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The 270th Wind

>NEXT STREAM:【VALHEIM】Feel good game for a feel good day!

>LAST STREAM: Time to avenge balltomo and save the world【HALF-LIFE 2】

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@holoen_ceciliaimmergreen
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ceciliaimgreen
Important Videos: https://rentry.org/ImmerMarks



#ImmerScreen (Stream) https://twitter.com/hashtag/ImmerScreen
#Immergination (Art) https://twitter.com/hashtag/Immergination
#ImmerPiece (Music) https://twitter.com/hashtag/ImmerMusic
#ImmerMemes (Memes) https://twitter.com/hashtag/ImmerMemes

>/grün/ OP Template:

>Previous Thread: >>87520389
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now that sound like a proper german bedtime story
as a Factomo, I'm getting HUNGRY again
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My grandma still knew a lot of stories but it was mostly stuff like "Der Wolf und die sieben jungen Geißlein",Hänsel und Gretel,etc.
my parents read them to me
still remember max und moritz
i have a feeling all krauts have a sadistic streak
you are supposed to be scared, not enjoy the misery
it's a process. children get scared but once they grow up it makes them slightly twisted
>100 minutes
>101 minutes
One of you is lying.
(You) are making her dream come true Otomo.
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Dreams can come true
this was just posted last thread why did you take the time to save a smaller version of it
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Grem here. Why are you otomos so OBSESSED with us? Can’t you just lust after your oshi like all the other fan base? Is it because your oshi is a doll with no sexual characteristics? Is that why you can’t sexualize her? You guys are getting really creepy.
It's because you are in this thread instead of /gigi/
>It's Milou not Snowy
Why do frogs seethe so much about the english language
It's Struppi.
To be fair, it's Milou in most languages. I think only English calls him Snowy.
> Balltomo rip
I am convinced this girl is what I would be genderbent. It is crazy how every damn stream its just "wait, somebody other than me thinks like that?"
I like museums...why are women like this?
i would be more interested in ancient bread than an ancient boat
does cc not like museums? my stream lagged
do you look good in a wig and dress?
I'm a man and I don't like museums.
she said she doesn't really care for them.
her worst take yet
Are you sure?
how can someone dislike museums? They are like a distilled place of all kinds of cool stuff. One of the best things humans ever made.
she built her house on a hill and it seems so inefficient to enter lol.
you know the more I think about I don't think cc is very smart. or at least as not as smart as every says she is
I'm starting to doubt that anyone on this board is smart because everyone discussing it always uses retard's idea of a smart person.
some museums kinda suck ass though
She is smart,but she is also a women so she has all kinds of silly opinions in that cute head of hers.
goes for everythin, desu. Some restaurants also stink but that does no make all food bad.
ASMR in german when
She's willing and able to learn skills. She's just not much for knowledge and trivia.
Most of her bits are a result of learning how to use tools like After Effects and advanced OBS features, in addition to rigging software which notoriously has a steep learning curve.
In my opinion the ability to learn far outweighs knowing which tanks the nazis used in WW2.
Snowy is a retarded name and not cute at all
>left side
>ride side
i said it at the exact same time.
i have a friend who would disagree and argue with you, but he also sells coke for a living so i dunno man.
is the coke good
People tend to have friends whose IQ is close to theirs.
My only friend has 145 IQ.
I am nowhere close to that
i don't do it.
he's a guildmate that i've only met once. we don't talk much. but he's an autist when it comes to .... what's that game called, that people keepe leaking jet schematics on internet forums. war and thunder?
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I am so sleepy ah ah ah
there's no "celi" in her name
There is no "over" in her name either.
Guys, i am afraid there isnt even any "it´s" in her name...
Cute sneeze.
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she had to practice, there is no way she is naturally this cute. This cute "skall!" left me stunlocked with butterflies in my stomach
She can't get away with this
>>87577496 (me)
I don't know why I replied to that post, fuck me
but she loves the blue hood...
Gigi is so lucky…it should have been me that Ceci tickled in the far east
she should inform me beforehand that she is going to be sneezy. I would prepare water sprinkler for better immersion...
>missing all her streams this week because of a trip and family visiting
>moom reach stream
Hold me otobros
She really needs a new mic stand. Every time she has to move it it’s so noisy
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>3 hours
how???? she started 20 minutes ago... no...
webms mentioned
leche de toro raid lets go
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Good night otomos
No, anon.
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Night otomo
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in the opposite of what catalogsisters would say, I think that collab with Kronii would be great.
Ceci is confident and sadistic, Kronii is clumsy and made for domination-loss and humiliation
Though I think that there were too many collabs and groups projects lately
>Kronii is clumsy and made for domination-loss and humiliation
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I used to have not have an opinion about it (mainly because I don't know much about Kronii or how well she'll get along with Ceci), but their text interactions yesterday were cute. I'd love to see them collab one day.

I feel like they're the kind of people who would only say these through text but might feel embarrassed or awkward saying them aloud.
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delete this. burn it. toss it into a shredder. i'm gonna have to demand compensation for the eye damage i just suffered.
Many stupid people are in desperate denial and if they can find likeminded individuals they do a little ego-healing circle jerk, publicly assuring themselves that at least they are smarter they're not than the vtuber. When they're feeling particularly spicy they go after Giga-brained Goddesses like Cecilia Immergreen
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oh sorry, he posted the thumbnail like an idiot. you must want the full res version!
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Hey, at least we top
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Delete this
nto but i was ready to give 7d2d 10/10 when it started raining. top rain enjoyer recs?
Sometimes I piss myself in the rain just to feel something
how would you rate the rain in Minecraft?
say what you will about the game as a whole but witcher 3 has some really nice stormy atmosphere when it rains
personally i like when she says cute under her breath
she doesn't have one
Where does all the tea and cocktails go then?
sex with grems
fuck off
where does fuel go when cars drink them?
exaust smoke... huh?
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catching up with 7dtd, yummy ccgg crumbs
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I did whonix (debian for paranoid) on my pendrive because I had to.
How could Ceci do such a cruel thing to her own mother? Linux is absolutely fucking retarded and this is IT analyst speaking.
I have to install application just to open different application and then install some other shit so it won't crash when I try to load some data into it.
Absolutely fucking disgusting piece of shit for people that are willing to cut themselves just to prove only to themselves that they are smarter than others
rubbing down gravid grems with baby oil!
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