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Welcome to the VSPO! EN & Specialite General!
Feel free to discuss VSPO! EN and all Specialite talents here!

>Official Links



Remia Aotsuki:
https://www.youtube.com/@RemiaAotsuki | https://twitter.com/RemiaAotsuki
Arya Kuroha
https://www.youtube.com/@AryaKuroha | https://twitter.com/AryaKuroha
Jira Jisaki
https://www.youtube.com/@JiraJisaki | https://twitter.com/JiraJisaki
Narin Mikure:
https://www.youtube.com/@NarinMikure | https://twitter.com/NarinMikure
Riko Solari:
https://www.youtube.com/@RikoSolari | https://twitter.com/RikoSolari

Specialite EN
>Gen 1
Miki Hitsugi:
https://www.youtube.com/@MikiHitsugi | https://twitter.com/Miki_Hitsugi
Utahime Mochizuki:
https://www.youtube.com/@UtahimeMochizuki | https://twitter.com/UtahimeMochi | https://www.twitch.tv/utahime_mochi
Victoria Valerie:
https://www.youtube.com/@Victoria-Valerie | https://twitter.com/Victor1aValerie | https://www.twitch.tv/victoria_valerie
Miu Akumiya:
https://www.youtube.com/@MiuAkumiya | https://twitter.com/Miu_Akumiya

>Gen 2 - EVE.EXE (FPS-focused)
https://www.youtube.com/@Elyza_EVE | https://twitter.com/Elyza_EVEEXE | https://www.twitch.tv/elyzaeve
https://www.youtube.com/@Bluebell_EVE | https://twitter.com/Bluebell_EVEEXE | https://www.twitch.tv/BluebellEVE
https://www.youtube.com/@Mischief_EVE | https://twitter.com/Mischief_EVEEXE | https://www.twitch.tv/mischiefeve
https://www.youtube.com/@Hysteria_EVE | https://twitter.com/Hysteria_EVEEXE | https://www.twitch.tv/hysteriaeve
https://www.youtube.com/@Azeria_EVE | https://twitter.com/Azeria_EVEEXE | https://www.twitch.tv/azeriaeve

Specialite JP
>Gen 1
Nano Kozuya:
https://www.youtube.com/@nano_kozuya | https://twitter.com/nano_kozuya | https://twitch.tv/nano_kozuya
Koma Oboro:
https://www.youtube.com/@koma_oboro | https://twitter.com/koma_oboro | https://www.twitch.tv/koma_oboro
Siu Aisaka:
https://www.youtube.com/@aisaka_siu | https://twitter.com/aisaka_siu | https://www.twitch.tv/aisaka_siu
Azusa Honami:
https://www.youtube.com/@azusa_honami | https://twitter.com/azusa_honami | https://www.twitch.tv/azusa_honami
Minya Scott:
https://www.youtube.com/@minya_scott | https://twitter.com/minya_scott | https://twitch.tv/minya_scott
Tsukasa Ryogoku:
https://www.youtube.com/@tsukasa_ryogoku | https://twitter.com/tsukasa_ryogoku

>Gen 2
Yoru Yorumo:
https://www.youtube.com/@yorumo_yoru | https://twitter.com/yorumo_yoru
Seira Chinen:
https://www.youtube.com/@seira_chinen | https://twitter.com/@seira_chinen
Planei Hoshikuzu:
https://www.youtube.com/@PlaneiHoshikuzu | https://twitter.com/PlaneiHoshikuzu
Kana Sasara:
https://www.youtube.com/@sasara_kana | https://twitter.com/sasara_kana
Mukuro Owarino:
https://www.youtube.com/@MukuroOwarino | https://twitter.com/MukuroOwarino
Lumi Yukime (does one EN stream per week):
https://www.youtube.com/@lumi_yukime | https://twitter.com/lumi_yukime | https://www.twitch.tv/lumiyukime

Current happenings:
>Miki's birthday merch is now on sale: https://specialite.booth.pm/items/6174786
>The EVE.EXE Halloween costume poll is complete! Please look forward to the upcoming illustrations.

Previous thread: >>87485281
Stardew time!
M: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tdvFUZjs4No
U: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WaAroNBKfW0
A: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3sMOobAQ-sw
Mischief is seiso, anyone who says different will be fucking thrown in KC
gao gao gao
i love my landmine korean gf narin
Arya has been so fucking happy recently, she's perfect like this. If any talents or mods are here now please protect this new emerging sweetheart!
Miu is so silly
its kinda irritating me whenever action picks up and the streams fps dips. how do we speedrun monetization so she can buy new parts already
Real shit, let me gib her money. I want to spoil the coon.
3 stacking in ranked and still going negative should lead to ranked privileges being revoked

there's a lot of noninvasive reversible easy tweaking to be done that'd help
gamers are kind of stupid and would rather pay an "optimizer" hundreds of dollars to run some scripts though
>gamers are kind of stupid and would rather pay an "optimizer" hundreds of dollars to run some scripts though
what the fuck
tell me this isn't a real thing anyone does
it is a massive business
just look at this guy's vouches as an example of someone who's a big name in the space for example https://x.com/deezeroptimize
>check account
>pros and ccs i dont like for being retarded there
i think im a fan of the stupid being taken advantage of
this is embarrassing but i have to agree with >>87600168, fuck it, if there's a market of suckers get that bread
If Mischief were in a better corpo she would have been huge, it's such a shame
No she can't get big. She'll get ruined
I wouldn't say groomer maybe Anon values being seen as an individual in chat as opposed to "chat"
by better corpo I mean VSPO EN, v4m or idol or any place she can be a mid 3view chuuba instead of a 2view.
you can still easily be individualized in anything other than holo or phase
I mean that's the reason most smaller streamers have a fanbase. They aren't the "best" at what they do but what they provide is completely different from a bigger streamer pushing the same content.
She's too menhealthy for vspo. V4m is toning down ASMR. I don't watch idol.
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you don't have to be menhera to be a vspo
Remia the posterchild for non menhera vtubers and women in general. I desire my future partner to be very similar.
she was
I really want a Canto browife now
i hope one of you guys that applied to be a mod gets in. i need you guys to ban that master8 guy who only comes in to flirt then leaves
did the vspo mod applications ever open? I remember reading about narin talking about it but nothing after that
im not sure. havent seen anything posted about them but im assuming its because they handpicked some mods instead
dead corpos don't count
sounds like he's cucking you good if it bothers you that much
you could just block him, it may be that he has some kind of mental disability
yea i know for a fact he has something wrong with him and i should have blocked him earlier, but i feel like she shouldn't have to read his shit either

i can't believe i'm getting cucked by the fat and retarded filipino who takes videos of random girls at the beach
>i can't believe i'm getting cucked by the fat and retarded filipino who takes videos of random girls at the beach
I can't either, that's pretty sad
Yea bro just block him for the moment my quality of life has gone way up from not seeing him and when the on stream chat dies sometimes even better.
does anyone have any timestamps for mischief that would make good soundposts?
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She did fine wtf, more importantly she sounded like she had fun while doing it. Fucking women!
Pity points are like cocaine
>not following
you are my enemy
desu i stopped following accounts but rather make lists with their profiles. my algo still feeds me their tweets mixed with the rest of my content, cant complain
to be fair, i dont follow any vtubers i watch either. i put them all in a list so none of my feed gets infiltrated by other vtuber related things
you actually browse the for you page? thats some crazy work. one time i got elon tweets force fed to me inbetween all my art posts so now i only browse the following tab
i honestly enjoy content the for you page recommends; have found vtubers, games, artists with it. as for elon, i blocked him; but i stopped blocking accounts because i figured that elon would eventually change things and choose the 'mute account' option and 'not interested in this post' when it's a topic i dont want to be informed about. also if an account i follow reposts things too much, i turn theirs off from my feed
every time i choose the "not interested" option i see the same shit in my feed still, sometimes the exact same post. i guess i need to interact with more art and vtuber posts to drown them out. hope mischief doesnt get creeped out by someone liking all her tweets in the span of 10 minutes
i can only speak for myself, but over the years i've somehow cultivated my feed to be nothing but vtuber and kemono friends art, ie. exactly what i want to see and nothing else. it's really helpful for finding new artists and untagged stuff, but i have no idea how anyone else could do it if they haven't already
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i love jira good night /fpspec/
gao night yeekama

narin woke up at 6am jst for meetings and worked hard today but she won't cancel stream because she misses me. she loves me
VSPO EN has like zero overall chemistry as a unit. It's just a group of individual streamers who collab with other small corpo (and NijiEN) girls. If you look at the model of what made VSPO popular in Japan, it was the comradery amongst the girls. You had the sleepovers, various unit collabs, the fun times together on the Minecraft server and in RAFT together, frequent VSPO 5stack Valorant and 3stack Apex streams.
It felt like the girls were friends on stream. But VSPO EN has none of that. All the girls are separated by massive geographic areas so they can't even play a competitive game together or enter a tournament together even if they wanted to do so (and nobody seems to want to do so).
As far as Specialite EN, before EVE the only one I was even aware of was Miu, so uh, I guess try and make yourselves known more.
eepy zatsu
eepy me
Narin is too precious bros
>It felt like the girls were friends on stream
They still are. It doesn't happen as much, but plenty of streams start with them playing or chatting offstream and deciding to start streaming it.
EN doesn't do that at all. The closest thing is Melon and now Arya doing impromptu collabs.
she is so fucking cute
[Narin GFE]

her new jirai kei clothes came today and she wanted to show kuremons during members zatsu but needs perms first

she accidentally stole a maid uniform from the sanrio cafe she worked at

she's going on a solo japan trip and wants to show kuremons all the photos she took afterwards

kuremons are evolving soon

wants to watch meangirls with kuremons on christmas

i love my girlfriend narin
>she's going on a solo japan trip
is jiraikei content going to be membersonly? I would probably still do it
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>jira cat paws
riko you're amazing
>nurse bro
das it mane
what did arya call her here?
Riko draws pretty good, I wish I can see more of it before she joins VspoEN
Pretty good collab I recommend the vod
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anon... she's just replying to this dude in chat
still waiting for someone to clip 1:01:49~
Ah, I think I have that guy blocked
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jira anal
melon gaming cs2/golf with men
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Melon is really connected to the CS pro scene
BOTchis sound menhealthy.
I'd connect with melon
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jira you can't say that
my universal empress does as she pleases
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gotta kiss my nurse

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