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This woman is disgusting, I know vtubers scamming paypigs is normal but this is on a whole other level, she's genuinely an awful person
You just jealous
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Calm down Mozzu
what's the issue? is this a schizo thread?
>is this a schizo thread?
>vdere catalog thread
it is but he's not wrong
I don't mind her success in leeching from kawaiifags.

I mind the fact she's a filthy homocollaber trying to convert her corpo into a playtoy for sexpests.

As mozzu says, she's free to get ten dicks in a gangbang but keep the other girls out of it.
nigga, shut up and go watch streams.
I'm not watching that whore
shut up mozzu, people will bitch about her if (when) she does another obvious grifter move. your hate is weak and artificial
now go and enjoy your trip
she's right
Isn't this what Ironmouse does
The pittybaiting is palpable.
Just say "Sorry guys! I'm sick with the flu and can't stream today, hopefully I'll be better soon"
No need to pittybait about "oh I've always been soooo weak growing up", "I just wanted to be normal, woe is me!", "I've always had to hide it because I'm scared..."
Nobody's pointing a gun at them to give her money. Stop being a bitch.
She is dating ipn now, have you not seen her spamming league and tft games with him?
Mozzu is right, Mozzu has always been right
Bacj in july she posted a pic of a shopping cart with dino nuggets in it, and a few days later he posted a pic of them cooked, they both were in LA at that time.
She also took a day off on his birthday.
Not like this bros..
Mozzu shouldn't have been a retard and believed her
Who’s Mozzu
She’s dating her frequent “collab” partner
I'm just sad that she dragged Airi to her shit
>Who’s Mozzu
Some whore who wants to pretend like she isn't a traitor anymore despite her obvious betrayal of Kawaii gfe values.
This pathetic whore has been pity baiting ever since she debuted as a vtuber. What do you fucking mean by "more open" when you have been whinging about your childhood, adulthood and everything in between for more than a year now.
Everyone bullied her, every workplace was hostile to her, everyone is out to get her and its never her own fault its always someone else.
The only people more pathetic than this whore are her brainless beta faggot simp yes-men.
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Is there anyone who's at least a decent person in V-DERE? Cause everything I've seen makes them all seem like terrible people for different reasons.
Spica is nice.
>I don't mind her success in leeching from kawaiifags.
What is so bad about kawaii? Catalog told me its because of "le unicorns" but from my experience their fanbase is full of normalfags that dont hate and even encourage male collabs. Fans unironically asking "male gen when" and think that idol culture and the separation of sexes is stupid.
Or do you have a hate boner for Nene like everyone else so you hate the entire corpo because of one vtuber?
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She seemed like a pretty average vtuber to me when I watched her collab with Michi. I was surprised how much the /corpo/ thread seems to hate her when I checked it during the collab.
Spica is an angel and I say this as a kawaii fan (fan of the girls, not the FORMER management). Despite Nami saying that Spica/Miryu was one of the girls that was PRO walking out, I dont hate her at all. Kawaii management is turbo retarded and taking a 50% cut while offering absolutely nothing in return is retarded. They never ever EVER promoted girls, barely gave them any guidance. Their streamer tips for the girls are something that they just kinda picked up on by watching JP vtubers and flesh streamers. Its not an evil company but they are insanely incompetent.
Oh and just to add, if they tolerated Oceanes disgusting behavior and her little doxx crew, because she was a potential cash cow, then they can go fuck themselves. But we have no proof of anything so far.
She is one of the most bland vtubers I ever watched. Make cute noises and repeat the same 10 old pity baiting stories over and over again while saying how you want to create a nice and safe community full of positivity.
I dont know whats worse. Her doing it on purpose for pity points/simp bucks of her not being aware of how she acts.
Its like bitch get some therapy.
Collab with ironmouze when?
That was her goal from the very start.
She was a small TFT streamer and commentator with a small circle of somewhat "famous" friends in that community. Her goal was ALWAYS to just get famous enough to start mingling with that crowd.
Whoever thought that you could trust a British (read: Pakistani) whore is a retard.
its the ironmouse tactic
>debut as a vtuber
>shower your fans with "daisuki dayo!"
>a year later deny that you were ever GFE and that people that saw you as GFE are probably crazy
>all this while streaming for lonely inceloids
i feel like if vt had proof that ironmouse is as sick as she says she is vt would still shit on her because their terrible human beings :D
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