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3 Years Strong Edition

Welcome to /vsj+/! A thread to discuss VShojo and vtubers who frequently associate with them.

Froot is LIVE! And is back to KKona country HELL YEAH BROTHER. That means more Storage Hunter Simulator with the worst fake accent you've ever heard. Other than that Geega is LIVE! And is doing some social deduction with a bunch of people. Like a lot. Doki's there though if you're into vtubers. And finally Mata is LIVE! Her subathon is in full swing now and she's planning on going for a month at the most. Lots of goals, some of which have already been completed. Look forward to a lot more of her to make up for all the time she spent traveling over the summer. Good stuff and good options at this hour so keep things comfy and civil by ignoring and especially reporting bait, and being excellent to each other.

Image source: https://x.com/fryinghokke/status/1846441783150174539

VShojo is:
Froot - https://www.twitch.tv/apricot | https://www.youtube.com/@ApricotFroot
GEEGA - https://www.twitch.tv/geega | https://www.youtube.com/@GEEGA
Haruka - https://www.twitch.tv/harukakaribu | https://www.youtube.com/@HarukaKaribu
Henya - https://www.twitch.tv/henyathegenius | https://www.youtube.com/@henyathegenius
Hime - https://www.twitch.tv/hajime | https://www.youtube.com/@himehajime1570
Kson - https://www.twitch.tv/ksonsouchou | https://www.youtube.com/@ksonONAIR
Kuro - https://www.twitch.tv/k9kuro | https://www.youtube.com/@K9KURO
Mata - https://www.twitch.tv/matarakan | https://www.youtube.com/@MataraKan
Mel - https://www.twitch.tv/projektmelody | https://www.youtube.com/@projektmelody
Michi - https://www.twitch.tv/michimochievee | https://www.youtube.com/@MichiMochievee
Mouse - https://www.twitch.tv/ironmouse | https://www.youtube.com/@IronMouseParty
Zen - https://www.twitch.tv/zentreya | https://www.youtube.com/@zentreya

Official Channels - https://www.twitch.tv/vshojo | https://www.youtube.com/@VShojo

総長 + 会長 for dedicated Kson discussion
/999/ for dedicated Henya discussion
/mouse/ for dedicated Mouse discussion
/lig/ and /big/ for extended + and former member discussion

Previous Thread: >>87558978
Kson would never
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Isn't this the guy who went to mousey's stream and check asking her if her views and chatters are real? I see now.
why did mata not include qu/in/n in the animations
That guy is literally michifag #1 though, even puts a crown next to her name everytime she appears in the charts.
I changed my mind. Kson probably would.
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Froot's going to start bidding on storage units for reral after loving this game so much
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See, this is AI slop, because it's badly done.
Stuff like pic related is what I like.
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that was streamsCHARTS, you retard
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you're confusing with streamscharts anon. this oen is streamelements
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Oops forgot to update the source there you go https://twitter.com/na_gatana/status/1846609950111645972 I didn't see Kson's video since it was before I woke up but I saw this just now and I'm guessing it happened
silverfag is a mouse anti who would have guessed?
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I love Dani, bros.
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Froot's accent makes it sound like she's saying porn stars when she saws pawn stars
but that was streamcharts you literal retard, don't make me side with silverfags you absolute moorn
I apologize to silverfags. I now understand how retarded your detractors are.
Silverfags were always right.
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Frutt fangs
Framel toe
fuck off threadshitter
Let's not exaggerate here
I meant Grimmi was involved with futa porn too.
I apologize to mousefags. I now understand how retarded your detractors are.
do you want me to reply "kek, mindbroken"? I usually don't get involved in this
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Latex Henya
dont worry we know
A Silverfag giving me a blowjob while a Mousefag is giving me a rimjob.
...they're not pronounced the same?
Mousefags do enjoy shit, you can tell by the quality of their streamer.
StreamElements guy is everywhere. I've seen him in Koe's chat today.
how is one person going to do that
Not in American English.
Id suck on those so hard she'd deflate
>schizo babbling
Did we get invaded by youtubefags? StreamELEMENTS, the fucking bot in chat that advertises merch. Watch streams.
respond to this post with trips and I'll reveal Zentreya's real first name
how nice of silverfags to mimic their oshi's favorite activity
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Speaking of Zen
roach poo
Zen making the classic Texas pilgrimage.
Triangulating the location of every Bucees in the south to locate Zen's home within a 10km range.

Unless she followed basic Opsec and did this hours ago because then I'll have been foiled
just want to say that i love it when karma hits
isn't this just a convenience store tho ?
speak your truth, sis
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Not as huge as my love for Zen.
There is no karma, only the Wrath of God. All glory to YHWH
We worship only ratanass here
It's a gas station the size of a Walmart. It has much more inside than the usual gas station and has like 100 gas pumps. It sets itself apart on purpose so people tend to visit it for that reason. As someone who's been to one myself, it's actually a pretty neat place.
zen when I unzip my pants
Please stream, Haruka.
mouse should rebrand from satan to the demiurge
what's the difference
Bet that's not even a picture of the Buc-ees she went to
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We NEED a Digimon-pilled VShojo
wew, Vshojo is gonna get themselves killed disrespecting the Yakuza like this.
Do you understand how large of an area that is? Do you know how big Texas alone is?
get moriko
make /lig/ seethe
They'd be happy if anything
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Don't forget your merch!
Because they aren't really gas stations. There is separate category called travel centers. These things are equipped to the gills with anything you could want. For your standard traveler they have gas, snacks, lunches things like that, but for longer travelers like truckers these things have showers sleep stations last I heard one was even putting an ICU on top of their store for minor medical emergencies.
Only poaching someone from 3am would make them care anymore.
Do not elaborate.
>trying to ip grab
>not knowing Vshojo promised to honor the history of Vtubers and Japan directly to the Yakuza
>they have so far done none of that and have had only 3 Japanese members of the team
read the last thread, just some lsf fags talking about some retarded fleshie
Get help, diaper guy.
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>she meant a different cockroach monster the whole time
fuck fuck fuck please tell me this isn't true
Just woke up. What did I miss in the last 12 hours.
why don't you write a love letter to them? You seem to think everyone is them. Do you close your eyes and manifest being with them every night?
I just finished masturbating to ai sloppa of geega
Seems like Mata's staying comfortably over 100 hrs on her timer. I think 45s/sub is really too much but I guess 60k subs isn't bad for a first subathon, and combined with merch will be enough to put her close to her goal (buying a house).
Kson anniversary stream was cool
kson had a bimboff with michi
Justin groomed Kuro when Kuro was still in middleschool and beat his meat infront of him.
Let her build some confidence.
this if geega's name was justin
Henya died for the 3rd time
I'm just glad when froot antis get their comeuppance. i wasn't even here last thread
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gunrun should man the fuck up and womp the orca
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I busted a fat nut to Yocci
She's boring and only play gacha slop
Silverfags are still delusional thread shitters
You clearly weren't around for the previous threads either when the news actually dropped. Now fuck off back to LSF or buy a chair.
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Third? I know Zen blew her up once before what's the other time
kek, mindbroken
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You okay brother?
>geega talking about mmo's and how much drama it generates with e-dating
oh, you say?
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I realized gatekeeper anon had a point, and I'm simply doing my duty.
She's capping it a month anyway so this both lets her get a feeling for how much time would be good for real in a second one, as well as pretty much guarantee a good amount of time. I know Mata's got a pretty dedicated fanbase but I don't know if it's a full natural month dedicated
It's best for her to just go for whatever she can get. She clearly underestimated the willingness of people to donate and could have gotten 100k or more. Same issue with the merch, she preordered some but that all sold out in the first couple hours and now she'll have to see if Bricky can pull off made-to-order.
>Candypop explosion
>Henya 3D Debut
>Kson anniversary
Oh shit I forgot she blew up in Candy Pop Explosion too lmao
She could have capped it at a month with 30s/sub and gotten >80k, or probably even 20s/sub for 129k (putting her in top ten of all time). Instead she'll get 57k if she doesn't lower it in later weeks.
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when is the collab
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do i have to break out the clover valley talk again.
subathon can die any moment, like what happened to shylily, she is just playing it safe.
get out, we love our fox wife here
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Mel will love Grimmi
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We do.
They also have the cleanest public bathrooms you've ever seen. Like, probably cleaner than the one at your house.
Yes, that's the danger with setting the timer too low (Shylily was 15s IIRC) but the opposite happened here. With the timer this high this early despite not even trying, she clearly set it too high.
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I don't care what's going on ITT, I just want Geega to spit on my cock
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I want to live in there
Uh oh silverschizo melty
Cozy fox wife, comparable to national brands that families in need can rely on.
I actively dislike Dani due to her recent behavior towards Mouse. You want to see a leech? You look at her chat history in Mouse's chat.
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qrd? what's happening
Uh oh danischizo melty?
You're too late with trying to change the definition of the word, silverschizo
probably emulating silver's discord dms
newsflash bucko: nobody here watches her. she is only used to shit on silverfags
holy delusion
Grimmi is collabing with Melody on CB.
I am well aware.
Grimmi is having a collab with Mel, El, and Cotton. They said it's "not on Twitch" so everyone's trying to figure out what that means
Already smell the blood I see
not that bad
Why doesn't anyone in VShojo follow dooby on Twitter?
grimmi debut-early 2025
can't believe grimmi is going to be gangbanged live on stream
Says the obsessive delusional thread shitter
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It is on twitch. I don't know where you got that it wasn't.
i don't see grimmi in there
Oh it was supposed to be Suko instead of Grimmi
why would they
It's more than possible the group has changed since El posted that.
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NTA but I think she's weird because she seems to only care about Mouse. You can look her up on every single other member's channel and there's zero messages on any of them.
cant think of anything more miserable than having to do a private meet and greet as a vtuber, eveb worse as a lewdtuber. only actual creeps sub to fansly and at a higher tier no less
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why doesn't anyone /in/post this semen demon
They removed Grimmi to avoid the nepo allegations. She'll be on collabs after her redebut.
No wait that schedule is posted on the 15th. Miniko schedule posted on the 14th. Grimmi pulled out and was replaced by Suko.
mouseshojo, mouseboard, mouseworld
please understand
you can be the first
>I think she's weird because she seems to only care about Mouse
You hear that, mousefags? We've been demonized and it's fucking over.
From what I've seen of Mel's VRC meetups, they just seem to be casual hangouts. Although in Mel's case, her oilers are also her biggest memers so it may play out differently for her.
That tool is speficially only for latinianxo streamers, the only vshojo on there is mouse
Makes sense as to why she didn't care at all about running into Highgai at AX. Face to face with 5 VShojos at once and bored because Mouse wasn't one of them lmao.
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The others (aside from Kson) all populated on autofill
try looking for mouse in zen's chat, it's only for spanish speakers, as the website name suggests
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hijo de puta
doesn't work when looking for mouse's posts in zen's chat, thats odd
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Haglet appears
love aunt juni
hate juniper
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My assumption is that these others weren't added until more recently so if there weren't any messages within the last month and a half you won't get any results.
aethel on his dj streamer arc
sex with juni
I do not like bugtubers, their lack of humanoid feet is disgusting
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Your crosswired, retarded brain is disgusting
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there's a reason we're the most common fetish, prude footsperg. It's natural.
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I dare you
I hate bug girls so much
Does it bug you that much?
Yeah I didn't think you would pussy
Showing the bottoms of your feet was an act of submission back when humanity was still monke. Thus it's believed thatmodern men with a foot fetish are descended from the alphas who had a lot of soles shown to them, as they were more dominant and stronger.
>Vshojo loses their lawsuit with Vince
That's dumb as fuck because I want to submit to feet
Yes very interesting
Wanting to be stepped on is completely unrelated I'm sure
I would like to hear Geega whimper
Froot's about to make some bangers
Froot just said she's also gonna take part in the Backrooms collab (if she's not too tired by then)
Also she's not likely to be playing anymore Storage Hunter Sim. She basically beat the fucking game in its current state lol. When it comes out for real she'll go back to it
did mata even math?
16 days of october at the start of the subathon is
16x24x60x60=1382400 seconds, divided by 40k subs equals 34.56 seconds, not 45 seconds per sub
Froot raided Froggy, right as she was having a convo about rubbing coconut oil on her ass
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>Froot raids Froggy
>Froggy is talking about filling her ass with coconut oil
>Immediately gets so embarrassed by this she ends
But that's a submission fetish. It's fundamentally not the same thing.
Geega in another collab with Doki
It's going until Nov 15th.
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>FOTM slopdown protocol
She's talked about trying GTA rp too. I hope that works out. Her kind of energy would be amazing to see on the server.
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Human feet Mata
Why did she fill her ass with coconut oil?
The collab got slightly better but it's still backrooms :(
not a lady with big titsss
Is that really Kson and Henya dancing
Which character do you play GTA anon?
As long as she doesn't get addicted to it it could be fun. My favorite GTA player so far was Kuro.
Hope she will enjoy purple rp
Yep and that was Mouse also dancing on her concert as well
I want all of these bugs to have pics like this
sex with yuzu and MTD's korean sidepiece
I wonder how the feet on her 3D model are going to work. I think she mentioned the possibility of getting an alternate version of it with human hands and feet so she could actually have hand tracking and not have to deal with animating the way a bug's foot would move and translating it to a human. But also I don't think she showed either during that brief tease.
same, he made some banger content. didn’t take it seriously and dipped after a month. he has done everything right
Temporary arcs with wild characters work best for variety streamers. Gavin Bettel did a silly filmmaker, for example, and that worked really well in No Pixel. Or Snuffy's suicidal divorced man. I think where Mouse made a mistake is making a more long term, less outrageous character. If you're only going to be around for a little while, make a huge splash. It's more fun for everyone.
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Froggy collabing with Dooby
They probably want to avoid Dooby joining VShojo rrats because they know how retarded people can be.
doki's enthusiasm reminds me of haruka
I think I missed the video people made for her, is it on youtube?
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I want to see Froggy's FYP sometime
Literally shes just collabing again with the same people she collabed as Selen
People are just overreacting, same with Mint
>People are just overreacting
what do you mean?
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Sunny's first VShojo collab is with Froot? I'm assuming Froot's in this collab at least and Sunny's here.
Mint and Doki should collab one-on-one with /ourwigga/ Qu/in/n
who the fuck is sunny?
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overreacting about what?
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Doki seems like the type that would have fun with it for awhile, then switch to something else. I hope for the Dragoons sake that Doki doesn't get addicted.
When did Selen and Geega collab?
who the fuck is kunai?
The most recent Niji graduate.
OG league youtuber from back in the day, was niji for about a year, back on twitch now.
Kunai with Chain
that guy who said neggers on stream
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you think i give a shit about niji?
Well clearly.
Ex-Niji. For future reference
Yugo -> U-san
Zaion -> Sayu
Nina -> Mata
Mysta -> Kuro
Pomu -> Mint
Selen -> Doki
Kyo -> Quinn
Kunai -> Sunny
Hex -> Kyrio
And for Holo, Ame -> Dooby
well, you asked the question
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Giri in Mata's chat
>You think I give a flying fuck about those ratshit bastards m owned by Kurosanji?
we lost geega forever to gta
oh, now I know why people keep bringing that person up
I just thought it was some rando all this time
Is she /in/?
checked the wiki: hex haywire?
Actually I'm dumb I forgot about the other two but for Holostars as well
Vesper -> Randon
Magni -> Caspurr
Doki or Giri?
Yes, no matter which person you're thinking of the answer is yes.
"She" is /in/
Yeah (I don't know who you are referring to)
The wiki is wrong, clearly.
You have to be more specific. Copying this from Jaune poster.

Geega, Sinder, Shylily, Filian, Fraiki, Lumituber, Juniper, Deme, Sansin, Snuffy, Vexoria, Cottontail, Tricky, Neuro, Batat, girl_dm, Mirai Akari, Yuzu, Vienna, Bao, Numi, Lucypyre, Nina, Arielle, Froggy, Heavenlyfather, Katie, Meicha, Mona Highping, Sushidog, Pikamee, Tomoshika, Shondo, MariMari underscore Ee En, Milky, Grape, Grimmi, Takahata, Jets, Clio, Vivi, Gundo Mirei, Mika, Nina, Pomu, Selen, Rosemi, Yozora Mel, Kiryu Coco, Rushia, Sana, Laplus, Voldemort, Kiara, Gura, Bae, Nerissa, Kronii, Raora, Joe Biden, Aethel + Nyanners, the entirety of Vchiban and 3AM, and Ruby Rose

I probably forgot a few.

No I will not take my meds. No they would not rather kill themselves.
No, stop coping (I don't know who you are referring to)
>Magni -> Caspurr
Magni -> Lando, anon
It's amazing just how Quinn's name stands out in that list. The way it demands your attention, and how your eyes utterly submit to it is fascinating. Nijisanji fucked up from the moment he had his first thought of graduation, what he brought to the company was unique and a breath a fresh of air in this oversaturated industry. Those fuckers really didn't deserve his talents and Gunrun made a mistake not getting him /in/.
why does that sunny person never drama post about her time in niji, like all the other ex members do?
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Vshojo looking good with their 2025 roster
i swear henyadance is the emote i see most in others' chats
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Shes coming home
Vei will return and sing in a group song
I don't think she was even in for that long
When is it Vei’s time to habe some insanely retarded political takes? Seems like they all take turns doing that over at the ol OTK
look at all those biggers
Fat Vei only.
Aethel fell off holy moly
Vei has been cleaning up her speech recently...
froggy isnt a bigger
i thought they were /big/ots
Ripe for the taking
Princess Veibeiya only. Fat Vei is needed for divegrass.
Hentais seem to watch everyone, I even saw them in a random fleshstreamers chat before.
If I had a nickel for everytime mata said "i'm straight but" i could buy the roach bundle
I saw Mouse emotes in an AoE2 tourney stream
tomato tomahto
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>He doesn't know
Skinima Skibidi
is there a day gura's sister doesn't play apex?
>not vsj+
He's actually pretty good at it already
sex with deme
She's not addicted to a particular game per se. She just play what her crew are playing that day. That includes the usual twitch slop games like SF6, GTA or any VCR flavor and the usual suspect shooters.
>quinn in vsj+
which fucking faggot made this shit
she sees the blue pink canine shaped hole in mouses heart and wants to fill it, that's all
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Thank you for covering for me while I was out
I'm so deaf I couldn't hear momtara at all
her name is tit filian actually
homegirl has like no porn made of her
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>list starts with Geega
mata and mel dragging geega to the kink bars
>mata already having throat pain
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Froggy showing off some of her merch
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My bad
I dislocated my fucking knee today
Does this increase my chances to join VShojo?
>Can't wait to finally meet you
So Mata did not meet Geega at Twtichcon?
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Maybe if it has to be amputated.
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And she wasn't zooming gout on this picture so I can't get it all but she has all the extra NH geckos, a Shylily pin, the Nyan PUP, and the Henya Youtooz is barely visible in the bottom right here.
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Is this the result of a chronic condition?
the only one geega was meeting at twitchcon was goongoon
fat fuck
Laugh at this fool for the wrong reply.
does geega have fuzzy ovaries
geega reminds me of that australian breakdancer at the olympics
that was a good one by octo.
Did you just mixed the two responses lmfao
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Based I wish I had moves like that
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wtf how is she doing that
didn't expect Yotsuba to be there
Why is kson's merch on the old store page https://store.vshojo.com/ instead of the new one https://vshojo.store/
or one “normal” poster having a bit of fun on the side by baiting fags once in a while
JPs are waiting for their reply through fax machines, they'll make it to the new one eventually.
He's talking about the ones that dropped just today.
>>87578102 (me)
Oh you mean the anniversary merch. That's odd.
That's not the 3rd anniversary merch
geega cool hag confirmed
Don't think I've seen anyone mention this.
I don't know
wasn't he already in mythic?
We did, check your reps
It's been a month since he joined
Why won't geega ever take off her stupid arm sleeves on this model
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mata schedule
fuck off from here splittard
we love splits here
are you lost?
>mario party
i sleep
>small women
real shit
4:30pm EST kino. Everything else kinda sucks.
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the contrast between these two
fuck you faggots i'm not supporting vshojo anymore good luck tards
>shylily and bbno$
wild combination
>Qu/in/no collab
I'll be there no matter what
bye, bitch
fucking you!!!!! you fucking you fucking fuck fucking you fucker!!!! fucking off fuck!!!
Is Geega joining the backrooms
Is Geega joining my bedroom
No, but she’s joining the Backshots
i'm not returning until you guys remove the split from the thread fuck you and have a horrible day
you'll be returning to a plusless vsj
in love with a bug girl
Anyone get scalp pimples

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