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Last Thread - >>87496850

Stream - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yDiY3v8s8pw
Short - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=85NNg4K44lQ

Promise 1st Anniversary merch!
Schedule - Listen for the words of future streams
Twitter - https://twitter.com/ceresfauna
Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/@CeresFauna
Member VODs - https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLeLzFij5dykcx9rP_92kQBKHyypOrew5a

>New to Fauna? Suggested and Unarchived Streams
Outer Wilds Playlist - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLeLzFij5dykeI6Et74IZ5xwwu0Myqsvyx

>Love Fauna, need more?
Media - https://rentry.org/faumedia
Merch - https://rentry.org/faumerch

>Miss Fauna?
Stream status - https://imissfauna.com/
Ara Ara button - https://faunaraara.com/

Reminder to report, hide, and ignore grasshoppers and their bait, saplings
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Good morning /uuu/, i miss fauna
I miss Fauna, but I'm kinda glad to have some time to fix my sleep schedule. I still have to finish the VOD, anyways
its going to be fucked for me this weekend. im going from going to bed after 7dtd to having to wake up at the same time for work. I just know the first day is absolutely going to kill me
Take care of yourself sapfriend
hope it goes better than you're expecting. I think we need some healing streams from Fauna. something with extra giggles
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>solo stream
Uuuu I can only do a short stream, and I can't stream more than twice in a row
Omg 6 hour streams 7 days in a row? Count me in. Tuesday break day who?

When did YOU realise she hates us?
If she'd rather listen to Kiara's nails on chalkboard voice and Mori schizophrenic mumbling than talk to us I think there's a really deep issue
Stole this from grems
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Super nice art
I’m hopelessly in love with this woman
You, me and thousands of other saplings
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play and interact with a group of close friends


pander to thousands of lonely retards while playing some boring shit

Not your friend
Why is her laugh here so darn cute?
that 2nd sapling? me
>Her laugh here
>7 min clipfag shit
Post a timestamp newfag retard or stop shilling your shit here
I know this is grasshopper bait, but I really think if she didn’t care about us she wouldn’t have even said that. She would’ve just lied and used us for cash. But she was honest, wanted to help that schizo SC guy and showed she didn’t wanna lead us on. Makes me love her even more

I'd love for those two to collab more! Cant get enough of them together.
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gigi is pretty cute and theyre pretty cute together
I was really into the GG x Fauna domestic abuse arc and I wanted to make a soundpost. But I couldn't find enough clips of angry GG
So I ended up using Kronii instead...
There's no rrat powerful enough to make me stop loving krofaumei
>but I really think if she didn’t care about us she wouldn’t have even said that
Nah, it's genuinely dangerous to feed schizos delusions. They might doxx you, or just make your online life misery with their stalker behavior.
Not a streamer, but I assume she cares about us the same way someone cares about a wild animal. You see it splattered on the side of the road you feel sad, when you see it doing something cute you wanna watch, but when it's doing wild animal stuff you don't want it near you. You don't care about the animal as a whole.
That's a lot of projection.
>but I really think if she didn’t care about us she wouldn’t have even said that
What makes you say that he thinks that? She still loves us even though we're "not her friends".
I would splatter myself on a road if it meant getting fauna's attention
>it's genuinely dangerous to feed schizos delusions
>but I assume *schizo delusions*
Extremely ironic post.
Fauna's been struggling with collabs ever since the Kronii thing and I think she's happy to get her confidence back interacting with some other members
I just hope she ditches Kiara soon
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She's struggling with collabs? I liked the Gura and CC collabs tho
She's been very awkward and shy in collabs this year
a couple of them it seems
I see, fake /uuu/
I will be back when Fauna is back, but keep bumping, sure sure
okay threadshitter, you can pretend to leave
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only for a purpose, never for myself
She will never interact with you without a healthy amount of fence between separating you two. I don't think having boundaries is a bad thing. The analogy is awkward, but role-bound relationships aren't "schizo delusions" unless you're trying to score easy dunks on someone trying to have a conversation.
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It's retarded.
> I don't think having boundaries is a bad thing.
Neither do I. Fauna loves us an audience and she genuinely cares for us, but that's what we'll ever be, an audience.
how is that different to any other vtuber
When did I say that it is?
i just think they should be talking again
why is it something worth talking about
literal catalog bait from 2 years ago
Chris Evans wouldn't kiss himself.
Lmao, a year and a half later, and you still have nothing else to latch on to but that one thing you consider a yab. Tell us more facts about it that you peddle in the catalog every single day, tell us about how that yab ruined her career and caused her decline. Except the part where she inclined in all metrics since then, of course. And I know what's your next line.
>And I know what's your next line.
I love fauna and wish her the best. Were you right?
>Fauna thread
>Not posting Fauna related stuff
>Not Anti thread
chance to win a free Fauna mascot
but i already ordered it
2 Faunas are better than one, not sure about Nemu tho
im not doing the thing people want to do with bean fauna
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230k-ish left
felt pretty nice having another fauna dream after some time, will try to have another one later this week
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baby day apparently
I don't like survival games or big collabs so i've been missing a lot of fauna recently. I understand how she needs time off after working late for a week but fuck man I really want a solo stream like pikmin or asmr or soft book reading or just 1-1 sapling x fauna time again. I'll never complain about her streaming for us but please fauna, your streams give me something to look forward to after a hard work day
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what da heck is this
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my pc starts filling up with fauna related games
Besides the obvious fact that we'll all miss Fauna today, let's do some positive vibe posting: what are some streams you'd like to see from her?
I'm sure she has her reasons but I really miss asmr. Her kind voice reassuring me that it's all gonna be ok and whispering positive affirmations into my ear gives me motivation to keep trying
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Masturbation stream masturbation stream
when is the saplin 7DTD server
titanfall 2 please, ghost trick please, space marine 2 please
Are there designed maps, or are they procedurally generated?

My answer will always be Planet Zoo, but I'd like Hearts of Stone by the end of the year too.
Gonna upload a new fauna set to the mega later tonight.
oh and sonic shadow
is Gigi the new protagonist of EN?
you don't know Chris Evans then.
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ghost trick would be alot of fun! I played that way back in highschool when it came out on ios
it's a Crow Country reference, but I have no idea why the feet are like that
Dirt Rally 2.0 with the wheel
I still wanna watch her play Hollow Knight. a baking stream would be cool too
that would be an absolute disaster, nobody in hololive would be able to get a laptime without crashes
HOLY FUCK saplings are needy today good, glad to see i'm not the only one feeling that way
I don't think we'll get irl stuff, but vegan baking stream would be a blast
Both jp and en played on the same pregen map (you can tell because the path to trader jen is that really awkward valley through the mountains), but it's better to play on a randomly generated map because pregen maps don't contain all the new POIs added recently and are missing the hardest tier 6 quests which are where a lot of the fun comes from.
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The last sapling with the save point? Me.
Man, Fauna is so cute. Her playthrough of this was kino.
Don't listen to this NERD: >>87565417
Hey, how did you get these photos of Fauna and me?
Yeah, with me.
i'm scared fauna would hate me if she knew me
fauna probably only hates that guy who kills cats
I don't hate cats. I love and take care of them. I just have to get out of my own head
Halo (co-op collab okay)
Fallout New Vegas
Skyrim with mods (never happening but I can dream)
Lethal Company (must have at least IRyS, Mumei, or Gura; or someone she's comfortable yapping/bantering with; she was a bit too quiet/soloed too much in her second collab)
GTAV RP Holosantos Season 2 (Can't believe we missed out on such kino. I'm still watching clips from this collab trying to catch up. It was so good. Hope she does her JP reps in time for the next run)
That's a sign that you should become a better person for Fauna, sapling.
Am I the only one here who wants her to play fallout 3 instead of new Vegas?
Hearing her cute noises and seeing her smiling face makes everything better. Thanks anon :)
Has Fauna ever said if she’s watched Steins;Gate before?
she doesnt know i was just scratching my nuts with that finger!
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What the FUCK did she mean by this?
she mentioned it was on her lists of VNs she wanted to play, unsure if shes watched the anime
Unironically how much would I have to SC/what would i have to do to get fauna to cover this? https://youtu.be/5TUzB2fBUpY?si=WEV1RDf0IqoPoHzU

I already listen to clips of her positive affirmation videos daily but a woman I respect and care about singing about how much she loves and cares about me would mean the world
I could take Fallout 3 too, but vanilla New Vegas has more roleplaying options vs fallout 3 where you're either good guy or bad guy. The factions aren't as interesting but the atmosphere is still kino. Remember that she would have to slog through the subway systems too.
This sounds more like a Gura song. It might not be emo/alternative enough for Fauna.
Confession: I’ve never actually played new Vegas despite 3 being one of my favorite games. I just don’t think I’d enjoy it from what I’ve seen. I don’t wanna do some complicated roleplay. I just wanna be a more courageous version of me and help everyone
I mean this with as little attempt to be offensive as possible but I don’t think gura loves herself enough to sing that song
really sucks that she got involved with kiara, you give grifters an inch and they take a mile
>I don’t wanna do some complicated roleplay. I just wanna be a more courageous version of me and help everyone
Yeah, that's definitely Fallout 3. But I'd argue that New Vegas does a better job at challenging you to be the good guy because so many decisions you make in the game affect others in different ways. You can still be the good guy, but it's not such an easy path as shooting the bad guys and saving the day. You actually have to consider your actions and the consequences. And people aren't so simple that they can be classified as good or bad. They're all brought up differently with different backgrounds and ideals and beliefs, so not everyone will be able to play nice together just because a Messiah showed up to save the day. So when you do manage to save the day, it feels more meaningful. But yeah, it is more stressful and grey and sometimes I avoid making a decision I'm not comfortable with.
Yeah, that sounds really unenjoyable. If I wanted moral ambiguity I’d focus on the real world
I agree with some of the anons, a spooky cooking handcam would be kino, but that's not happening. More eurotruck with the wheel, and i'm adding dark souls to the list (or maybe even sekiro, i feel she might like that one better than a classic souls)

Oh and since we're in that mood today, absolutely this >>87575221
Another of her positive affirmations asmr is the fuel I need for keeping my shit together
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I was too harsh. I’ll give it a shot
Please no anti or meme replies: why isn’t she doing asmr anymore? I just don’t get it. I reject the idea that it has to do with a change in her personal life. If that’s true it’s true but I don’t think that would stop her from doing asmr. Is it the YouTube add revenue? She doesn’t seem super monetarily motivated. Is it an attempt to create healthy boundaries with her fans? I thought this could be it but then she does what I consider GFE content anyway (or maybe I’m projecting) and seems to still really like us as fans and want to entertain and spend time with us.

Is it a genuine lack of interest? This is more or less what she implied on stream but I just find this hard to believe especially when she still does all those soft spoken members streams.

Is it for her own safety after what happened last year? Again, I just don’t know but I hope that’s not it.

I only got into fauna and started watching more than clips of hololive through her asmr and while ive been hooked on her ever since, her asmr is still my go to content and i listen to her roomate’s asmr constantly.

I love her stuff; I really want more. I don’t think I’m going to get any more asmr and that really sucks and I’m not gonna complain on stream or somewhere public because that will only be a bother to her but I just wish there was a way to politetly show how much saplings enjoy that particular kind of content and while we will continue to support her regardless of the content she produces, more asmr especially focusing on positive affirmations and believing in oneself would be greatly appreciated.

Hell, I wouldn’t mind if it was behind a paywall. I pay out the ass for therapy and god knows fauna is more effective

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