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>sets other peoples' pants on fire
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Liar Liar Edition

>The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
>Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact

>Who is Filian?
White haired and bushed kemonomutt girl(?). Hyperactive zoomzoom vtuber. Fruit snack goblin. She does her best to entertain her fans!

Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/filian
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@filianIsLost
Twitter: https://twitter.com/filianIsLost

>Notable Clips
Filian breaks containment
A Kid Requested Filian for Make-A-Wish
Frog Ridah!
/flip/ on da telly!!!

>Featured Streams
The VTuber Awards 2023, hosted by Filian

>Fan music videos
Love Taste
My Vtuber Life

Vod Archival Guide
Stream Archives
Dance Archive
Thread baking instructions

>Fansly Archive

>Usual schedule
Mon, Wed, Fri, Sat
21:08 - 24:01 UTC

>Recent Stream (+ Collab Stream)
FILIAN X DEME (Cancelled), Surprise Tenma Collab
liar liar im gonna set your pants on fire (Liar's Bar w/ Filian, Dizzy & Jelly)


>Previous Thread
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filian cute
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>erm... achktually
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why do they puke when they die
yeah, mine
>Here, snacker. This boof is for you.
you wish
new filian lore unlocked
I'm becoming more parasocial by the moment
I really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really wanna touch Filian's butt
I might go to sleep and catch up on it later, idk if this is worth it
Her favorite color is orange, snacker. That was just a joke about how she wants to see Lumi shoot herself.
I’m having fun but it seems skippable if you have other shit to do. Sweet dreams bro
you just fucked me, I was fake parasocial and now I am real parasocial
Lumi is too smart
This but nose
The mind games...
This is too intense for me...
her big brain is fascinating. Researchers should study it
I like it when Filian says "well well well"
filian is the queen
Filian, the Luck Goddess
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boob touching
>why are women weird
The parasocial feelings are coming back
One of my favorite hobbies.
you can fix her bro
Fun fact, Dizzy isn't lying about the nudes. Panko once messaged her in the middle of a stream wanting to see a new pic of her boobs, and Dizzy sent it over Discord live.
Another girl once shared a color picker code for the color of her nipples.
I guess women sending each other nudes is the female version of dudes sending each other pictures of their shits.
ram ranch mentioned
her voice sounds fat so I wouldn't get too excited
I'm not certain it's the same, but I'm not an endocrinologist.
She's a stick
No she is skinny and has big boob's. For an Asian chick anyway
Confirmed not.
Extremely fat tits, though.
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Dizzy is even skinnier than Lumi and she has big tits.
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she's not fat at all
Dizzy's voice makes her sound fat, but her body is actually quite toned if you've seen videos of her IRL. She does have big tits, like legit big tits. Not the "big" kind of tits you see on fat chicks.
Dizzy’s large, round, asian chest…
thanks mrs skeltal
Dizzy's gigantic forehead...
>head nodding as pig
holy kek
hey I just met you
and I am tweaking
She said she didn't used to have a favorite color until 3rd grade when a teacher said that the reason Buddhist monks wear orange robes because it's the color of happiness so then she decided that would be her favorite color from then on.
It’s cute that they put annytf in the game and filian is playing as her. Maybe there’s no beef after all
Well, what color are they?
I'm reading Shiina's chat and someone said
>quiet filian is so scary
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um she’s not scary she’s my wife actually
I can't see Homelander without thinking of ChaCha now.
I'm smacking
The dizzy one isn’t very funny
nothing personelle you german bitch
she's going for that pathetic-rizz
She's funny in the pathetic train wreck type of way I guess
Lmao sseth only watches Lia.
She reminds me of that reiyu woman from lig who also isn’t funny
she fillyDied...
typical Lia dub
she's having sex and doesn't want to risk the 3-day ban to keep the clean record
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Well now I have a boner so thanks a lot
Filian behaviour is a bit annoying.
awesome it’s dom lumi
How about you go [filtered] yourself huh?
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who tf is this
I can't belive I'm saying this, but those bitches are so loud
Shiina is doing better than expected.
filian is annoying in a good way, like a little sister that you pretend to hate but love
You like em chunky yet you are a snacker hmmm
Sometimes she's just annoying in the visiting 3rd cousin you want to trip so they crack their skull on the concrete kind of way.
nah fuck you filian is awesome
Filian's already checked out.
NTA. She is but she can also be really annoying. I don’t think she’s being that annoying now though
There are too many phase connect members. Mr. Fish should really host a 3D wrestling tournament and fire the weakest ones.
Can I fuck my little sister?
tranny opinion
I want to fuck my sister (Filian) and then give her a wedgie
Should be strip lube wrestling. Weakest one gets fucked by Sakana on stream.
she’s hungover bro
I’d make filian walk around with my cum on her face
Not enough stimulation for her while she waits
>final players with 5 rounds in the cylinder
It's so over.
kinda based but a little weird, I would just ask her whose pussy that is during sex and make her say it’s mine
Why not? If she's down for it.
You have a pussy? You’re in the 20%…
I like the cute aaa sound she sometimes makes.
From what? She doesn't drink.
she’s not actually she just made a joke about it
rate tha collab lads
Like literally or metaphorically?
Dizzy please get those diapers. Filian does not know the shame that awaits her otherwise.
paired well with two coors lights, 8/10
5/10, mid, wasted potential
I actually think a collab with Dizzy has potential
I regret watching this garbage/10.
I'd watch a whole stream of them yapping
It was great. /flip/pers not realizing how rare a Filian collab where she isn't on crack is.
Dizzy is an acquired taste. Same with Uruka.
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10/10, need more off-stream filian
I know how rare it is, shame that instead of getting to enjoy that, I had to listen to that blonde yelling all the time.
She said maybe 50 words total
yeah, and she only scream at the top of her lungs for like twenty of them, it was amazing
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Oh I was wondering about the OP but I guess this is what it's about. Normally hers are pretty funny but this one is kind of mid.
0/10 filian model wasn't visible
This Filian collab forgot to include Filian so to speak, and the other two girls Lumi had have been immensly insufferable.
>sets pants on fire
i dont get it
liar liar pants on fire. luau’s stream title.
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brother I have to play the panko, I have no choice in this matter
It's an expression. Liar, liar, pants on fire. Your tongue is as long as a telephone wire.
*lumi’s. Jesus Christ autocorrect butchered that
Breadcrumb pussy.
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oh okey
Smalltown Breadcrumbs baby
Imagine working for the vtuber awards and getting sexually harassed by filian
that would be amazing
and sexually harassing her back
Flirting if you will
boring out of 10 but at least there was fily
flirting deez nuts
Imagine sexually harassing filian while "setting up" her mocap suit.
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I don't need to imagine. Every time I walk past Filian just trying to do my job setting up the tech she grabs my ass, squeezes, and whispers "nobody will ever believe you".
but she was, just at others, she beleled and made fily noises to distract or annoy the phase girlies and after a while u can tell they were not amused. my poor autistic wife and her lack of social cues...
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Either or.
It's funny because literally and inadvertently setting someone else's pants on fire is a thing Filian would do, probably whilst tumbling off of her pogo stick and yelling for her mods.
Vedal is used to it at this point
I want to hug_ filian so bad it's crazy
You should flip your perspective. They very clearly got along, and if they weren't the others would've just been fake nice to her in a way that every chuuba does and is easy to see through.
Filian’s fat ass in the mocap suit……..
>/flip/ your perspective
Anon I’m going to kiss you
fat tomboy dumpy in a tight harness
>Brooo it looks so big I can’t wear this
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Smacking rn yeah
So filian must be nearly 40, right?
Out of 10 yeah
she’s in too good of shape to be literally 40. not that it really matters what age she is.
That's what they said about Tom Brady and LeBron James.
By my calculations she's 50
Under 30
>Tom Brady
not really a /sp/ guy but winning a super bowl at 43 is fucking crazy damn
Through review of the available data, and extensive consultation with the voices in my head; I have determined filian to be between the ages of 25 and 28.
LeBron maybe but brady just needs to stand there and have the strength to deflate the ball
>brady just needs to stand there and have the strength to deflate the ball

Is filian any different?
I'm not even that old and I feel scared to go to sleep because if I do something weird while I'm unconscious I wake up injured.
Did filian also have a super hot wife that divorced her?
filian has to flip and deflate my balls.
Bros, I love The Nightmare Before Christmas.
same but I don’t wanna admit it to myself
Oogie Boogie was a great antagonist.
Normcore ahh guy
By my calculations she's the ideal age to be my wife
she’s a 15 year old virgin war bride?
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The war's over, bro. She's just a normal bride now.
Filian Is My Eternally 15 Years Old Virgin War Bride
As a kid I loved those levels in Kingdom Hearts
You know what's great about Vtubers? I get older, they stay the same age.
Alright alright alright.
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>“Yes officer there’s the hottie”
shes 32
that’s the age my mom was when she got pregnant with me
That explains a lot.
My mom was 34
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32 cm deep in ur mom
Out of 10
/flip/ is a Coraline general
j/k I wonder if Fil likes either of those movies
One of my friends likes that movie so much he became a claymation animator after college instead of doing a normal career
>>87588658 (me)
or stop animator I guess
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While I can't say that's my path, I respect people that pursue their dreams.
his mom is super rich which gave him the ability to do it but yeah definitely
Nice. It's a lot of effort to produce things like that versus 3D CGI but sometimes art needs effort. Like both of those Wes Anderson stop-motion movies are kino.
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luv me retard wife
she’s perfect
how do you guys know filian has a fat ass? We have no full body pics of her, found out the mocap suit ones weren't her
Fere libenter homines id quod volunt credunt.
it's a vibe check, anyone who sounds and acts like filian has a fat dumpy
Mr. Predicto was consulted.
She's said so herself but she's a bit of an unreliable narrator
She rubbed her hand over her ass and it was bigger then her model, but her chest was flatter
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>ass bigger than her model
holy cheeked up filian
not skipping leg day really paying off for her
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How many snackers are /here/ do you think? I know most other anon think I am at least 3 or 4 different people. I wonder how common is this?
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The cake is real
and will never be yours
well I'm new because I'm a godless coomer who is attracted to her voice and clutzy act. Found out she had a fansly and flashes a ton by "accident", so here I am now. Barely watch vtubers though.
Her ass doesn't even look fatter here, just lower down.
There are dozens of us! Dozens!
Yeah she's said that she's shorter irl than her model is rigged for it's why her knees are always bent
>his mom is super rich which gave him the ability to do it

The fine print of of many success stories conveniently ignored
I don't know, 5-10 regular posters, 50-100 regular lurkers, maybe a couple thousand people who have at least skimmed the thread before
It seems every thread there is a sperging newfriend who hasnt done their reps. so there must be a fair few of us now.
right now its crypt hours though, so its a bad time to ask. maybe do a poll when she's live instead.
>found out the mocap suit ones weren't her
Sure, and Melody isn't Mars Mayhem.
mar mayhem = melody is higher provenance than mocap asian girl = filian
The mocap girl has her own Instagram page and worked for the company afaik.
I can’t wait for diaper saturday
I don't get it
Damn, nigga. You gonna drop old clips of Senzawa next?
I think filian said she’s wearing diapers then during today’s stream if I’m not mistaken
now that you mention it I think I kinda do remember seeing lewd VRC clips of senz before she was even senz
It's Saturdays stream. Do you think she will pee in them?
She might dribble in it a little. I guess we'll know if she mysteriously takes no bathroom breaks.
NTA but there is a chance we can convince her to pee inside at the end of the stream as punishment+ she is metal enough to actually do it.
that would be pretty kino ngl I hope she does it
Smackers it's time for your lobotomies~
i fucking hate diaper fetishesits
filian loves us so tough luck
inb4 /flip/ becomes the honorary /ringo/ thread saturday
i hope she plans on eventually going lewdtuber and has a really awkward austistic embarrassing lewd debut
that would be so fucking hot
I'm ambivalent, she would probably make it into my goon rotation, but I'm not especially sexually attracted to her, all things considered. High meme value though
i never understood what /ringo/ was meant to be i just see those silly juiceboxes everywhere
it’s the pee pee poo poo and fart fetish thread
It didn't last time Fil hung out with Lumi. It'll be okay.
I didn't think anons were deranged enough to think that Fil is going to "use" diapers on stream, you fucking retards.
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oh i see
Yeah, she only poops on stream
Wish she would poop and stream into my mouth iykwim.
>>87598085 (me)
this was supposed to be a joke about how I like streaming but it didn't come out funny
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rip bro
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collab wen
The collab is inevitable. Hopefully kino content.
they follow each other now. big things occurrinng in due time
can’t wait for the Mint, Doki, Doobi and Senzawa collab
What would Filian be like if she smoked weed?
she would lose the willpower to run and immediately gain 40-50 pounds despite having a tiny skeletal frame
I wonder who will get the collab first, Vedal or Filian. Vedal tried raiding her but holomegalul had raids blocked so males couldn't raid.
We must keep her away from it at all costs. Not that I think she'd ever want to try it she seems to prefer being straight edge
>holomegalul had raids blocked so males couldn’t raid
kek, I’m not even that opposed to goslings/unicorns on principle but just reading that is giving me flashbacks to how insufferable holofans can be
Mocap girl is Ovilee May. Who is very much not Filian.
fillySex fillyCuddle fillySleep
feeling filian’s chest rest against my body and softly expand and contract as she doses off
>Who is very much not Filian
Have we ever seen them in a room together?
i did
She'd probably try it once and end up not liking it much.
I was the same way, didn't touch it for ages, tried it a few times and its just not for me.
I like alcohol better but I don't really drink either.
yeah, I have some friends like that, where it just makes them anxious. I was the exact opposite, I basically smoked weed daily from the time I was 15 until 24 and even when I quit smoking it was just that I switched to edibles, it wasn’t even like I quit weed entirely
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The dream...
Same actually. It makes me really zoned out in a way I don't exactly love, and I don't smoke in general so smoking anything gives me a headache.
I don't even get anxious I'm just usually in a good mood so I find it doesn't do a whole lot for me.
for sure, I guess it just depends on your personality.
Is Filian moe?
she's gap moe
Yes, absolutely. She only said like 50 words during today’s stream and 15 of them were about how she’s afraid of touch and wants to sit at the end of the bed or in a “sneako chair” while everyone else is in a cuddle puddle
She just needs some exposure therapy to get over her fear.
She can start with handholding.
i volunteer my services filly, call me anytime
Monday stream was short, wednesday one was very short and Filian didn't say much there and Friday is vtubers got talent = less yapping from Filian, since a lot of other people need to say something, plus it will probably be like 4h long, though I hope it will be fun. I need more fillyOnline.
Wow guys I can't believe filian wore the bunny outfit again on today's stream.
It would not surprise me if preparing stuff for the vtuber awards is taking her time up or something
>>87604154 (me)
but I agree it’s out of character for filian not to be grinding the extra mile and streaming this little
I guess, after all the vtuber awards is really important to her and organising an event of such a scale isn't easy, especially since she probably wants to do even better than she did last year.
ya I think the production quality will be higher this year but who really knows
everything she touches turns to kino. i'm sure it will be great.
Within like a month and a half since Filian hit 1 million followers it went up by 43 thousand already. I'm curious when she will hit her growth ceiling
>>87606047 (me)
Didn't mean it as a reply, missclick.
because most people don’t ever unsub, subs are up only. what’s more interesting to me is what kind of ccv is sustainable
Cute autistic waddle
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My favourite interaction
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dreamcum very soulfully, fil.
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what are you doing here sorachan
With my foresight I see a Squchan collab next week.

My abilities are said to be shit however
Why if Filian turning into a pit slut???
it’s sexy
Show proof.
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So what is Filian doing with Doki on Friday?
Filian was molested as a child or teenager and that's why she is afraid of physical intimacy
guessing filian asked her if she wanted to join the talent thing as judge or something? doki's streaming silent hill 2 on friday tho, so I don't think anything came of it
grim if true. being successful by other metrics is nice, but there’s no point if you go through life without falling in love and experiencing intimacy. On top of how horrible being molested would be.
gotta be honest. i don't care about the numbers at all.
She already kinda hit her ceiling, amount of followers is irrelevant as they can be multiple people subbing from many accounts over time, the only relevant metric for streamers is CCV, her CCV kinda already stagnated, bad stream does like 7,5k, good stream with big collab does like 10k, this will probably improve by 15-20% tops, its kinda glass ceiling for all Vtubers, Iron and Gura have similar numbers.

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