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Ghosts in the Sheets Edition

A thread for the linking, discussion, and general appreciation of any and all sheep vtubers and their friends, no matter how big or small.

>[often discussed EN streamers]<

>[friendshaped EN streamers]<

>[mostly JP streamers]<

>Who's live right now? going live soon?

>More complete list of sheeptubers here:
(work in progress, feel free to suggest additions or modifications)

>You'll find Raki, Pixel girls, blockheads and unity here:
Pixel VSMP:>>>/vt//vsmp/
>You'll find Meru, Lisa, Yuuna and Sleepy discussed there

Previous /wool/ thread: >>87469772
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Essie got bored of Coraline and now she is trying to prove she is smarter than a 5th grader
>I am not stopping until I win this game
Strap in for the long haul baachis
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Essie almost actually won but guessed Ankara was the capital of Greece, surely causing some kind of international incident.
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>Raki raiding as Essie gets exposed as NOT SMARTER than a 5th grader >>87584921
>Sheeps get FAT in the winter
Muchi muchi sheep soon
And they breed in the Fall
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>not ending until i get 5th grader status
>i can do it, i have Raki power with me
well about that... >>86076366
Essie doesn't know about the Fussy Baby lore
>grammar was my worst subject in elementary school
>but spelling i have in the bag!
[...five minutes later...]
>maybe this is proving that i am ESL...
>i am Essie Speaker Language
the way that grammar is broken is just perfect
essie didn't guess galileo right... she thought galileo was the guy who painted Starry Night, who she called da vinci...
The blank Pumpkin Essie stare really adds to the experience
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My fucking points...
>this is the run!
>i am finally in 5h grade...
>i worked so hard...
>so effortlessly...
>so tirelessly...
there is a small contraction here
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Essie will batsu if she doesn't beat this run, as a smart bald man with glasses
>how comes bald men don't have hair follicles?
not me posting in the old thread haha >>87593607
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>im so lucky lucky
[One pentagon later...]
>im not smarter than a 5th grader....
>we're doomed...
>next one tho!
>if I don't get this one, I'll do a batsu
She is so doing a batsu batsu~
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>Essie pronounces obelisk funny
like it's an o-bisque de homar or something
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>i'll take this
>i'm not smarter but i'm as smart as a 5th grader
>what do you guys want for batsu?
i won't oppose this compromise
go vote on the batsu!
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chus it is
I really want to watch Essie's debut vod now. Anyone has the archive? The folder on the archive seems to be dead
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>>87589553 >>87595377
>999 chus won by a landslide

>i don't expect that out of you guys...
>that you guys would want that...
>i thought you guys would want the horror game
>i guess we'll do that next week...
999 chus from a 5th grader, this is fine

>gonna gorilla tomorrow, webfishing
>are you excited to go fishin'?
>maaan, i lurv fishin'
>and i loove... *meows*
>buh-bye buh-bye buh-byyyye
game is $5 or your local equivalent on steam if you want to try and play with essie so you can show her your big chub
You just made my night. Essie sounds so damn different
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y'all like weird apps with streamers in them?
you bet i do! when is she debuting
i will punt her like a football
November is the best I could find
important essie voice tweet
gonnai grandma essie
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>IN ABOUT AN HOUR (11AM BST) we're gonna be doing a bit of an art guerilla stream! i want to try drawing kemo seep...
>i can't promise it'll be a 3 hour+ stream unfortunately, but i want to at least stream today!!
please look forward to it!
it's like 2am where i am so i have to catch some shuteye
jp enjoyer anons if you're online i hope you'll check eira out she's a cute weeb
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>no new tweets
>waiting rooms from yesterday are still up
Unlikely streams today
I'm 90% sure she won't stream today, and I don't know if she can tomorrow, it depends on what she caught.
eepy thread
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I just woke up but Eira was arting. Sounds like she might be ending soon.
that's cute af
Guess she's dead today as well, going to take a nap then
cute sheep!
>>87615295 (me)
nevermind, just youtube being retarded
Not deceased but very eep
>I meant to tell you guys yesterday, but I ended up falling asleep by accident D:
>No stream today either :(
>We’ll see how I’m feeling later about streaming tomorrow
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raki is your quiet girlfriend for a bit while making curry
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we are making curry possibly maybe
>raki is whispering and using pressure to split vegetable in chunks
this is not cutting this is more akin to splitting wood
and I could only half listen to the first bits, but she mentioned finding more ways to distract pans at work
>volunteering at the garden today?
>will be a good girl and do good work
before the wood splitting
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so far we have onions and taters
>now it's time to chop the carrots
>wish i had something to cut carrots into cute shapes
>*munching on carrots*
>*in the pot they go*
>how big of a batch do we want to make?
>i cant believe potatoes grow in the ground...
>what's your favorite way to eat potatoes?
>i like hashbrowns, mashed potatoes, baked potatoes
>don't put your finger there
cut scare but we're safe i think

>rose is probably gonna take nap
>then we go volunteering
>might be late for stream

>im using a pink knife
yeah that explains it
>gonna do some gardening, prolly lots of lifting
>I will just do what they ask me too
>no boots, just white converse
>not idea what to wear
>*more carrot splitting*

>gonna cut the meat now
>really bad at telling when chiken is cook
>this is raw chicken asmr
>*squelchy sounds*
I think i can hear a cutting motion now, sometimes

>got 100k views on the need GF asmr
>gotta do a part 2 now

>my hands are so cold
>my instinct when my hands are cold is to put my fingers in my mouth
>probably shouldn't do that when I'm dealing with raw chicken huh
that's oddly kinky...
How many /wool/tubers would fuck a Pokemon
>washing hands
>turning the heat on
>washing the knife
>*sizzling ASMR*
this is pretty nice

>missed a lecture, prof noticed

>don't stick to the bottom!
>trashpans it said to saute the vegatables for 5 minutes... has it been 5m? i dunno
>what is the meat is already white?
>I think the onions are translucent now...
>how much water do I add?
>I dunno... I think that's right
we could use a visual update
>*munching on something*
>I hate waiting for things to boil... raaah
>I wish I could cook for trashpans
>that would be a life or death gamble tho

>*back to humming*
>boil! boil fast!!
>gonna make matcha too
>it's starting to boil!!
>why is is foamy? is it supposed to be foamy??
>*reading instruction* let simmer and cover
>I turned it to low
>does this sound like a low boil?
>*boiling asmr*
Raki barely panicked, impressive
Esi clip from yesterday in case any of you missed it. (not mine)
>>will you make a bluesky account?
>I will do do whatever the big cat tells me to
>before any of this Tora said just in case Twitter goes down, don't rely heavily on it, post on other platforms
>wish the Youtube Community tab wasn't broken so I could use it more
>it doesn't push notifications

>trying a piece of chicken
no feedback on that... strange

>*more twitter talk*
>do you guys miss the Likes tab?
>potatoes are softening... kinda grainy tho
>I don't think I used the right kind of potato

>you know what, I think I should be able to retweet yabai things, as a treat

sudden Raki like check:
>pretty outfit
>kinda yabai
>tiny fish
>cute nail
>cute outfit
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I mean, why not, right?
>I feel I could make a mean soup right now
>well, the potatoes are soft now
>*1 curry cube going in*

>>will you share pictures?
>of course, i love sharing things with you guys
>i like the smell of it
>i think i definitely have too much water
>stir stir~
>it really looks like soup...
>let me taste it... yeah I need to add more
>*2 more cubes going in*
>I'm just scared it won't thicken... that's my worry

>Lottie saw the skeb Raki got for her bday
>it's not thickening... tastes good tho
>I added 4 cubes and it's still a soup!!
>do you think I just have to wait?
>raaah raah raaaaah
>turn thick... turn thick please~
it's gonna take a while for the raccoon to learn patience
I hope she is fine. She must be going through some rough mental stuff if her mom is about to9 throw her out.
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Lazy Lillie.
has Esi ever said anything about her plans for housing after December?
Her plan is to beg her mother over their family holiday in December to let her stay
>trashpans evolved from racoon to tentacle creatures, next step might be looooong coon
>Raki got told to mind her posture at he aquarium because she's an anime girl
and there were tentacles around presumably

>it's kinda thickening up!
>should I just let it boil for a while?
>what are you guys up to?
>feeling really cold
>no winter clothes here
>need a new blanket
>wanna get fleece tights
wool is pretty warm
she's actively looking at places to rent and she has a few candidates. the part about putting everything into savings is so she has a buffer before she grows big enough to be self-sustaining or finding another job.
Do you reckon it could get bad enough she'd reach out to sheepyheads for a job/place to stay?
Started watching Essie today, binging her archive channels and once I snapped back to reality after a session of blasting my neurons with cute sheep yapping, silliness and kino I felt like I just rolled out of hyperbolic time chamber, I've been missing out.
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>*distant ragi yapping distantly in the distance*
>gonna go volunteer, come back home and stream
>tomorrow is a day off
>saturday/sunday is gonna be really busy

>looks pretty good!
>say aah~ trashpans
>*happy ragi noises*

>mission accomplished I think
>I will sit and I will eat
>maybe sneak in a little nap before I have to go
>hope you have a great rest of your day
>I'll see you later, mwwwah
>bye bye, otsuraki
that looks pretty good for about 1h of work in the kitchen
Can it get that bad? Sure. Will she even accept such an offer, let alone ask someone? No.
Unironically her best option would be to leave the US and move to SEA, it's a lot cheaper and the weather is as hot as she likes it.
that would be the worst idea ever
she'd be better off shaking up with craigslist meth heads, at least she'd know what to expect there
>craigslist meth heads
her last residence before moving back home sounded kinda like that.
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better picture of Raki's curry and bonus matcha

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