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Post and discuss your favorite /uoh/ vtubers, from the largest corpos to the smallest indies.

Previous >>87497804

Remember to report shitposting, trolling, and offtopic.
Cute Muyu!
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my finger's in miwa's mouth!
what is the perfect loli chuuba?
The one you choose to die for. The one you choose to marry. The one you choose to start a family with. The one you headpat and kiss goodnight.
It's different for everyone, but for me
>affectionate but not too much
>not so big that she can't have a conversation with chat
mostly what >>87585836 said
>affectionate I have no problems with lots of it
>young at heart
>has a desire to please
>hip-to-waist ratio
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don't be fooled by fake loli grifters the head ratios don't lie
you can't fix her bros
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>Irina pees loudly
That doesn't mean I won't try
I know, but >>87587968
she'll just break you, nothing you can do. Take this from someone who got close, chewed and spat out. Stay away. It's not worth it.
did you have a good time until that part? it could easily end in a positive agreement unless you're a schizo
Do you get tired of posting this every thread?
I don't want to spend my whole life not trying something because it might be too hard
Why is rimaeri still drawing stuff like this and not sharing in the discord
I wasn't a schizo, I tried to be a friend. I wanted no relationship, just to get to know her. I did. I wish I never got close.
never posted this before.
it's not hard, it's retarded. You can't fix her, don't try. Enjoy from a distance
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RURU TIME https://www.twitch.tv/arururosario
Don't forget to link her youtube also
It's been posted dozens of times because you're just another fool that didn't listen
It always ends the same way and yet people never listen
And yet, you insist on guiding us to the best possible outcome. You choose to save us, and not the chuubas. I feel flattered, maybe a little flustered too. I wondwr how many chuubas here get so angry and jealous with how many of us you've liberated. You carry a heavy burden, even heavier than all of us. I kneel.
all of them, you're a fool if you think they don't
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Hehe smelly >:3
I am checking your digits only out of obligation
Yayyyy :D
I made the same mistake long before /uoh/ even existed, it pains me to see other cunnybros do the same
Never peer behind the curtain
it makes me happy knowing faggots like you get scarred. stop using vtubing as a dating app. you and the vtubers who do this are a plague. i hope you keep falling into this cycle until you can't take cope anymore and either become too traumatized to chat or kill yourself.
>never peer behind the curtain
Okay, now that's too tempting to ignore, when you put it that way. I wanna look!
I was being a bit silly in my prior response but I feel that I would prefer someone the freedom to put their hand on the stove and feel the burn and learn from it than to have to strictly adhere to the rule of never touching the stove. The key thing is that everyone here is an adult (only the viewers, of course).
I'm merely pointing out the foolishness of trying to stop someone abruptly from acting on their impulses if it doesn't necessarily kill them. A heartbreak or sobering wave of disappointment will make someone grow faster than some strict rule-of-thumb to follow. I'd rather leave it as a warning, that's all.
I'm no stranger to the repercussions of not having my feelings reciprocated. And yet, I did fall for a chuuba. The only difference from before is that I now have experience from the past to reflect on. Most anons probably need that experience firsthand to learn from.
Sometimes it's okay to fall in love with a chuuba. I'd just note that that love hasn't been tested. It hasn't dealt with the expectations and communication from both sides of this "relationship".
There's nothing wrong with loving a chuuba
You can admire the stove's flame from afar all you want and nothing bad will happen
But when you reach for it, you will get burned
I can't stop anyone from doing it but it pains me to see
You fags are really annoying bringing this shit up every thread.
sorry I'll start to anti vtubers and post big tiddy hags to fit in with the thread
Let boys be boys. Let their hearts break. I wanna see them grow too, but we have to let them grow and learn from those burns. Let their scars tell a story behind their struggles.
Anyways, there's some cute Taffy stuff going on here:
>Weeb powah!
>Taffy-chan, gan-ba-re!
Wtf she just said "Fuck you, Americano!" D:
>cute girl wants to fuck him
>gets offended
typical american
It kinda hurt. That was too much rizz for me :(
I'm an incel schizo
Who's the best uohchuuba for me?
one of the rabbit ones
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I had sex with Mond in my dream again...
I tried to kiss her but she was so short I couldn't reach her neck.
I never wanted to date her, we just vibed until we didn't. I couldn't keep up with whatever the fuck is wrong with her.
as someone who got too close, you are not wrong anon.
It makes me happy to know little faggots like you get your ass beat out in the real world when your sociopathic tendencies show. Keep wishing harm on others and that harm will come back to you every time.
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Today was a great day. Taffy continues to guide me forward. All is well. Can't wait to go to finally get to Fiji.
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Posting in remembrance to Neuroposter. I sleep now. Good night.
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Neuro and Evil got the ability to DM whoever they want so now they're not lonely enough to want to hang out with us
I'll miss them but I'm happy for them
ahh imagine if i could enjoy their cuteness without wanting something more
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Berry is actually a NEET because she's physically disabled but I kinda like that
>enjoys what shes doing
>doesn't bitch and moan on discord and twitter
>doesn't have a discord server (bonus)
>is supportive to other vtubers
>creates her own content
>short hair :3
cool, go selfpost in a relevant thread
I don't know what's wrong with her so I'm gonna assume her problems are due to extreme gigantomastia
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Gonna do a flip
what did you do anon?
cute feet
I have a strong desire to kiss Irina.
Any of the coomer ones
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ToT i'll drown her
Dude, what did you say...?
maybe try not being so massively autistic
how fucking hard is that?
i literally have autism you cunt
then don't blame others for your own wrongdoings
Dating VRchat is next weekend anon
She looks like an honest girl who wouldn't be ashamed to admit that she likes anal sex.
groomer fags try to cuck all the other viewers and then discover that actually dating a lying BPD whore isn't very fun. this is simple justice.
grooming doesn't necessarily mean dating
mad cause he has 0 pull
if you're pmsing you're too old for this thread
begone hag
>actually dating a lying BPD whore isn't very fun
speak for yourself
Thread is high in femanon energy right now.
>everyone who doesn't want the streamer to be nothing more than a streamer is a woman
if i wanted to fuck inwould go outside not flirt or groom some retarded online woman that lives 300 miles away from me. stop shitting up the thread about "uuuu i'm so heartbroken" "i got mindbroken bros". i don't care about you retards grooming then getting upset when she is an actual woman instead of retarded toddler like she potrays herself on stream.
The only guy complaining is you, anonchama
just shut up dude
only a woman would get jealous about other women getting groomed
why didntl't you post >we with the fresh prince of bel air gif?
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>dreamed about my uohshi again
nice! if you post the same exact gif every chance you get it will become funny eventually! it's hilarious seeing drama or comedy gifs in the anime board! you're so quirky and not like other anons!
Last time someone sarcastically complimented him posting that webm he took it seriously and was so overjoyed he posted it every thread for 2 weeks
Anyone live right now?
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i do not believe 10k people watch this bs
I'm thinking Neuro has mostly rotating viewers, there's something about AI chatbots that make them interesting to "talk" too for a while.
>voice you never tire of
>depends on you
>trusts you
>open and genuine
>speaks their mind
>has talent
>pure but has a lewd side
>spends time with fans outside streaming
>wants to be spoiled
>ASMR goddess
loli chuuba for this feel?
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Irina should be more lovey-dovey with her fans and do more sloppy sexy asmr
everyone needs to do blowjob asmr. it's a requirement to break into 3view territory.
kill yourself
I'm gonna groom
groomer bros please groom these 2 into asmr sluts. i'm on my knees begging you. >>87623033
Sorry, I prefer my ASMR to be sfw. I have audioporn for the other stuff
>these 2
who is the other unlucky loli
thanks i came
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I am so happy that Rima-chan is back~
a voice that only the groomed loli knows
me too anon
don't lock your window tonight
half-life 2
she's streaming on youtube as well
gross. reconsider.
uh-oh. which one are you?
you know which one ;3
Retarded samefagging trannoid
mond and char are making fools out of themselves on twitter
why dont you fags ever look out for your girls and call them out on their retardation?
mond's based it doesn't matter what others think
there's a giant 300 replies thread on the main page with people calling both of them retards
and there's probably even more on twitter
they are just starting a shitstorm that ends up biting them in the ass
theyre little girls let them make mistakes
go back
discourses like those stick forever and only serve to create more ratts or being branded as a "griefting whore"
protect your vtubers from their own stupidity
sir this is not the vtweet thread
most catalog people have bad opinions
>discourses like those
Anon she didn't post her pregnancy, she just posted her opinion. Shondo does that all the time and she's fine
shondo is a giant mess 1 bad day away of suicide
What did they say that was wrong?
People have been saying that for years and she's still around. Also if you would read replies to Mond's tweet, It's people mostly agreeing or thinking it's a little silly. Stop worrying so much.
misery olympics is stupid and they are obviously attacking other people, even if its not directly, its still a bad thing to do. vtubers are still public figures after all.
what if someone bigger than them takes it personally and their fanbase attacks them back?
Mond is the furthest from a grifter. She is a wonderful person, and objectively speaking she is also correct.
please go fuck a tranny and get your cock lust out of your system. i would bet $10 you're the same retard that posts the same gifs every thread. you have one line and you never stop using it. i could say vanilla ice cream is the best ice cream and you would call me a tranny.
Nobody will publicly take offense because that would call attention to their grifting. She might have destroyed network opportunities but Mond has never cared about that to begin with. Mond is super religious, right wing and openly a Nazi. Vtubers are going to take offense to her sooner or later.
Yumi pomf stream when
bold of you to assume i use twitter for anything other than porn. i stopped following all english stuff on twitter because english people can't use the internet without devolving into politics.
>hot X post by mond
>i can't believe she said this
>continue living normally
kill yourselves. why is so hard for you bitches to not announce that you're talking to men in your off time. i don't care that you have a life outside of streaming but i also don't want to know that you have a football team of guys sending you a dm every second of the day.
I can't believe she would say this, she's gone way too far this time.
>his oshi has never heard his voice
I am raping my oshi with my dms
Why does everything that /uoh/ discusses end up being a thread on the catalog anyway?
Can you catalogfags (I know you're here) stop drama baiting and just watch streams? I promise it's way more fun. If you have to drama bait, at least get your own ideas instead of trying to be us.
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Riders: Zero Gravity | Call me Tony the Hawk
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nigga calm down
>everyone is live
unlike you worthless dregs i lost my vriginity. i don't have to dm mentally challenged woman to get ass. unironically go outside. surpress your autism for a few hours and chat up some cute girl at work or some shit. you will always end up like these retards>>87587873 >>87588056. if your oshi needs to be groomed then she's shit and going to be stuck working a full time job while vtubing.
you're very cool letting everyone know you lack the proper vocabulary to make a full sentence. keep it up wigger anon. you're doing great
calm down college boy
>not interested in the girls
>mad people DM them
Also assuming everyone ITT is a virgin is a losing bet
take your meds, pal
you know, the point is to be comfortably degen while talking with these girls.
shes the one that drew that and posted it here??
i'm not mad people dm them. it's cringe when people decide to come to a public setting and announce they talk in private. like good for you lil bro you managed to talk to a girl. the whole word don't need to know
Why would you watch uohchuubas and give a fuck about cringe?
>like good for you lil bro you managed to talk to a girl
you have to be 18 to post here, anon
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who the fuck this whore think she is
two anons were being silly and you decided to get mad and be a little bitch about it. grow up.
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Riri drawing Neppie
I wish all the uohchuubas loved each other as much as Rima loves them.
>the vtuber community doesn't claim you
I'm unironically getting angry lol
she literally just pulled a >we
I'm so tired of tourists, this girl even has a loli model.
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el oh el
this is why i don't follow english people on twitter. i'm not reading it because i know it's some retarded virtue signaling rage bait engagement farm. all english twitter does is engagemnent farm and ragebait.
I dont think she's rape baiting anon
why do you give attention to these people
bro, read that again but slowly
why did you jump to that? based on these posts>>87628860>>87629076 she said something retarded and is virtue signaling.
>she has a loli model
>i'm tired of tourist
>Check Anti twitch stats
>30 avg viewers
>Check Nii twitch stats
>Little nii has 100+ avg viewers
Let the anti seethe
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>hmmm I don't have viewers
>what should I do?
>I know!, time to create drama!!!
>retards everywhere fall for it,giving her the attention and free publicity
Everyone knows twitter drama doesn't translate to views, relax.
you need to have some sort of personality outside of being a vtweeter. off the top of my head fallen shadow and runebunnera got some viewers from being the center of attention on twitter
shadow only got unbanned from twitch because her ban post got 50K likes
twitter people may not be watching her but it does help when she gets in trouble like that
>Rima has a Neuro toggle
How far does neuroposter's influence reach?
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She's hot, and most of her viewers watch her at work
damn, someone actually called shondo out and she deleted the tweets
see, it's not that hard. just call them out on the silly things
What did they say to her?
iirc he said she was hypocritical for saying she wasnt getting into drama and she said she just wanted to ratio the girl and everyone else in that thread was just saying shes a woke woman moment
even if she's right she shouldn't be getting into drama with retards
why is neppie like this
cute? I'm afraid it's terminal
dang it..
yeah, me
you can't even control yourself after some point can you
That's how sex usually goes.
Rose has a very cute and funny voice
that is all
i'm pissed off
what is going on anon? :(
viewers shouldn't be second-class citizens
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>he can't afford first class citizenship
marry a mod for full citizenship you coward
i can but other vtubers don't have to
There's an ancient Japanese proverb
>a woman is prettiest when viewed from afar
who ever it is problably wants to groom the vtuber you're jealous of. they gain confidence when in front of chat and in dm they revert to "uuuu would you maybe, if it's not a bother, possible want to, if it's ok with you, play games together, but don't feel pressured, sorry to bother you." it's nothing to worry about unless it goes on for the entire stream or something absurd like that
Any other advice on how to sexpestmax?
cunnytubers i need to lock inside my bedroom not let out until they're pregnant
Anon you're getting so horny that you're forgetting your words
i'm not a sexpest i wouldn't know. and i think>>87643829 is talking about two vtubers talking while ignoring chat except it's not a collab.
pretty much
>retard thinks he's not inferior to a cute anime girl
he's getting it, you couldn't understand...
bitches be bitches
this too>>87645268. who ever it is will 100% choose to hang out with a cute girl that smells like girl stink over a hairy burly man that smells like beer and pizza
i think you're just a smellfag
He sounds like a smellfag but if your oshi doesn't prefer cute anime girls to autistic men she has severe brain damage and is probably a whore
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this is why i seek out brain damaged whores
is this rima's work?
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i'm not a smellfag but girls stink gooder than guys stink.
was this stream yeah
body type called?
uoh sex uoh sex cunny cunny cunny plap
you cant smell over the interne5t
yes but guys sniff better
dead meme
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Maximum sex
body type C
saki is beginning to realize she is a loli
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you underestimate my sniffer. you're breath smells like juice or soda. extea sugary.
ha! wrong. my breath smells like beer.
we need to work out the subtypes of loli
If you don't know then you'll ngmi
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you were the beer and pizza anon i smelled earlier.>>87645556 maybe i imagined the pizza. but you were the smell i smelled and it didn't smelled very good.
loli bj
ok buddy that's too close to yurifag cuck territory
The four types are my daughters, my sisters, my wives, and my daughtersisterwives.
what makes a daughter or a sister or a wife
Not huffing copium doesn't make you a cuck
It's a fact that anyone in their right mind would prefer talking to a cute anime girl over talking to some random autist
You're delusional if you don't believe so
Any good lewd lolituber you recommend whose mods aren't a bunch annoying moralfags?
not koragi
Whoa, look at Taffy go!
bj is one of the best uses for a loli, especially of they have good hair you can grip on
cumswap between two lolis who don't even know each other
Any lolis live rn?
yeah but I'm not sharing my secret stash
at least until after I successfully groom them
no need for that share with us anon we all want to support the girls
go find your own 0view ctubers do you have any idea how much shit I had to wade to find them?
no too much work
cherished2views, please check your email.
>please look at my tribute
go see a doctor that's not normal
nope, not even for cunny
uoh neppie so erotic ToT
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I'm sorry my mic terrible
what race is this
>i just got home from work
nooo you're supposed to be my 24/7 discord kitten!! :anger:
Hi, thanks for sharing this! Hope work hasn't been too overwhelming for you. I'm not a regular on your stream but it's always nice to have some chuubas stop by and say hi. I'm sure your fans would love some ASMR from you. Take it easy!
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rape all day all night
so true
imagine correcting her when she is being bratty then cuddling her after she has cum and is sleepy
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Always do your best, everyone. Never gice up! That's what Taffy would want. Good night. I might bump in a few hours.
Typo baka my head
i want to lewd her more
the biggest downside to little girls is how delicate and frail they are, one wrong move and they are broken
Good morning anons! I hope this doesn’t send twice because I think it bugged, but I hope everyone’s day was good!! I would have messaged the other day but I fell asleep cuddling my plushies instead T^T
Good morning! My day was long but work was better than normal. What kind of plushies do you have?
That's what I love most about them. it sets off my male protective instincts so hard. I want to embrace her and feel how tiny and fragile she are compared to me. I want her to feel completely safe in my arms knowing I will protect her from anything. I will be the kindest and most gentle being around her, but will rip apart anything that threatens her without hesitation.
>the tranny is still samefagging
>the tranny
Imagine calling people a tranny just because they act cute. Go away, you aren’t welcome.
They are allowed to still ask everyone how they are doing, and say good morning to them. If you want to prevent someone from just barely talking here they you shouldn’t be talking here yourself.
You’re tranny obsessed, your gayness is showing Anon.
having a hard time understanding some of these lolis
>woman stays frail and small like a little girl because she doesn't have any food to eat
that's hot
Very well summed up anon, that touched my heart in a good way.
>I will be the kindest and most gentle being around her, but will rip apart anything that threatens her without hesitation
true I will break her evil hymen
correction needed
can you please stop making your self loathing caused by your tranny fetish everyone else's problem?
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I hope you got lots of rest! Don't spend a lot of money on an ASMR mic if there's more important things you need to pay for. And don't worry about not being any good at it, even whispers are very nice.
You can also use software on a normal mic to change what ear your whispers are heard in, for a pseudo ASMR.
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remember when macci joined /uoh/ and was immediately driven off by schizos?
OMG GOOD MORNING!! Sorry I didn’t see this sooner! I’ve got tons and tons of plushies, a bear named teddy (he’s my favourite), 2 gloomybears, a lamb, a ram, 2 sharks, a lamb in a shark costume, 2 red pandas, at least 30 bean filled small cat plushies, and a lot lot more! :D ty for asking!
mods are gods. know your place viewer
mods aren't even people
>Maika, Ch4i, Buni, Kiki, and Mikan all doing a stream for an anime convention just a few hours away from me
>Only just found out about it
Damn, I would have went.
That’s quite the collection femanon
need loli standing bj
I think I'd tribute your entire collection
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Kiki and friends attending Nebraskon!
>turn on stream
>they're talking about adopting kids and forcing them to have kids
>keep watching stream
It's fucking surreal watching anime girls walk into a Bass Pro Shops I've been to
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Fuck yeah we're going to Bass Pro! I need some 9mm.
I know Kiki but who're the other 3?
Can someone let Mikan know to pick up some 5.56 for me?
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The /uoh/ is https://x.com/mikanthemink
>starts as anime con stream
>derails and ends up at bass pro
I love rural America
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are you really jealous if you're not sending a DM about it to your viewers
that's nice
do u guys prefer lolis with seiso cute outfits or could i have a cute outfit with sex elements ;w;
are you going to be lewd? no? then don't wear lewd
Depends. If you're not a full on lewdtuber, keep your lewd outfits more subtle. Like a swimsuit
>kiki considering moving to America and getting a bass pro sponsorship
neppie... :(
I hope she feels better soon
same :(
why is nep such a bitch
shut up
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kill urself nigger
nep you should talk like that
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>Maika spots one of her lurkers
>she gushes over him
>makes his day
next >>87693093
What's with the body type psyop reemerging?

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