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I Like This Maid Edition

>◆Nexas Links
Official Website: https://nexas.live/
Official Twitter: https://twitter.com/NEXAS_live
Official Streaming App Getting Shilled: https://anilive.app/
Official Streaming App Twitter: https://twitter.com/AniLive_app
CEO Twitters: https://twitter.com/harry__so | https://twitter.com/imharry_so
Full Talent List: https://rentry.org/nexasdex
>◆Teamup schedule

>◆Who is on the telly?

Previous thread: >>87554941
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Post streams. Watch streams. Discuss streams.
Check https://rentry.org/brgdex and any new restreamer that might show up.
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with that voice i feel like godric should be calling us kittens, this is a joke right?
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Reply to this post with schedule updates/corrections (please provide links/screenshots if possible) or add it to the "unconfirmed" calendar yourself, I'll color it when I see it. Do your part for your oshi!
DISCLAIMER: TeamupAnon is not responsible for scheduling issues including but not limited to your oshi not streaming at times on their own schedule, rescheduling last minute or not specifying the timezone correctly. Check the tribute's X (formerly known as Twitter) for most accurate info.
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Fennpals' Information Office reports its latest news: Nowi's first childhood crush was Kenny from Southpark.
>"Nowi was like, what, seven? Before Nowi even knew english, she was watching Southpark and had the fattest crush on Kenny".

Intern's note: WHAT THE FUCK, WHYY????
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Sex with Moka.
he should have unironically done this
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Sex with Shiori.
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It's almost 4pm when is she getting out of bed
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if you're trying to make me more worried, it's working.
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The /JUMP!/ Anchor

Post streams, tweets, updates and discussions about AniLive Jumpstart Program chuubas. Anons can post other non-NEXAS AniLivers here, too.

Jumpkids Schedule Link

Jumpstart Chuubas

Arane Purnama Fanart
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What the nowi doing
Double /choc/!

Choco and Tiki are live.
damn this guy can sing
Lottie is live.
Kinda funny that i can click through steam friendlists and go from wendy to tenma maemi
Almost 5pm now, all the tweets and videos are still up, looking grim for any streams tomorrow
probably as close as they'll get, but still a stretch
whoever came up with a flat cow vtuber design deserves a special place in hell
I'm all here for it
Shame the voice doesn't match
The only mob he's boss of is the Lollipop Guild.
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>TWO cow chuubas
>Both of them are flat
Harry must be slaughtered. He's crossed the line this time.
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Nigga saw Muyu from Phase and said "I want two"
Oompa loompa doompety doo
I've got a perfect kayfabe for you
Oompa loompa doompety dee
If you were wise, you wouldn't listen to Harry

What do you get when you're a Discord mod?
A complex, making you think you're an Internet god
What are you at? Falling terribly flat
What do you think will come of that?

Oompa loompa doompety dive
He'll never make it off of AniLive
He will live in obscurity too
Like the girls of class Yume, doompety, who?
Doompety, who?
when the discard dom drops, but his voice hasn't
my AU: an alternate universe where he makes it to 2view
Mob Boss Psycho 100, in that he's a psycho if he thinks he'll get 100 followers on AniLive
This gay ass voice and hes and Ayesha erotica fan. If you got rejected it's time to hang that shit up
fucking lmao
They should scale down his model so its 2/3rds the size of everyone else's to fit the voice
Kaisha, Aveline, Emiko, Kit and Maeve all went live.
He sounds like Kyohei if Tekkers tries too hard to be BFE.
indeed, she already needed meds yesterday to be able to stream. we'll see tomorrow how she'll feel.
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Noooo, no no no, you can’t do this to me!

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>he simped a jumpshart
That's disappointing
What is that
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The worst part is knowing I’ll see her in other people’s chats and that she’ll get mad at me for dropping her so suddenly, so now I have to gradually decrease how many streams I watch from her, slowly chatting less and less so my existence just fades away from her mind without her realizing.
>"lesbian" in pfp
brother, she's a 1view. She will always remember. I join a Nox stream like every other month when I'm bored and no one's on and every time she goes "I remember you!"
Lesbian meme flag
It's over anon. Jumpstart will now think of you as the homophobic guy.
Haven't watched any Anilive besides a small handful of Esila streams since the first set of debuts, how are things?
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Things are going excellently.
how do you expect it to be
Honestly I'm just surprised the company hasn't gone under yet
It's not like she'll call you out if you stop watching. There are any number of reasons to stop watching a streamer so just drop her and don't feel bad about it.
Didn't Reiki call out Cedric right fucking here itt? You are underestimating the pettiness of a jumpshart.
Unless you're as slutty as Cedric, there shouldn't be any issues. You aren't a slut, are you? And even if you're called out in the thread, who fucking cares? If they're petty enough to actually call you out then they don't deserved to be watched in the first place.
that's the thick of it
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Moka + Yukiko backrooming
Reiki called Cedric out for being a slut. As long you don't lovebomb multiple girls like Cedric, Autumn Foxxy, and AnimeWaifuExpert do, you'll be fine.
Dottie and Juju collab is live.

Asura is streaming, too.
I'd enter yukiko's backroom if you know what I mean
I don’t lovebomb anyone except Mia. Even Reiki I didn’t lovebomb aside from RP streams.
When only one of them speaks I have a hard time telling who's who...
Why are you such a dirty little whore
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mia needs your comm ideas
sfw and spicy
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also the gif for your troubles
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Watching this slut Dottie talk persona 5 to fill the kaito shaped hole in my heart
finally a cunny model, please just don't be another Kaito.
her rigging looks decent for NEXAS tbdesu
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No Mizuki tomorrow
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I'm ending it all.
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His voice is a mismatch ffs.
Dottie is live again.
Wuwi Guerilla Alert
Wuwi : https://www.twitch.tv/puffiewaffles
Who do we think is gonna is gonna have higher ccv after a month, this guy or shielddong?
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Add this guy to the mix. Fucking hell, who hired these people? The only one who has a good voice is the tiger!
Giving all these nerdy-ass dudes these ikemen models was a bold decision
What type of model would fit his voice best? I really think going shota would be the best way to make use of his voice.
The disparity between the average male who gets convinced to apply for Nexas and the average female who gets convinced to apply is really astounding.
Kyohei's model. Any twink looking model. The ikemen models are wasted on these guys.
One group is there to groom
The other is there to stream but were too dumb to pick a real platform
Now that I think about it, the class 4 models don't seem to have any overlap with the existing "leftover" models we know about.
Is Tensei like Genesis/Yume, where they got to work on their own designs? Or did they get assigned ones like Nebulink?
Gotta see how well the talents rock the kayfabe before I can make an educated guess
I'm pretty sure this gen got to help design their models, the character design team are not the same people who review auditions, so they only go off of the talent's ideas and descriptions of themselves.

so no one could really step in to shoot their ideas down, that's at least my guess
>>87598335 (me)
But I think alternating gens of premades and custom-mades makes a lot of sense
The most painful was when I entered an empty stream and they said "Hey anon! Long time no see!" Made me depressed
I fat-fingered into a nexan's stream once and they were like "oh hey so-and-so, I've seen you around before but this is the first time you've ever been in my stream!"
I literally could not leave until the stream ended, I was that ashamed after being called out like that.
Lottie and Kaisha playing Content Warning Live.
It took Lottie 3 days to fill out her Jumpstart application...
Lottie cute, but what?
She says she didn't know what to write down in the application for 3 days then crammed her audio and video recordings on the last day
Manon: https://twitch.tv/mystiknight
short woseli stream: https://twitch.tv/meesteeknight
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>take a nap
>wake up
>missed Lulu’s stream cuz it was only an hour and a half long
ACTUALLY kill me
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I guess imase got bonked by manesan?
Aurora is live for an Endurance stream.
They should do the same to the others, too. She was not the only one who revealed their debut dates.
lookit this dude
big ass head lookin ass dude
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Frozen wuwi my beloved
What the fuck happened there?
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Wuwi and her dead phone were cute again tonight as usual.
Love me wuwus, simple as.
Holy shit I thought it couldn't get worse than terryn
Sisters, I think this is the only Tensei male who passes.

I think its the same model mama as terryn, they've got the same chin and dead on stare
Jesus Christ, it's Jesus Christ!
hiroshis long lost brother?
another one
No, he really is Leo and Terryn's brother.
Hiroshi had him locked in the candy van
Holy fuck. it's like they had 2 different people design his head and the rest of his body then stitched it together
pokemon NPC looking mfer
sorry fentbros, nowi's doing a private stream for me, and by me, I mean hikari
The rrats about Leo getting Hiroshi pregnant are starting to make sense now.
he looks like he is about to duel me for my rarest card
I fucking kek'd
Peregrine Cumy (-Д^)
I hate how his hair color is only blue for the bangs but in a way that doesn’t make sense. That central blue lock of hair should extend to the center of the head. It’s just…what, only half dyed?
>the kaomoji
imase, please don't sledge your genmates' design like that under the guise of anonymity. think of the /unity/!
>the cowmoji
>no immediately clocking that as nemuka
When are we getting an Andre’s Steakhouse themed Nexan?
aisha in shambles, mogged by her own genmate
I feel sorry for Aisha because the Lolita skirt isn’t reading as Lolita…it’s just ita…
stop posting your fantasies here Harry
Do the talents make steak jokes about Harry?
I'm going to end it all...
I’d say they’re pretty rare
Curious model/voice combinations, we'll see if it works out for them
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random coincidence, but just happened to look at soma's supporters while doing the followers since maybe it's worth roughly tracking it
was 2nd last month
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not again...
well done, Anon
thats what I thought
leads credence to this maybe being another pre-made generation
anilive followers
1. Nox 792 +3
2. Mia 788 +4
3. Pyon 724 +14
4. Esila 695 +2
5. Nell 659 +6
6. Nekosoma* 633 +4
7. Yukiko 632 +5
8. Roseli 580 +9
9. Reverie 568 +1
10. Odette 540 +12
Momoko 536 +5
Rixxy 528 +1
Poette 522 +10
Ochu^ 514 +10
Rov 510 +11
Soma 485 +8
Moka 474 +2
Asura^ 474 +27
Nano 465 +2
Enaria 465 +11

>decent day, asura +27, dottie +32
>looking at asura and dottie's follows, there's a few kinda sketchy, but they could just be people who just downloaded the app and I recognize a lot of the rest
>forgor the coins, still didn't fully automate it
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moral was around all of last month, right?
>he does it for this
>he doesn't know moral's only in it to groom young and impressionable jumpstarts
that's the joke, yes
thank you anonymous oblivious
hyena's singlehandedly funding anilive for real
got to be dropping thousands a month
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oh hey haven't seen this little fuck in a while
There are people in this thread who missed the Aurora southern belle and I cry bitter tears for those individuals
planning to make a clip or two from my local recording
her singing is usually SOVL but her Its Raining Men was actually half-decent
well, the jumpsharts will now attack him, too.
prepare uranus, anon.
Onitheus is live.

Lottie and Aurora are still streaming.
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>As long you don't lovebomb multiple girls [...] you'll be fine.
not true, unfortunately.
if I wanted to effortpost – I don't – I'd make a meme about "The myth of consensual romantic roleplay"
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ok i mean if youre gonna say everynyan just call your 1 viewer kitten
Greek chads are just built different
It's all the individual tributes fault.
Sick Professor Jasmine is live.
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Is it just me or does Esila seem like she doesn't care about Anilive ever since Coin/11?
She hasn't cared about AniLive since her CCV there dropped to like 1-3 on average since her audience just migrated to youtube and she gets a bigger cut of streamelements than she does of coins anyway
Lumos live
Lumos is live. She will narrate Twinkling Feet's Halloween and has an announcement after.
Jade multitasking again live.
Damn dude
it's pretty obvious, almost no one will buy coins for her because both StreamElements and YT stuff give her a better cut, and those with leftover coins would rather spend it on those still in anilive jail.
Is Lumos the first anilive pregnant vtuber?

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