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WataMummy Edition

X: https://x.com/tsunomakiwatame
Fansite: https://www.tsunomakipasture.club/

Original songs: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZ34fLWik_iBK39rTWRAs_G93pnUW3K-7
Mini original songs: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZ34fLWik_iDfjOVqChEelXHyaDQBpA8m
Cover songs: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZ34fLWik_iAP2AdGLOHthUhAJTrEXqGb

>Hop Step Sheep!

>News/Recent Events

>(9/19th) Watame will be singing the theme song for the game Etrange Overlord being unveiled at Tokyo Games Fes on September 26th!

>(9/24th) The booth for Etrange Overlord at Tokyo Games Fes featured a lifesize panel of Watame and an introductory video narrated by her!

>(9/29th) Watame released a teaser MV of the titular character song she performed for the game Etrange Overlord and teased more to come. Listen to it here!

>(9/30th) Watame released her version of wotaku's SHANTI! Listen to it or you will be shot!

>(10/1st) Watame will be starring in HoloAlt's latest web manga "HoloEarth Days! A Side Tale: W - Coooking in Westa"! The first chapter releases October 19th!

>(10/3rd) This year's Halloween voice pack features GiriGiriWarui Watame attempting to pull off barely blameless pranks! Buy and listen to it here!

>(10/6th) Watame and Botan recaptured their youth by staying overnight at a school together!

Previous thread: >>87492338
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I love my cute and sexy sheep wife
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I want to make Watame a mummy.
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Time for Watame to pull that million yen card
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Interesting how 夢見る羊 comes after 君色ハナミズキ in the intro despite being released first.
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Ready for work.
Watame can suck my luck.
The staff finally has a break room, oh, she is turning into a storage room...
No need for a break room if there are no breaks.
I never see this guys art
They blocked you?
Apparently. I'm not sure why, maybe they thought I was a zombie?
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Are you sure you're not a zombie?
I am neither a zombie or impression zombie, I can assure you
Time to rake in the money with new and improved gomi packs.
That guy wasnt impressed with the price on the new gomipack
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Watame has Pokémon cards still waiting to be opened left from はばない shoots.
Some of these Tetramon designs are so ugly.
Some look pretty bad, yeah
Watame coloured gomi packs!
I know she's referencing something else but her laugh sounds like the Count from Sesame Street.
Watame will pull the 1 million yen cards through pure willpower.
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I don't like it when AI art doesn't have the tail...
It's rarely seen so it makes sense that models would forget about it unless you prompt for it. Inpaint is your friend.
Fire that bald bastard Watame.
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White gomi box supremacy.
Watching him stack shelves in a suit always makes me laugh.
2 (Two) cash registers!
Watame's rack looking lovely as always
We still haven't broke 100,000 yen today and we're only 12 minutes away from 1 AM...
there's still time!
Let the final day begin!
today will be the day!
3 in game hours to go...
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It's over...
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The million yen card may have eluded her yet again but she was able to make some big improvements to the shop and the talk about her early collabs was nice. Hopefully she can salvage her rating next time.
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The RNG Gods prove to be tough opponents, but in the end, they will fall prey to the sheep!
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My Sheepwife... My poor poor Sheepwife...
Watame... my poor poor Watame...
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I want to touch her tail
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I miss her...
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Remember to fasten your seatbelts.
that was a bit unsettling...
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very cute
Sheep learned that lesson from GTA.

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