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Thoughts on actually children being vtubers?

Would you watch a child?
There was that JP single mother chuuba who had a model made for her toddler-age daughter just so she could appear as a call-in during a concert which was cute, but having an actual child vtuber streaming is a fucking awful idea.
Nice try, FBI.
Children are annoying so probably not
Sure, I think it'd be pretty cute and funny. I don't think there are many parents in the modern era that could really bear the responsibility of keeping the kid protected though.
having a preteen toddler sounds like a terrible fucking idea
shion and aqua were fun when they were 16-17 though
we will never know since kick, twitch, and youtube would ban the channel
The one channel even pomf would ban
Awful idea, children shouldn't even be allowed on the internet without heavy moderation from parents. Too many sick fucks.
It's against TOS anyway, she could only stream at 13.
>actually children
Off to bed indog, your ESL is showing
Anyone under the age of 21 should not be allowed on the internet, at all.
It could never be effectively implemented but if everyone under the age of 25 was banned from the Internet then it would become a much better place - particularly sites like twitter.
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children shouldn't be allowed on the internet as streamers no matter what. if you know the picrel, then you know why.
maybe, but child labour is against the law and laws can be broken but still and even then, not unless you're a non-menopausal woman, i assure you, watching them would be annoying as hell.
Trust me it's not annoying and it is VERY let's say entertaining
>Would you watch a child?
No, lol.
>child labour is against the law
I think from a legal perspective it'd actually be fine - there are child actors and singers after all, they just couldn't do very long streams or subathons. Still a bad idea though.
define child, most people below 15 are too stupid to handle the desktop software most vtubers use to stream
Shion and Haato were the youngest when they joined Hololive, right?
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I can differentiate fiction and reality.
If you think fiction is the same as reality, you are on borrowed time of natural selection.
Biboo is literally my wife though.
Biboo is literally a hag
you glow in the dark
Pedo thread.
16 and 17 is adult age in Japan. Technically cover did not break any rules. Only western moral fags that belong in reddit and Twitter have a problem understanding other people culture.
>child employees where most of the fans are pedophiles
What could possibly go wrong
*Otsuka Ray. And yeah, I agree, them doing it together is fine and all. But having a solo child Vtuber is nothing but a bad idea.
>zoomer = hag now
Anon you will never be Japanese.
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No. Probably women would though.
Not sure what type of discussion you're hoping for but you should probably kill yourself, preferably immediately. Unless you're an underaged crotch monkey yourself, in which case get off this site you're not allowed here
>the rindo incident
kobo already exists
Is that the one that bailed because chumbuds tried to groom her?
that actually went okayish
You don't understand, Americans are perfectly fine with kids flipping burgers and working at factories. It's when they have anime avatars that it gets "icky".
wrong thread sorry
if you want a non-bad-faith answer, I think the answer is yes if their content, model, and audience were completely different from the average vtuber is now

aka I think you can have a childrens show with a child actor/host or something, im thinking like the amanda bynes show or the pink haired girl from lazytown who was constantly talking to puppets anyway
it probably wouldnt be live streaming, it probably wouldnt be on youtube, maybe they would still play videogames but it would be different videogames, the models might not be anime girls but still some cartoon character with live tracked motion, and the audience definitely would not be the current vtuber audience
A child would be an awful entertainer so no.
im sure some people would watch her
And you will be forever a retard so it all even out
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Heh. Jokes on you.
Children shouldn't be allowed on the internet.

Not because they need to be 'protected', but because they are all dumb newfags who need to lurk more.
No, why? Why would I? I would watch an adult with a child because I think that's cute but not a solo child.
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>Thoughts on actually children
NTA but you don’t know that
Fuck no. Keep them out of this hobby.
Nuhuh, I know for sure.
>16 and 17 is adult age in Japan.
What the fuck are you talking about? The traditional age of adulthood in eastern cultures is 20.
Yeah, but La+ was also one of the youngest girls they've hired in years and look at how well she turned out.
whats wrong with laplus?
Insanity. You are mentally unwell if you want this.
16 at least
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I don't think I would, but it's bizarre hearing anons talk about how kids shouldn't be on the Internet. I first started going to chat rooms when I was 10 and, while I was the youngest, the average age of the people there was definitely under 18. After turning 13 I became the most popular guy in my anime/roleplaying chat rooms, too, and was having cyber sex at least once a week with ~17-year old girls who usually didn't realize my age.

Because of that, I can't really get behind this anti-kid sentiment you see on forums and in online games, since I was a kid like that once, surrounded by people who were also kids by some metrics, and everything was great. Honestly, the Internet was way better back then. Every website felt like 4chan.
All the people ITT saying "muh kids shouldn't be in muh interwebz" have had the exact same experience, it's all virtue signaling targeted at nobody in particular (unless these people believe they have a glowie right behind their backs)
>~17-year old girls
Anon I'm sorry to break it to you but those were 30+ year old men.
I'm saying in my bad esl that 16 - 17 is seen as adults since kids start working at even at lower ages. To my knowledge they could do fast food work retail at that age cover broke no rules. By hiring Aqua and shion. If anything only hating bitches would have a problem with two teens making more money in a hour than the usual roastie makes in a day.
I'm not saying I want kids off the Internet for their protection, I'm saying I want them off because they're fucking irritating.
You're on /vt/ and saying this? You're literally pulling the "all these vtubers girls are actually men" card. You don't think these girls LARPing as anime girls while playing games and singing anime music used to go to anime roleplay forums when they were teenagers? I think you sound a little jealous.
I'm sorry that you were ERPing with 30 year old men, anon.
No one in their right mind would think this is a good idea. Children invading spaces where adults frequent is already bad enough, even if most anons did it when we were children many years ago. Letting a kid willingly enter the world of vtubing despite the fact that many creeps out there would take their shot at grooming them BECAUSE they're a real kid will only end badly.
I watched Shion back in the day
holy glowie
Fuck off glowie
I believe the man in this image. If he were ever planning on crossing the line, he would never paint a target on his back by admitting to fapping to lolis, instead he would make sure to say how much he hates them instead.
>Children and adult man on the internet
>They're not locked here with me, I'm locked in there with them! HELP! Get them away! mommy!
Not opposed since a Youtuber I watch has a 14 year old son that also makes the same content his dad does and I enjoy both of them but it really depends
Children are annoying. No. The absolute limit would be 16 for a vtuber but they should also NEVER say their age until they are 18 because holy hell would unironic pedos gather trying to dox. In fact, if you are a child (under 18) on the internet never say so ever.
God I wish that were me

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