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>What is /corpo/?
The number of vtubers managed by an agency ("corpos") or representing a brand ("mascots") has been growing recently. However, not all discussions can sustain individual threads. This thread strives to create a place to discuss the talents and mascots of corpo™s that are currently not discussed in other threads.

>Can I shill my small corpo oshi who already has a thread?
If your oshi gets talked about in a thread constantly, you may want to focus there! It's fine otherwise.

>Are former corpo talents allowed?
Due to the increasing number of graduated or retired talents, ex-corpo talents are allowed but please try to respect their other identities.

>Other Corpo Threads
idol: >>>/vt//jidf/
EIEN: >>>/vt//eien/
kawaii: >>>/vt//pkg/
VAllure: >>>/vt//vag/
NEXAS: >>>/vt//brg/
VSMP: >>>/vt//vsmp/
PixelLink: >>>/vt//pxl/
PRISM: >>>/vt//ppg+/
V-Dere: >>>/vt//vdere/
Phase Connect: >>>/vt//pcg/
Small JP vtubers: >>>/vt//indie/
V&U + KR vtubers: >>>/vt//vnug/
VReverie Extended: >>>/vt//vrex/
Tsunderia Extended: >>>/vt//tsunx/
V4Mirai + globie + VSPO! EN: >>>/vt//v4m/

Previous thread: >>87416899
I miss the pink cloud
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Airi’s mom says she’s cute
gata verde birthday stream
Felix cumpleaños!
There was an attempt
/fpspec/ still hasn't been added to OP?
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check out this daki she's getting for birthday merch
tetas grandes y libres ay dios mio
If you're going to be a leaker fag at least don't leave out the funny part
you didn't post anything funny in at least 10 months, mozzu
Not everyone that likes Mozzu is Mozzu
I’m not in the inner circle but the comment had enough context I could assume the rest: a humblebrag about being cold approached by a random model Japanese youth
It’s a locked account so any speculation is as valid as any other. Maybe she went to a soapland with them, who could say.
Random jap sexpest tried to flirt with her on the train
His opener:
>ale you porish?
Why is the Panda having a melty just as the whores are in japan?
Airi and Elia didn't invite her the host club
When isn't that fake sellout having a meltdown
Pandora? I think she was just sick. She's streaming right now
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sounds like there's more to it
Every day is exactly the same.
Eh. If it's a private alt account I don't see a problem.
What did Lumi do this time?
Steal her friends
I wish Shiki would give me a chu...
If it's here to stay, the next baker (which might be me if it happens when I'm able to), should edit this in.

>Other Corpo Threads
idol: >>>/vt//jidf/
EIEN: >>>/vt//eien/
kawaii: >>>/vt//pkg/
VAllure: >>>/vt//vag/
NEXAS: >>>/vt//brg/
VSMP: >>>/vt//vsmp/
PixelLink: >>>/vt//pxl/
PRISM: >>>/vt//ppg+/
V-Dere: >>>/vt//vdere/
Phase Connect: >>>/vt//pcg/
Small JP vtubers: >>>/vt//indie/
V&U + KR vtubers: >>>/vt//vnug/
VReverie Extended: >>>/vt//vrex/
Tsunderia Extended: >>>/vt//tsunx/
VSPO! EN + Specialite: >>>/vt//fpspec/
V4Mirai + globie + VSPO! EN: >>>/vt//v4m/
I think /v4m/ is more V4Mirai and globie, and less VSPO.
Might be redundant to include them both.
There's an avid Jira poster there.
Disregard that, I'm a retard.

Anon made a good point. I have rearranged the links to remove VSPO! EN from /v4m/'s list. Unless /v4m/ has a problem with this, I might go with this on the next bake (if I bake).

>Other Corpo Threads
idol: >>>/vt//jidf/
EIEN: >>>/vt//eien/
kawaii: >>>/vt//pkg/
VAllure: >>>/vt//vag/
NEXAS: >>>/vt//brg/
VSMP: >>>/vt//vsmp/
PixelLink: >>>/vt//pxl/
PRISM: >>>/vt//ppg+/
V-Dere: >>>/vt//vdere/
Phase Connect: >>>/vt//pcg/
V4Mirai + globie: >>>/vt//v4m/
Small JP vtubers: >>>/vt//indie/
V&U + KR vtubers: >>>/vt//vnug/
VReverie Extended: >>>/vt//vrex/
Tsunderia Extended: >>>/vt//tsunx/
VSPO! EN + Specialite: >>>/vt//fpspec/
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It's been two months since the last /ppg/. Unless the two other bakers are around to object you can probably get rid of it
If nobody bakes for Naki's stream later today, go ahead
Long time since anyone baked V-Dere as well.
If you bake it they refuse to use it
the mozzu schizo was having a fun time in the last one I saw
there's just not enough to actually talk about to keep a thread with four small girls afloat, especially when they don't stream much worth talking about and sometimes not at all
I don't even think gen 2 would make that float with the board as fast as it is
if people really wanted to, I think it could stay alive, but I'm not posting in an anti thread.
Im on vacation, cant bake from mobile
why would they want to, though
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sometimes it just be like that
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im late, but hey good job acti
what an exhausting person
Follow Elia and you'll get the whining in stereo
why do you anti?
Those are very generic woman tweets. If you think your oshi is any different you either don't know their alt or they have an actual partner to vent to
what an exhausting post
based, pandora is the cancer killing brit chuubas
Because she's a trannylover and sold out for Chinese money
trips of naivety, mozzu has both a partner and a whining alt
Hey panda mod, tell your oshi to take her fucking meds again.
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what are the implications?
Literally nothing
elon will be able to watch tranny porn again
There exists at least one schizo retarded enough to not know how to get around a block and they'll be really annoying with twitter screencap posts for a bit
not like it ever accomplished much in the first place
Acti I luv you
Good evening! Elia hate and rape.

What's with British vtubers and pitybaiting? This is almost worse than Elia.
have you seen their island?
Drunk Acti raping me and being mean and bratty to me would save me I think
Every time I open a mythos tweet, I regret it.
Calling it, it's flesh or goon fuel
EZ gg
that's a man
we like that around these parts
sex with raein now!
at least it wasn't a foot this time
is raein really a man?
apollo's halloween 3D (you'll like it)
chefk her announcement stream. i listened to it, didnt explicitly said so, but was talking about how reaching her voice took years and stuff like that
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So... this is how daiya deals with the fact scarlett fucking died...
dog bitch, forma uta?!
The new hair looks cute. It will take some time for me to get used to the new colors after seeing her model for 3 years.
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Lucid Halloween collab
Anon, can I offer feet in these trying times?
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Aimee is going to play Sonic Rumble
shark wife?!
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I don't have a messaging system set up so I'll respond here. Thank you for your pomudex submissions as always.

Someone went through all of Phase and I know that's a lot of work. I've updated Airi and Ember's twitch channels. Uruka's should reappear once her account again twitch side.

Also Lillie is available under wool, vsmp > bonus round, and corpo+ > vsinger
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interesting development
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>Interactive Vtuber Streaming App from Japan
Why do they keep trying this
Is it money laundering?
Good work anon! Keep it up!

She went through male adolescent but like who cares, I still like her and honestly I like the clowd gimmick
This is her second time working with one of these mobile apps. She also appeared on AniLive before she graduated kawaii even.
acti said she was in a lewd arc and was sexually needy
did she do anything for them, because she didn't stream
she knows where to find me
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Upcoming NEXAS Debuts
Yukiko Yasashi debuts tomorrow at 7pm PST
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Yukiko will also release a cover of Queen by Kanaria after debut
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NEXAS' Highschool trio unit CELESTRIO will debut on the 20th
Momoko Nuihara
Hikari Kogane
Manon Marope
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Rov Alcou, the Alcoholic Hampter, will debut on the 27th
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AniLive Debuts of NEXAS Class 4 Tensei will be on the first week of November. Yes, another retarded week-long debut rally. Fuck you, Harry.
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Why do "black companies" give their IP rights so easily? I thought they were called black for a reason.
not every incompetent company is black, especially vtuber agencies that expand to global/western martket where their black practices would generate backlash and their investment would immediately tank and force close their global branch. giving IPs shows goodwill towards the talents and respect towards fans as they grow a community around a model and identity
vtuber apps are doa in the west
Cute, blair's kamioshi
I'm glad Iva isn't disappearing altogether
hey guys did you like the new Mythos gen
I think Dionysus is very cute
she deleted and reposted for some reason (no art tag)
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it's supposed to be genderbent but eh
was pretty funny comparing this to the regular tear filled announcements with a corp folds
Aimee got raided by Aishii Ai
>post number
What board is that?
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Just for the record, Iriam was already long established before Anilive.
That's a lot of turnover...
I thought Rov was in the last batch?
/v/ Maybe? its an edit
Rov is Gen 2 Nebulnk. NEXAS currently has 4 gens
/co/, it's originally the chef from Ratatouille
>The application is now owned by IRIAM Co. , Ltd., a child company of DeNA Co., Ltd
Huh didnt know Dena owned them, anyway the high turnover is expected from something like this with people trying it out and end up just giving up or not really that much drive to continue.
I think we found roro's stalker
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as well as latest dissolutions (prism, kawaii)
Mischief should have been in V4M, or the new Idol gen, or VSPO EN at least, it's not fucking fair...
I do not recommend anyone with a faint heart watching the depression relay
this wiki is outdated. iriam is an app and these livers stopped streaming on there. if you download the jp app, it has hundreds of livers live at the same time.
bro all of those are owned by the same company, who cares?
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I hate restrictions
I hate policy changes
I hate having good things be banned
same.. good things never last long in this industry, always gotta have some SEAs, or management, or streaming platforms fucking you over
Naki was cute today
Naki was extra very cute today. I love her so very much even if I never feel like coming back /here/ just to post these anymore
She would have gotten a model which is rigged better at least
neat, thanks
I'm surprised the EN marketing isn't leaning into what made the app successful in Japan. They're focusing a lot on founding streamers and such, almost like they're doing a corpo approach, but what makes it successful in Japan is that it has the lowest barrier to entry.
For those who don't know, Iriam is unique in that the streamer only needs to upload a single illustration, no rigging, no layers, nothing. The app has a program that rigs it for you (eyes/mouth/hair/etc). This makes it a great beginners platform for people who want to dip in their toes in without spending any money (or only the money required for a single illustration) before they go live2d.
It baffles me bound if that is brought up in the EN marketing. They should be emphasizing it could be the easiest /cheapest way for noobs because they only need art and a phone.
Being incompetent and being ill-intentioned are not the same thing
Not even hololives own app can get many users
It makes the NEXAS techbro grift way more funny. Prism project being an experiment to see how to grift in the most effective way explains so much of captain's incompetence lmao it really was the NEXAS prototype down to holding back basic features like membership and streaming platform behind numbers goals
I know nobody really cares but AniLive and NEXAS are technically not the same thing, the AniLive streamers are Jumpstarts, the NEXAS streamers can stream off platform after meeting some requirements NEXAS just has an agreement with AniLive
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huh, she does fansly too...
bonus https://x.com/ApolloMythoNSFW/status/1845806174551068711
if she just had the patience to hold out a little longer...
hope she can find an audience on iriam
I don't care about Roro until she gets naked again
some dragon maid vtuber is streaming from a small corpo at twitch dot tv slash lillianthemaid
Why do random microcorpo streamers I've never heard of her nice 3D but actual mid-size corpos struggle to deliver anything that's not awful
1.5 million usd helps
There's no way they ever make that back, why are investors still dumping this level of money in?
they're trying to go kpop group but vtuber
proofread your fucking posts before hitting Submit
I want to schizo post Roro but the idea of her starting to get bigger actually scares me. Is it too late for me?
If you're going to sperg on an anonymous board at least hold yourself to the same standards
Airi is doing a space
what did you mean by this
No fear of that happening, she isn't actually a very interesting streamer
nice of her to take the time for a space before her shift at soapland
But are there males?
yeah, me
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Pitybaiting in Japan, the new spinoff series by Elia Stellaria.
>mozzu doesn't snore
I don't believe it.
I would like a sick voice Spica space.
she really doesn't have any other cards in her hand
it's great not having my ears hurt by sibilance
>mozzu just throws her shit on the floor instead of putting it away like the other girls knowing she is sharing a room and inconveniencing airi
I'm starting to think her sister was justified
that's exactly what she said, wow, you got it word for word
Don't worry sentenno said he'll be quiet while she's streaming.
I'm not listening to green whore so I'll take your word for it. Please livepost more especially if it's to anti Mozzu.
Mozzu being a slob shouldnt surprise you. Remember she used to say that her bathroom floor had so many clothes she couldn’t walk in there.
>mozzu didn't wash airi's back
She hates Airi.
spica retweeted sayu, and now airi is talking about redacted
>Mozzu is messy so this justifies everything bad that's ever happen to her
Weird anti angle. Anyways here's Mozzu schizo's failed youtube channel. He comments with the same channel he uses for everything
He's a failed 0 view streamer imagine that
and she's gone. i miss her
Another pitybaiter that keeps crying about feeling so lonely in Japan (to the point of putting it on her twitter name) while uploading videos of herself hanging out with her friends.
>welcome to my first stream and hopefully not the last
you can do it! just fix that fucking audio, and maybe not spend an hour going through the games on your console
Who was your greentext meant to quote? She deserves shitty things for many reasons, it has nothing to do with her slovenliness
That schizo is a dumb social retard who even keeps retweeting and responding to the other girls after his pathetic outburst on Mozzu, but you're not that far behind in terms of stupidity
weird how jake had such a public melty about Mozzu but he kept his anthro mite pfp
Not everybody who is Mozzu is Mozzu.
She has multiple personalities, some of them are more whorish than others
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>spica retweeted sayu
Based and Spica-pilled.
This is just jake promoting himself
I choose to believe this. I mean, who the fuck would actually post a direct link to this guy like that.
who would even know a guy like that exists
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he's recognized here because of his public melty at mozzu a few months ago, but that's about it.

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