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I Like Big Bots Edition

>What is /BIG/?
/BIG/ is a thread to find, share, and discuss the biggest indie vtubers who have a 3-month average of 1000 viewers or more.

>Can I shill my 999 CCV oshi here?
No. 4views or higher only.

>Live /BIG/s

>Wordcloud Creator

>/BIG/ Logo

>OP Template

>Vod Channels


Other useful threads:

Previous thread: >>87536147
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goose love
I think this dog has autism
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Sex Ferret
Da Queen
Crazy Woman
Tit Filian
Future AI Overlord
If I missed anyone feel free to post them
>crazy stream
Love this Ferret
titian getting groomed by ai live on stream
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>vienna soon
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it be like that sometimes
>gonna vod watch
Love my wolf wife
I wish Ellie cared enough to become a 4 view, she has it in her, and the indie scene could do with some more girls that aren't mostly brainless thots
>camila post
mating press
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cute fert
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happened to see this on the catalog when baking
>u-san (wait, u-san's big, right? not like they really stream, though)
Funny looking dog.
Mating Press
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Mating press
/BIG/ event
What the hell is weverse magazine
big kpop thing afaik
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Ferret cute
What's this about?
Oh thanks. Kpop people are fucking weird
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>burger retard
i'm looking at 8 hours of audio to go through. fuck my life.
i like her tits
Did gosegu start associating with numi too? She looks like one of those gross goth sluts
I think it's a virtual concert they're going to do on their app, maybe website
some other ones they've done have also been offline, but maybe not for vtubers
it'd be nice if they did, though, maybe in that new vtuber theater thing KR has
Audio of what?
I really wonder how many posts adn opinions here come from corpo viewers who have maybe one or two liggers they follow
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I watch one or two corpos and that's it, I mainly watch indies
go back
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I miss my hellhound...
I don't watch em anymore and it's been a long time since I have because one retired and the other doesn't stream
Hey PP it’s gonna be alright
She's coming back
she'll be back soon
Deme you harlot give back psp1g, I need my cases streams
The game Ferret is playing is pretty cool
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he's just picking a retard fight
who cares what you watch, we post /big/gas here and that's what matters
she be bobbing, she b- WHAT THE FUCK
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Here's some ass
Cursed image don't click
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Is yellow Vei a bigger?
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She's getting plapped at some onsen right now
yeah by me
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it's DLC cringekino time
patience she'll be back soon
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having sex with mimi until the next stream starts
how ill do you have to be
holy fuck hexer off yourself already
if you aren't hexer you should still do it before you become hexer 2.0
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Rumor has it a whole bunch of fert junkies have been gathering in this neighborhood lately. Heard anything about that? Nothing? Really? Why so nervous though? Better not let yourself be caught lying, or else...
I know she married but i would bury my face in her ass if she ask me too
holy shit I got a (you)!
need to breed
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I've been a naughty boy, Limes
... or else what?
Mating press
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you're gonna have to strip search me mrs. policewoman
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incredible false flag
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nice very nice
just went through the archive of that artist and found those. i thought you guys might like em.
I liked it very much
>i thought you guys might like em.
you would be correct
smug ferret needs correction
you might be around his level of disability if you think I'd waste my time live posting a stream acting like im talking to a chuuba
i love laimu's singing
More like big eaters global
that's hot
hey, she's dieting
Vei with the BDSM drip
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game looks kinda sick for an afternoon or two, actually
This is something I'd actually play
What’s that thing that camila’s chat does with the emote spam called
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Our goddess Vei will be playing Supervive with our tummy goddess Emiru later today.
i hate MOBAs
i love tummies
cool game might check it out
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a lot more mechanics than you'd expect at first glance
I also love tummies
>>87573347 (me)
Love games like this
In a quantum state where it is both Cringe and Based
Streamer hates ice magic
Juni is on Mata's stream btw
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are they having bug sex?
Dokibird on Geega's stream
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Our Queen.
isn't she she supposed to be resting?
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da queen
Fansly sent her an email lmao
Workaholicbird never rests
they have been contacting quite a bit of vtubers lately
Buy why?
juni fansly when?
they tried to recruit her
space boobies
>Soda gets to fuck Vei
Not the VTuber model however. Those are not real, they are but virtual avatars.
laimu HATES us
geegy in da biggy
Recruit her for what exactly?
But if she cosplays as her model it's at least close
that's vei
come catch a big one
i don't get it
This vei looks weird
I hope so. I want her to finish Wukong
I want her to jerk me off
Well, I want that too but I don't think it's happening
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Not with that attitude
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Limes just can't stop rimming.
She's going deep in the flesh pit.
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Yeah me
In a lemon scented Filian waiting room right now
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do the splits on my face doki
dokibird should get this person to do her 3d model
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No normal Filian stream today but she's doing something on Lumi's stream.
doki is getting some holo modeler to do her 3D
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As much as I would love that, she got a different person to do it
No matter what attitude you have, I don't think Vienna is giving out handjobs left and right
kek, this guy didn’t get milked by vienna? what a fucking loser
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>Didn't get a handjob from his Bienna Tulpa
i WILL get a handjob from bienner
She’s had like 30 boyfriends so statistically you very well might
Nothing like a laimu rim session before bed
those boyfriends? all me.
Damn. I guess I did miss out on the milking sessions.
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sound nice
My two wife's (Lumi and Filian) are currently having sex on stream right now for my pleasure.
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Fake news
That's hot
why you lie?
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next OP
Filian is kill
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Kek nise
holy fuck this chibi stream is gold im in stitches
Vei hates (you)
too many streams happening rn and i can't watch them all...
wat da chibi doin?
please take your anger out on my balls goddess
but she just said the opposite?
shes was talking about high school stories
shes switched gears into crushes and she wants a virgin that has never liked anyone else before
chibi be wildin
I'm pretty sure phasetards have been stockholme'd into liking Filian. They used to seethe and cry and throw a tantrum any time Filly collabed with anyone from their org but now if you take a look at their thread they're talking more about her than Lumi, Dizzy, and Shiina combined.
Never even liked someone else? Damn, that's a pretty big ask
Aethel's DJ room setup looks so autistic (nonderogatory)
/pcg/ is not a good way of gauging on who likes what. They have banger soundposts but that's about it.
Why is Chilbi so autistic?
chibi use to look up clips of anime girls kissing on the family account and her mom saw and knew it was her
And then she had a wet dream of a girl in her high school
chibi is a gooner
Honestly same.
women can't have wet dreams
Not with that attitude
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>chat im not gay, i hate labels, i only like one person
chibi on copium
what happend to her and Nagz
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This game would be improved tremendously if they gave the fox girl big tits
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Ok Buffpup enjoyer
furry nigga
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Nagzz has a girl already and Chibi HATES cheaters.
the fucking pink thing
thats a weird looking cat
It's not 2026. The pink thing isn't a /BIG/ot yet.
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you lost?
get out of here rat!
sex with both of these women
I want to sniff her pits
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I'm trying to multitask with streams in background tabs and I hear some girl scream
followed by a gunshot and laughter.
Fucking same lol
Classic jelly ha ha (never watched her)
I thought they were together becasue for some period of time they were very close, went to twitchcon together etc.
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>Where is the penis?
>Where are the oiled-up men?
autism collab
>Where are the naked women at?
Just busted an unprecedented giganut after gooning with Snuffy audio. Felt you should know. Splatted my new mouse pad from 30 inches. Cock wasn't even pointing in that direction.
filian snoozing currently
Stack size?
She said it was her last game. Probably in some business meeting buying Asmon's shares of Starforge.
>Snuffy audio
You gonna share?
That was a fun collab
Same one posted here a lot recently
Thanks, gonna bust fat loads to this.
>Limes raided Mel
sorry vei but i'm not watching moba shit
Snuffy Sex
I watched it a little yesterday but it kinda stressed me out because Soda and Vei playing a game that requires teamwork made me imagine how it would be having to train my girlfriend (who is Emiru btw) to not hold the whole team back
Lucy feet
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sniff and kiss and lick and smooch while she streams

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