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-1 more EN agency
These people apparently
Tudu dundundun
Another one bites the dust
good, vtuber is only hololive, don't ever dare to become one
there naming sense is so bad
can't stress enough how shit this year has been for any nonhololive corpo
Well, most of them. VShojo is still balling. Sucks for the rest, though, competition is good
They had like 3 consecutive yabs
And all of them resolved themselves, leaving them in better shape.
Did anyone good come out of this corpo besides Bajiru?
man how many agencies is /vt/ totally unaware of because they're all 2views and 0views? I guess only /corpo/ is even aware of these. I wouldn't even call this small corpo visibility, phase is a 'small corpo' yet they're very commonly known these days along with idol. this lil' guys are more like micro or nano corpos.
da baby
Keep telling yourself that
>Lost Aqua, A-chan, Ame and Mel
>Not a shit year
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I wonder why they're going under- oh.
Baji was indie with her own model iirc.
The horse was kinda funny, but way too adhd. Now she just spams valo under persona.
Not surprised in the least. Hope Sera and Reiya land on their feet.
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Baji love
Agency our Miyu used to be in. She sucked off her manager there which is why her entire gen left because they didn't get the benefits for putting out.
Baji cute.
the vtuber crash of 2024 continues
bond... livebond... call a bondulance...
He's right.
The majority of the world sided with Froot. Ksons idiocy wasn't even talked about for a full day
Nobody left, they had successful auditions, they've been at a variety of different venues and they're pretty well respected on twitch.

Hololive lost 3 talents, and has another on suspension due to their own fuckup. That's not even mentioning all the talents that are constantly on hiatus
It's literally going to be Holo, Vshojo, Phase and the Brave consortium left
>successful auditions
I mean, if you count "no one was accepted" a success, then i guess in comparison to "a whole bunch of indies got doxxed" it is a success.
>and has another on suspension due to their own fuckup
did I miss something?
>our Miyu
double who
Ina is about to get deported from Japan
A v&u member came from it
????? They literally have a teaser out for the next "gen" or whatever it is they use. They'll be debuting in 2025
All i can say is Japan better not have Ina in the county jail
They never used "gens". They debut talents one at a time, nigger. And whatever teaser you saw was fake.
You fell for a shitpost from /vsj+/ nothing was officially announced yet besides the fact that if there are any new members through the audition they will debut in 2025.
So if it's a failure or success remains to be seen but you are correct about everything else.
What are you talking about?
yeah, it has been an AMAZING YEAR
All the aids is filtering itself out.
Non Hololive vtubing is subhuman tier
Brave should shut down all the micro corpos they are buying up and just cherry pick the best girls from them to be in vspoEN.
I think it would be better to grow and support your main EN group rather than have 10 different groups with different identities and having to support all of them.
>the majority of the world sided with Froot
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yeah, sorry
I mean Froot sub has increased again
you don't need to smear small corpos by associating them with ph*se. they're mid along with vshojo
they have too many but leaving only vspo would be a terrible idea since that's their specialist group

imo they should compact all non-vspo into something else so they only have two
Holo lost some key members
I give you A-chan but
>key members
What is this, 2021?
this year brave enters EN scene and other newcomers replacing the ngmi ones like kawaii, prism and bond
the talents from those dead corpos become indies anyway, its only shitty for 1-2views because market becomes even more saturated than before
I thought Baji was indie?
I thought Ina stated that she goes back and forth between Canada and Japan (?)
Her visa expired while she was in japan
I would definitely still call them key members and it has definitely done some damage especially the image that Myth was inseparable and forever. I would say at the very least they are doing worse than some agencies especially the ones that just got off their feet like VSPO EN and Specialite who are doing just fine getting off the ground in their FPS Esports niche and growing with no yabs. Phase Connect is objectively doing better by debuting Phase JP and not losing people. But all things considered, I think that is really it. Hololive is doing better than any one Brave Group's individual branches like V4Mirai who lost 2 founding members to IRL and poaching and got a really great 3rd gen but bad 4th gen and the whole Sanrio thing clamping down on their bread and butter with needing to clamp down on their ASMR, globie which has had graduations and zero growth outside of some members, and idol which is going through acquisition pain, leaving talents and needing to pay off commitments made in the past that never got done.
Bro that's so fucking much text
>-1 more
based retard
Use an AI to summarize then, pea brain.
Phase is really a medium size corpo. If Holo/Brave/Niji are AAA companies, Vshojo and Phase are AA, stuff like Pixellink are a single dev team, and companies like the one in OP are a single dude with an early access asset flip on Steam.
Vshojo is closer to Brave than it is to Phase. 3.7% of the market vs 0.7% (VSPO is 6%). This is while having less than half the members btw.
>Prism adds males
>Kawaii collabs with males
>Bond adds male
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meh, it's to be expected. startups have an average lifespan of 2-3 years before running out of investor money and cutting their losses. it's a complete coin toss which companies "survive" aka generate high-earning vtubers and which ones fall off into irrelevancy and eventually close up shop.

So far the only corpo that's actually survived long term is Phase Connect, but going off debuts and initial hype when they first started out, it was just another Holo copycat like Prism and Kawaii that would inevitably fail. Their debuts themselves and the initial plan of having EN + JP merged into one gen were a total flop. The fact they survived this long was purely off of Pippa's schizo fanbase desu.

Kawaii had a similar situation with Nene singlehandedly funding the company for years, but constant scandals and donothons eroded the "GFE" factor and resulted in them running out of money from paypigs leaving.

Then there's IdolCorp, who started off strong with tons of Jew money thrown into advertising, poaching high quality vtubers, bribing the YT algorithim, etc and it all amounted to nothing as their natural viewer retention was abysmal.

I won't even mention Prism's problems, besides Shiki not streaming.

More recent startups like Pixel Link, V4Mirai, Specialite, and VSPO EN are too young to say if they'll fall. But it seems vtubing is in decline and it's not worth investing in a new corpo if you don't have any novel ideas. "Just girls who stream and are cute" isn't good enough anymore.
>So far the only corpo that's actually survived long term is Phase Connect
What about the big one
Holo and Niji are too big to fail at this point. It's not worth analyzing them since they have the backing of actual giant corporations and music labels that will prevent them from ever dying. Yagoo dumping $100,000,000 on a metaverse game is pretty funny though.
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Talking about the one that actually formed in 2020 and didn't exist pre-vtubers.
Vshojo has a completely different model than the rest of those. And they were never a small corpo, they formed with some of the biggest vtubers on Twitch right out the bat.
VShojo is doing pretty well I think?
Even if you ignore Mouse's endless subathons, Matara and Henya are doing really well compared to where they were in their old corpos. Being able to take established creators and turn them into stars through your own brand is a sign of good management.

I think in general VShojo has this like aura in the normiesphere of "they're vtubers but they're not weird weeb shit like every other vtuber" so it attracts a lot of normies. Even though Henya is like, one of the biggest degenerates in the industry somehow their reputation is seen as cleaner than every other company.
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Zentreya has also grown a lot, from 3.5k in 2021-23 to 5k in 2024. It's not explosive growth like Filian or Vedal but she's consistently top 10 in watchhours which matters for sponsors.
The scale of the markets is much different. Twitch vtubing is a very small pool. When Vshojo gets about 50 people I'll call them "close to brave". VSPO isn't the only thing Brave owns.
How are EIEN and VAllure doing?
EIEN is still slowly dying. VAllure just funded their gen 2 and 3
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Except they objectively are. Brave shits out a lot of vtubers but they're all 2-3views outside of VSPO (JP). If VSJ had 50 vtubers (of the same size they have right now) they would be close to holo/niji, not Brave.
There are three tiers of corpos. Holo and Niji, who together make up a plurality of the market. Then there's medium sized-corpos like VSPO, Vshojo, Isegye Idol, etc. And then there's the rest. Phase is part of the rest.
>Then there's IdolCorp, who started off strong with tons of Jew money thrown into advertising, poaching high quality vtubers, bribing the YT algorithim, etc and it all amounted to nothing as their natural viewer retention was abysmal.
The yabs is what killed idol, the whole Riro thing and Yuko and Pochi going menhera. Rin has a insane amount of subs but most of the were dead subs due to shorts spam and she's an autistic loner so she was always separate from the rest of idol anyways.
VSPO always surprises me. Guess japs ojisans love their shooter chuubas.

I wonder how well is their EN experiment gonna go.
>and resulted in them running out of money from paypigs leaving
I can dismiss your post right there. What do you gain by being confidently wrong?
>I wonder how well is their EN experiment gonna go.
nigga they debuted like 4 months ago
vtubing is a saturated market. I don't know why people are still trying.
Yes? and I wonder how are they gonna fare long term.

I don't think it was hard to understand at all.
I wish all shitty EN corpos and their scumbag "CEOs" and lackluster talents a very bad life and immediate bankruptcy
>But it seems vtubing is in decline and it's not worth investing in a new corpo if you don't have any novel ideas. "Just girls who stream and are cute" isn't good enough anymore.
You're half right in that riding the wave of hype from the initial HoloMyth debut is very much over and done, but vtubing will only continue to grow in the long term. It isn't enough to simply have cute girls doing cute things because the market is both locked down (largely by Hololive and it's massive brand recognition and increasing buying power) but also oversaturated by short sighted EN corpos who only want to make a quick buck, as well as the massive indie market. There are a plethora of indies who are higher value than what any EN corpo has to offer, and their output shows this.
Anyways, the issue extends far beyond novelty and oversaturation. Most EN corpos are DOA because they are thoughtless cashgrabs, and lack professionalism and direction. Idol is a stellar example of this, and their downfall could be seen miles away. Stupid newfag tourists allowed it far too much goodwill because of shitty optics campaigns and ENs obsession for talent loyalty, despite their being significant yabs and red flags early on.
If the EN market is going to grow, it's going to have to learn from JP success and adapt, as well as be lead by people who are genuinely passionate about vtubing and offering a quality product to the end user.
As of yet, there remains to be seen any EN corpo which appears to make a good faith attempt.
>As of yet, there remains to be seen any EN corpo which appears to make a good faith attempt.
I like V4Mirai.
>All girls
>Their manager is also a girl and does brand-focused videos as a vtuber, like trying to replicate A-chan
>They all seem very happy there
>Holo thought they were good enough to poach their talents
>>Their manager is also a girl and does brand-focused videos as a vtuber, like trying to replicate A-chan
Gonna be honest anon, this is already a red flag, not a plus. As much as I am sure this mane chuuba may be charming, it's a very poor sign for a small corpo to be splitting it's branding by making management into mascots. The same rule applies to CEOs. You are management, not talent. Stay behind the scenes and do your job, no need to attentionwhore. I do not believe, outside of unusual circumstances, that management should be visible. It's an unseen mechanism, not a dog and pony show.
That said, I do like some of the V4 talents myself, and was originally interested in the premise of the company, as well as it's strong backing, but so far they have failed to deliver premise wise for the most part, in my opinion.
I think so far as EN goes, V4 is a relatively notable example of good things, but far from what I would like to see as the standard for the West. Either way, fairly respectable choice, or at least, understandable.
Pretty sure she was indie before them.
I don't know why you retards keep thinking a talent auditioning and getting in is poaching.
oh no anyway
She is. Was part of bonds first en gen but left long ago.
>competition is good
It is but they need to have goals
the boom is long over, easy money has left and here we are. good
The golden age of small corpos is over. Either get big or go down in flames.
Either know what your doing and the the audience your pandering to or dont bother entering the market
2024 is my favorite year of VTubing. Continue weeding out the trash, you've still got 2 months of work in ya, 2024!
Baby Mimi mogs
male collaber, fuck her.
Saw REALITY in the thumbnail and got scared the app was going away. Can't live without my 2views.
Will do.
you need to see reality and get some bitches
Does anyone here ever really talk about them, they always seem to be just there.
/corpo/ does
thanks for the link
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It really feels like the era of small corpo is coming to an end.
>almost every single corpo that debuted in 2020-2022 is gone now, save like 1 or 2.
>newer corpos are losing talents and on their deathbed like EIEN.
>You actually have better recourse and chances as an indie now compared to taking chances with a small corpo.
Outside of a small handful of niche appeal corpos, It's probably gonna be just the big 3+indies in vtubing going forward.
>our miyu
a whore who bullies other vtubers while wasting her pitybux on new models even when her mother died

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