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Coco was in Hololive for only 550 days.
To put this in perspective, Council has double that at over 1100+ days as part of Hololive.
Her legacy and importance is so greatly exaggerated.
There are decades when nothing happens, and there are weeks when decades happen.
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1 JP day is worth a year of ENsharts
sad how she ruined her legacy for no good reason
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This image is free yous from assblasted keksonners.
>immediately exposes himself
How do you not feel shame? I'd have killed myself by now if I was this hung up on an internet streamer.
What was going through her head
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It's fine
Now write a 1000 word essay about how "YOU LEFT" meant something completely different.
She's the entire reason why Cover managed to tap into the English market
Ok, so what are we supposed to do about it
>please respond
It gets sadder with every passing day.
I really wish hiroshimoot hadn't gotten rid of the IP counter.
Nah that's Mori.
She is pretty much the reason west got interested in vtubers
I like Mori but you’re delusional
>forgetting Miko
Miko was the reason she had a job at Cover in the first place
she's the reason there are people who still don't take vtubing seriously
No, that was clips from Korone, Miko and Fubuki
anyone posting default posesji is just baiting for shitposts
Elite is elite, Miko loves Coco
No that is Artia
That helped, but Coco helped keep the English community engaging by being able to speak English. The English audience would've gotten bored of watching jp's only after a month or two
Lol she wasn’t even the most popular in the CN branch.
>The English audience would've gotten bored of watching jp's only after a month or two
way to out yourself
see, like this >>87563750
you got mad because I called you out for living in a shitty country?
These threads are such an exercise in futility. Hololive will keep going up and everyone else will keep going down no matter how much shit is thrown from either side
You're proving OP right, anon...
It’s been a pretty bad year for JP corpos honestly
She single-handedly saved Cover from having to pander the Chinese market
I would argue that selen's situation with Nijisanji has been a net negative for all corpus since now the past life taboo has been completely abolished. Niji not only shot themselves in the foot but everyone else.
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No it hasn't. Only Nijisanji shrunk. Hololive still grew massively. Most other jp corpos did too.
But that's good for vtubers themselves
She's an attention whore so the same shit that goes through every woman's head.
You argue a lot of stupid things
Yes, what's good for vtubers is not the same as what's good for corpos.
Who cares about what's good for corpos lmao
the manchildren at offkai and who mostly dominate this sphere are the reason why but you kinda already knew that
I wasn't defending them. I'm just stating facts.
if Coco wasn't so influential in the vtubing sphere she wouldn't still be one of the biggest vtubers ever after she changed corpos
not true, only niji shrunk YoY and it's because of EN imploding
every single other top 15 jp corp besides 774 grew
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Garbage samefag setup
Holochads win again baby!
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Coco paved the way for the box meta with her asacoco show and also with how she encouraged the girls to interact and open up to each other with big call in collabs and then Ark. These happened at the same time as the members were getting into doing idolshit, and that's how hololive offered a lot of value compared to the rest.
It's that stuff why Coco was praised and called a legend by vtuber peers outside of holo

The last thing she did was close the gap between JPfas and ENfans, in a way that worked better for JPfans and some retard EN fans didn't understand. Tried to bring back asacoco but it was too much work. Then maybe she caught a glimpse of holo's future (the IPO, the widespread commercialization, JPcorpo perm retardation, loads of homework, sololive expectations, etc) and wasn't interested in being a part of that.

Imo, the dragon of hololive is watching... but she's not really coming back unless is something really special, like Watame's budoukan or holo's 10th anniversary
>Her legacy and importance is so greatly exaggerated
She is the reason why Cover decide to not put their eggs in the bad China and instead focus on a greater China
>inb4 Kobo bilibili
Ah yes that one shocked me a bit, but did you know that after the bili event in Shanghai(?), she basically no longer streamed there ? And this applied to Matsuri and other members as well. Almost as if they streamed solely for that specific event promo

I'm not even bluffing, just type "bilibili (insert name)" to find their channel. Their last activity is also when the event was over, and the Hololive Chinese channel is still reposting Hologra episodes with Chinese subtitles and nothing else (and even its views are declining as the chinks realized that Holo did not commit to CCP after all)
>Tried to bring back asacoco but it was too much work
Even kson herself has no interest in making the GMMF streams ever since before joining VShojo, and the meme review series soon followed suit after the collab with Henya. So even tho those series had its charm, their time is over

>Then maybe she caught a glimpse of holo's future (the IPO, the widespread commercialization, JPcorpo perm retardation, loads of homework, sololive expectations, etc) and wasn't interested in being a part of that
Cover wasn't even a public company until 1 year after her departure. She left because of the stupid restrictions caused by the Taiwan drama that affected everyone. I even bet that Coco would at least stay until 2023 if not for the chinks
It was better to burn out than slowly fade away, OP

It was only 550 days, but they were some very bright and brilliant days
I also noticed that cover doesn't hire bilingual talents for the JP branch anymore.
the first half of them were, before cover decided to send their bug army after her
technically ririka and kanade have passable eng skills, but they're dev_is
So she caused her own downfall?
STREAMING is important to legacy. Cock was an aggressive streamer, a lot of the holo en girls who were in longer than her have periods where they didn't stream for a month not because of suspension but because they knew their paypigs would come running back as soon as they came back.
If you treat secondary language as more than just English, then Laplus, Lui and some ReGloss girls can fit the bill
I wouldn't say "downfall" yet, more like stagnation

She got lazy by joining VShojo because she realized that she doesn't need to spend so much energy for a fixed salary amount and a fixed post-grad policy when you can just spam reaction content, and VShojo doesn't have any big goals to "stress her out by giving her homework", resulting in her not having any big goals for her VTuber career and seeking for flesh opportunities like the Yakuza deal

I'm calling it right now, once she realizes that she feels more free as a flesh streamer, VShojo and the VTuber community WILL lose her, not because VShojo being black, but because she is tired of VTubing
jesus you're dumb
I'm the only one here who think's Coco's model looks like it came out of Nijisanji.
Most of Coco's streams were fully JP you meme review clown.
And coco with less days have more memorable events than myth does.

Most of the shit people remember from myth is shit like mori Airbnb disaster and gura being absent for 80% of her career as a hololive talent.
Honestly all you're proving is that Japanese investors are retarded. Cover price mirrors anycolor's despite cover reporting massive growth.
>Cover wasn't even a public company
The venture investors waiting for that IPO to happen at some point. Cover was a tech startup, doing tech startup things. I don't believe the talents were unaware of this context.
>She left because of the stupid restrictions caused by the Taiwan drama that affected everyone.
The spambots were gone for months before the announcement, we had moved past that drama.
So which restrictions are you referring? the only taiwan-related restriction that was in place until the graduation announcement was Omega's retarded holoEN collab ban.

Imo she wanted to do what she did after going indie: reach outside the garden that holo built and network more with other vtubers, do react content, she wanted to those things she saw people on twitch doing at holo... but that would not be possible (thank god)
>The venture investors waiting for that IPO to happen at some point.
Vshojo investors will one day ask for returns too.
And god knows what the fuck vshojo management is doing because I don't think they'll be able to give back those 25 millions they got.
Nta but didn't Japan passed tax law where people working for private own company would need to submit their address and their equivalent of social security number and birth certificate to public records? Which possibly explains cover going public to protect their talent identities which beats the original theory of them being almost bankrupt and needing to go public for chink money.
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No, the legacy of Sana and Aloe is exaggerated. Coco made merits in her day to earn it....

For example I remember pre-Myth that with Asacoco I got to know the members of Hololive as well as to be aware of what was happening.
>unless is something really special, like Watame's budoukan or holo's 10th anniversary

not a chance
>She left because of the stupid restrictions caused by the Taiwan drama that affected everyone.
she left because she wanted to flesh stream and not having to check things off with a manager
>instigates one of the largest anti/drama campaigns against hololive to date, causing huge stress to the streamers and the company
>doesn't elaborate
Cover already said why they went public. Original investors wanted to cash out and they could either sell the company or IPO.
I'm quoting yagoo's explanation to why they went public.
Do your homework and discard dead rrats from your head if you are going to try to add something to these conversations
based on what anon? your sorry feelings?
she already promised Watame she could show up
Don’t bring Aloe into it she is the biggest tragedy of Hololive she’s lucky to be alive honestly
Do you really think Watame is going to stand on Budoukan one day? Her music career is not looking good for that.
Imagine getting mogged by ID and mikeneko KEK
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>Her legacy and importance is so greatly exaggerated.
Coco and Sana were the best Holomems
You are a fucking retard
I didn't think she would get a 2nd sololive nor that her second album would be that much better than the first. She promised both those things and over delivered, so I learned to trust her
I trust that the budoukan will happen one day. Specially with her collaborators asking her what's next after the budoukan....but right know she needed strong BD sales to make the 3rd live a reality
So you watched "cock" in youtube ?
maybe before shittingon Coco you should shit on HoloEN for not making anything noteworthy since their debut?
No it hasn't. The only thing has been the disaster of certain EN corpos but the rise of Indies has balanced it. JP have had more 3Ds and concerts this year it's insane how smaller competitors have grown over there.
weird, I can vividly remember Coco and her streams, i can't fucking remember anything interesting done by HoloEN as a whole aside absence of Gura cause it's ridiculous
Because bilinguals go to the EN branch now.
real menhera hours
There would be no Council, no Myth, no Advent, no Promise and no Justice had it not been for Kiryuu Coco. She was Hololive's bridge to the USA. Her legacy and importance cannot be overstated. She is and will always be loved by her genmates and others at Hololive JP, EN and ID.
Artia, Civia the former HoloCN and all of their cockroach allies can continue to fuck themselves. Enjoy the decoupling, assholes - you deserve it!
>conveniently ignoring the Azur Lane collab, Chink translated EN clips before Coco even existed
there's a reason why she was highest superchatted, even above gfe queen rushia.

now cover lost her, and ame too. massive creative brain drain. all because of retard management.
Losing something to the sands of time doesn't mean it never existed. Everything will be worn down until it's nothing but dust and a memory.
Civia was mostly innocent this has been proven in the tribunal of the council of unicorns
Those kisses though...
I never liked Coco in the first place, I'm just glad I can say that now without looking like an assblasted chink because for the longest time I had to hold my tongue about her
Looking at the current state of the board, you still can't say anything negative.
That sound like someone who doesn't watch streams and only reads the catalog. Was that your way of saying you are a retarded catalogfag?
that just proves how worthless council is
That's just EN vtubers in general.
>Her legacy and importance is so greatly exaggerated.
u rite
but her influence on my cock's hardness can only be understated
>Jesus was alive for only 33 years.
>To put this in perspective, humanity has existed for over 10000 times that.
>His legacy and importance is so greatly exaggerated.
That fucking snake bitch didn't do shit for anyone
Time stopped in 2020
We are lost in a doomed timeline
Hi newfag.
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Fuck outta here, chink
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>i dont have any actual content of my own so im just gonna talk about what the other girls did
>literal reddit streams
>omg im gonna wax my pussy on stream im so edgy
most overrated vtuber of all time
I mean, the only hire the JP branch has ever made who was bilingual enough to fit in the EN branch was Coco, though obviously the EN branch wasn't a thing when she came on so that wasn't an option. Conversely, the only EN hire who would have made sense as a JP branch hire too at the time they debuted was IRyS- every other EN hire who was living in Japan at the time (long-term, at least, when Kiara joined she was on a limited visa that ran out the following year) wasn't fluent enough to make sense as a JP branch member (Calli, Raora) and every other JP-fluent EN/ID hire lived outside of Japan when they joined, and either already living in or being able to quickly move to Japan is a hard requirement for JP branch hires.

I would guess that if another applicant who was qualified for both EN and JP came along if anything Cover would probably rather put them in JP, but not enough to override whatever the applicant's preference was.

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