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YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@KosekiBijou
Twitter: https://twitter.com/kosekibijou
1st orisong - Prism no Mahou: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M3pjFfKBonI

Next stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yHwEv0svFH8
Previous stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f_ARpXXYQq8
Debut stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rpAQib0T5v0
3D Debut stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yw0zL5YshRk

>Shorts/music/unarchived streams


>Intro/starter newpebble guide

Do not engage with diggers (trolls, doxxers, holo vs holo baiters). Hide, report and rock on.

Schejewel TBD.
Next streams:
MON - 7 Days To Die w/ HoloEN at 8 PM EST | 5 PM PST | 9 AM JST
TUE - 7 Days To Die w/ HoloEN at 7 PM EST | 4 PM PST | 8 AM JST
WED - Space Marine 2 at 7 PM EST | 4 PM PST | 8 AM JST
THU - Mario Party w/ Kiara, Shiori & Gigi at 3 PM EST | 12 AM PST | 4 AM JST
THU - Advent Collab - Phasmophobia at 9 PM EST | 6 PM PST | 10 AM JST
FRI - Gigi's Bday Dinner Party at 9 PM EST | 6 PM PST | 10 AM JST
SAT - Might have to take the day off due to Biboo Business
SUN - Something/Spooky game (Silent Hill 2/Dead Space) at 7 AM EST | 4 AM PST | 8 PM JST
Possible streams:
Silent Hill 2
Some ongoing things (such as BLOPS, Wukong, FONV, etc) might be put on pause so she can focus on spooky games during October!
Grindstone Collab - PANICORE - on the 21st.
I gotta say, these streams and the /gem/ threads during them have been endlessly informative, considering that my only exposure to WH40K prior to this was through random 4chan reference posts and crossover fanfiction with fandoms I'm actually a part of.
Biboo is about to learn why the Warp is so dangerous and why Psykers are so feared.
I always forget Tzeentch followers get hoverboards.
Oooo thats a cool effect. The ground warping.
Only if they fuck up.
The discs are also just smashed and flattened minor tzeentch demons forced to be footstools for eternity
This boss sucks
Reminds me of elden beast with all that running
Lol that makes it even funnier.
Still better than the bosses from the first fame that were glorified quicktime events.
How much more is left of the game? I'm starting to feel sleepy.
I'm still mad at Nemeroth what a bitch fight
Look up the attack animations for great u clean ones he sharts out nurglings for one of them
God it was so bad. Grimskull's sucked too, I know third person shooters can be kinda hard to design bosses for but those were really phoned in.
We got a new buddy for the squad?
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>bread, nothing but bread
>The codex astartes does not support this action
>... But I am looking forward to it
hey wait a minute, when did she start playing dead space?
pebbles… your oshi…
Titus was 0.2 seconds away from putting a bolt through his head before he said the second part
Too bad the thunder hammer sucks in the game
How come Karl Franz has an iconic warhammer but the emperor doesn’t? Is it because Karl Franz is just better?
Biboo wants to slaaneshi worship my perverted pillar...
Why can't we have a game with Slaanesh forces, why do we have to deal with these nerds
God she's so cute when she's hyper violent
Because the creators would prefer to sell the game on regular platforms. AO-rated games are severely limited in where you can promote and sell them.
The Emperor used a sword
Slaanesh has always been the ugly stepchild of chaos. There's always been rumors it was going to be retconned out of existence.
You can buy literal porn games on steam
Love them in Warhammer Fantasy too.
Doom Knights are so much fun to use in TWW3. Chosen of Tzeentch with halberds are also so fucking good.
Oh no no no brother.... Nurgle claims your soul
yo this chaos dude lowkey makin a lotta sense
maybe we should hear him out bros
I wish Biboo would take more idol meetings. I always miss stuff...
ytbetter script to pause the stream
They never subtitle Magnus' speeches...
Do your bladder reps bro
Hey you got one THIS stream, that's all you're getting for another half a year, tops.
Mechanicus not digging too greedily and too deep challenge- Difficulty: Impossible
Those STCs and heretical technologies won’t discover themselves
My wife is a child(real)
ARCHenemy nyehehehe (I don’t get it)
She doesn't like praise
It gets her too horny to stream
I'm a fucking retard and missed the first 5 hours, how has the stream been?
sleepy I'll watch the rest tomorrow. have fun everyone
She's such a cute, amazing rock...
Good enough that I had to do a double take to confirm it's actually been 5 hours.
I'll sleep after she meets grand pa
how much is left?
This is basically the final mission, but there's still quite a bit to go with it. Probably at least an hour, but doubt it'll be two.
whats a tomb world?
>It was a pleasure to burn.
I got sleepy and my tummy hurt so I slept for 2 hours. What happening, is CHAOS trying to take over?
It's underground pyramids filled with spooky scary skeletons, but they're robots who want to murder everything when they wake up
Is this why they use baby's as computers now
No these guys have living souls sort of, but after these guys went to sleep but before they woke up the AI bad thing happened where much of humanity was destroyed by the men of iron
No but it helps
>Mask off heretic
Im guessing they are a different faction than the other tech people who worship the omnissiah
Worlds with massive underground complexes full of sleeping necroms. If they wake up the world is doomed. The mechanicus like to explore and preserve them for any technology they can salvage. Check out the Mechanicus game.
The mechanicus keep awakening them every 5 minutes by digging places they shouldn't
These kill stealing FUCKS
ah okay I get it.
So where'd they come from then
>still salty about it 10000 years later even though it was Mortarion’s speech that ultimately got psykers banned
If Imurah was actually mad about it he would be out killing death guard
Man when you think about it this heresy stuff makes it really easy to get away with shitty writing.
So there were these space frog slug things that created everything. Then there were these guys on an irradiated hellhole whose star was getting eaten by star vampires, and they were mad. So they asked the frogs to help them and they said no, so they asked the star vampires for help. The star vampires helped them by turning them into robot skeletons, which made them really mad. So they fought the frogs and the eldar, and the frogs invented the orks, but they were going to get wiped out so they had to go into hibernation.
That explained nothing
Look up a necron lore video then
The Necrontyr. They lived on a shitty radiation blasted planet and lived in giant tomb cities waiting to die. They got super pissed over other living things existing where it wasn’t a shithole. They find kinda sentient clouds feeding on stars and gather as much as they can. They make living metal bodies for them and cram as many as they can into them. Thus the C’tan are born. The C’tan force all the necrontyr into pools of molten living metal which turns them into necrons. They also eat all their souls and become Uber powerful because of it. They start a giant war to kill everything in the galaxy. They win but also lose and decide to wait 60 million for the galaxy to calm down a bit. This was the same war that made the warp what it is today because so many people were suffering and dying.
they are some of the oldest creatures in the 40k universe that got turned into robot slaves, rebelled, won, and then went to sleep until retard mechanicus nerds woke them up
This is what happens when your knowledge is based on short form video
If they're canadians and they are being broken by Tzeench whose theme is birds, does that mean he is a Canadian goose?
>immediately tries to execute the Canadians
Biboo being Biboo as usual.
>did not hesitate to give them the Emperor's mercy
Proud of this rock.
execution in this scenario is pretty normal in-universe
and they will most certainly be shot as soon as this battle is over
Well it would be a better fate, honestly.
Its cool they actually have medics and stuff.
I just assumed they were meat for a meat grinder.
Stop being little BITCHES. Just because there's a bit of chaos in the air. MAN UP
you're right about 2 things
1000 is a drop in the bucket to keep trillions alive, and psykers are extremely dangerous in their mere existence. The kinds of psykers that are sacrificed are the ones of too weak of will and mind to survive or pass sanctioning, which makes them even more dangerous.
The "they only have numbers" is sort of true and false at the same time. High command is extremely calculating and will expend millions if they think the cost is worth it. But they still equip them as well as they can afford, train them extensively and use whatever tactics best get the job done. Unless they are conscripts or penal troops anyway.
The rest of the game is the best part of the game
>Canadians being broken by Canadian geese
Lmao, I just grab those feathered snakes by the neck and throw them a few feet if they bother me, they won't break anyone.
Yeah the problem is moreso that they are fighting some stupidly overpowered shit (they have to or else why would 40k need space marines and bigger stuff)
so normal dudes get ripped to shreds
That would make sense, biboo. We don't do that here.
Sounds similar to the previous parts of the game
the last stand and calgar showing up was sick
That cinematic is probably the best part of the whole game. But everything after it till the end is pretty fantastic as well.
Lasguns can easily kill 99% of humanity’s enemies. The problem is you’re fighting the 1%.
it's nonstop cinema from here
>you’re fighting the 1%
Some things never change.
the vast majority of the imperium's wars are fought against rebellions and secessionists, with orks and tyranids rounding out most of the remaining portion. Hell, most conflicts are fought and resolved without ever needing to call on space marines.
This stream is so long and there's still another hour to go.
Jogging simulator
Yeah it is pretty cool.
Most games just make you feel like a one man army. Which you are in this case, but you also have a bunch of other one man armies helping and doing what they need to.
God I fucking love dreadnoughts
Heck yeah I've been waiting for this dreadnought scene specifically.
Why can't Titus get a mech to have fun with
Because you have to be almost dead to be interred in one
That's both mech and cripple life support
Go look up dreadnaught lore and you'll know why
I'm almost dead already I'm the perfect candidate
Huh, probably should have had the robot hand dude to do it in the first place.
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>ruins your grimdark
So what was the big bird anyway, just a tall demon
A lord of change. A greater demon of tzeentch.
>Tzeentch older than human race
what did he mean by this
You mean the helldrake that breaths fire or the lord of change that loves casting spells?
They all are even slaneesh who wasn't born until after humans were a thing
Technically correct. Most of the chaos gods gained sentience around the Middle Ages. But they definitely existed before that, they just weren’t sapient. Also remember the chaos gods feed off of all emotion for anyone, including the eldar.
I feel like it's one of the things that were slowly retconned because it wasn't grandiose enough and didn't really care for the scope of the entire universe they created (3 chaos gods born during the european middle ages, we had like 80 million people living on planet earth at the time).
If it were by humans, the greeks and romans would have created slaanesh, not in the medieval period. But isn't the timeline Old ones -> Khorne, Tzeench, Nurgle -> Eldar -> Slaanesh -> Dark age of technology -> humanity almost gets wiped out, emprah born -> our written history
I remember stuff about the Emperor being various people in history, and the emperor postdates slaanesh iirc.
Again, not born, but coalesced enough to have sentience and free will instead of being an amalgamation of thoughts and emotion just existing in the warp. Besides, pre-fall there were billions of eldar that inadvertently empowered them.
Felt like the end of the game was a walking simulator with cutscenes
Is calgar and the other dude having robot eyes a rank thing or just they both happened to lose eyes?
Lost eyes and had them replaced with bionics. Also Kalgar got all his limbs chopped off by the Swarmlord.
I figured but wasnt sure. Thanks.
Nah Big E was born long before the Age of Strife. Pre-historic probably
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Around 8000 BC IIRC
For me?
Its Nurgle.
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I thought the whole thing was everything was fucked so all the psykers did a flip and amalgamated into the emperor
Some chapters like Iron Hands will replace body parts at will, but for most chapters it’s replace as needed.
Leandros being the chaplain is my favorite part of the game.
Don’t make me post the gif of the great unclean having diarrhea
Basically yeah, but it was prehistoric shamans who did it ~8000 BC. They bunched all of humanity's psychic potential together into a single person, took humanity 30k years before psykers began to be born again.
At least according to original lore, which may or may not be canon anymore. But the Emperor pre-dating written history is still canon for sure.
yeah, old medicine men in tribes "psykers"
Ah, ok I thought that the psykers weren't prevalent enough to do that until the age of strife happened. That makes more sense though.
>didn't see Titus rotating the artifact right behind him
is there a game where biboo can live out her chaos dreams
>dawn of war
I think the assumption is that the artifact would kill anyone who walked into it, but he didn't know about titus' weird warp immunity that the first game established
at least that's my running theory
I'm no expert but I imagine dawn of war is the only ones that let you play the bad guys
Dawn of War Dark Crusade
Dawn of War 2 Chaos Rising
Could you imagine biboo playing an RTS...
You can play Rogue Trader as a Chaos-oriented character and it's a CRPG so it has choice and interaction fun like FNV. But it's turn-based strategy RPG and she only seems to have played BG3 in the genre so IDK if she will enjoy it
she kinda did in CoD
it didn't go well
technically there were the strike missions in Blops 2 and she didn't like those
>Emperor's Children
Oh no...
That would be fun to watch
That's... a lot of people working on this game.
like they said, Dawn of War, but I doubt she will think RTS would make for a good stream.
Are the dawn of war games good?
Ive been feeling the RTS itch since I finally got good at wc3.
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>convincing her to join emperor's children
>serving the sex god
1 and all the expansions except for soulstorm, everything for 2, 3 didn't happen.
It's simple, just become Slaanesh
The (cute and) funny thing is Biboo does fit Slaanesh but for reasons normalfags on stream chat cannot describe
1 and 2 are good and each play different, never played 3 personally because of bad word of mouth.
No, Biboo. Slaanesh has not a single non yabai part it's all about depravity and hedonism.
Someone needs to convince her that Imperial Saints are kinda like magical girls
Biboo was brought to life by my thoughts of plapping
I think Khorne would be happy if Slannesh was replaced with Biboo, think the Eldar would be cool for it too.
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>biboo wants to be this but for humans
Most factions would be happy if Slaanesh was gone.
Realistically Biboo would canonly be a Daemon in the 40k universe.

Okay time to make a Chaos space marine chapter that serves her.
>He was a p-man.
A... a pebblepile?
Soulstorm so she can play Soritas
She should play total war warhammer yes-yes
Are the credits STILL rolling?
they're thanking every cadian that died in the making of this game
Slaanesh is a lot more than a sex and torture god, why are people's interpretations so limited?
because your explanation is only true in lore
meanwhile GW's actual representation...
Everyone would be happy without slaneesh
I dunno, the first 5 results on google seem to point to the fact that it's all about lust and hedonism.
Shove gems on them, give them some sort of rock launcher that railguns gems or something idk
Excess and the pursuit of perfection always get increasing more perverse. Therese’s only so many things a roided up warp dust junkie with no self control can do before things get rated 18+
Oh wow im surprised they locked all this behind the campaign
>warp dust
what would happen if I shoved a 1k son's dust soul up my ass?
Dawn of War 1 was a late golden age RTS game. 2 is also very good but atypical for the genre.
3 is bad.
Blame the Eldar
they didn't
she's had access to it since the first mission
in fact the coop missions coincide with each campaign mission
Wasn't Slaanesh summoned when the Eldar went full Hellraiser? The Dark Eldar are the exemplars of what kind of culture created him and it sure seems like it has a lot to do with sex and torture
That’s implying you can physically interact with souls in which case you should just snort them
I meant more like, you couldnt do it in the campaign. Sorry wasnt clear.
Unless she also missed that.
>purple locked behind a paywall
She didn’t, and yeah a lot of bosses are co-op only.
not sure I follow, you can switch to each at will
unless I'm misunderstanding the question
Psykers can bombard your mind with emotions and brainrot.
He means that the main campaign didn’t have these levels or bosses or mechanics
>everything is locked
Fucking lame, just let people go wild with customizing colors and shit, let them add shit and make their own chapter.
oh I see
then yeah
you can unlock the colors you want really quickly
getting different armor pieces is what takes a grind
We need to make money somehow (besides selling you this shit for 70 fucking dollars)
You can unlock all colours by grinding I think, there will will be some armour pieces locked behind season pass shit.
Maybe it's just me but it seems like Biboo doesn't actually like the core of 40K. She appreciates the cool for the cool, vibes with the brotherhood of the characters, wants to join in with Calli and others, is curious about the lore, etc. But definitely lower in her mental hierarchy than stuff like DMC
Personally I collect Tau Empire and Tyranids
Nah she's definitely getting more and more into it. She was into it way more after seeing the lore videos. I mean listen to her ramble literally right now about it.
it's bc 40K doesn't have an edgy chuuni character
Overcharging for customization is literally the beating heart of the hobby lol
That's normal. I don't think she's the core audience for this, unlike DMC.
No I mean let them have a color wheel and sliders and shit.
I thought it was chuuni characters all the way down
>there are tau players in this thread RIGHT NOW
get the melta
>gundams and katana
What the beep?
Sign me up!
It is
There a million edgy chunni 40k characters
I gets da missles, go boom on em yeah?
I hope she gets some fucking sleep before this
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Just the one guy
It's gritty and grimdark, not exactly chuuni. They often correlate, but aren't the same thing.
She's an idealist who sympathizes with idealist characters, which is antithetical to 40k. Her good guys are implacable idealists. When she rps as a bad guy they're also idealists (and vaguely communist) who are corrupted by unfair circumstances.
She's a curious ooh aah type so obviously, but she definitely doesn't love the world as much as the ones in other games she played so far
I'm not a deep lorefag but I'm 100% sure if some autist digs hard enough they can find something better for Biboo to get into
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Heh. You thought
My ADHD wife is not reading the supas
She also likes characters more than settings, and she's only seen general setting stuff, not personal stories.
Just wait until Biboo really learns how the waaahg field works
>but she definitely doesn't love the world as much
She JUST got into it, stop being so autistic and just give her some time to absorb it.
You might not remember but DMC wasn't an instant love, either.
40k is about struggle in the face of impossible odds, heroic acts of valor and brotherhood. These are themes impossible for the female mind to appreciate fully
>100+ superchats
This will take a while
exactly. It just doesn't speak to women on a deeper level and that's fine.
Okay Holos as 40k gods who are who?

Besides Shiori being Malice for her White and Black and doing her own thing while trolling the other gods
Most of them are green and blue.
I'm glad she's getting some money from these greys that will be gone by tomorrow at least.
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wrong, more yellow than green
anon, i said
>most of them are green and blue
there's exactly 51 out of 99 SCs that are green and blue.
Sounds like you're kinda splitting hairs with that percentage
Is anything I said wrong in any way?
You implied the majority were blue and green when literally 2 more yellows would tip it. That's why I'm pointing out you seem to be splitting hairs over it.
ya know
i've seen some retarded arguments on this board
but this one is up there
Isn't that what majority is? When one number is higher than the other? Why can't you just admit you didn't read my post and wanted to prove me wrong lol
Yeah. I think she just needs to land on the right character in the lore and she'll really take off on it
Stories with male-centric themes from Japanese series seem to have more appeal with women in general. Yakuza, MGS, DMC, etc.
>Yeah. I think she just needs to land on the right character
Well there's definitely a lot to pull from that's for sure...
That's also part of it. She's indecisive because she loves wanting to see everything, so a franchise with lore overload is gonna be overwhelming until she's finds a corner to huddle in.
Yes chat GTA would be a super cool fictional universe to live in.
I think that's pretty normal for a lot of people, really. Think of the first thing that got you sucked into 40k. Or any lore in general. Was probably something specific at first.
The Fallout Universe as a brotherhood paladin would be fun
The only watcher in the dark is me
I have literally never felt comradery with others before.
literally just go to LA now
>people immediately went to the cursed pokemon fanfics
She's talking about the real actual official pokedex entries like Litwicks carrying dead children to the spirit world or how Mimikyu's real form killed the guy who saw it.
It sounds even cuter when she says it...
Kek, yeah... that's technology in a nutshell. Wait until she learns what tech was like BEFORE this
>The NOT-Cadians
The reality is all of us would just be people on random planets having no idea what's actually going on or who the chaos gods even are.
Just like real life.
Oh no... bone gacha...
Yeah, Mine
that's not how isekais work
you get to be important
>The reality is all of us would just be people on random planets having no idea what's actually going on or who the chaos gods even are.
>Just like real life.
Wait what?
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Imagine what horrors lie in wait among the stars...I try not to think about it
we all live on an abandoned imperium colony world
The real horror of 40k is not chaos, not xenos, not only war but being part of the 70% of humanity that works in a factory or underbelly of a spaceship all their life under conditions that make a chinese sweatshop look like heaven.
Biboo is a filthy heretic
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'crats, your oshi is kinda...
Im continually amazed how these girls make so much money and have streaming as a full time career and yet dont invest in a cutting edge PC
Hell, even chaos gods are just based on our own limited human perspective and insecurities about our own negative traits. Whatever real stellar horrors await, we'll probably barely be able to recognize before it fucks our whole world.
The thread you're looking for is two doors down
it's a literal tax write off too
IRyS blows it all on keyboards...
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Instead she has like 7 400 dollar keyboards or some shit like that.
Uh if someone wants to shitpost about irys, they gotta stay outside her general. 'crats despise tourists and any form of criticism
>Heresy! :D
this is why I like the lovecraft mythos
it actually tells you that your dumbass human perspective is nothing and shit lurking outside known space could be greater and more alien than we could even conceptualize
>any form of criticism
That's all threads
How powerful would Vergil even be in the 40k universe?
lots of ojipebbles die after that comment
he'd be a daemon prince
I love my uwu wife...
The language of her people...
I wonder if she knows how much Warhammer merch there is.
I kinda assume she doesn't otherwise she would have talked about buying it.
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sorry pebbles
the next year of superchats and merch will all be going to building her army
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hehe Teetus
The mental image this is giving me right now if pretty fucking wild
Thanks Bibs
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>reading a green supa
I'm fine with this.
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im happy she's into it so far, i like seeing my wife nerd out about things
I'm a Dark Angels chad myself
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For the GEMPRAH!
I'd press this gem, if you catch my drift.
someone draw Biboo as Beavus now
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Please no
uh.. cypher?
Whoever supa'd this is a heretic.
I have got to mine myself
Whenever I see a bocchi picture I remember the returned guitars.
>doesn't watch streams
>begs her to play a game
average grey
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Puzzle time!
Good night, I love biboo.
I already miss her...
1/3 of my day is talking with Biboo. The rest is thinking about Biboo.
Thank you for your service
And here I thought that Reine is the only keyboard autist in Hololive...
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Thanks for playing!
gg pebbles!
Will there be a puzzle this Saturday?

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