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ϟ Lia Liker's Secret Clubhouse ϟ


Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/RinkouAshelia
Twitter: https://twitter.com/rinkouashelia
Schedule: https://x.com/rinkouashelia/status/1845922107966079094

ϟ Upcoming Streams ϟ
>Lia is currently streaming FF9!

ϟ Current Events ϟ
>Lia sneeze compilation
>Lia debuted a new Tenshi outfit! New outfit merch out NOW, last day to get!!!!!
>Lia had a wonderful 3D concert with Mint, Pippa, Uruka and Tenma! Buy the replay on SPWN if you want!

ϟ Lia For Sale ϟ
>Marketable Lia Plushie!!
>Lia shirts WTF
>Charms, Pins & Prints!

ϟ Other useful links ϟ
>New to Lia and are looking for VOD suggestions?
>Cytube channel:
cytuDOTbe/r/VODclubhouse (replace DOT with .)
>Divegrass team:

Remember to only love Lia, and never watch other girls. Only Lia will ever love you. ପ(๑•ᴗ•๑)ଓ

Previous Thread: >>87527474
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thinking about Lias pink angel butthole
Lia streaming FF9 right now forgot the link in OP

rat genocide soon
Which Phaser likes fat guys?
Zidane's tail is stupid
etic asaN
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ϟ Lia Friends ϟ

Phase Connect>>>/vt//pcg/
Phase Gen2 +>>>/vt//pcgia/
Maid Mint>>>/vt//mint/
Rurumi -https://ixopod.uwu.ai/#
Haruna Swift -https://twitter.com/HarunaSwift
KKCyber -https://twitter.com/kkcyberai
Maple Alcesia -https://twitter.com/MapleAlcesia
Aoi Moi -https://twitter.com/Amoi_moi_moi
Nyaru -https://twitter.com/nyaruchuuu
Obake PAM -https://twitter.com/obakepam
Kamishiro Rita -https://twitter.com/RitaKamishiro
Ushio Ebi -https://twitter.com/ushioebi
Reina Sun -https://twitter.com/reina_kawaiii
Punkalopi -https://twitter.com/Punkalopi
Nova Aokami -https://twitter.com/novaaokami
Kureiji Ollie -https://twitter.com/kureijiollie
Sayu Sincronisity -https://twitter.com/sayusyn
Da Michi -https://twitter.com/shisuimichiru
Hakushika Larry -https://twitter.com/hakushikaiori
Hasekura Muumi -https://twitter.com/hasekuramuumi
Faye Mata's perfect tits -https://i.imgur.com/imT0dGn.png
Phil Wizard -https://www.instagram.com/philkwizard/?hl=en
Sam Hyde & Nick Rochefort -https://www.youtube.com/@PerfectGuyLife
L.A Flights -https://www.youtube.com/@L.A.FLIGHTS

ϟ War Time Traitor ϟ

Ayase Yuu 絢世ユウ -https://twitter.com/ayaseyuuu
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I've been bamboozled
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Why are so many vtubers alcoholics?
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Gays out!
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that nasa webm is cute i am better for having seen it
Why do you keep this up lol it makes no sense.
Because alcohol tastes good, lowers your anxiety, and doesn't wreck your voice.
my benis is always up when Lia streams
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Lia will become Steinerpilled
huh what you mean
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Lia cute tonight
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Who is Lia from Phase Connect? to the blind, she is the light. to the hungry, she is bread. to the sick, she is the cure. to the lonely, she is company. to the sad, she is joy. to the prisoner, she is freedom. for the poor, she is treasure. for me, she is everything.
caramel brapper raid!
Why do they call Nyaru the caramel brapper?
someone post it
Lia should do a deep dive on the Big Baller Brand
...i swear i just heard lia say "get em, beebs"
VTL is over anon you have to let go...
this is a stealth 24/7 vtl thread
remember phase calico?
holy shit dude look at them dance!
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same vibes

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Why is he dressed as a leather daddy cowboy?....
Lia might have gotten more raids tonight than she has had all year combined
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what did i just watch i am hypnotized and slightly hard
thinking about when Zidane squeezed Dagger's ass cheeks.
Lia shooting on the marks
>she slapped herself in the face
worked into a shoot
She got a bunch of raids in April, but it's usually one a month
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Steiner RULES/10
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comfy chill stream as expected!
her voice acting is precious
Lia needs to take the steinerpill she alreayd listed off all the reasons why he is the man
Great as always. Lia love!
But man, I still can't do it, I just can't get this new model, the new ending is just... bleugh.
This Lia here, that Lia in the picture, great, new Lia is just... who are you, where'd you come from??? I'd even accept original Lia.
I can't vibe with it at all man.
This Lia, of course, would be most ideal. Yes, indeed.
Holy shit the captchas going wild today, all over the place.
Great stream
You can tell Lia really likes Steiner by how much passion she puts in his voice
today my oshi looked perfect again
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After all, Lia is a teen idol sensation
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wheres the image dimwit
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reminder she may have stolen a pair of lia's underpants while sharing a hotel room with her in nyc
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did i stutter
nice trips, but what the hell is that?!
let me steal yours
what are you? Gay?
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and? is there a problem?
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Cute and played very well!
She's warming up to bro just got to give it more time!
Top tier as always and getting better and better!
The Final Fantasy IX streams are always a highlight of the week, chill and fun stream!
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Bro, today is crazy. There were multiple collabs. Early Saya, Panko and Ember with three other girls, then Dizzy, Shiina, Lumi and Filian, then right now Pippa, Lumi, Airi and Jelly. Multiple 4-people collabs, in addition to the solo streams like Muyu and Lia.
i miss 1on1 collabs
think it is why i loved dizzy and lia surprise collab on monday so much
words cant describe how real this hits
That was completely unplanned. They decided to stream the same thing without no knowledge of each other's schedules but when they saw it, "hey, let's collab"
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Same. Why I remain hopeful we see the return of fashion collabs. It opens up the door for interesting new pairs for Lia.
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Does Jelly sound like Lia?
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If you're from planet retard maybe
No. Jelly has boy yippee, which is easy to distinguish from Lia's girl yippee.
literally me
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this one gets it
interesting way to describe it
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i miss lia bros
it was me btw
youre lucky i had a family dinner
>rinmouto become divegrass
wish lia would stab me in the face with a knife
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To the other anons that have a lia shrine, if you get prints that features other girls do you keep them with your lia shrine or do you put on a different wall?
I personally keep it on a different wall.
I am mentally ill and i cut out or marker out other vtubers
No i wont apologize
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wwhat the fuck
Joker-level insane from Batman 1989 though
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fuck my 2nd world life I will have a Pippa wall banner one day
If you cut out other girls I personally don't find it's mentally ill but it's a little weird to marker out other girls just makes the poster uglier personally.
That's not even everything I have from phase in this picture.
a new liaschizo has emerged and i am here for it
Do you have both Lia mousepads?
Unfortunately not, I'm not an old fag so I missed out on some really cool merch early on.
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step on me kudasai
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can you post michi boobies?
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You should know how this goes by now.
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i got you bro
thanks nigga
getting tired of this thread posting other vtubers other than Lia over the last bit.
Some of you have forgotten who this thread is supposed to be about it.
If I wanted to read posts about other Phase girls, I would post in the 6 other threads relating to them
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im berry sorry
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>they don't know it's a copypasta
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I know, Im still berry sorry for the intrusion
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Imma intrude in your ass, little bitch boy.
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If Uruka keeps with these shorts violin karaoke streams she'll pass Lia in subscriber count by the end of the year, by the end of October even.
>raping anyone
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Tho shalt not tempt.
Ya couldn't rape a fly.
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Ya so obvious.
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I've been a bad bito.
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Bito, meet bat.
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I haven't been -that- bad. Calling me names while I lick your feet will do.
You disgust me.
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Now get the boys out.
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Ya too greedy.
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Ya did spoil me just the other night...
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None of those posts were about Lia. There wasn't even an image of Lia attached.
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*posts non lia in ur thread*
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*post non-vtuber in your thread*

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