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A place for all INDIE ESpaƱol vtubers.

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Previous >>87518124
Good maorning
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Mao streamed a day ago. No new low quality maos?
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too soon anon...
Epsteinfan died...
I still don't know who is epsteinfan
>he is not in the maotrix
Being honest I thought the matrix links posted /here/ are malware
Post his user avatar in the matrix to update this image
Matrixfag thread again
Oh nice tits
>Not /ESmol/
>still no Papas gf
I <3 my matrix frens
Fortunately, the faggot who used to create them died
How many matrixfags are there? I always see this name and papas
Excuse what the fuck? Was Shura in Colombia in person? I thought it was over the internet thing.
I don't get it either, did she signed his arm and then he went to tattoo that?
>Pantcakes got to gangbang Shura
We were excluded, there are none representing us
Eru surely hunted some of them before that
>Another orgy fest
Newstranny browsing the catalog again huh
sex with kotone
Apparently there was a rumour about her having childs because she lactates (extremely sex, shura you should do it too)
Im gonna need video evidence of your claim
Salvando el hilo >:v
Hail Holopapus
What's wrong with her?
I tried downloading his pfp but its too small, what vtuber is he even using?
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So why were fags saying Shura was in Colombia in person? I don't get it.
>So much of newfag he can't recognize his pfp
Is this the kind of anon that populates the general right now?
Yeah that's exactly what I thought but then Shura's tweet seems to suggest she autographed that pantcake's arm and he got it tattooed. How did she autograph his arm, then?
How that pantcake with the tattoo got her signature then?
Where the fuck does that fag even comes from if he can't recognize a Wactor talent like that?
I'll take newfags who don't know the lore of this general over a bunch of homosexuals obsessed with community fags attention whoring on twitter all day.
>newfags who don't know the lore of this general
>homosexuals obsessed with community fags attention whoring on twitter all day
You mean the exact same guy that is both?
3D printer
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I miss Neon...
I miss you so much, Epsteinfan. Please come back.
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>epsteinfan missing
>thread has been suspiciously calm
Was he the shitter?
You haven't been around yesterday it seems, the shitter is alive and obsessed as ever
Oh yeah I was busy yesterday. Nevermind then kek
Could be anyone from the Matrixfags
the spanish speaking schizos are still around
>epsteinfan missing
he's dead, fat blocked an artery
Are the threads slower than usual?
Since pushit got banished, thread's been a lot calmer. He came back yesterday but got btfo again.
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>Yamu missing
>thread has been suspiciously calm
( ā—”ā€æā—” *)
Eru's submissive is streaming
This, the general has been really quiet since he stopped shitting on Sylvie every day.
holy copium
Imagine trusting your oshi wonā€™t graduate this much
>aivy accidentally reads "bueno aivy" as "bueno aimi"
idk maybe but he was faggot who always kept the thread alive in morning.
Why did Eiwy get to keep her character while Aimi and Lily had to re-debut?
>papas is mao
Pettiness from the Sedai fags, they didn't know they were going to close shop and the last where to apparent they are good guys for letting them have their IP
Look like a Korean event, unless Nisha updates her Bio again we don't have any Korean
>all that weird, dumb shit aivy believes
Why are women like this?
sex with eru
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Cuando le muestras el guebo
>No soldaputos mentioning trannya
>thread has been suspiciously calm
Epsteinfan died
>Anyaschizo itā€™s /here/
Can you matrixfags talk about your gay boyfriend epsteinfan in matrix and not here?
because they know they already lost with the ultimate groomer
kys anyaschizo, only shitting on her can keep your shitty ass thread alive
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Meica wuebo
>inb4 matrix screenshot gets posted
but if (you) always talk about in the thread his name was puchy
Maopecausa 30ccv kek. Nice job matrixfags
That's VN anon of course, he defeated pushit
It's all her fault for following the advice of 3 faggots /here/ whose clear intention is for her not to grow and to remain irrelevant
Every journey starts with a single step. Why are you hating? And I say this as someone who has never watched her streams and has no interest in them.
Has Mao said anything about her biggest /here/ shill dying
Weeb vn is worst than zzzelda for ccv
what advice are you talking about, thread shitter kun?
In discord
She never mentions 4chin anywhere but when she was playing katawa shoujo
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Meicadeidad space
Her sole sight ruins my day
It was a good thread while it lasted

slowpoke anon...
The resident burraco had to ruin it
The resident meicaschizo had to ruin it
happily reimu finally broke up with la burraca
thread ruined
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Combined IQ: 16
Yeah, she makes my dick fat
Nasti stop
Hi meica
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Who gave the cat a knife?
Everything she posts makes me nauseous
I'm falling for Aivy...
Don't breed the cat
What's her appeal? Asking seriously I have zero clue about her.
Eru's used goods
By fucking Aivy you're having indirect sex with Eru
Have you considered not being gay?
I don't know I like her voice and her chill zatsudan.
that's the idea suffer anon
I'll breed the cat
What does she usually talk about?
Her day, paranormal stuff she claims she has seen, yaoi.
>paranormal stuff she claims she has seen
Tell me more
She claims she used to go to sleep in graveyards
For real?
Watch Aurora's vod, she mentions it
>aivy being a daddy's girl vs aivy being an older sister
Maow Maow
Koro pls
stop papas
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im back bbg i just forgot my matrix passwoerd
yeah of course fake epsteinfan

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