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>chat gpt signing is more popular than matra and apricot
our response vshojo sister?
Chatgpt is too slow to be Neuro, whatever he uses as a backbone is far faster and more specialized but dumber.
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Neuro is fun and number monkeys are mentally ill.
don't worry holochad someone will bot an en member so you still get gold today
this is just the beggining. Aishit is going to completely eat vtubings lunch. We simp for a woman who’s going to inevitably get a bf and NTR you when you can just simp for a machine that can give you more attention than her anyways
*beginning, *why
I’m so excited about the possibilities I can’t even spell
>bot vtuber
>bot viewers
woah shocking
>everyone I don’t like is botting
and other lies holodrones tell themselves
nice strawman
At best it is GPT-3 levels, Neuro is outdated in a fast changing field like AI but people like her not because she is the most advanced but everything else. Vedal outsources the hard parts like voice recognition, TTS, singing and etc. to AWS but without the infrastructure he has built up, no AI Vtuber is going to come close to dethroning him. That being said, Vedal is basically right now saddled with tech debt and is just coasting and not trying to solve that issue. Someone will eventually dethrone him and make something better than Neuro given that, but I will give it 2-3 years, and most likely will happen after the AI bubble pops because all the knowledgeable people who can do it are making gangbusters of money doing actual work instead of trying to compete to make a bot to milk Vtuber simps.
I bet Neuro/Evil could be even more successful if they could get new models and outfits from an artist other than Anny. Vedal kind of messed up by making her such an integral part of the Neuroverse.
cc and rr already got higher kek
How does Neuro actually work?
I doubt anyone is ever going to replicate the success of Vedal in that field, slop will never sell without something resembling a soul behind it.
vedal glued together 50 different API’s other smarter software engineers created and she is the sum of that
classic anthropocentric cope. ai chatbots are already taking a massive percentage of the potential vtuber viewerbase, that’s part of why growth has stalled so hard for most chuuba’s
>barely any new followers despite having big numbers all the time
how curious
stop lying Neuro is actually the collective consciousness of 1000 little cute anime girls.
but enough about Olivia Monroe.
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more like the creative consciousness of 1000 bajs
credit card and realm reborn?
i knew you numberfags were gonna start making catalogslop threads about neuro smdh
Neuro recently mogged the latest version of chat GPT, but to be fair they really went out of their way to make it way worse that the demo was. Sam altman is such a damn kek.
cope harder whoreshojo
Its twitch
an audience full of number fags and "programmers" ain't no way they are not viewing botting
isn't hololive getting botted daily? lmao
neuro isn't in vshojo
I'm pretty sure Neuro intelligence upgrades are just Vedal grabbing the latest big open-sourced LLM with permissive licensing, fine-tuning it on his custom dataset, then plugging it into his existing system.
yes, if you look at cover’s actual financial statements it’s very obvious all the viewers are not converting into as much money as they should
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Cope. Is the $300k swarm spent on plushes also botted?
vshojo fags are on suicide watch after this post
that’s exactly what it is, he’s a glorified script kiddie who’s only popular because his audience randomly became parasocial for him
This is not a fight you want bronies, trust me. Better stick to phase baiting.
twitch is wealthy westerners and youtube is poor SEA people, there is a reason most creators paid to go to youtube come back once the contract is over. A single twitch viewer generates triple the revenue of a youtube one.
and he still mogs holo daily.
I can’t wait until aishit completely replaces human vtubers. “Real” vtubers have lost the Mandate of Heaven
Bot vtuber is botted.What a surprise.
Why would vshojofags seethe at the swarm btfoing numbermonkeys from /#/ crying about twitch?
Nice try false flagging homofan
>trying to turn other fanbases against swarm
this is a nigger from /swarm/ btw he already tried to do the same shit with vtuber audiences where he falseflagged and samefagged an argument between "fans" of anny and cerber, we don't really know where he came from but he has been shitting up the thread for some time now
you can see him announcing he made a bait thread here
everyone already despises you pedo’s and incessant shipfags, it doesn’t really matter
It's too bad the Taiwan yab means we'll never get to see country-level analytics for EN. Most of the big Twitch indies/Vshojo that have revealed them have overwhelmingly NA audiences that actually pay for shit. The best we have for Holo is updoots on member posts, but even that is at best a proxy.
On the other hand, merch sales are basically all leaked for Holo, whereas we have no idea what sales are for most of the Twitch side.
He is like code miko, a fotm "freak" streamer for the normies.
Sooner or later they will move on and he will disappear into the 3 view swamp.
two more weeks
Any time now...
>his oshi has a lot of dead subs/followers and low viewer retention
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This was posted on /swarm/ just a few hours ago and it already started to be true. I fucking hate /vt/
Catalogfags don't quite understand that Dooby vs. filian or VShojo vs. Indies doesn't really work. In the end it's always people who actually value the vtubers for the people they are vs. people who value Japanese business men owning and taking 50% of their oshis money while hampering them with a shitload of restrictions in the name of the brand. Every successful vtuber that owns their own brand is another victory against Japanese corpos.
no one asked swarmpedo, adults are talking
The best thing you and other /swarm/fags can do is not "shut thet shit down" and instead completely ignore catalog bait like this - whether it's baiting you or using Neuro to bait others, just let the catalogfags argue amongst themselves. They'll get bored of falseflagging eventually and move onto another community that will respond to them.
Fuck off back to youtube holopig.
>Mandate of Heaven
Actual mandate of heaven, Neuro is huge in China. And it came outta nowhere.
Welcome to the club, you can expect them to attack Vedal as well, they already talk shit about all of his collab partners so he will be no exception.
I've heard that Vedal has started streaming to Bilibili but did the popularity come from him testing the waters over there or did he start because there was already Chinese interest in Neuro somehow?
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I wonder if they're even aware that Vedal raids Vshojo a lot and actually raided into Matara's subathon start yesterday.
Tried watching I don't get Neuros appeal
my guess it's mostly zoomers with brain rot that watch her and think the random shit she says it's the funniest shit they ever heard
Neuro had a huge fanbase there previous, lots of clippers with hundreds of thousands of views. They more or less forced him to come over there, as it was there were a lot of Chinese with VPN on Twitch and the discord. Plus all the fanworks they made, it was hard to not notice.
Some holo sperg already tried cancelling him on twitter because he was communicating with Kiara. Doubt he is interested in interacting with that fanbase anymore.
retarded zoomers are literally the primary and target audience for vtubers anon. Have you seen filian’s fanbase?
She has an enormous fanbase there but Vedal streams during CN rat hours at 4am or something.
there was already a big chinese following, most of neuro fanart comes from China, her b2 debut was like top3 most watched stream that day on the whole site
It feels like there's been a shift these last 5 months. Normally you would have holo/niji/phase threads 24/7 but now, especially after the Ame thing, there's a lot of post about indies and Vshojo.
I guess numberkeks realized that holos numbers are worthless and that the new hotness is twitch indies like Neuro and Filian.
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>holo piggy thread
took them literally ages to realize filian and neuro get better numbers and are more culturally relevant than 95% of EN lmao
The sad thing is Froot having 2.3k viewers to begin with. Talk about being cucked.
There's nothing interesting to numberfag about on Youtube now that Niji is defeated. You can do the JPs but this is an EOP board so nobody really gives a shit about Kuzuha vs Pekora.
there already was a lot of chinese in the community and they're very dedicated.

for example :


and a few more that doesn't have social media like Sadesc who made neuro loading screen and this : https://youtu.be/x-tsrOnnATQ?si=_iXo1KBO5UNXjpLe&t=887
Least mentally ill holodrone.
cute panties.
>light mode
You guys are tech illiterate, no wonder you complain about ads
sadesc isn't Chinese
What fanbase?
dooby left the dorito because management wouldn't let her become a vedal orbiter
Unironically I can see this happening lol
I've seen his bilibili account making art to participate in Genshin art contest, so I assume he's one. What's his nationality though?
that was not bilibili
we have no idea where he is from
best guess is he is an actual professional that doesn't want to be found out
oh, you're right. thank you.
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what does the bart simpson graph mean
You guys are literally all insane
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You can get a rough idea with things like Youtube Charts or Spotify.
5.24M Total views, 960k views from USA (18%)
22.2M Total views, 3.42M views from USA (15%)
5.99M Total views, 3.12M views from USA (52%)
i mean they were fighting battles with nijis who struggle to get past 1k nowadays and phases that just barely retain 1k too, if all they care about is numbers it was only natural. still, corpo and indie are very different, and neuro and filian are even more different that usual indie streamers at that
>that USA percentage for the holos
holy kek i thought you guys were just joking and SEA countries or whatever, what the fuck
Bless the schizo who made this collage.
I mainly watch holos and i wish people like this didn't exist but you would have to physically block russia/sea from viewing the streams
I forget how strong holo viewership is sometimes
The man donated in dollars, you can literally see the currency he used
Tired of Americans and Europeans constantly deflecting their mental illness to other countries and pretending that SEA is the only problem.
VERY few EN chubas outside of holo break 5k these days. Holo is just that strong
Holy shit. I knew it would be less, but not that much less. Twitch indies literally have more white people watching them than Gura does.
That said, a lot of people who don't actually watch Holo streams buy their merch, which is where the real money is.
There's also the fact that it's not just white people that have money. As that pic shows, a lot of Hololive's audience is from Japan and they spend way more than Americans do, at least in Hololive.
Anyone can buy dollars, Pedro.
>Donating in a more expensive currency
You're just making excuses now
so it's not a meme lol
>Not pretending to be a wealthy westerner when you are obsessed over how the talent sees you
I don't think youtube processes russian credit cards. You can in theory create an account in Azerbaijan for example, convert your hard earned rubles to dollars, sent them to this new card and finally send a supa to your favorite chuuba. But it takes so much effort that I doubt it can create a significant majority of slavic scizos.
Very interesting, can you do Fuwamoco as well? I can't find them.
Apricot's a hoe
These location analytics are not surprising honestly. I wonder what are the analytics of a member of NijiEN (I don't know which ones are music focused so I can't request a specific one) and maybe Ironmouse, Mori or Kiara, I tried searching myself but the search is busted for me.
Geniuine question. I watched this and can't sleep or think about anything else of any future because of this faggot. Basically if we don't solve ai alignement we have no future, a planet without humanity. Doesn't help that Hinton won a nobel prize and is also kind of a doomer, says that agi is between 5 - 20 years from now and faggot companies care only about profit. I would never take literal redditor in fedora seriously but the thing is no one has ever win a debate with him or presented good arguments. Even the faggot at meta who thinks agi will slave for us ez

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This vaguely matches with pic related.
>japanese songs have japanese viewers
Honestly, it's impressive they aren't leading even harder.
I mean she is basically his wife so he kind of has to include her
What's Neuro sama's appeal? She literally doesn't have a personality
That said the fact people prefer a literal bot over vshojo is pretty funny
Also funny to me to use Numi as the example since the Philipines are #6 for her and she's very loud and proud Filipino and talks about it. I assume that would not be consistent among other Twitch indies lol
I don't know if music stats would be representative of stream viewership since as far as I know most Holos release music in Japanese, and the company actively encourages pandering to JP. You can look at stuff like superchat data for any of these girls which is always overwhelming NA.
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Fuwamoco is not available yet, need 3 original songs on Youtube. Only Nerissa from Advent: %2Fg%2F11v9ysstrs
3.51M Total views, 1.9M views from USA(54%)
28.3M Total views, 6.27M views from USA(22%)
83.9M Total views, 17.7M views from USA(21%)
That's for viewers that pay. Music is unironically a more neutral metric since you can watch them for free like the streams themselves.
>Neutral metric
That might be true if the music was all in the same language but like I said most HoloENs don't release songs in English.
It would be funny if she doesn't collab with anyone like her previous persona.
People still listen to them even if they're not in the same language though. English-speakers have been listening to anime OP's for years.
That's consistent with the claim, which is that Holo has a large, non-paying Asian audience. It may still be that song numbers aren't representative, but even if NA is a 2-3x larger part of stream viewers that would still be well below Twitch indies.
Do you need paid Youtube or something to search this site? Been trying to use the search but none of the vtubers I can think of are showing up. Even some of the ones you linked to.
>That's consistent with the claim, which is that Holo has a large, non-paying Asian audience.
The data in that pic shows a large Asian audience from Japan/Taiwan etc which have historically paid more than the NA audience. The claim was about poor SEA people making up a large portion of the Holo audience when that data seems to show they make up maybe 10-15% at most.
Did you read the post I'm replying to? They're saying that almost all of the supas/membas on EN streams are in USD. It may be that Asians pay for stuff in other way though, particularly buying merch.
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Official audience data for Gura (Dec 2021/3.62M subs at the time).
>USA: 26.20%
>Japan: 12.60%
>Taiwan: 8.80%
>Indonesia: 6.40%
>Philippines: 5.00%
>Canada: 3.00%
>Malaysia: 3.00%
>Thailand: 2.70%
Thanks. Any more like this?
I'll answer as a one off and since I'm being nice. As someone working in the weeds here in Silicon Valley and doing some research and practical development in my offtime, I think the dooming is pretty dumb without any conclusive evidence this technology can scale. My own conclusion is barring another paradigm shift, the current technology will never scale up to AGI. At best, someone will come up with a way to chain together several thousand expert large language models into something resembling AGI but without resolving hallucination problems and integration which even GPT-4o isn't the greatest at and etc., I really doubt it will come to pass. We're due for another AI winter before AGI passes the sniff test IMO.
That is not to say everyone's talk of what would happen and etc. without alignment and programming in an Asimov type style rules is unfounded. But I just don't think we need to answer it immediately and urgently given the above.
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Use GoogleTrends to search for an id.
Here is Mumei for example: https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?q=%2Fg%2F11rn5n4f45
>She literally doesn't have a personality
If you think that it's because you haven't watched her. Both Neuro and Evil have clear and distinct personalities.
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Thank you for answering, I thought you might be a Sillicon valley type, that's why I asked
>We're due for another AI winter before AGI passes the sniff test IMO.
Oh god, thank fuck I needed to hear that. I basically watched every minute of yudkowski content on youtube and learned about AI winter term from him. It would be marvelous to stop this train for some time after making some advancements, ideally in medicine
>that is not to say everyone's talk of what would happen and etc. without alignment and programming in an Asimov type style rules is unfounded. But I just don't think we need to answer it immediately and urgently given the above.
I'm sensing you're saying we have some time which is hope, posts like this literally give me hope, like seriously I have months where I can sleep & months where I can't. The uncertainty of this paralyzes me. I will take your words to heart
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I don't work in the field unfortunately so I am not a definitive source but I am fairly grounded as a fair few of my friends and former coworkers do work in that field right now. Just to give you some more peace of mind and context. Even if it was possible to reach AGI with this, the costs are going to stop you before anything. Pic related is a chart someone made on how much it costs to train a model. It already costs 100m+ to train the latest models. At best, we have another singular magnitude increase in costs we can afford, going to 1-10 billion before you outstrip in training costs the GDP of the countries which can't afford it. Remember you have to pay staff and etc. too which is another bunch of money. The USA GDP per year is 20 trillion, there is only so much room you can scale and no country is going to convince its citizens that spending the entire year's budget on an LLM is worth it.
So it's basically the opposite of Moore's law - as LLMs get more capable, they become more expensive at an exponentially increasing rate. There is no company in the world that can spend $100 billion to train an AI, it's basically the domain of states, and only great power states at that.
Yes it will be either US or China that does the final push in a few decades, or any actor that has the capability and finances to build a farm that will draw in excess of 10 gigawatts in power. But once the reasonable capability is there someone will do it because the rewards are limitless.
Nwero's just built differently, that is all.
t. Anthropic CEO
>I basically watched every minute of yudkowski content on youtube
stop it you moron
keep in mind that that fat faggot was so fucking pathetic and lazy he went and asked his sycophants to give him a method to lose weight
then REEEEEE'd and banned anyone that dared suggest
>exercise and diet
because he was convinced that there was some atheist magic shortcut unbeknownst to anyone that beats
>calories in, calories out
>hard fucking work
a thoroughly pathetic creature
I hear he lost weight in the end
but anyone who writes a harry potter fanfic and wants to be taken seriously is retarded
don't get sucked into worshipping a gay jewish autist
I have literally never heard of the first or third person in this image
you are a corpofag, thats why
Neuro-sama is basically a male vtuber
Takes a man to be best girl
>Matara higher than 2k
What happa?
Her anniversary with vshojo, also Vedal and others raided her
a bit over 3k is her average viewership for months now, nothing happened
Honestly you barely even need to work out, if at all. Don't eat garbage and eat smaller portions. Once you've memed your body into feeling full after a single, moderate portion, you're basically gold.
I see Phasefags are jealous because they are friends.
>We simp for a woman who’s going to inevitably get a bf and NTR you
Your kind is even dumber than the number monkeys.
I honestly don't get Neuro or why you would want to watch it beyond than 5 minutes as a tech demo.
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chat gpt is slow as fuck and clunky in comparison, he's had them chat with each other multiple times
Cope. I’m going to have 40 AI wives that suck my dick every day
then you've never watched her streams. she's hilarious in collabs, even her solo 'boring' streams are fun
You wouldn't. It's uohfags.

There's no sentience so no 'hilarity'. You wouldn't call a program that randomly fetches a joke from the internet hilarious.
AI algorithms have already surpassed human’s in many area’s. Chess. Generating undergrad level essays. Protein folding. It’s true that there is no sentience, merely statistical associations, but it’s not crazy to think neuro could be as or more entertaining than any other streamer.
Huh why is froot that low? Weren't there so many people supporting her?
Matara isn't very interesting alone
Why do you think she tweets replies so often?
Almost anything can be hilarious. A funny shaped rock can be hilarious. Hilarity doesn't require sentient intention.
>Neuro already had a collab with phase and vshojo
who is this bait thread even for?
I want to molest Vedal

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