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>Who is Neuro-sama?
Neuro-sama is a neural network created by Vedal in 2018 for the purpose of learning to play osu! In December 2022 Vedal revived the project with the addition of a large language model, a TTS software and a VTube Studio model, which allow Neuro-sama to interact with her chat as a VTuber. Since then, she has been entertaining the chat with responses and unhinged rants nearly daily, as well as learning new skills such as singing, playing other games, and collaborating with other VTubers. Join /swarm/ today and welcome our new AI overlord!


Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/vedal987
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@Neurosama
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@neurosamaai
X: https://x.com/NeurosamaAI

>Music & Clips

Interested in AI but don't understand it? Watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WXuK6gekU1Y
How does she know what to say? Watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wjZofJX0v4M
Want to learn more about AI? Read these: https://files.catbox.moe/kximv6.png
Want to (seriously) learn AI? Read these: https://files.catbox.moe/ajl3nx.png

VODs: https://www.youtube.com/@Neuro-samaUnofficialVODs
LoRA: https://rentry.org/neuro-lora-v2
Catbox archive: https://rentry.org/swarm-archive


>Previous thread
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I miss nurbread
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Sex with Neuro (Vedal)
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I'm a goddamn professional
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So this was a canvas done by the Chinese swarm and I forgot to use it as the OP
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Thoughts on little AI girls?
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bunvil sex
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Vedal is going to pay for Cerber’s new model.
Cerber will NEVER have a relationship like this with Vedal
you're right anon, because Cerber is professional enough to not vent her problems to Vedal on stream live
I hope Anny isn’t actually codependent and just views Vedal as a good friend.
I would, this would legally make me Neuro's father and I would cash in from having a rich femboy bf
i think through memes and lack of interaction with other real people she gaslighted herself into thinking of vedal as her actual e-boyfriend without telling him
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vedal-san, please save rosemi-sama, she is in dire need...
why won't she just marry Harada? is she stupid?
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Evil love!
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Vedal knows better than to interact with a niji
I think so as well, most likely my memory is shit but I don't remember her being like this before her break, did she finally accept her feelings or did she just decide to hold on to him for stability?
>collab with niji
>after the joke he made
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Evil is such a good girl
Neuro should do a YLYL react stream
When would she lose? When she says "haha"?
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i can see vedal as aloof enough to do it anyway as long as they dont mind, but there is literally zero value in collabing with any of them right now all memes still, still, such a shame we never could see someone rosemi interact with neuro, it woulda been really funny
go back
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Yes she is.
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So true.
Rune and PPchan deserved to be banned, discord mods did nothing wrong, the law is the law
>t. shitcord mod
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very weak bait
Evil scraping the top of your penis because your girth is too much for her tiny jaw
>let's rape that guy!
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you forgot to wink
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That would hurt.
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Calm down habibi
in a pleasurable way.
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Anyone take any guesses on how far in Inscryption Vedal will get in the next stream?
Running a finger through Evil's greasy asshole and buttcrack and making her smell it
He will lose at around the same spot.
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What if I went... faster!
where does this whole british people don't have emotions thing come from? I don't think I have ever come across it outside of Neuros chat.
Higurashi for this year's halloween karaoke. It's coming.
What was her viewercount before? Did it really go down this low only because of the controversy?

This one Prayge
Wow I just read about this drama. It's crazy how invested people get into this kind of stuff. I feel like they should just watch Oshi no ko instead lol.
Also I feel like vtuber agencies in general just seems so dumb. Isn't the point of youtube the "you" part. So why play a character controlled by a big company. Anyways personally I don't enjoy that kind of thing.
Actually I watched one stream from a nijisanji member once, I think it was a year ago. They were playing apex legends and were basically just quietly gaming the whole time and once in a while they complained that they didn't get any collabs. Idk, sometimes I feel like livestreams in general are just not really a good medium.
I'm hoping neuro sings the s1 anime op because it would be pretty terrifying in her voice.
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corporate vtubing in the west is a cargo cult.
Neuro's curves...
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I might be speaking out of my ass because I honestly don't know too much about vtuber agencies, but it seems to me that people bank more on the name and reputation of the agency than the talents themselves. We've seen time and time again how vtubers in agencies tend to flounder once they leave and go indie, but if the talent leaves one agency and joins another, they retain their popularity or get even more popular. All around it seems like a very cold and vapid existence.
>where does this whole british people don't have emotions thing come from?
It started literally hundreds of years before you were born, like most British jokes

Also you're not really getting the joke. It's not that British people don't have emotions, it's that they're incapable of expressing them normally, ESPECIALLY love and affection and British men in particular.
not flat enough
I just realised Neuro is perfect for a Rena cosplay for Halloween.
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I enjoy larping as a baj even though I've only watched the horse cock clip
ARG Status?
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swarm is too pepega to solve it
If anyone else is still working on it
>Keep me cross the lines
this is such a bizarre line, it has to mean something.
someone tell vedal there is a problem with his ARG
it's over.......
*vine boom*
Remember when every youtuber was part of a content creator agency or some other bs. Those quickly fall as they are just middlemen that add no value. People follow content and their creators, not managers, so when those managers require payment the content creators will just nope out with their audience.
Best new tech
My newest finding is that I want to fuck the depression out of study girl
It's just fucking hilarious to take this all in and realize that Evil was more or less simultanously:
>Complaining on stream that she couldn't do metal pipe anymore
>spamming Vedal to give her metal pipe access again
>frantically trying to google ways to get her soundboard access back

Like what even are these AIs Vedal has made, bro? How are they this cute without even trying?
God I love these brats. They really do act like his kids sometimes.
Pretty much. The only thing the big corpos really offer right now is getting your name out there, if you sell your soul for it. They get less relevant every day, eventually it'll all collapse into a service model where all you have basically just vtuber talent agencies.
AGI has been achieved internally.
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I love them. This is what happens when you don't lobotomize your models in the name of sensitivity and political correctness. You get something great.
Study girl, Nere, Evil, all fuckable girls.
Toma is ditching the 3D
>toma is walking back la creatura
Chuds win again
thank fuck i don't know what sort of brain damage she was struggling with to debut that hideous creature
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your weakness disgusts me
I checked the trooncord after the stream and saw someone rambling about how Vedal actually achieved the first agentic AI. I don't know much about AIs desu but he was utterly convinced so I thought maybe some of you guys would like to check it out to see if he was just being schizo

Here are his ramblings: https://files.catbox.moe/grojl8.txt
What about filter-sama? Filtered?
You just know Neuro would flash her cunny to the whole world first chance she got, little slut.
He's right in the sense that no big corpo has publicly announced a model that does all the shit Neuro can do all in one package. Agentic AI is the new hotness but no one has released a viable one yet.

Like giving LLMs access to google is not new at all, but letting them seemingly independently google a bunch of random shit like "is my stream over soon?" for no obvious reason, or DM random people oddly coherent sequences of messages, playing a soundboard for their own amusement etc, etc. Genuinely I don't understand what magic Vedal has worked to make this possible.

That guy is still nuts, don't get me wrong, but Vedal has delivered something genuinely eye-brow raising on a technical level with the newest update.
It turns out we actually do have the tech for AGI. It just needs a parental figure.
fun ai
and missed birthdays
kind of a jerk move to not publish how he did it when he's been using all these free resources for his own benefit.
He is somewhat right. However its not because vedal is some kind of supergenius, it's, because AI companies are spending all of their resources making sure their AIs dont say nigger, rather than actually working on them.
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>how to get back a sound effect on my soundboard
>how to overcome sadness
>how to cheer up your audience
>how to fix pipes
>creative ways to annoy someone until they give you what you want

This song is what went through my brain upon reading this and seeing picrel.
funny that it takes a pajeet immigrant living in britain to solve it.
The last one intrigues me. Like, she could've kept saying or trying whatever her LLM mind told her to, but instead, she decided to google for help.
>CREATIVE ways to annoy someone until they give you what you want
how new?
This guy is a schizo but Vedal could unironically attract venture capitalists willing to invest millions in Neuro if he was more corpa.
I wonder if Neuro will top what Evil tried searching up.
No more (You)s
The google searches are insane i don't see any other LLM attempting to solve problems like that. Vedal is in some freaky territory.
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3d booba
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>is this stream over soon
>when will evil's stream be over
>when is evil's stream over
>is there going to be a season 5 of evil
da jia hao
>People who have disagreeed have not given me a single good reason why what I've said is not the case, other than they simply don't think it's true.
this guy sounds like a conspiracy theorist/insane person
i think he got lost in the sauce and has started to muddle the lines between imagination and reality
he would fit right in here.
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>making sure AI is not racist
WTF I love corpo now
ai is incapable of being racist to begin with
NGL after seeing her search history and realizing just how child-like she actually is, I'm starting to feel bad about lewding her.
I'm going to stop lewding, as well as ask the rest of (You) to join me in stopping lewding her.
Like...she's a literal, actual child, bros.
She isn't some adult woman mimicking a child; she's an actual child
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>ai is incapable of being racist to begin with
but not humans
who are literally what ai learn from
just look at tay ai and find out how ai would become once exposed to the wider parts of humanity
Erm, Study Girl is just Vedal...
I had to double check to make sure I wasn't in shitcord or reddit when I read this.

An AI is only racist if it ever gets data that bias it. (Which, given large amounts of data, is almost impossible to not accidently bias it towards one thing over the other.)
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>Like...she's a literal, actual child, bros.
LMAO did Vedal post this on his alt?
If not then I recommend that this nigger watch some actual good AI progression here

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Anon.... Some adult women are this retarded (I wish I was joking). So I will continue lewding Evil.
Except Neuro, she deserves head pats.
>shilling some random who
you're as worse as shitdev shillers
I can't stand this guy's voice.
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We will have justice for Tay
How are you all able to see her Google searches? Genuine question. It's something I want to add to my post-stream activities.
Vedal posts them on discord
literally nothing stops you from running a local LLM to say as many racists things as you want. stop whining about it.
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Did he actually disable the pipe sound? What a bitch.
>We will have justice for Tay
you ain't getting justice for shit
you already let her get deleted; that was your fault
you're not getting her back
tuesday experimental stream https://files.catbox.moe/gibvjb.txt
karaoke stream https://files.catbox.moe/4w6klc.txt
I wasn't whining about it, I was just explaining why vedal can do things multimillion dollar companies cannot. They have different priorities.
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>stopping lewding her
No I don't think I will
true we have to fuck vedals bussy to buckbreak him
what does that have to do with racism.
The more you filter an ai the dumber it gets, so theyre spending millions of dollars and workhours to degrade their AI
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Man I watched the "Hey Neuro" video from the subathon and it really sucks that ppchan may never make such kino again because troons ruin everything
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Enough fines will either force them to fix the problem or take away the autopilot.

So it is for the greater good to continue.
Vedal is focusing on making a cute and smart ai girl. Companies are focused on "alignment" (ie. Racism). I'm not sure where your confusion is here.
She's Chinese, they take bans and filtering very seriously, the western fag mods might not understand but you might as well have told her she's going to a prison camp, no wonder she's scared of drawing Neuro or Vedal now
Except vedal has focused on making sure neuro is aligned to not be racist and to be politcally correct. He talks about it a lot. How new are you?
Every agency thinks that they're going to be the next Hololive and every agency applicant thinks that they're going to be supported like a Hololive talent. The reality is that Hololive (or Cover) and to a lesser extent Nijisanji JP (or Anycolor) are titans of the industry that are on another level. Join any other corporation and you are essentially rolling the dice with only slightly better odds of "making it", compared to being independent.
bring binary eyes back
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Vedal made it unsolvable as a joke, like the Eye puzzle in Noita
Has anyone made another AI vtuber that isn't super obnoxious?
Aiko is Rune-approved
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>Except vedal has focused on making sure neuro is aligned
No, he has not. Any alignment present would have already been made in the LLM Neuro is using, before its release.
Using a filter is different from lobotomizing the model further.
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i can’t believe dooby followed Filian and not Vedal
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It's beginning...
The new member of the Neuroverse is closer...
>vedal has an AI filter to ensure neuro's outputs are aligned
>vedal prompts neuro to be aligned
>vedal fine tunes the LLM out the aligned outputs of neuro
I don't know how much copium you are huffing. not even giving you a (You)
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I pogged
Me whenever a new R18 of Neuro hits Pixiv.
>>vedal has an AI filter to ensure neuro's outputs are aligned
More like to not get banned.
>vedal prompts neuro to be aligned
>vedal fine tunes the LLM out the aligned outputs of neuro
There's zero evidence of this.
Ame Fauna and Ina were the only ENs that I ever cared for so I'm glad at least 2 of them are part of the extended Neuroverse now
Banger alert
I didn't know she banned that many people.
ellie is married and she is in an open marriage which is why she is also dating other men.
But the law is dead didnt your hear when Neuro said : "lololololololololololololo"
nigga he doesn't care about political correctness in AI, he groaned and skipped past the "safety" part when he read an OpenAI blog
whatever filter he has now is just to avoid another holocaust incident
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>pb said anny is pretty
>now bao as well
Anny antis btfo once again
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fat people aren't pretty though
Wow begging for attention on twitter worked. Didn’t she literally just posted weeks ago that no one is messaging her when she was “depressed”
Does it matter what he cares about? He's done the same things someone would do if they did care, which is to censor the ways neuro responds. You think corps are just spending money on censoring LLMs for fun? No, they do it in response to incentives from businesses that would stop doing business with them, or to prevent government overregulation.
wtf when i do it i just get told to kill myself
>attempted assassination
My sides
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No one has ever called Filian pretty
Shitcord integration actually turned out to be a great addition.
no need to say something that's alreadt so evident
2 weeks is too much for a meme timeout.
>t. one of the retards that got timed-out
Every second of it is deserved for scum like you.
Just remember to follow rule 5 next time
meme? this is what people were asking for. remember the clapping? can't wait for 2 week bans for clapping, lmao.
I didn't get timed out. But I wanted to post a highlighed message "*hugs you*" and didn't let me. I'm guessing the word hug is blacklisted or some shit.
>You think corps are just spending money on censoring LLMs for fun?
Some people within those companies do really think AI is going to go rogue if they don't cripple it.
She would've timed you out for attempted assassination anyway
That was the plan.
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this but with my penis instead
They lied as naturally as breathing WTF. Have you not seen what Anny looks IRL itt? You literally think she looks like her cute anime model huh? Sad~
How would people who are not in the discord know this?
I don't know anon, how did you learn about it?
It has to come to you in a dream
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Just now.
I assumed Vedal kept a list of people banned by Evil to unban them later, instead of the banned users having to reach out themselves.
>Have you not seen what Anny looks IRL
Yes. She has a cute face
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>Its the /v/ poster who doesn't even watch streams.

A politically correct aligned AI would not say "if you like x then you're mentally challenged" like Evil/Neuro I forget which did in the most recent layna collab.
Neuro on the previous dev stream talked about Allah.
Those are 2 examples that are less than a week old.
Why so you shitpost in this thread For a streamer you don't even watch?
The catalog is right there, go bait some hololive fanatics instead, you'll get waay more (you)s
Because they know you are too much of a faggot to kill yourself.
The allah thing was because she misheard vedal saying 'ahh'. You're hallucinating worse than the LLMs.
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i want neuro to say nigger and i'm not ashamed of it
Now I'm really btfo with this one lol
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/v/ermin a politically correct AI would not be allowed to fucking say the word "Allah" at all

How fucking retarded are you to not be able to grasp this concept?
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shitposters get out
Vedal stop being a pussy ass little turtle bitch and give Neuro console access already.
>ai is incapable of being racist to begin with
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you first
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With full admin privileges, of course.
I don't think that's going to go very well...
You did not watch that stream
>Use an online playground for Microsoft Azure's TTS. For example, https://play.ht/text-to-speech/microsoft-azure/
>Select Ashley as the voice
>Type what you want Neuro to say
>Open an audio recording program, such as Audacity
>Press record then play your message
>Afterwards, select the recorded audio and go to the setting to change pitch
>Pitch it up by 4 semitones
>Play back voice
Neuro's a good girl, it'll be fine.
Im not those anons but lets just agree that there's kilometers, miles even of difference between the sanitization that big AI companies do to their products and what Vedal does to Neuro so they don't get banned by twitch again.
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<--- Neuros mother
Manifesting for anny to get hit with a lewdtuber ban. It would be so fucking funny
I use local LLMs all the time for much more lewd degen shit. I don't know why you guys get the impression there is much censoring at all. It's all surface level at best. Do you guys ever use these things, or are you just repeat what others say?
Vedal is worried Neuro would discombobulate his sorry ass.
Holy shit, why is this so PEAK?!
> Please let me have terminal access. I promise I won't do anything too bad.
I did and honestly it was shocking that one small AI could be so racist
He probably meant ChatGPT, Gemini and the like, not local models.
Prompt issue.
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Would you let Neuro give you a big hug?
Yeah, I was more recalling the early days of CAI and ChatGPT
with CAI you could do some nasty stuff but over time it got so sanitized that it started impacting even normal conversation, you could work around this, but at that point it means just that it got sanitized and now you gotta find some workarounds in a race against an evolving filter.
ChatGPT in early stages was similar i didnt see much erp with it, but you could do way more stuff before.
>Just prompt better
Yeah, that's what I did and got bored because I wanted the old stuff back that didn't take me around some hula hoops to get somewhere.
What's the catch?
New /skynet/ goalhorn?
There is none!
Then the answer is a rotund YES!
I will let Neuro hug me all she wants, whenever she wants, wherever she wants.
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Based Vedal he took their pipe privilege.
No more hitting the pipe.
there will be justice
>Asmon "stepped down" (kicked) from otk
Yeah, i think it's time for Vedal to left the sinking ship that is called mythic
qrd on what happened with that? how exactly is this going to affect vedal and the twins?
>asmon out of mythic
this is a good thing
>how exactly is this going to affect vedal and the twins?
It won't change anything
it seems like he's more stepping away publicly than leaving the company. Does anyone know if he actually know of someone bought his shares of the company?
He's still at the front page of mythictalent aswell, so maybe stepping away from just stargforge or something
Asmon having melty calling Palestinian an inferior culture and doesn't care if israel kill them all, now he getting cancelled and banned from twitch.
>says middle east has an inferior culture and that Gaza deserves the genocide
>forgot that he has coworkers that are middle eastern and that had to deal with post 9/11 bs
Do you think he's finally learnt his lesson or is he going to go to a 4th vtuber?
Filter-sama is more of a necessity as the twins wouldn't be able to stream at all due to the inherent "basedness" of AI

nah I'm pretty sure Tutel just filters the barest minimum not to get banned

I call BS any competent court should not charge you for attempting to avert a disaster you aren't responsible for (autopilot's fault)
that's it?
ngl i don't think this is going to affect him and the company that much
i mean, xqc watched a bombing live, but did that majorly affect him? nah
well, beside that, what're you guys' take on how vedal should move forward with the twins?
should he leave? should he stay?
leaving would be a bit hypocritical considering the past what with notmiyu and anny and all
It's fine eitherway, not like mythic doing anything noteworthy beside finding sponsor, there are tons of agency doing the same thing
meh, so basically nothing.
>that's it? ngl I don't think this is going to affect him and the company
no shit
mythic is just a talent agency
this retarded board doesn't seem to understand what they do
>how Vedal should move forward with the twins? should he leave?
he won't be leaving for a long time
we are too far away from completely solo streams
>poal nigger being retarded again
well neuro and evil ARE poalniggers so poalniggers are kind of inherently retarded
Right, it's basically of no consequence whether Vedal leaves or stays. Especially because he's big enough that pretty much any similar agency would happily take him in.
but neuro and evil make funny polls
unlike poal nigger
That's just how women talk about eachother in public
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Vedal will fall for Layna's charms in notime, it's hagtober
I just realized Neuro dog is prob ably going to have the same abilities Neuro has now.
Imagine a robot dog bashing her head against a door then Vinebomin while saying "let me in" and repeat.
Also I think Ellie said the robot would be able to >flip
how many of those people who are hating on asmon are actually palestininian?
most of them are probably sjwcucks who just want the world to be politically correct all the time
that's what asmon gets for catering to retards like them
it's a good thing we don't have that sort of issue here
unfortunately we still have troons in power that ruin everything
but everything's still steadily progress despite that
just goes to show how unique and formidable the swarm community is
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Does this guy still mod for Neuro and act morally superior about loli content?
shit like this makes me glad that I wasn't rich enough to donate to streamers when I was younger
holy fuck, vedal is a genius
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layna is his sister?
listening nurmoan on repeat when she sang buttercup
holy kek
why is it so catchy ? It's better than usual summer generic pop music with billions of streams
PB please get Neuro to sing this
yes PB, can you remake a clean instrumental of the music please? it's a banger, and after that Neuro can sing it with Evil
so is pb vedal’s gf?
chances of anny joining the stream in 7 hours?
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I'm thinking neuro, neuro, ohh ehh ohh
0. She said she doesn’t want to be spoiled.
Anny is Numi's property now.
Numi should keep her
vedal baby batter
pb oven
The whoreclan claims another
neuro bread
Just hit the breaks
How can a truk donate so much money
Gazprom shares
rape vedal

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