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Ending it All Edition

>What is /BIG/?
/BIG/ is a thread to find, share, and discuss the biggest indie vtubers who have a 3-month average of 1000 viewers or more.

>Can I shill my 999 CCV oshi here?
No. 4views or higher only.

>Live /BIG/s

>Wordcloud Creator

>/BIG/ Logo

>OP Template

>Vod Channels


Other useful threads:

Previous thread: >>87569787
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goose love
filian is based
just like me fr fr
Love this Ferret
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very good post
This reminded me of that Beyond Good and Evil 2 teaser. What the hell happened to that game? It's been years...
development hell
based jannies leaving this up
>inb4 deleted
handsome boy
MariMari's stream is shitting the bed
Mona Lisa type expression
isp HATE
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>mari's mom had juggalo boyfriends (plural)
Wait I thought that was Kirsche's mom
I know right? Wtf
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bienner sex
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Vienna sex
MariMari never played Gmod
With me
Who are some legacy biggas?
I made this post
you mean 4 views that fell off?
holy FUCK she's PERFECT
erm what the flip
Need more context to the question
old timer /big/gas i guess
Ah then disregard my previous post
dooby followed Filian
Old news
Meaning indies who were 4views but are now small or graduated? There would probably be quite a few JP ones from the past. /lig/gers who used to be 4views but aren't are...
>lumituber (death by cons and subathons)
>nemu (death by alt account)
>tob (death by inconsistency)
>yuniiho (graduated)
>geega ("graduated")
>girl_dm_ (death by being mean and boring)
>sayu (sporadically 4view)
>milky (sporadically 4view)
>artemis (high 4view for first 2 months then career suicide)
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big news
No I'm pretty sure it happened 5 minutes after >>87595824 got posted
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mari has bird legs
Big if true
doob news
imagine being either one of them in this situation
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Imagine the sex between these two
Sexy tight waist. I want to wrap my hands around it and fuck her like a living flesh light
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Lickable tummy
marimarien is literally the only one live
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looking forward to the inevitable collab
The big one in Japan
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she's gonna give me a baoner
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cute onahole
what fuck is that site?
it's twitter's /BIG/
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Cute Onahole
MariMari has fucked the cake
Japan is overrated
broth why you gotta be like that
File was probably too large or something
sweet. collab would be (cringe) kino
>robcdee looks barely taller than bao in this stream
Uhhhh is she wearing platforms or something?
dudes probably short
Bao's built in all directions.
kek. thx brotha
have some in return
i like the pussy on this one
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real world: harsh and cold
Imp pussy: soft and warm
Mating Press
>no bush
shame on your bloodline
ty. pussy is my passion.
mating press
Quality stuff right there
Mating press
Mating press.
Good night /BIG/ and always remember to kiss yo homies before you eepy
goodnight senzawaposter
man i love me some clussy
gn homie *chuuuu
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Also Momo
kek bao is going to fight these sluts over the bear in the wall
Amazon position
Huh, if I can count on something is that the Biggas will be posting some /BIG/ asses
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disgusting. where?
...mating press?
mating press!
squ and bao should have sex
with me
i wrote the post
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chatblin is slacking
god damn i want bao's fat ass on my face
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Love my wolf wife
>autism watch
>ferret sex
>buffpup onahole
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i made this post
Mouth pussy
God, fat tongues and sharp teeth are so insanely erotic, I want to shove my tongue and cock in there.
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Good morning saru! Turns out im not busy this afternoon so i can watch stream. Looking forward to the new model teaser
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Good morning frogbro!
What if she accidentally bites you?
A risk I'm willing to take for the chance to get at that mouth.
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GM Frogbro
good morning sarubro
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saru should show feet
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Cute feet
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>saruvcalling US cringy romantics
Pot kettle
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I like the texturing/shading on pookie
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I want to feed this dragon my cum.
>Streams this weekend! (Fri / Sat / Sun)
Epic. Hopefully she doesn't bail out
Nice sized boobs
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grown woman
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pookie cat
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the Queen mogs her
Saru sounds cute today
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Thats some detailed eyes
Someone better have clipped her panty flash.
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pookie a cute
will do after stream
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Such a cute face
The face tracking & expressions look sooooo much better than the other model
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>no more random puffed cheeks
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face tweaking
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I love the short little twintails, saru looks so fucking bratty with them
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Jesus Christ I thought this was a tribute...
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What is this face?
Going to jerk off to Lucy
>what do we play
>if we play votv you get to see my new outfit
>no i dont want to decide you decide
>man i want to play votv
>nah you dont want to see me play votv
>so what do we play
>if we play votv i promise ill go out!
This right here is part of what forced me to masturbate to her, fucking succubus.
shy brat
looks at (you)
the pose she makes when i'm jerking off in front of her
*cums on her*
>TCG Card Shop Simulator
chibi would be proud
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>Short Hair
I didnt expect her to know nothing about card games
card games are a male autism thing
she's gorgeous
I did
>how do I give $0?
So then she should know it
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i've never really got into cards myself
This model is so cute
>oh no, she has blue hair, shes a feminist, miss, can you please leave, i dont want you to start drama, yes i know you have a bunch of mental issies but did you see a therapist? Then theyre probably not real.
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I played a little Hearthstone when it was popular and I've tried MTG, but they weren't really for me.
>i'm going to shit my pants
Sarus so adhd today
she must be happy
got excited because of the debut
she's too ADHD for that game
Why are you always posting porn in here and why does it get deleted? I know it‘s against the rules but I don‘t believe a janitor is lurking in this thread specifically. Couldn’t we create a utopia where we all don’t report porn and it stays up?
Bitch just play votv with your current outfit, and switch to your scientist one tomorrow when it's fixed
it stays up for a long while then it gets deleted by a jannie who sees it on the front page
but ze outfit
you could just catbox it and an it be fine.
Then she has to restart tomowhen she gets the new outfit anyway
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>looking up a guide before even opening th game
New record
Love this ritualpost
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these games are gonna give her a heart attack
The more scared and on the edge saru is the cuter she becomes, no wonder her dad parked mannequins outside her door
>no wonder her dad parked mannequins outside her door
what what? lol
i love it when she's like this
Her dad found a mannequin on the street in the trash so he took it home and put it right outside her rooms door so she got jumpscared when she left her room shile he was waiting behind the corner
that's cute lol
Now you also have to picture that hes a big bald beerded guy who wears a leather jacket and rides a motorcycle
Working at a gas station in the US, especially at night, is dangerous. I was offered a job at a place like this, but I declined, and two weeks later, the cashier who was hired in my place was killed in a botched robbery
>>Streams this weekend! (Fri / Sat / Sun)
Watch your back anon, you're in some Final Destination shit.
crazy that shit like that happens all the time in the us
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Wolf wife live!
she's cute
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She is!
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my uh... gomie
saying gangsta shit
She has great imagination
omg real sloplive?
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she speaks english?
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fucked with the wrong motherfuckas
yeah she's born korean, grew up in canada, came back
she's the one from the medic memes
Her English is funny lol
Saru is kill....
cool, this also confirms my theory but canada being a chuuba factory
*about not but
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This is the kind of cage i want to keep saru in, but lovingly, and id give her better things to watch in the tv
>ze mannequin
looks comfy enough
At least put a bed in there
No bed, it should be a treat shen she gets to sleep in bed with me
I'm the bed
toilet, doko?
just realized her name is ma homie
I'm the toilet
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Silver update: she has bad cramps but missed chat too much so she decided to stream
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wait it has soop integration so donos give them random gifts
cramps suck
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>Archive Links:

- Complete Nyanners (Post Vtuber Debut) VOD and karaoke clip archive [Starting at 2020-07-17 and running until 2024-12-31]: https://rentry.org/Nyanners_Vod_Archive

- Directory of random Indie Vod archives and links to official vod channels: https://rentry.org/Indie_Vod_Archives_lig

>Other things that may be of use:

- Twitch/YouTube Live Stream Vod Archival Guide: https://rentry.org/Vod_Archival_Guide
>riding a bike with no hands
she's a real gangsta
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Nursing? Town
>100 일반랜덤박스
general random box
>500 고습랜덤박스
high... "humidity" value? random box
>1000 무인도티켓
desert island ticket
>10000 즉시사망
instant death
i like her vibes
Love ya Pink Cat Poster
Being women seems like such a debuff but it activates my saviorfag instinct
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>bitch what is you doin?!
>what the fuuck?
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it can be a debuff sometimes but is has it's perks
>it activates my saviorfag instinct
That's what women do
yeah like tiddies. i like those
I've been sleeping on Korean chuubas, this is great
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>hey ergen, what chu doin later?
trying to rizz up the nurse named Em Ergency
idk how she maintains that energy for eight hours
there was a thread where the porn dump stayed up and wasn't deleted i believe it's still there
she's been streaming for eight hours?
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Is zis Korean from anoza timeline?
Has Saru played a Puppet Combo game before?
iz that a zcar on her face?
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Titlian has some really nice tits
She has better hips.
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oh shit she's live, uhhhh
titlian is mid but i mildly enjoy her regardless
>so now the ventz are zafe for me to be in
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I don't know who this is but like the Isegye girls, they always have such high quality face tracking.
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womp womp
Saru is peak woman
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womp womp
>is autistic and based
womp womp
yeah her tracking is nuts
she was a mostly nobody, but blew up when they all went to afreeca and she participated in the woowakgood events
her friend group, including long time friend hadia, used to have a banner on afreeca, but I guess the rebrand hasn't brought those across yet
she's the only one that's /BIG/ afaik
Saru! I finaly got food and im eating now, sorry i couldnt eat with you earlier
Glad you're here Frogbro
Any pokattos in da /BIG/? Deadline is only 13 hours away
too busy jerking it
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the koreans seem like they're having a good time with the soop rebrand
any time something sounds remotely like soop they're all SOOOOOOOOOP in the chat
My homie has such a nice English accent
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>Are you from america?
>>No. I loooooove america!
>Yeah, yeah, represent that america love!
Full image?
If i ever see saru at a con irl im going to take my chance to make her screem like that to hear it irl, even if it costs me being thrown out.
>docta call the poilice
Aww I missed seeing this live
man i'm loving her
bilberbale blaying the bokebon brading bard bame
gonna make a soundpost of this later
it's the little things
she's gone...
been catching a few buff streams and she's a bit cute
I have like 6 windows and 200 tabs open right now, so I'm kind of busy but we could use this: https://litter.catbox.moe/vqgzf6.png
Buffpup is stinky
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Good filler stream saru! Thanks for hanging out even though everything wasnt completely done, the model is so cute! I had fun watching the horror game though.

I cant wait for tomorrow! I might miss the start depending on work but ill try my best to be here, im looking forward fo voices of the void and a long stream. Hope everything can be finished for next stream. This weekends going to be great, woth or without the date, but im really looking forward to the date too

Good night saru! Im going to work a bit longer then go sleep.

Good night big.
GN Frogbro
GN big bro
Sweet dreams frog bro
rest well sarubro
like a wet dog?
link is ded
Her room is hot and she's sweating so yeah
File deleted.
works on my machine
nice, so who's baking?
Good night dude
I got the last one
one of yous better take a turn
If you do not share your resub in chat does it appear next month with additonal month added?
If I won't share my 10 month resub will it appear next month as 11 month resub?
Yes, theres no difference between sharing it or not except that it shows in chat
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I should be able to in a little bit. I'll use the Pookie pic.
cool beans
si taco, muy bien
I don't mind picking it up every now and then, and not like it's hard, but fuck relying on one guy to bake (and I don't wanna be that guy, btdt)
Pain Perdu
erm i baked this one actually baka
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the last thread, not the last bake
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