? or is this something else?
Koseki Tummy
What did she mean by this, anyway?
There’s a cover logo hidden in each art by that guy, she’s been replying to each one with the location (we just did some at the end of the last stream)
She's finding hidden Hololive logos in the pictures, slowpoke. This one is by her Bibutt
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Don't look Cover!
>all the confused responses in that tweet
Holy fuck, Twitter shitters really are the lowest of humanity. Also, Biboo is /here/ because we say bibutt. Definitive proofs? No, merely circumstantial. Yet, my doubts? Nonexistent.
Purizumu no Mahou bros...
Bite the bibutt
She's here right now. Watching us. Tracking us. Making sure we don't step too far out of line.
What exactly would Biboo consider "out of line?"
I'm definitely gonna take that tiny hand and interlock all our fingies. Might even bring it up to my face to kiss the knuckles like a charming prince.
this is a blue board you sick fuck.
She's great, isn't she? Also maintaining OpSec like a professional.

I hope we never know.
You’re going into the silly room for this one, chief
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its called "fast forward moving picture experts group"
are you willing to be this dumb and lazy; to provide content?
I lust for the bibutt
Internet: Serious Business.
Go get it, Kiara. Have your cake and eat it, too.
Legend has it that the Biboo is a cute gem. I seek evidence for these mythical claims.
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She just is.
>works cited:
Well, I'm convinced. Now to hack into the Hololive mainframe to track down this "Biboo" and claim her for myself.
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>and claim her for myself.
Y-Yes, precious, we meant "us." Golem! Golem!
>We will die virgin Pebble!
No I will not! I will not!!!
watching the fallout nv vods for the first time
holy fuck this girl is BASED
I'm gonna do!
>doubles down on 20
>gets an ace
>elbbep hammered.jpg
ee oo ee
>missed another three hours of biboo content because it happened during godless hours
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How would Biboo react to smelling your dick?
Kaela said Outlast Trials is officially cancelled, also she won't be playing MH now that the deal's off
They're playing panicore anyway.. bwehh no monhun
Cece about to play Valheim is making me hope we get Valheim as the next coop EN game.
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How were the hours godless if they had Biboo?
...you are correct.
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Why hasn't she gotten Biboo to play DMC 2 yet?
she only cares about Ina

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